diff --git a/HISTORY.md b/HISTORY.md
index 6741a1e9..c157797f 100644
--- a/HISTORY.md
+++ b/HISTORY.md
@@ -3,6 +3,79 @@
**How to upgrade**: remove your `$GOPATH/src/github.com/kataras` folder, open your command-line and execute this command: `go get -u github.com/kataras/iris/iris`.
+## 4.5.2/.3 -> 4.6.0
+### This update affects only testers who used `iris.Tester` at the past.
+- **FIX**: httptest flags caused by httpexpect which used to help you with tests inside **old** func `iris.Tester` as reported [here]( https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/337#issuecomment-253429976)
+- **NEW**: `iris.ResetDefault()` func which resets the default iris instance which is the station for the most part of the public/package API
+- **NEW**: package `httptest` with configuration which can be passed per 'tester' instead of iris instance( this is very helpful for testers)
+- **CHANGED**: All tests are now converted for 'white-box' testing, means that tests now have package named: `iris_test` instead of `iris` in the same main directory.
+- **CHANGED**: `iris.Tester` moved to `httptest.New` which lives inside the new `/kataras/iris/httptest` package, so:
+import (
+ "github.com/kataras/iris"
+ "testing"
+func MyTest(t *testing.T) {
+ iris.Get("/mypath", func(ctx *iris.Context){
+ ctx.Write("my body")
+ })
+ // with configs: iris.Config.Tester.ExplicitURL/Debug = true
+ e:= iris.Tester(t)
+ e.GET("/mypath").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("my body")
+**used that instead/new**
+import (
+ "github.com/kataras/iris/httptest"
+ "github.com/kataras/iris"
+ "testing"
+func MyTest(t *testing.T) {
+ // make sure that you reset your default station if you don't use the form of app := iris.New()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Get("/mypath", func(ctx *iris.Context){
+ ctx.Write("my body")
+ })
+ e:= httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
+ // with configs: e:= httptest.New(iris.Default, t, httptest.ExplicitURL(true), httptest.Debug(true))
+ e.GET("/mypath").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("my body")
+Finally, some plugins container's additions:
+- **NEW**: `iris.Plugins.Len()` func which returns the length of the current activated plugins in the default station
+- **NEW**: `iris.Plugins.Fired("event") int` func which returns how much times and from how many plugins a particular event type is fired, event types are: `"prelookup", "prebuild", "prelisten", "postlisten", "preclose", "predownload"`
+- **NEW**: `iris.Plugins.PreLookupFired() bool` func which returns true if `PreLookup` fired at least one time
+- **NEW**: `iris.Plugins.PreBuildFired() bool` func which returns true if `PreBuild` fired at least one time
+- **NEW**: `iris.Plugins.PreListenFired() bool` func which returns true if `PreListen/PreListenParallel` fired at least one time
+- **NEW**: `iris.Plugins.PostListenFired() bool` func which returns true if `PostListen` fired at least one time
+- **NEW**: `iris.Plugins.PreCloseFired() bool` func which returns true if `PreClose` fired at least one time
+- **NEW**: `iris.Plugins.PreDownloadFired() bool` func which returns true if `PreDownload` fired at least one time
## 4.5.1 -> 4.5.2
- **Feature request**: I never though that it will be easier for users to catch 405 instead of simple 404, I though that will make your life harder, but it's requested by the Community [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/469), so I did my duty. Enable firing Status Method Not Allowed (405) with a simple configuration field: `iris.Config.FireMethodNotAllowed=true` or `iris.Set(iris.OptionFireMethodNotAllowed(true))` or `app := iris.New(iris.Configuration{FireMethodNotAllowed:true})`. A trivial, test example can be shown here:
diff --git a/configuration.go b/configuration.go
index e4dd9d29..fa6fbaa3 100644
--- a/configuration.go
+++ b/configuration.go
@@ -207,10 +207,6 @@ type Configuration struct {
// Websocket contains the configs for Websocket's server integration
Websocket WebsocketConfiguration
- // Tester contains the configs for the test framework, so far we have only one because all test framework's configs are setted by the iris itself
- // You can find example on the https://github.com/kataras/iris/glob/master/context_test.go
- Tester TesterConfiguration
// Other are the custom, dynamic options, can be empty
// this fill used only by you to set any app's options you want
// for each of an Iris instance
@@ -547,7 +543,6 @@ func DefaultConfiguration() Configuration {
Gzip: false,
Sessions: DefaultSessionsConfiguration(),
Websocket: DefaultWebsocketConfiguration(),
- Tester: DefaultTesterConfiguration(),
Other: options.Options{},
@@ -820,38 +815,6 @@ func DefaultWebsocketConfiguration() WebsocketConfiguration {
-// TesterConfiguration configuration used inside main config field 'Tester'
-type TesterConfiguration struct {
- // ExplicitURL If true then the url (should) be prepended manually, useful when want to test subdomains
- // Default is false
- ExplicitURL bool
- // Debug if true then debug messages from the httpexpect will be shown when a test runs
- // Default is false
- Debug bool
-var (
- // OptionTesterExplicitURL If true then the url (should) be prepended manually, useful when want to test subdomains
- // Default is false
- OptionTesterExplicitURL = func(val bool) OptionSet {
- return func(c *Configuration) {
- c.Tester.ExplicitURL = val
- }
- }
- // OptionTesterDebug if true then debug messages from the httpexpect will be shown when a test runs
- // Default is false
- OptionTesterDebug = func(val bool) OptionSet {
- return func(c *Configuration) {
- c.Tester.Debug = val
- }
- }
-// DefaultTesterConfiguration returns the default configuration for a tester
-func DefaultTesterConfiguration() TesterConfiguration {
- return TesterConfiguration{ExplicitURL: false, Debug: false}
// Default values for base Server conf
const (
// DefaultServerHostname returns the default hostname which is
diff --git a/configuration_test.go b/configuration_test.go
index 7d892e6c..5b613802 100644
--- a/configuration_test.go
+++ b/configuration_test.go
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-package iris
+// Black-box Testing
+package iris_test
import (
+ "github.com/kataras/iris"
@@ -8,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// go test -v -run TestConfig*
func TestConfigStatic(t *testing.T) {
- def := DefaultConfiguration()
+ def := iris.DefaultConfiguration()
- api := New(def)
+ api := iris.New(def)
afterNew := *api.Config
if !reflect.DeepEqual(def, afterNew) {
@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ func TestConfigStatic(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Configuration should be not equal, got: %#v", afterNew)
- api = New(Configuration{IsDevelopment: true})
+ api = iris.New(iris.Configuration{IsDevelopment: true})
afterNew = *api.Config
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ func TestConfigStatic(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Passing a Configuration field as Option fails, expected IsDevelopment to be true but was false")
- api = New() // empty , means defaults so
+ api = iris.New() // empty , means defaults so
if !reflect.DeepEqual(def, *api.Config) {
t.Fatalf("Default configuration is not the same after NewFromConfig expected:\n %#v \ngot:\n %#v", def, *api.Config)
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ func TestConfigOptions(t *testing.T) {
charset := "MYCHARSET"
dev := true
- api := New(OptionCharset(charset), OptionIsDevelopment(dev))
+ api := iris.New(iris.OptionCharset(charset), iris.OptionIsDevelopment(dev))
if got := api.Config.Charset; got != charset {
t.Fatalf("Expected configuration Charset to be: %s but got: %s", charset, got)
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ func TestConfigOptions(t *testing.T) {
// now check if other default values are setted (should be setted automatically)
- expected := DefaultConfiguration()
+ expected := iris.DefaultConfiguration()
expected.Charset = charset
expected.IsDevelopment = dev
@@ -69,9 +71,9 @@ func TestConfigOptionsDeep(t *testing.T) {
dev := true
vhost := "mydomain.com"
// first session, after charset,dev and profilepath, no canonical order.
- api := New(OptionSessionsCookie(cookiename), OptionCharset(charset), OptionIsDevelopment(dev), OptionVHost(vhost))
+ api := iris.New(iris.OptionSessionsCookie(cookiename), iris.OptionCharset(charset), iris.OptionIsDevelopment(dev), iris.OptionVHost(vhost))
- expected := DefaultConfiguration()
+ expected := iris.DefaultConfiguration()
expected.Sessions.Cookie = cookiename
expected.Charset = charset
expected.IsDevelopment = dev
diff --git a/context.go b/context.go
index 03c5f113..bdc0b99f 100644
--- a/context.go
+++ b/context.go
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ type (
Params PathParameters
framework *Framework
//keep track all registed middleware (handlers)
- middleware Middleware
+ Middleware Middleware // exported because is useful for debugging
session sessions.Session
- // pos is the position number of the Context, look .Next to understand
- pos uint8
+ // Pos is the position number of the Context, look .Next to understand
+ Pos uint8 // exported because is useful for debugging
@@ -110,37 +110,37 @@ func (ctx *Context) GetRequestCtx() *fasthttp.RequestCtx {
// Do calls the first handler only, it's like Next with negative pos, used only on Router&MemoryRouter
func (ctx *Context) Do() {
- ctx.pos = 0
- ctx.middleware[0].Serve(ctx)
+ ctx.Pos = 0
+ ctx.Middleware[0].Serve(ctx)
// Next calls all the next handler from the middleware stack, it used inside a middleware
func (ctx *Context) Next() {
//set position to the next
- ctx.pos++
- midLen := uint8(len(ctx.middleware))
+ ctx.Pos++
+ midLen := uint8(len(ctx.Middleware))
//run the next
- if ctx.pos < midLen {
- ctx.middleware[ctx.pos].Serve(ctx)
+ if ctx.Pos < midLen {
+ ctx.Middleware[ctx.Pos].Serve(ctx)
// StopExecution just sets the .pos to 255 in order to not move to the next middlewares(if any)
func (ctx *Context) StopExecution() {
- ctx.pos = stopExecutionPosition
+ ctx.Pos = stopExecutionPosition
// IsStopped checks and returns true if the current position of the Context is 255, means that the StopExecution has called
func (ctx *Context) IsStopped() bool {
- return ctx.pos == stopExecutionPosition
+ return ctx.Pos == stopExecutionPosition
// GetHandlerName as requested returns the stack-name of the function which the Middleware is setted from
func (ctx *Context) GetHandlerName() string {
- return runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(ctx.middleware[len(ctx.middleware)-1]).Pointer()).Name()
+ return runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(ctx.Middleware[len(ctx.Middleware)-1]).Pointer()).Name()
/* Request */
diff --git a/context_test.go b/context_test.go
index b27a7265..c40a0907 100644
--- a/context_test.go
+++ b/context_test.go
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-package iris
+// Black-box Testing
+package iris_test
The most part of the context covered,
@@ -14,30 +15,32 @@ import (
+ "github.com/kataras/iris"
+ "github.com/kataras/iris/httptest"
+ "github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
- "github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
+// White-box testing *
func TestContextDoNextStop(t *testing.T) {
- var context Context
+ var context iris.Context
ok := false
afterStop := false
- context.middleware = Middleware{HandlerFunc(func(*Context) {
+ context.Middleware = iris.Middleware{iris.HandlerFunc(func(*iris.Context) {
ok = true
- }), HandlerFunc(func(*Context) {
+ }), iris.HandlerFunc(func(*iris.Context) {
ok = true
- }), HandlerFunc(func(*Context) {
+ }), iris.HandlerFunc(func(*iris.Context) {
// this will never execute
afterStop = true
- if context.pos != 0 {
- t.Fatalf("Expecting position 0 for context's middleware but we got: %d", context.pos)
+ if context.Pos != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Expecting position 0 for context's middleware but we got: %d", context.Pos)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected behavior, first context's middleware didn't executed")
@@ -46,16 +49,16 @@ func TestContextDoNextStop(t *testing.T) {
- if int(context.pos) != 1 {
- t.Fatalf("Expecting to have position %d but we got: %d", 1, context.pos)
+ if int(context.Pos) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("Expecting to have position %d but we got: %d", 1, context.Pos)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Next context's middleware didn't executed")
- if context.pos != stopExecutionPosition {
- t.Fatalf("Context's StopExecution didn't worked, we expected to have position %d but we got %d", stopExecutionPosition, context.pos)
+ if context.Pos != 255 {
+ t.Fatalf("Context's StopExecution didn't worked, we expected to have position %d but we got %d", 255, context.Pos)
if !context.IsStopped() {
@@ -69,13 +72,14 @@ func TestContextDoNextStop(t *testing.T) {
+// White-box testing *
func TestContextParams(t *testing.T) {
- var context Context
- params := PathParameters{
- PathParameter{Key: "testkey", Value: "testvalue"},
- PathParameter{Key: "testkey2", Value: "testvalue2"},
- PathParameter{Key: "id", Value: "3"},
- PathParameter{Key: "bigint", Value: "548921854390354"},
+ var context iris.Context
+ params := iris.PathParameters{
+ iris.PathParameter{Key: "testkey", Value: "testvalue"},
+ iris.PathParameter{Key: "testkey2", Value: "testvalue2"},
+ iris.PathParameter{Key: "id", Value: "3"},
