This release introduces new features and some breaking changes inside the `mvc` and `hero` packages.
The codebase for dependency injection has been simplified a lot (fewer LOCs and easier to read and follow up).
The new release contains a fresh new and awesome feature....**a function dependency can accept previous registered dependencies and update or return a new value of any type**.
The new implementation is **faster** on both design and serve-time.
The most common scenario from a route to handle is to:
- accept one or more path parameters and request data, a payload
The new Iris Dependency Injection feature is about **33.2% faster** than its predecessor on the above case. This drops down even more the performance cost between native handlers and dynamic handlers with dependencies. This reason itself brings us, with safety and performance-wise, to the new `Party.ConfigureContainer(builder ...func(*iris.APIContainer)) *APIContainer` method which returns methods such as `Handle(method, relativePath string, handlersFn ...interface{}) *Route` and `RegisterDependency`.
Your eyes don't lie you. You read well, no `ctx.ReadJSON(&v)` and `ctx.JSON(send)` neither `error` handling are presented. It is a huge relief but if you ever need, you still have the control over those, even errors from dependencies. Here is a quick list of the new Party.ConfigureContainer()'s fields and methods:
Prior to this version the `iris.Context` was the only one dependency that has been automatically binded to the handler's input or a controller's fields and methods, read below to see what types are automatically binded:
Before we continue to the next section, register dependencies, you may want to learn how a response can be customized through the `iris.Context` right before sent to the client.
The server will automatically execute the `Preflight(iris.Context) error` method of a function's output struct value right before send the response to the client.
Take for example that you want to fire different HTTP status codes depending on the custom logic inside your handler and also modify the value(response body) itself before sent to the client. Your response type should contain a `Preflight` method like below.
Now, each handler that returns a `*response` value will call the `response.Preflight` method automatically.
func deleteUser(db *sql.DB, id uint64) *response {
// [...custom logic]
return &response{
Message: "User has been marked for deletion",
Code: iris.StatusAccepted,
If you register the route and fire a request you should see an output like this, the timestamp is filled and the HTTP status code of the response that the client will receive is 202 (Status Accepted).
"message": "User has been marked for deletion",
"code": 202,
"timestamp": 1583313026
### Register Dependencies
**1.** Import packages to interact with a database.
The go-sqlite3 package is a database driver for [SQLite](
import "database/sql"
import _ ""
**2.** Configure the container ([see above](#request--response--path-parameters)), register your dependencies. Handler expects an *sql.DB instance.
- New `TraceRoute bool` on [request logger]( middleware. Displays information about the executed route, screenshot:
- Implement feature request [Log when I18n Translation Fails?]( by using the new `Application.I18n.DefaultMessageFunc` field **before**`I18n.Load`. [Example of usage](
- Fix [#1594]( and add a new `PathAfterHandler` which can be set to true to enable the old behavior (not recommended though).
- New [apps]( subpackage. [Example of usage](
- Fix `AutoTLS` when used with `iris.TLSNoRedirect` [*]( The `AutoTLS` runner can be customized through the new `iris.AutoTLSNoRedirect` instead, read its go documentation. Example of having both TLS and non-TLS versions of the same application without conflicts with letsencrypt `./well-known` path:
-`iris.Minify` middleware to minify responses based on their media/content-type.
-`Context.OnCloseErr` and `Context.OnConnectionCloseErr` - to call a function of `func() error` instead of an `iris.Handler` when request is closed or manually canceled.
-`Party.UseError(...Handler)` - to register handlers to run before any http errors (e.g. before `OnErrorCode/OnAnyErrorCode` or default error codes when no handler is responsible to handle a specific http status code).
-`Party.UseRouter(...Handler)` - to register handlers before the main router, useful on handlers that should control whether the router itself should ran or not. Independently of the incoming request's method and path values. These handlers will be executed ALWAYS against ALL incoming matched requests. Example of use-case: CORS.
- Ability to register a view engine per group of routes or for the current chain of handlers through `Party.RegisterView` and `Context.ViewEngine` respectfully.
- Add [Blocks](_examples/view/template_blocks_0) template engine. <!-- Reminder for @kataras: follow discussion so we can get back on using the original pongo2 repository as they fixed the issue about an incompatible 3rd party package (although they need more fixes, that's why I commented there) -->
- Add [Ace](_examples/view/template_ace_0) template parser to the view engine and other minor improvements.
