diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1086d81..bae6cdd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ There's a tiny bit of additional information over at my [blog](https://blog.eike
 ## Releases ##
 - 1.0.0 - Supports original rpi A/B/B+
 - 2.0.0 - Adds support for rpi 2, by @akramer
+- 3.0.0 - Add support for /dev/gpiomem, by @dotdoom
 ## Usage ##
@@ -80,3 +81,10 @@ Would be nice to add in the future:
 - etc...
 It works by memory-mapping the bcm2835 gpio range, and therefore require root/administrative-rights to run.
+## Using without root ##
+This library can utilize the new [/dev/gpiomem](https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/pull/1112/files) 
+memory range if available. 
+You will probably need to upgrade to the latest kernel (or wait for the next raspbian release) if you're missing /dev/gpiomem. You will also need to add a `gpio` group, add your user to the group, and then set up udev rules. I would recommend using [create_gpio_user_permissions.py](https://github.com/waveform80/rpi-gpio/blob/master/create_gpio_user_permissions.py) if you're unsure how to do this.