2018-04-25 04:29:19 +02:00
package boltdb
import (
2018-10-21 18:20:05 +02:00
bolt "github.com/etcd-io/bbolt"
2018-04-25 04:29:19 +02:00
// DefaultFileMode used as the default database's "fileMode"
// for creating the sessions directory path, opening and write
// the session boltdb(file-based) storage.
var (
DefaultFileMode = 0755
// Database the BoltDB(file-based) session storage.
type Database struct {
table [ ] byte
// Service is the underline BoltDB database connection,
// it's initialized at `New` or `NewFromDB`.
// Can be used to get stats.
Service * bolt . DB
var errPathMissing = errors . New ( "path is required" )
// New creates and returns a new BoltDB(file-based) storage
// instance based on the "path".
// Path should include the filename and the directory(aka fullpath), i.e sessions/store.db.
// It will remove any old session files.
func New ( path string , fileMode os . FileMode ) ( * Database , error ) {
if path == "" {
golog . Error ( errPathMissing )
return nil , errPathMissing
if fileMode <= 0 {
fileMode = os . FileMode ( DefaultFileMode )
// create directories if necessary
if err := os . MkdirAll ( filepath . Dir ( path ) , fileMode ) ; err != nil {
golog . Errorf ( "error while trying to create the necessary directories for %s: %v" , path , err )
return nil , err
service , err := bolt . Open ( path , fileMode ,
& bolt . Options { Timeout : 20 * time . Second } ,
if err != nil {
golog . Errorf ( "unable to initialize the BoltDB-based session database: %v" , err )
return nil , err
return NewFromDB ( service , "sessions" )
// NewFromDB same as `New` but accepts an already-created custom boltdb connection instead.
func NewFromDB ( service * bolt . DB , bucketName string ) ( * Database , error ) {
bucket := [ ] byte ( bucketName )
service . Update ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) ( err error ) {
_ , err = tx . CreateBucketIfNotExists ( bucket )
} )
db := & Database { table : bucket , Service : service }
runtime . SetFinalizer ( db , closeDB )
return db , db . cleanup ( )
func ( db * Database ) getBucket ( tx * bolt . Tx ) * bolt . Bucket {
return tx . Bucket ( db . table )
func ( db * Database ) getBucketForSession ( tx * bolt . Tx , sid string ) * bolt . Bucket {
b := db . getBucket ( tx ) . Bucket ( [ ] byte ( sid ) )
if b == nil {
// session does not exist, it shouldn't happen, session bucket creation happens once at `Acquire`,
// no need to accept the `bolt.bucket.CreateBucketIfNotExists`'s performance cost.
golog . Debugf ( "unreachable session access for '%s'" , sid )
return b
var (
expirationBucketName = [ ] byte ( "expiration" )
delim = [ ] byte ( "_" )
// expiration lives on its own bucket for each session bucket.
func getExpirationBucketName ( bsid [ ] byte ) [ ] byte {
return append ( bsid , append ( delim , expirationBucketName ... ) ... )
// Cleanup removes any invalid(have expired) session entries on initialization.
func ( db * Database ) cleanup ( ) error {
return db . Service . Update ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
b := db . getBucket ( tx )
c := b . Cursor ( )
// loop through all buckets, find one with expiration.
for bsid , v := c . First ( ) ; bsid != nil ; bsid , v = c . Next ( ) {
if len ( bsid ) == 0 { // empty key, continue to the next session bucket.
expirationName := getExpirationBucketName ( bsid )
if bExp := b . Bucket ( expirationName ) ; bExp != nil { // has expiration.
_ , expValue := bExp . Cursor ( ) . First ( ) // the expiration bucket contains only one key(we don't care, see `Acquire`) value(time.Time) pair.
if expValue == nil {
golog . Debugf ( "cleanup: expiration is there but its value is empty '%s'" , v ) // should never happen.
var expirationTime time . Time
if err := sessions . DefaultTranscoder . Unmarshal ( expValue , & expirationTime ) ; err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "cleanup: unable to retrieve expiration value for '%s'" , v )
if expirationTime . Before ( time . Now ( ) ) {
// expired, delete the expiration bucket.
if err := b . DeleteBucket ( expirationName ) ; err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "cleanup: unable to destroy a session '%s'" , bsid )
return err
// and the session bucket, if any.
return b . DeleteBucket ( bsid )
return nil
} )
var expirationKey = [ ] byte ( "exp" ) // it can be random.
// Acquire receives a session's lifetime from the database,
// if the return value is LifeTime{} then the session manager sets the life time based on the expiration duration lives in configuration.
func ( db * Database ) Acquire ( sid string , expires time . Duration ) ( lifetime sessions . LifeTime ) {
bsid := [ ] byte ( sid )
err := db . Service . Update ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) ( err error ) {
root := db . getBucket ( tx )
if expires > 0 { // should check or create the expiration bucket.
name := getExpirationBucketName ( bsid )
b := root . Bucket ( name )
if b == nil {
// not found, create a session bucket and an expiration bucket and save the given "expires" of time.Time,
// don't return a lifetime, let it empty, session manager will do its job.
b , err = root . CreateBucket ( name )
if err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "unable to create a session bucket for '%s': %v" , sid , err )
return err
expirationTime := time . Now ( ) . Add ( expires )
timeBytes , err := sessions . DefaultTranscoder . Marshal ( expirationTime )
if err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "unable to set an expiration value on session expiration bucket for '%s': %v" , sid , err )
return err
2018-11-06 03:36:05 +01:00
err = b . Put ( expirationKey , timeBytes )
if err == nil {
2018-04-25 04:29:19 +02:00
// create the session bucket now, so the rest of the calls can be easly get the bucket without any further checks.