- Fix huge repo size of 55.7MB, which slows down the overall Iris installation experience. Now, go-get performs ~3 times faster. I 've managed it using the [bfg-repo-cleaner]( tool - an alternative to git-filter-branch command. Watch the small gif below to learn how:
- New MVC `.Handle(ctrl, mvc.GRPC{...})` option which allows to register gRPC services per-party (without the requirement of a full wrapper) and optionally strict access to gRPC clients only, see the [example here](_examples/mvc/grpc-compatible).
- Add `Configuration.RemoteAddrHeadersForce bool` to force `Context.RemoteAddr() string` to return the first entry of request headers as a fallback instead of the `Request.RemoteAddr` one, as requested at: [1567#issuecomment-663972620](
- New `DirOptions.Cache` to cache assets in-memory among with their compressed contents (in order to be ready to served if client ask). Learn more about this feature by reading [all #1556 comments]( Usage:
- New `DirOptions.PushTargets` and `PushTargetsRegexp` to push index' assets to the client without additional requests. Inspirated by issue [#1562]( Example matching all `.js, .css and .ico` files (recursively):
- Customize the file/directory listing page through views, see [example](
- Socket Sharding as requested at [#1544]( New `iris.WithSocketSharding` Configurator and `SocketSharding bool` setting.
- Versioned Controllers feature through the new `mvc.Version` option. See [_examples/mvc/versioned-controller](
- New builtin [requestid]( middleware.
- New builtin [JWT]( middleware based on [square/go-jose]( featured with optional encryption to set claims with sensitive data when necessary.
- New `iris.RouteOverlap` route registration rule. `Party.SetRegisterRule(iris.RouteOverlap)` to allow overlapping across multiple routes for the same request subdomain, method, path. See [1536#issuecomment-643719922]( This allows two or more **MVC Controllers** to listen on the same path based on one or more registered dependencies (see [_examples/mvc/authenticated-controller](
-`Context.ReadForm` now can return an `iris.ErrEmptyForm` instead of `nil` when the new `Configuration.FireEmptyFormError` is true (when `iris.WithEmptyFormError` is set) on missing form body to read from.
-`Configuration.EnablePathIntelligence | iris.WithPathIntelligence` to enable path intelligence automatic path redirection on the most closest path (if any), [example]((
- Enhanced cookie security and management through new `Context.AddCookieOptions` method and new cookie options (look on New Package-level functions section below), [securecookie]( example has been updated.
-`Context.RemoveCookie` removes also the Request's specific cookie of the same request lifecycle when `iris.CookieAllowReclaim` is set to cookie options, [example](
-`iris.TLS` registers a secondary http server which redirects "http://" to their "https://" equivalent requests, unless the new `iris.TLSNoRedirect` host Configurator is provided on `iris.TLS`, e.g. `app.Run(iris.TLS("", "mycert.cert", "mykey.key", iris.TLSNoRedirect))`. There is `iris.AutoTLSNoRedirect` option for `AutoTLS` too.
- Server will not return neither log the `ErrServerClosed` error if `app.Shutdown` was called manually via interrupt signal(CTRL/CMD+C), note that if the server closed by any other reason the error will be fired as previously (unless `iris.WithoutServerError(iris.ErrServerClosed)`).
- Finally, Log level's and Route debug information colorization is respected across outputs. Previously if the application used more than one output destination (e.g. a file through `app.Logger().AddOutput`) the color support was automatically disabled from all, including the terminal one, this problem is fixed now. Developers can now see colors in their terminals while log files are kept with clear text.
- New `app.Validator { Struct(interface{}) error }` field and `app.Validate` method were added. The `app.Validator = ` can be used to integrate a 3rd-party package such as [go-playground/validator]( If set-ed then Iris `Context`'s `ReadJSON`, `ReadXML`, `ReadMsgPack`, `ReadYAML`, `ReadForm`, `ReadQuery`, `ReadBody` methods will return the validation error on data validation failures. The [read-json-struct-validation](_examples/request-body/read-json-struct-validation) example was updated.
- A result of <T> can implement the new `hero.PreflightResult` interface which contains a single method of `Preflight(iris.Context) error`. If this method exists on a custom struct value which is returned from a handler then it will fire that `Preflight` first and if not errored then it will cotninue by sending the struct value as JSON(by-default) response body.
-`ctx.JSON, JSONP, XML`: if `iris.WithOptimizations` is NOT passed on `app.Run/Listen` then the indentation defaults to `" "` (four spaces) and `" "` respectfully otherwise it is empty or the provided value.
- Hero Handlers (and `app.ConfigureContainer().Handle`) do not have to require `iris.Context` just to call `ctx.Next()` anymore, this is done automatically now.
- Improve Remote Address parsing as requested at: [#1453]( Add `Configuration.RemoteAddrPrivateSubnets` to exclude those addresses when fetched by `Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders` through `context.RemoteAddr() string`.
