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Iris is an <b>efficient</b> and well-designed, <b>cross-platform, web framework</b> with robust set of <b>features</b>.<br/>Build your own <b>high-performance</b> web applications and <b>APIs</b> powered by unlimited <b>potentials and portability</b>.
If you're coming from <ahref="https://nodejs.org/en/">Node.js</a> world, this is the <ahref="https://github.com/expressjs/express">expressjs</a> equivalent for the <ahref="https://golang.org">Go Programming Language.</a>
Hello people, I'm designing the new Iris version with the codename of "**Calliope**".
Based on the **Greek goddesses** of ancient mythology, **Calliope** was one of the Muses, the muse of epic poetry, daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and the wisest of the Muses.
- Choose your favorite routes' path syntax between [httprouter](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v6/_examples/beginner/routes-using-httprouter/main.go) and [gorillamux](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v6/_examples/beginner/routes-using-gorillamux/main.go)
4. [Creating A URL Shortener Service Using Go, Iris, and Bolt](https://medium.com/@kataras/a-url-shortener-service-using-go-iris-and-bolt-4182f0b00ae7)
- :star: [the project](https://github.com/kataras/iris/stargazers), will help you to follow the upcoming features
- [Donate](https://github.com/kataras/iris#buy-me-a-cup-of-coffee), will help me to continue
- [Post](http://support.iris-go.com) a feature request or report a bug, will help all of us to build a better web, together
- :earth_americas: post [an article](https://dzone.com/articles/a-url-shortener-service-using-go-iris-and-bolt-ger) or [tweet](https://twitter.com/gelnior/status/769100480706379776) and share it with your neighbor
<!--It's true that I am spending all my available time for Iris and its related projects, therefore I have no income value.
However, I am not asking from people to change the system. I know that the majority of us(devs) don't really care how authors of projects like Iris survive. I totally understand that.
If somebody out there can
help developers like me to worry less about daily life's dilemmas it would be easier for them to make the particular project(s) even better.
There are no limits to the Iris' potentials.
I am a realistic person. If things won't change for my daily life I will be forced to give Iris' managment to somebody else(that community could trust).-->
Buy me a cup of coffee?
Iris is free and open source but developing it has taken thousands of hours of my time and a large part of my sanity. If you feel this web framework useful to you, it would go a great way to ensuring that I can afford to take the time to continue to develop it.
I spend all my time in the construction of Iris, therefore I have no income value.
Iris has its own middleware form of `func(ctx *iris.Context)` but it's also compatible with all `net/http` middleware forms using [iris.ToHandler](https://github.com/iris-contrib/middleware/blob/master/cors/cors.go#L33), i.e Negroni's middleware form of `func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)`.
| [delay](https://github.com/jeffbmartinez/delay) | [Jeff Martinez](https://github.com/jeffbmartinez) | Add delays/latency to endpoints. Useful when testing effects of high latency |
| [New Relic Go Agent](https://github.com/yadvendar/negroni-newrelic-go-agent) | [Yadvendar Champawat](https://github.com/yadvendar) | Official [New Relic Go Agent](https://github.com/newrelic/go-agent) (currently in beta) |
| [gorelic](https://github.com/jingweno/negroni-gorelic) | [Jingwen Owen Ou](https://github.com/jingweno) | New Relic agent for Go runtime |
| [JWT Middleware](https://github.com/auth0/go-jwt-middleware) | [Auth0](https://github.com/auth0) | Middleware checks for a JWT on the `Authorization` header on incoming requests and decodes it|
| [prometheus](https://github.com/zbindenren/negroni-prometheus) | [Rene Zbinden](https://github.com/zbindenren) | Easily create metrics endpoint for the [prometheus](http://prometheus.io) instrumentation tool |
| [render](https://github.com/unrolled/render) | [Cory Jacobsen](https://github.com/unrolled) | Render JSON, XML and HTML templates |
| [RestGate](https://github.com/pjebs/restgate) | [Prasanga Siripala](https://github.com/pjebs) | Secure authentication for REST API endpoints |
| [secure](https://github.com/unrolled/secure) | [Cory Jacobsen](https://github.com/unrolled) | Middleware that implements a few quick security wins |
| [stats](https://github.com/thoas/stats) | [Florent Messa](https://github.com/thoas) | Store information about your web application (response time, etc.) |
| [xrequestid](https://github.com/pilu/xrequestid) | [Andrea Franz](https://github.com/pilu) | Middleware that assigns a random X-Request-Id header to each request |
- _net/http_ had produced an executable file with `5.380 KB` size.
> Iris has built'n support for the most of the features that you will use to craft your perfect web application, while the golang router(gin & httprouter alone) doesn't. Imagine what would happened if the simple app we created would use `sessions`, `websockets`, `view engine`... I tested that too, `gin` and `net/http` had produced the x3 of their original size, **while `iris application`' overall executable filesize remained stable**!
**Applications that are written using Iris produce smaller file size even if they use more features** than a simple router library!
Iris always follows the latest trends and best practices. Iris is the **Secret To Staying One Step Ahead of Your Competition**.
Iris is **a high-performance** tool, but it doesn't stops there. Performance depends on your application too, **Iris helps you to make the right choices** on every step.
**Familiar** and easy **API**. Sinatra-like REST API.
Contains examples and documentation for all its features.
Iris is a `low-level access` web framework, you always know what you're doing.
You'll **never miss a thing** from `net/http`, but if you do on some point, no problem because Iris is fully compatible with stdlib, you still have access to `http.ResponseWriter` and `http.Request`, you can adapt any third-party middleware of form `func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)` as well.
Iris is a community-driven project, **you suggest and I code**.
Unlike other repositories, this one is **very active**. When you post an issue, you get an answer at the next couple of minutes(hours at the worst). If you find a bug, **I am obliged to fix** that on the same day.
Click the below animation to see by your self what people, like you, say about Iris.
<imgsrc="https://github.com/iris-contrib/website/raw/gh-pages/assets/gif_link_to_yt2.gif"alt="What people say"/>
> Q: Why no `serverless`?
New web developers are so enthusiastic about the idea of `serverless` and `AWS`. Most of the experienced developers we already know that we shouldn't use these things for our critical parts of our application.
**`Serverless and AWS` Are Wonderful—Until They Go Wrong.** There was a flash-point (at 28 February of 2017) where the 'internet was offline' and most of the sites, including isitdownrightnow.com, were down or operated very slow! Why? Because of `serverless` and `AmazonS3`.
A simple test is located to [./_examples/advanced/httptest/main_test.go](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v6/_examples/advanced/httptest/main_test.go)
The Iris philosophy is to provide robust tooling for HTTP, making it a great solution for single page applications, web sites, hybrids, or public HTTP APIs. Keep note that, today, iris is faster than nginx itself.
Iris does not force you to use any specific ORM or template engine. Iris is routerless which means you can adapt any router you like, [httprouter](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v6/_examples/beginner/routes-using-httprouter/main.go) is the fastest, [gorillamux](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v6/_examples/beginner/routes-using-gorillamux/main.go) has more features. With support for the most used template engines (5), you can quickly craft the perfect application.
Besides the fact that we have a [community chat][Chat] for questions or reports and ideas, [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/) section for generic go+iris questions and the [iris support](http://support.iris-go.com) for bug reports and feature requests, you can also contact with me, as a person who is always open to help you: