// GorillaUpgrader is an upgrader type for the gorilla/websocket subprotocol implementation.
// Should be used on `New` to construct the websocket server.
// GobwasUpgrader is an upgrader type for the gobwas/ws subprotocol implementation.
// Should be used on `New` to construct the websocket server.
// DefaultGorillaUpgrader is a gorilla/websocket Upgrader with all fields set to the default values.
// DefaultGobwasUpgrader is a gobwas/ws Upgrader with all fields set to the default values.
// New constructs and returns a new websocket server.
// Listens to incoming connections automatically, no further action is required from the caller.
// The second parameter is the "connHandler", it can be
// filled as `Namespaces`, `Events` or `WithTimeout`, same namespaces and events can be used on the client-side as well,
// Use the `Conn#IsClient` on any event callback to determinate if it's a client-side connection or a server-side one.
// See examples for more.
// GorillaDialer is a gorilla/websocket dialer with all fields set to the default values.
// GobwasDialer is a gobwas/ws dialer with all fields set to the default values.
// Dial establishes a new websocket client connection.
// Context "ctx" is used for handshake timeout.
// Dialer "dial" can be either `GorillaDialer` or `GobwasDialer`,
// custom dialers can be used as well when complete the `Socket` and `Dialer` interfaces for valid client.
// URL "url" is the endpoint of the websocket server, i.e "ws://localhost:8080/echo".
// The last parameter, and the most important one is the "connHandler", it can be
// filled as `Namespaces`, `Events` or `WithTimeout`, same namespaces and events can be used on the server-side as well.
// See examples for more.
// OnNamespaceConnect is the event name which its callback is fired right before namespace connect,
// if non-nil error then the remote connection's `Conn.Connect` will fail and send that error text.
// Connection is not ready to emit data to the namespace.
// OnNamespaceConnected is the event name which its callback is fired after namespace successfully connected.
// Connection is ready to emit data back to the namespace.
// OnNamespaceDisconnect is the event name which its callback is fired when
// remote namespace disconnection or local namespace disconnection is happening.
// For server-side connections the reply matters, so if error returned then the client-side cannot disconnect yet,
// for client-side the return value does not matter.
OnNamespaceDisconnect=neffos.OnNamespaceDisconnect// if allowed to connect then it's allowed to disconnect as well.
// OnRoomJoin is the event name which its callback is fired right before room join.
OnRoomJoin=neffos.OnRoomJoin// able to check if allowed to join.
// OnRoomJoined is the event name which its callback is fired after the connection has successfully joined to a room.
OnRoomJoined=neffos.OnRoomJoined// able to broadcast messages to room.
// OnRoomLeave is the event name which its callback is fired right before room leave.
OnRoomLeave=neffos.OnRoomLeave// able to broadcast bye-bye messages to room.
// OnRoomLeft is the event name which its callback is fired after the connection has successfully left from a room.
OnRoomLeft=neffos.OnRoomLeft// if allowed to join to a room, then its allowed to leave from it.
// OnAnyEvent is the event name which its callback is fired when incoming message's event is not declared to the ConnHandler(`Events` or `Namespaces`).
OnAnyEvent=neffos.OnAnyEvent// when event no match.
// OnNativeMessage is fired on incoming native/raw websocket messages.
// If this event defined then an incoming message can pass the check (it's an invalid message format)
// with just the Message's Body filled, the Event is "OnNativeMessage" and IsNative always true.
// This event should be defined under an empty namespace in order this to work.
// IsSystemEvent reports whether the "event" is a system event,