Benchmark between all 8 supported template parsers.
Amber, Ace and Pug parsers minifies the template before render. So, to have a fair benchmark, we must make sure that the byte amount of the total response body is exactly the same across all. Therefore, all other template files are minified too.

> Last updated: Oct 1, 2020 at 12:46pm (UTC)
## System
| | |
| Processor | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz |
**Reqs/sec** is the avg number of total requests could be processed per second (the higher the better).
**Latency** is the amount of time it takes from when a request is made by the client to the time it takes for the response to get back to that client (the smaller the better).
**Throughput** is the rate of production or the rate at which data are transferred (the higher the better, it depends from response length (body + headers).
**Time To Complete** is the total time (in seconds) the test completed (the smaller the better).
## Results
### Test:Template Layout, Partial and Data
📖 Fires 1000000 requests with 125 concurrent clients. It receives HTML response. The server handler sets some template **data** and renders a template file which consists of a **layout** and a **partial** footer.
| Name | Language | Reqs/sec | Latency | Throughput | Time To Complete |