+ iris.PathParameter{Key: "bigint", Value: "548921854390354"},
context.Params = params
@@ -104,94 +108,94 @@ func TestContextParams(t *testing.T) {
// end-to-end test now, note that we will not test the whole mux here, this happens on http_test.go
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
expectedParamsStr := "param1=myparam1,param2=myparam2,param3=myparam3afterstatic,anything=/andhere/anything/you/like"
- Get("/path/:param1/:param2/staticpath/:param3/*anything", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/path/:param1/:param2/staticpath/:param3/*anything", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
paramsStr := ctx.Params.String()
- Tester(t).GET("/path/myparam1/myparam2/staticpath/myparam3afterstatic/andhere/anything/you/like").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedParamsStr)
+ httptest.New(iris.Default, t).GET("/path/myparam1/myparam2/staticpath/myparam3afterstatic/andhere/anything/you/like").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedParamsStr)
func TestContextURLParams(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
passedParams := map[string]string{"param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"}
- Get("/", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
params := ctx.URLParams()
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, params)
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, params)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- e.GET("/").WithQueryObject(passedParams).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Equal(passedParams)
+ e.GET("/").WithQueryObject(passedParams).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Equal(passedParams)
// hoststring returns the full host, will return the HOST:IP
func TestContextHostString(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
- Default.Config.VHost = ""
- Get("/", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Default.Config.VHost = ""
+ iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
- Get("/wrong", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/wrong", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write(ctx.HostString() + "w")
- e := Tester(t)
- e.GET("/").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(Default.Config.VHost)
- e.GET("/wrong").Expect().Body().NotEqual(Default.Config.VHost)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
+ e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(iris.Default.Config.VHost)
+ e.GET("/wrong").Expect().Body().NotEqual(iris.Default.Config.VHost)
// VirtualHostname returns the hostname only,
// if the host starts with or localhost it gives the registered hostname part of the listening addr
func TestContextVirtualHostName(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
vhost := "mycustomvirtualname.com"
- Default.Config.VHost = vhost + ":8080"
- Get("/", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Default.Config.VHost = vhost + ":8080"
+ iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
- Get("/wrong", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/wrong", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write(ctx.VirtualHostname() + "w")
- e := Tester(t)
- e.GET("/").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(vhost)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
+ e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(vhost)
func TestContextFormValueString(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
var k, v string
k = "postkey"
v = "postvalue"
- Post("/", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Post("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write(k + "=" + ctx.FormValueString(k))
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- e.POST("/").WithFormField(k, v).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(k + "=" + v)
+ e.POST("/").WithFormField(k, v).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(k + "=" + v)
func TestContextSubdomain(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
- Default.Config.VHost = "mydomain.com:9999"
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Default.Config.VHost = "mydomain.com:9999"
//Default.Config.Tester.ListeningAddr = "mydomain.com:9999"
// Default.Config.Tester.ExplicitURL = true
- Party("mysubdomain.").Get("/mypath", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Party("mysubdomain.").Get("/mypath", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- e.GET("/").WithURL("http://mysubdomain.mydomain.com:9999").Expect().Status(StatusNotFound)
- e.GET("/mypath").WithURL("http://mysubdomain.mydomain.com:9999").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("mysubdomain")
+ e.GET("/").WithURL("http://mysubdomain.mydomain.com:9999").Expect().Status(iris.StatusNotFound)
+ e.GET("/mypath").WithURL("http://mysubdomain.mydomain.com:9999").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("mysubdomain")
- //e.GET("http://mysubdomain.mydomain.com:9999/mypath").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("mysubdomain")
+ //e.GET("http://mysubdomain.mydomain.com:9999/mypath").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("mysubdomain")
type testBinderData struct {
@@ -210,53 +214,53 @@ type testBinderXMLData struct {
func TestContextReadForm(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
- Post("/form", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Post("/form", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
obj := testBinderData{}
err := ctx.ReadForm(&obj)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error when parsing the FORM: %s", err.Error())
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, obj)
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, obj)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
passed := map[string]interface{}{"Username": "myusername", "Mail": "mymail@iris-go.com", "mydata": url.Values{"[0]": []string{"mydata1"},
"[1]": []string{"mydata2"}}}
expectedObject := testBinderData{Username: "myusername", Mail: "mymail@iris-go.com", Data: []string{"mydata1", "mydata2"}}
- e.POST("/form").WithForm(passed).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
+ e.POST("/form").WithForm(passed).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
func TestContextReadJSON(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
- Post("/json", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Post("/json", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
obj := testBinderData{}
err := ctx.ReadJSON(&obj)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error when parsing the JSON body: %s", err.Error())
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, obj)
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, obj)
- Post("/json_pointer", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Post("/json_pointer", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
obj := &testBinderData{}
err := ctx.ReadJSON(obj)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error when parsing the JSON body: %s", err.Error())
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, obj)
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, obj)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
passed := map[string]interface{}{"Username": "myusername", "Mail": "mymail@iris-go.com", "mydata": []string{"mydata1", "mydata2"}}
expectedObject := testBinderData{Username: "myusername", Mail: "mymail@iris-go.com", Data: []string{"mydata1", "mydata2"}}
- e.POST("/json").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
- e.POST("/json_pointer").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
+ e.POST("/json").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
+ e.POST("/json_pointer").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
type testJSONBinderDataWithDecoder struct {
@@ -274,57 +278,57 @@ func (tj *testJSONBinderDataWithDecoder) Decode(data []byte) error {
func TestContextReadJSONWithDecoder(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
- Post("/json_should_error", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Post("/json_should_error", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
obj := testJSONBinderDataWithDecoder{shouldError: true}
err := ctx.ReadJSON(&obj)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Should prompted for error 'Should error' but not error returned from the custom decoder!")
- ctx.SetStatusCode(StatusOK)
+ ctx.SetStatusCode(iris.StatusOK)
- Post("/json", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Post("/json", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
obj := testJSONBinderDataWithDecoder{}
err := ctx.ReadJSON(&obj)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error when parsing the JSON body: %s", err.Error())
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, obj)
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, obj)
- Post("/json_pointer", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Post("/json_pointer", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
obj := &testJSONBinderDataWithDecoder{}
err := ctx.ReadJSON(obj)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error when parsing the JSON body: %s", err.Error())
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, obj)
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, obj)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
passed := map[string]interface{}{"Username": "kataras", "Mail": "mymail@iris-go.com", "mydata": []string{"mydata1", "mydata2"}}
expectedObject := testJSONBinderDataWithDecoder{Username: "kataras", Mail: "mymail@iris-go.com", Data: []string{"mydata1", "mydata2"}}
- e.POST("/json_should_error").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("Should error")
- e.POST("/json").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
- e.POST("/json_pointer").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
+ e.POST("/json_should_error").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("Should error")
+ e.POST("/json").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
+ e.POST("/json_pointer").WithJSON(passed).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(expectedObject)
} // no need for xml, it's exact the same.
func TestContextReadXML(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
- Post("/xml", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Post("/xml", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
obj := testBinderXMLData{}
err := ctx.ReadXML(&obj)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error when parsing the XML body: %s", err.Error())
- ctx.XML(StatusOK, obj)
+ ctx.XML(iris.StatusOK, obj)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
expectedObj := testBinderXMLData{
XMLName: xml.Name{Local: "info", Space: "info"},
FirstAttr: "this is the first attr",
@@ -335,23 +339,23 @@ func TestContextReadXML(t *testing.T) {
// so far no WithXML or .XML like WithJSON and .JSON on httpexpect I added a feature request as post issue and we're waiting
expectedBody := `<` + expectedObj.XMLName.Local + ` first="` + expectedObj.FirstAttr + `" second="` + expectedObj.SecondAttr + `">` + expectedObj.Name + `` + expectedObj.Birth + `` + strconv.Itoa(expectedObj.Stars) + ``
- e.POST("/xml").WithText(expectedBody).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBody)
+ e.POST("/xml").WithText(expectedBody).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBody)
// TestContextRedirectTo tests the named route redirect action
func TestContextRedirectTo(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
- h := func(ctx *Context) { ctx.Write(ctx.PathString()) }
- Get("/mypath", h)("my-path")
- Get("/mypostpath", h)("my-post-path")
- Get("mypath/with/params/:param1/:param2", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ h := func(ctx *iris.Context) { ctx.Write(ctx.PathString()) }
+ iris.Get("/mypath", h)("my-path")
+ iris.Get("/mypostpath", h)("my-post-path")
+ iris.Get("mypath/with/params/:param1/:param2", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
if len(ctx.Params) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Strange error, expecting parameters to be two but we got: %d", len(ctx.Params))
- Get("/redirect/to/:routeName/*anyparams", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/redirect/to/:routeName/*anyparams", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
routeName := ctx.Param("routeName")
var args []interface{}
anyparams := ctx.Param("anyparams")
@@ -365,25 +369,25 @@ func TestContextRedirectTo(t *testing.T) {
ctx.RedirectTo(routeName, args...)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- e.GET("/redirect/to/my-path/").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("/mypath")
- e.GET("/redirect/to/my-post-path/").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("/mypostpath")
- e.GET("/redirect/to/my-path-with-params/firstparam/secondparam").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("/mypath/with/params/firstparam/secondparam")
+ e.GET("/redirect/to/my-path/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("/mypath")
+ e.GET("/redirect/to/my-post-path/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("/mypostpath")
+ e.GET("/redirect/to/my-path-with-params/firstparam/secondparam").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("/mypath/with/params/firstparam/secondparam")
func TestContextUserValues(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
testCustomObjUserValue := struct{ Name string }{Name: "a name"}
values := map[string]interface{}{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": 3, "key4": testCustomObjUserValue, "key5": map[string]string{"key": "value"}}
- Get("/test", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/test", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
for k, v := range values {
ctx.Set(k, v)
- }, func(ctx *Context) {
+ }, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
for k, v := range values {
userValue := ctx.Get(k)
if userValue != v {
@@ -403,21 +407,21 @@ func TestContextUserValues(t *testing.T) {
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- e.GET("/test").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ e.GET("/test").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
func TestContextCookieSetGetRemove(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
key := "mykey"
value := "myvalue"
- Get("/set", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/set", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.SetCookieKV(key, value) // should return non empty cookies
- Get("/set_advanced", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/set_advanced", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
c := fasthttp.AcquireCookie()
@@ -427,11 +431,11 @@ func TestContextCookieSetGetRemove(t *testing.T) {
- Get("/get", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/get", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write(ctx.GetCookie(key)) // should return my value
- Get("/remove", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/remove", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
cookieFound := false
ctx.VisitAllCookies(func(k, v string) {
@@ -443,38 +447,38 @@ func TestContextCookieSetGetRemove(t *testing.T) {
ctx.Write(ctx.GetCookie(key)) // should return ""
- e := Tester(t)
- e.GET("/set").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
- e.GET("/get").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(value)
- e.GET("/remove").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("")
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
+ e.GET("/set").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
+ e.GET("/get").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(value)
+ e.GET("/remove").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("")
// test again with advanced set
- e.GET("/set_advanced").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
- e.GET("/get").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(value)
- e.GET("/remove").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("")
+ e.GET("/set_advanced").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
+ e.GET("/get").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(value)
+ e.GET("/remove").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("")
func TestContextFlashMessages(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
firstKey := "name"
lastKey := "package"
- values := PathParameters{PathParameter{Key: firstKey, Value: "kataras"}, PathParameter{Key: lastKey, Value: "iris"}}
+ values := iris.PathParameters{iris.PathParameter{Key: firstKey, Value: "kataras"}, iris.PathParameter{Key: lastKey, Value: "iris"}}
jsonExpected := map[string]string{firstKey: "kataras", lastKey: "iris"}
// set the flashes, the cookies are filled
- Put("/set", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Put("/set", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
for _, v := range values {
ctx.SetFlash(v.Key, v.Value)
// get the first flash, the next should be available to the next requess
- Get("/get_first_flash", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/get_first_flash", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
for _, v := range values {
val, err := ctx.GetFlash(v.Key)
if err == nil {
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, map[string]string{v.Key: val})
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, map[string]string{v.Key: val})
} else {
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, nil) // return nil
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, nil) // return nil
@@ -483,30 +487,30 @@ func TestContextFlashMessages(t *testing.T) {
// just an empty handler to test if the flashes should remeain to the next if GetFlash/GetFlashes used
- Get("/get_no_getflash", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/get_no_getflash", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// get the last flash, the next should be available to the next requess
- Get("/get_last_flash", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/get_last_flash", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
for i, v := range values {
if i == len(values)-1 {
val, err := ctx.GetFlash(v.Key)
if err == nil {
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, map[string]string{v.Key: val})
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, map[string]string{v.Key: val})
} else {
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, nil) // return nil
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, nil) // return nil
- Get("/get_zero_flashes", func(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, ctx.GetFlashes()) // should return nil
+ iris.Get("/get_zero_flashes", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, ctx.GetFlashes()) // should return nil
// we use the GetFlash to get the flash messages, the messages and the cookies should be empty after that
- Get("/get_flash", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/get_flash", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
kv := make(map[string]string)
for _, v := range values {
val, err := ctx.GetFlash(v.Key)
@@ -514,15 +518,15 @@ func TestContextFlashMessages(t *testing.T) {
kv[v.Key] = val
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, kv)
- }, func(ctx *Context) {
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, kv)
+ }, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// at the same request, flashes should be available
if len(ctx.GetFlashes()) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Flashes should be remeain to the whole request lifetime")
- Get("/get_flashes", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/get_flashes", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// one time one handler, using GetFlashes
kv := make(map[string]string)
flashes := ctx.GetFlashes()
@@ -531,48 +535,48 @@ func TestContextFlashMessages(t *testing.T) {
kv[k], _ = ctx.GetFlash(k)
if len(flashes) != len(kv) {
- ctx.SetStatusCode(StatusNoContent)
+ ctx.SetStatusCode(iris.StatusNoContent)
- }, func(ctx *Context) {
+ }, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// third time on a next handler
// test the if next handler has access to them(must) because flash are request lifetime now.
// print them to the client for test the response also
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, ctx.GetFlashes())
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, ctx.GetFlashes())
- e := Tester(t)
- e.PUT("/set").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
- e.GET("/get_first_flash").Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().ContainsKey(firstKey).NotContainsKey(lastKey)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
+ e.PUT("/set").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
+ e.GET("/get_first_flash").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().ContainsKey(firstKey).NotContainsKey(lastKey)
// just a request which does not use the flash message, so flash messages should be available on the next request
- e.GET("/get_no_getflash").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
- e.GET("/get_last_flash").Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().ContainsKey(lastKey).NotContainsKey(firstKey)
- g := e.GET("/get_zero_flashes").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ e.GET("/get_no_getflash").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
+ e.GET("/get_last_flash").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().ContainsKey(lastKey).NotContainsKey(firstKey)
+ g := e.GET("/get_zero_flashes").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
// set the magain
- e.PUT("/set").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
+ e.PUT("/set").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
// get them again using GetFlash
- e.GET("/get_flash").Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(jsonExpected)
+ e.GET("/get_flash").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(jsonExpected)
// this should be empty again
- g = e.GET("/get_zero_flashes").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ g = e.GET("/get_zero_flashes").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
//set them again
- e.PUT("/set").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
+ e.PUT("/set").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
// get them again using GetFlashes
- e.GET("/get_flashes").Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(jsonExpected)
+ e.GET("/get_flashes").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(jsonExpected)
// this should be empty again
- g = e.GET("/get_zero_flashes").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ g = e.GET("/get_zero_flashes").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
// test Get, and get again should return nothing
- e.PUT("/set").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
- e.GET("/get_first_flash").Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().ContainsKey(firstKey).NotContainsKey(lastKey)
- g = e.GET("/get_first_flash").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ e.PUT("/set").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
+ e.GET("/get_first_flash").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().ContainsKey(firstKey).NotContainsKey(lastKey)
+ g = e.GET("/get_first_flash").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
@@ -585,21 +589,21 @@ func TestContextSessions(t *testing.T) {
"Secret": "dsads£2132215£%%Ssdsa",
- initDefault()
- Config.Sessions.Cookie = "mycustomsessionid"
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Default.Config.Sessions.Cookie = "mycustomsessionid"
- writeValues := func(ctx *Context) {
+ writeValues := func(ctx *iris.Context) {
sessValues := ctx.Session().GetAll()
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, sessValues)
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, sessValues)
if testEnableSubdomain {
- Party(testSubdomain+".").Get("/get", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Party(testSubdomain+".").Get("/get", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
- Post("set", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Post("set", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
vals := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
if err := ctx.ReadJSON(&vals); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Cannot readjson. Trace %s", err.Error())
@@ -609,44 +613,44 @@ func TestContextSessions(t *testing.T) {
- Get("/get", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/get", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
- Get("/clear", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/clear", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
- Get("/destroy", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/destroy", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// the cookie and all values should be empty
// request cookie should be empty
- Get("/after_destroy", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/after_destroy", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
- Default.Config.VHost = "mydomain.com"
- e := Tester(t)
+ iris.Default.Config.VHost = "mydomain.com"
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- e.POST("/set").WithJSON(values).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
- e.GET("/get").Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(values)
+ e.POST("/set").WithJSON(values).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
+ e.GET("/get").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(values)
if testEnableSubdomain {
es := subdomainTester(e)
- es.Request("GET", "/get").Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(values)
+ es.Request("GET", "/get").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Equal(values)
// test destroy which also clears first
- d := e.GET("/destroy").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ d := e.GET("/destroy").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
// This removed: d.Cookies().Empty(). Reason:
// httpexpect counts the cookies setted or deleted at the response time, but cookie is not removed, to be really removed needs to SetExpire(now-1second) so,
// test if the cookies removed on the next request, like the browser's behavior.
- e.GET("/after_destroy").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().Empty()
+ e.GET("/after_destroy").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().Empty()
// set and clear again
- e.POST("/set").WithJSON(values).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
- e.GET("/clear").Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Object().Empty()
+ e.POST("/set").WithJSON(values).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Cookies().NotEmpty()
+ e.GET("/clear").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Empty()
type renderTestInformationType struct {
@@ -659,7 +663,7 @@ type renderTestInformationType struct {
func TestContextRenderRest(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
dataContents := []byte("Some binary data here.")
