.NET Core MVC Application, written using 86 lines of code, ran for **2 minutes and 3 seconds** serving **40226.03** requests per second within **3.09ms** latency in average and **169.12ms** max, the memory usage of all these was ~123MB (without the dotnet host).
Iris MVC Application, written using 27 lines of code, ran for **47 seconds** serving **105643.71** requests per second within **1.18ms** latency in average and **22.01ms** max, the memory usage of all these was ~12MB.
Iris Application, written using 22 lines of code, ran for **45 seconds** serving **110809.98** requests per second within **1.13ms** latency in average and **18.02ms** max, the memory usage of all these was ~11MB.
As [Josh Clark](https://twitter.com/clarkis117) and [Scott Hanselman](https://twitter.com/shanselman) pointed out [on this status](https://twitter.com/shanselman/status/899005786826788865), on .NET Core `Startup.cs` file the line with `services.AddMvc();` can be replaced with `services.AddMvcCore();`. I followed their helpful instructions and re-run the benchmarks. The article now contains the latest benchmark output for the .NET Core application with the change both Josh and Scott noted.
The twitter conversion: https://twitter.com/MakisMaropoulos/status/899113215895982080
For those who want to compare with the standard services.AddMvc(); you can see the old output by pressing [here](screens/500m_requests_netcore-mvc.png).
**Thank you all** for the 100% green feedback, have fun!