_ , err = root . CreateBucket ( bsid )
return err
// found, get the associated expiration bucket, wrap its value and return.
_ , expValue := b . Cursor ( ) . First ( )
if expValue == nil {
return nil // does not expire.
var expirationTime time . Time
if err = sessions . DefaultTranscoder . Unmarshal ( expValue , & expirationTime ) ; err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "acquire: unable to retrieve expiration value for '%s', value was: '%s': %v" , sid , expValue , err )
lifetime = sessions . LifeTime { Time : expirationTime }
return nil
// does not expire, just create the session bucket if not exists so we can be ready later on.
_ , err = root . CreateBucketIfNotExists ( bsid )
} )
if err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "unable to acquire session '%s': %v" , sid , err )
return sessions . LifeTime { }
2018-08-18 14:01:26 +02:00
// OnUpdateExpiration will re-set the database's session's entry ttl.
2018-08-14 15:29:04 +02:00
func ( db * Database ) OnUpdateExpiration ( sid string , newExpires time . Duration ) error {
2018-08-18 14:01:26 +02:00
expirationTime := time . Now ( ) . Add ( newExpires )
timeBytes , err := sessions . DefaultTranscoder . Marshal ( expirationTime )
if err != nil {
return err
err = db . Service . Update ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
expirationName := getExpirationBucketName ( [ ] byte ( sid ) )
root := db . getBucket ( tx )
b := root . Bucket ( expirationName )
if b == nil {
// golog.Debugf("tried to reset the expiration value for '%s' while its configured lifetime is unlimited or the session is already expired and not found now", sid)
return sessions . ErrNotFound
return b . Put ( expirationKey , timeBytes )
} )
if err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "unable to reset the expiration value for '%s': %v" , sid , err )
return err
2018-08-14 15:29:04 +02:00
2018-04-25 04:29:19 +02:00
func makeKey ( key string ) [ ] byte {
return [ ] byte ( key )
// Set sets a key value of a specific session.
// Ignore the "immutable".
func ( db * Database ) Set ( sid string , lifetime sessions . LifeTime , key string , value interface { } , immutable bool ) {
valueBytes , err := sessions . DefaultTranscoder . Marshal ( value )
if err != nil {
golog . Debug ( err )
err = db . Service . Update ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
b := db . getBucketForSession ( tx , sid )
if b == nil {
return nil
// Author's notes:
// expiration is handlded by the session manager for the whole session, so the `db.Destroy` will be called when and if needed.
// Therefore we don't have to implement a TTL here, but we need a `db.Cleanup`, as we did previously, method to delete any expired if server restarted
// (badger does not need a `Cleanup` because we set the TTL based on the lifetime.DurationUntilExpiration()).
return b . Put ( makeKey ( key ) , valueBytes )
} )
if err != nil {
golog . Debug ( err )
// Get retrieves a session value based on the key.
func ( db * Database ) Get ( sid string , key string ) ( value interface { } ) {
err := db . Service . View ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
b := db . getBucketForSession ( tx , sid )
if b == nil {
return nil
valueBytes := b . Get ( makeKey ( key ) )
if len ( valueBytes ) == 0 {
return nil
return sessions . DefaultTranscoder . Unmarshal ( valueBytes , & value )
} )
if err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "session '%s' key '%s' not found" , sid , key )
// Visit loops through all session keys and values.
func ( db * Database ) Visit ( sid string , cb func ( key string , value interface { } ) ) {
db . Service . View ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
b := db . getBucketForSession ( tx , sid )
if b == nil {
return nil
return b . ForEach ( func ( k [ ] byte , v [ ] byte ) error {
var value interface { }
if err := sessions . DefaultTranscoder . Unmarshal ( v , & value ) ; err != nil {
golog . Debugf ( "unable to retrieve value of key '%s' of '%s': %v" , k , sid , err )
return err
cb ( string ( k ) , value )
return nil
} )
} )
// Len returns the length of the session's entries (keys).
func ( db * Database ) Len ( sid string ) ( n int ) {
db . S ervice . View ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
b := db . getBucketForSession ( tx , sid )
if b == nil {
return nil
n = b . Stats ( ) . KeyN
return nil
} )
// Delete removes a session key value based on its key.
func ( db * Database ) Delete ( sid string , key string ) ( deleted bool ) {
err := db . Service . Update ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
b := db . getBucketForSession ( tx , sid )
if b == nil {
2018-08-18 14:01:26 +02:00
return sessions . ErrNotFound
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return b . Delete ( makeKey ( key ) )
} )
return err == nil
// Clear removes all session key values but it keeps the session entry.
func ( db * Database ) Clear ( sid string ) {
db . Service . Update ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
b := db . getBucketForSession ( tx , sid )
if b == nil {
return nil
return b . ForEach ( func ( k [ ] byte , v [ ] byte ) error {
return b . Delete ( k )
} )
} )
// Release destroys the session, it clears and removes the session entry,
// session manager will create a new session ID on the next request after this call.
func ( db * Database ) Release ( sid string ) {
db . Service . Update ( func ( tx * bolt . Tx ) error {
// delete the session bucket.
b := db . getBucket ( tx )
bsid := [ ] byte ( sid )
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// try to delete the associated expiration bucket, if exists, ignore error.
b . DeleteBucket ( getExpirationBucketName ( bsid ) )
2018-11-06 03:36:05 +01:00
return b . DeleteBucket ( bsid )
2018-04-25 04:29:19 +02:00
} )
// Close shutdowns the BoltDB connection.
func ( db * Database ) Close ( ) error {
return closeDB ( db )
func closeDB ( db * Database ) error {
err := db . Service . Close ( )
if err != nil {
golog . Warnf ( "closing the BoltDB connection: %v" , err )
return err