textContents := "Plain text here"
@@ -675,59 +679,59 @@ func TestContextRenderRest(t *testing.T) {
markdownContents := "# Hello dynamic markdown from Iris"
- Get("/data", func(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.Data(StatusOK, dataContents)
+ iris.Get("/data", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ ctx.Data(iris.StatusOK, dataContents)
- Get("/text", func(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.Text(StatusOK, textContents)
+ iris.Get("/text", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ ctx.Text(iris.StatusOK, textContents)
- Get("/jsonp", func(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.JSONP(StatusOK, JSONPCallback, JSONPContents)
+ iris.Get("/jsonp", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ ctx.JSONP(iris.StatusOK, JSONPCallback, JSONPContents)
- Get("/json", func(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, JSONXMLContents)
+ iris.Get("/json", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, JSONXMLContents)
- Get("/xml", func(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.XML(StatusOK, JSONXMLContents)
+ iris.Get("/xml", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ ctx.XML(iris.StatusOK, JSONXMLContents)
- Get("/markdown", func(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.Markdown(StatusOK, markdownContents)
+ iris.Get("/markdown", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ ctx.Markdown(iris.StatusOK, markdownContents)
- e := Tester(t)
- dataT := e.GET("/data").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
+ dataT := e.GET("/data").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
- textT := e.GET("/text").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ textT := e.GET("/text").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
textT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("text/plain; charset=UTF-8")
- JSONPT := e.GET("/jsonp").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ JSONPT := e.GET("/jsonp").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
JSONPT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("application/javascript; charset=UTF-8")
JSONPT.Body().Equal(JSONPCallback + `({"hello":"jsonp"});`)
- JSONT := e.GET("/json").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ JSONT := e.GET("/json").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
JSONT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
- XMLT := e.GET("/xml").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ XMLT := e.GET("/xml").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
XMLT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("text/xml; charset=UTF-8")
XMLT.Body().Equal(`<` + JSONXMLContents.XMLName.Local + ` first="` + JSONXMLContents.FirstAttr + `" second="` + JSONXMLContents.SecondAttr + `">` + JSONXMLContents.Name + `` + JSONXMLContents.Birth + `` + strconv.Itoa(JSONXMLContents.Stars) + ``)
- markdownT := e.GET("/markdown").Expect().Status(StatusOK)
+ markdownT := e.GET("/markdown").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK)
markdownT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("text/html; charset=UTF-8")
" + markdownContents[2:] + "
func TestContextPreRender(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
errMsg1 := "thereIsAnError"
- UsePreRender(func(ctx *Context, src string, binding interface{}, options ...map[string]interface{}) bool {
+ iris.UsePreRender(func(ctx *iris.Context, src string, binding interface{}, options ...map[string]interface{}) bool {
// put the 'Error' binding here, for the shake of the test
if b, isMap := binding.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
b["Error"] = errMsg1
@@ -736,7 +740,7 @@ func TestContextPreRender(t *testing.T) {
return true
errMsg2 := "thereIsASecondError"
- UsePreRender(func(ctx *Context, src string, binding interface{}, options ...map[string]interface{}) bool {
+ iris.UsePreRender(func(ctx *iris.Context, src string, binding interface{}, options ...map[string]interface{}) bool {
// put the 'Error' binding here, for the shake of the test
if b, isMap := binding.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
prev := b["Error"].(string)
@@ -748,7 +752,7 @@ func TestContextPreRender(t *testing.T) {
errMsg3 := "thereisAThirdError"
- UsePreRender(func(ctx *Context, src string, binding interface{}, options ...map[string]interface{}) bool {
+ iris.UsePreRender(func(ctx *iris.Context, src string, binding interface{}, options ...map[string]interface{}) bool {
// put the 'Error' binding here, for the shake of the test
if b, isMap := binding.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
prev := b["Error"].(string)
@@ -759,11 +763,11 @@ func TestContextPreRender(t *testing.T) {
return true
- Get("/", func(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.RenderTemplateSource(StatusOK, "HI {{.Username}}. Error: {{.Error}}
", map[string]interface{}{"Username": "kataras"})
+ iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ ctx.RenderTemplateSource(iris.StatusOK, "HI {{.Username}}. Error: {{.Error}}
", map[string]interface{}{"Username": "kataras"})
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
expected := "HI kataras. Error: " + errMsg1 + errMsg2 + "
- e.GET("/").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Contains(expected)
+ e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Contains(expected)
diff --git a/http.go b/http.go
index c929ce5d..5422b8a6 100644
--- a/http.go
+++ b/http.go
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ func (mux *serveMux) BuildHandler() HandlerFunc {
if middleware != nil {
// ok we found the correct route, serve it and exit entirely from here
context.Params = params
- context.middleware = middleware
+ context.Middleware = middleware
@@ -1420,7 +1420,8 @@ func ParseScheme(domain string) string {
return SchemeHTTP
-var proxyHandler = func(proxyAddr string, redirectSchemeAndHost string) fasthttp.RequestHandler {
+// ProxyHandler returns a new fasthttp handler which works as 'proxy', maybe doesn't suits you look its code before using that in production
+var ProxyHandler = func(proxyAddr string, redirectSchemeAndHost string) fasthttp.RequestHandler {
return func(reqCtx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
// override the handler and redirect all requests to this addr
redirectTo := redirectSchemeAndHost
@@ -1458,7 +1459,7 @@ func Proxy(proxyAddr string, redirectSchemeAndHost string) func() error {
proxyAddr = ParseHost(proxyAddr)
// override the handler and redirect all requests to this addr
- h := proxyHandler(proxyAddr, redirectSchemeAndHost)
+ h := ProxyHandler(proxyAddr, redirectSchemeAndHost)
prx := New(OptionDisableBanner(true))
prx.Router = h
diff --git a/http_test.go b/http_test.go
index 1127b1fb..5a6dd83b 100644
--- a/http_test.go
+++ b/http_test.go
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-package iris
+// Black-box Testing
+package iris_test
This is the part we only care, these are end-to-end tests for the mux(router) and the server, the whole http file is made for these reasons only, so these tests are enough I think.