-`TLSNoRedirect` to disable automatic "http://" to "https://" redirections (see below)
-`CookieAllowReclaim`, `CookieAllowSubdomains`, `CookieSameSite`, `CookieSecure` and `CookieEncoding` to bring previously sessions-only features to all cookies in the request.
-`Context.ViewEngine(ViewEngine)` to set a view engine on-fly for the current chain of handlers, responsible to render templates through `ctx.View`. [Example](_examples/view/context-view-engine).
-`Context.SetErr(error)` and `Context.GetErr() error` helpers.
-`Context.CompressWriter(bool) error` and `Context.CompressReader(bool) error`.
-`Context.CompressReader(enable bool)` method and `iris.CompressReader` middleware to enable future request read body calls to decompress data, [example](_examples/compression/main.go).
-`Context.RegisterDependency(v interface{})` and `Context.UnregisterDependency(typ reflect.Type)` to register/remove struct dependencies on serve-time through a middleware.
-`Context.AddCookieOptions(...CookieOption)` adds options for `SetCookie`, `SetCookieKV, UpsertCookie` and `RemoveCookie` methods for the current request.
-`Context.ClearCookieOptions()` clears any cookie options registered through `AddCookieOptions`.
-`Context.IsHTTP2() bool` reports whether the protocol version for incoming request was HTTP/2
-`Context.IsGRPC() bool` reports whether the request came from a gRPC client
-`Context.UpsertCookie(*http.Cookie, cookieOptions ...context.CookieOption)` upserts a cookie, fixes [#1485]( too
-`Context.StopWithStatus(int)` stops the handlers chain and writes the status code
-`Context.StopWithText(int, string)` stops the handlers chain, writes thre status code and a plain text message
-`Context.StopWithError(int, error)` stops the handlers chain, writes thre status code and the error's message
-`Context.StopWithJSON(int, interface{})` stops the handlers chain, writes the status code and sends a JSON response
-`Context.StopWithProblem(int, iris.Problem)` stops the handlers, writes the status code and sends an `application/problem+json` response
-`Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders` from `map[string]bool` to `[]string`. If you used `With(out)RemoteAddrHeader` then you are ready to proceed without any code changes for that one.
-`Party.HandleDir/iris.FileServer` now accepts a `http.FileSystem` instead of a string and returns a list of `[]*Route` (GET and HEAD) instead of GET only. Write: `app.HandleDir("/", iris.Dir("./assets"))` instead of `app.HandleDir("/", "./assets")` and `DirOptions.Asset, AssetNames, AssetInfo` removed, use `go-bindata -fs [..]` and `app.HandleDir("/", AssetFile())` instead.
-`Context.StreamWriter(writer func(w io.Writer) bool)` changed to `StreamWriter(writer func(w io.Writer) error) error` and it's now the `Context.Request().Context().Done()` channel that is used to receive any close connection/manual cancel signals, instead of the deprecated `ResponseWriter().CloseNotify()` one. Same for the `Context.OnClose` and `Context.OnCloseConnection` methods.
- Fixed handler's error response not be respected when response recorder was used instead of the common writer. Fixes [#1531]( It contains a **BREAKING CHANGE** of: the new `Configuration.ResetOnFireErrorCode` field should be set **to true** in order to behave as it used before this update (to reset the contents on recorder).
-`Context.String()` (rarely used by end-developers) it does not return a unique string anymore, to achieve the old representation you must call the new `Context.SetID` method first.
- Change the MIME type of `Javascript .js` and `JSONP` as the HTML specification now recommends to `"text/javascript"` instead of the obselete `"application/javascript"`. This change was pushed to the `Go` language itself as well. See <>.
- Remove the last input argument of `enableGzipCompression` in `Context.ServeContent`, `ServeFile` methods. This was deprecated a few versions ago. A middleware (`app.Use(iris.CompressWriter)`) or a prior call to `Context.CompressWriter(true)` will enable compression. Also these two methods and `Context.SendFile` one now support `Content-Range` and `Accept-Ranges` correctly out of the box (`net/http` had a bug, which is now fixed).
-`var mvc.AutoBinding` removed as the default behavior now resolves such dependencies automatically (see [[FEATURE REQUEST] MVC serving gRPC-compatible controller](
-`mvc#Application.SortByNumMethods()` removed as the default behavior now binds the "thinnest" empty `interface{}` automatically (see [MVC: service injecting fails](
-`mvc#BeforeActivation.Dependencies().Add` should be replaced with `mvc#BeforeActivation.Dependencies().Register` instead
- **REMOVE** the `kataras/iris/v12/typescript` package in favor of the new [iris-cli]( Also, the alm typescript online editor was removed as it is deprecated by its author, please consider using the [designtsx]( instead.
