2016-05-30 16:08:09 +02:00
package sessions
import (
2016-06-30 04:58:04 +02:00
2016-05-30 16:08:09 +02:00
type (
// IManager is the interface which Manager should implement
IManager interface {
Start ( context . IContext ) store . IStore
Destroy ( context . IContext )
GC ( )
// Manager implements the IManager interface
// contains the cookie's name, the provider and a duration for GC and cookie life expire
Manager struct {
2016-06-30 13:26:42 +02:00
config * config . Sessions
provider IProvider
mu sync . Mutex
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var _ IManager = & Manager { }
var (
continueOnError = true
providers = make ( map [ string ] IProvider )
// newManager creates & returns a new Manager
func newManager ( c config . Sessions ) ( * Manager , error ) {
provider , found := providers [ c . Provider ]
if ! found {
return nil , ErrProviderNotFound . Format ( c . Provider )
manager := & Manager { }
manager . config = & c
manager . provider = provider
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manager . config . Cookie = base64 . URLEncoding . EncodeToString ( [ ] byte ( c . Cookie ) ) // change the cookie's name/key to a more safe
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return manager , nil
// Register registers a provider
func Register ( provider IProvider ) {
if provider == nil {
ErrProviderRegister . Panic ( )
providerName := provider . Name ( )
if _ , exists := providers [ providerName ] ; exists {
if ! continueOnError {
ErrProviderAlreadyExists . Panicf ( providerName )
} else {
// do nothing it's a map it will overrides the existing provider.
providers [ providerName ] = provider
// Manager implementation
func ( m * Manager ) generateSessionID ( ) string {
return base64 . URLEncoding . EncodeToString ( utils . Random ( 32 ) )
2016-06-30 04:58:04 +02:00
var dotB = byte ( '.' )
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// Start starts the session
func ( m * Manager ) Start ( ctx context . IContext ) store . IStore {
m . mu . Lock ( )
var store store . IStore
requestCtx := ctx . GetRequestCtx ( )
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cookieValue := string ( requestCtx . Request . Header . Cookie ( m . config . Cookie ) )
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if cookieValue == "" { // cookie doesn't exists, let's generate a session and add set a cookie
sid := m . generateSessionID ( )
store , _ = m . provider . Init ( sid )
cookie := fasthttp . AcquireCookie ( )
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// The RFC makes no mention of encoding url value, so here I think to encode both sessionid key and the value using the safe(to put and to use as cookie) url-encoding
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cookie . SetKey ( m . config . Cookie )
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cookie . SetValue ( base64 . URLEncoding . EncodeToString ( [ ] byte ( sid ) ) )
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cookie . SetPath ( "/" )
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if ! m . config . DisableSubdomainPersistance {
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requestDomain := ctx . HostString ( )
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// there is a problem with .localhost setted as the domain, so we check that first
if strings . Count ( requestDomain , "." ) > 0 {
if portIdx := strings . IndexByte ( requestDomain , ':' ) ; portIdx > 0 {
requestDomain = requestDomain [ 0 : portIdx ]
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2016-06-30 13:26:42 +02:00
// RFC2109, we allow level 1 subdomains, but no further
// if we have localhost.com , we want the localhost.com.
// so if we have something like: mysubdomain.localhost.com we want the localhost here
// if we have mysubsubdomain.mysubdomain.localhost.com we want the .mysubdomain.localhost.com here
// slow things here, especially the 'replace' but this is a good and understable( I hope) way to get the be able to set cookies from subdomains & domain with 1-level limit
if dotIdx := strings . LastIndexByte ( requestDomain , dotB ) ; dotIdx > 0 {
// is mysubdomain.localhost.com || mysubsubdomain.mysubdomain.localhost.com
s := requestDomain [ 0 : dotIdx ] // set mysubdomain.localhost || mysubsubdomain.mysubdomain.localhost
if secondDotIdx := strings . LastIndexByte ( s , dotB ) ; secondDotIdx > 0 {
//is mysubdomain.localhost || mysubsubdomain.mysubdomain.localhost
s = s [ secondDotIdx + 1 : ] // set to localhost || mysubdomain.localhost
// replace the s with the requestDomain before the domain's siffux
subdomainSuff := strings . LastIndexByte ( requestDomain , dotB )
if subdomainSuff > len ( s ) { // if it is actual exists as subdomain suffix
requestDomain = strings . Replace ( requestDomain , requestDomain [ 0 : subdomainSuff ] , s , 1 ) // set to localhost.com || mysubdomain.localhost.com
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// finally set the .localhost.com (for(1-level) || .mysubdomain.localhost.com (for 2-level subdomain allow)
cookie . SetDomain ( "." + requestDomain ) // . to allow persistance
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cookie . SetHTTPOnly ( true )
cookie . SetExpire ( m . config . Expires )
requestCtx . Response . Header . SetCookie ( cookie )
fasthttp . ReleaseCookie ( cookie )
} else {
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sid , _ := base64 . URLEncoding . DecodeString ( cookieValue )
store , _ = m . provider . Read ( string ( sid ) )
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m . mu . Unlock ( )
return store
// Destroy kills the session and remove the associated cookie
func ( m * Manager ) Destroy ( ctx context . IContext ) {
cookieValue := string ( ctx . GetRequestCtx ( ) . Request . Header . Cookie ( m . config . Cookie ) )
if cookieValue == "" { // nothing to destroy
m . mu . Lock ( )
m . provider . Destroy ( cookieValue )
ctx . RemoveCookie ( m . config . Cookie )
m . mu . Unlock ( )
// GC tick-tock for the store cleanup
// it's a blocking function, so run it with go routine, it's totally safe
func ( m * Manager ) GC ( ) {
m . mu . Lock ( )
m . provider . GC ( m . config . GcDuration )
// set a timer for the next GC
time . AfterFunc ( m . config . GcDuration , func ( ) {
m . GC ( )
} ) // or m.expire.Unix() if Nanosecond() doesn't works here
m . mu . Unlock ( )