There is a breaking change on the type alias of `iris.Context` which now points to the `*context.Context` instead of the `context.Context` interface. The **interface has been removed** and the ability to **override** the Context **is not** available any more. When we added the ability from end-developers to override the Context years ago, we have never imagine that we will ever had such a featured Context with more than 4000 lines of code. As of Iris 2020, it is difficult and un-productive from an end-developer to override the Iris Context, and as far as we know, nobody uses this feature anymore because of that exact reason. Beside the overriding feature support end, if you still use the `context.Context` instead of `iris.Context`, it's the time to do it: please find-and-replace to `iris.Context` as wikis, book and all examples shows for the past 3 years. For the 99.9% of the users there is no a single breaking change, you already using `iris.Context` so you are in the "safe zone".
Minor as many of you don't even use them but, indeed, they need to be covered here.
- Old i18n middleware(iris/middleware/i18n) was replaced by the [i18n](i18n) sub-package which lives as field at your application: `app.I18n.Load(globPathPattern string, languages ...string)` (see below)
- Community-driven i18n middleware(iris-contrib/middleware/go-i18n) has a `NewLoader` function which returns a loader which can be passed at `app.I18n.Reset(loader i18n.Loader, languages ...string)` to change the locales parser
- The Configuration's `TranslateFunctionContextKey` was replaced by `LocaleContextKey` which Context store's value (if i18n is used) returns the current Locale which contains the translate function, the language code, the language tag and the index position of it
- The `context.Translate` method was replaced by `context.Tr` as a shortcut for the new `context.GetLocale().GetMessage(format, args...)` method and it matches the view's function `{{tr format args}}` too
- If you used [Iris Django]( view engine with `import _` you **must change** the import path to `_` or add a [go mod replace]( to your `go.mod` file, e.g. `replace => v0.0.1`.
Support for i18n is now a **builtin feature** and is being respected across your entire application, per say [sitemap]( and [views](
Refer to the wiki section: for details.
### Sitemaps
Iris generates and serves one or more [sitemap.xml]( for your static routes.
Navigate through: for more.
- Report whether system couldn't find the directory of view templates
- Remove the `Party#GetReport` method, keep `Party#GetReporter` which is an `error` and an `errgroup.Group`.
- Remove the router's deprecated methods such as StaticWeb and StaticEmbedded_XXX
- The `Context#CheckIfModifiedSince` now returns an `context.ErrPreconditionFailed` type of error when client conditions are not met. Usage: `if errors.Is(err, context.ErrPreconditionFailed) { ... }`
- Add `SourceFileName` and `SourceLineNumber` to the `Route`, reports the exact position of its registration inside your project's source code.
- Fix a bug about the MVC package route binding, see [PR #1364](
- Add `mvc/Application#SortByNumMethods` as requested at [#1343](
- Add status code `103 Early Hints`
- Fix performance of session.UpdateExpiration on 200 thousands+ keys with new radix as reported at [issue #1328](
- New redis session database configuration field: `Driver: redis.Redigo()` or `redis.Radix()`, see [updated examples](_examples/sessions/database/redis/)
- Add Clusters support for redis:radix session database (`Driver: redis:Radix()`) as requested at [issue #1339](
- Create Iranian [README_FA]( translation with [PR #1360](
- Create Korean [README_KO]( translation with [PR #1356](
- Create Spanish [README_ES]( and [HISTORY_ES]( translations with [PR #1344](
The iris-contrib/middleare and examples are updated to use the new `` import path.
- Set `Cookie.SameSite` to `Lax` when subdomains sessions share is enabled[*](
- New `XMLMap` function which wraps a `map[string]interface{}` and converts it to a valid xml content to render through `Context.XML` method
- Add new `ProblemOptions.XML` and `RenderXML` fields to render the `Problem` as XML(application/problem+xml) instead of JSON("application/problem+json) and enrich the `Negotiate` to easily accept the `application/problem+xml` mime.
- Add `ProblemOptions` with `RetryAfter` as requested at:
- Add `iris.JSON` alias for `context#JSON` options type.
[Example]( and [wikis]( updated.
Allow [handle more than one route with the same paths and parameter types but different macro validation functions](
- Fixes [Poor performance of session.UpdateExpiration on 200 thousands+ keys with new radix lib]( by introducing the `sessions.Config.Driver` configuration field which defaults to `Redigo()` but can be set to `Radix()` too, future additions are welcomed.