@@ -13,9 +14,10 @@ import (
- "github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
+ "github.com/kataras/iris"
+ "github.com/kataras/iris/httptest"
+ "github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
const (
@@ -75,13 +77,13 @@ func TestParseAddr(t *testing.T) {
// test hosts
expectedHost1 := "mydomain.com:1993"
expectedHost2 := "mydomain.com"
- expectedHost3 := DefaultServerHostname + ":9090"
+ expectedHost3 := iris.DefaultServerHostname + ":9090"
expectedHost4 := "mydomain.com:443"
- host1 := ParseHost(expectedHost1)
- host2 := ParseHost(expectedHost2)
- host3 := ParseHost(":9090")
- host4 := ParseHost(expectedHost4)
+ host1 := iris.ParseHost(expectedHost1)
+ host2 := iris.ParseHost(expectedHost2)
+ host3 := iris.ParseHost(":9090")
+ host4 := iris.ParseHost(expectedHost4)
if host1 != expectedHost1 {
t.Fatalf("Expecting server 1's host to be %s but we got %s", expectedHost1, host1)
@@ -99,13 +101,13 @@ func TestParseAddr(t *testing.T) {
// test hostname
expectedHostname1 := "mydomain.com"
expectedHostname2 := "mydomain.com"
- expectedHostname3 := DefaultServerHostname
+ expectedHostname3 := iris.DefaultServerHostname
expectedHostname4 := "mydomain.com"
- hostname1 := ParseHostname(host1)
- hostname2 := ParseHostname(host2)
- hostname3 := ParseHostname(host3)
- hostname4 := ParseHostname(host4)
+ hostname1 := iris.ParseHostname(host1)
+ hostname2 := iris.ParseHostname(host2)
+ hostname3 := iris.ParseHostname(host3)
+ hostname4 := iris.ParseHostname(host4)
if hostname1 != expectedHostname1 {
t.Fatalf("Expecting server 1's hostname to be %s but we got %s", expectedHostname1, hostname1)
@@ -123,14 +125,14 @@ func TestParseAddr(t *testing.T) {
// test scheme, no need to test fullhost(scheme+host)
- expectedScheme1 := SchemeHTTP
- expectedScheme2 := SchemeHTTP
- expectedScheme3 := SchemeHTTP
- expectedScheme4 := SchemeHTTPS
- scheme1 := ParseScheme(host1)
- scheme2 := ParseScheme(host2)
- scheme3 := ParseScheme(host3)
- scheme4 := ParseScheme(host4)
+ expectedScheme1 := iris.SchemeHTTP
+ expectedScheme2 := iris.SchemeHTTP
+ expectedScheme3 := iris.SchemeHTTP
+ expectedScheme4 := iris.SchemeHTTPS
+ scheme1 := iris.ParseScheme(host1)
+ scheme2 := iris.ParseScheme(host2)
+ scheme3 := iris.ParseScheme(host3)
+ scheme4 := iris.ParseScheme(host4)
if scheme1 != expectedScheme1 {
t.Fatalf("Expecting server 1's hostname to be %s but we got %s", expectedScheme1, scheme1)
@@ -150,13 +152,13 @@ func TestParseAddr(t *testing.T) {
// Contains the server test for multi running servers
func TestMultiRunningServers_v1_PROXY(t *testing.T) {
- defer Close()
+ defer iris.Close()
host := "localhost" // you have to add it to your hosts file( for windows, as mydomain.com)
hostTLS := "localhost:9999"
- Close()
- defer Close()
- initDefault()
- Default.Config.DisableBanner = true
+ iris.Close()
+ defer iris.Close()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Default.Config.DisableBanner = true
// create the key and cert files on the fly, and delete them when this test finished
certFile, ferr := ioutil.TempFile("", "cert")
@@ -182,34 +184,33 @@ func TestMultiRunningServers_v1_PROXY(t *testing.T) {
- Get("/", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write("Hello from %s", hostTLS)
- go ListenTLS(hostTLS, certFile.Name(), keyFile.Name())
- if ok := <-Default.Available; !ok {
+ go iris.ListenTLS(hostTLS, certFile.Name(), keyFile.Name())
+ if ok := <-iris.Default.Available; !ok {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error: server cannot start, please report this as bug!!")
- closeProxy := Proxy("localhost:8080", "https://"+hostTLS)
+ closeProxy := iris.Proxy("localhost:8080", "https://"+hostTLS)
defer closeProxy()
- Default.Config.Tester.ExplicitURL = true
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t, httptest.ExplicitURL(true))
- e.Request("GET", "http://"+host+":8080").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
- e.Request("GET", "https://"+hostTLS).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
+ e.Request("GET", "http://"+host+":8080").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
+ e.Request("GET", "https://"+hostTLS).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
// Contains the server test for multi running servers
func TestMultiRunningServers_v2(t *testing.T) {
- defer Close()
+ defer iris.Close()
domain := "localhost"
hostTLS := "localhost:9999"
- initDefault()
- Default.Config.DisableBanner = true
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Default.Config.DisableBanner = true
// create the key and cert files on the fly, and delete them when this test finished
certFile, ferr := ioutil.TempFile("", "cert")
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ func TestMultiRunningServers_v2(t *testing.T) {
- Get("/", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write("Hello from %s", hostTLS)
@@ -248,24 +249,23 @@ func TestMultiRunningServers_v2(t *testing.T) {
//go Go()
// using the proxy handler
- fsrv1 := &fasthttp.Server{Handler: proxyHandler(domain+":8080", "https://"+hostTLS)}
+ fsrv1 := &fasthttp.Server{Handler: iris.ProxyHandler(domain+":8080", "https://"+hostTLS)}
go fsrv1.ListenAndServe(domain + ":8080")
// using the same iris' handler but not as proxy, just the same handler
- fsrv2 := &fasthttp.Server{Handler: Default.Router}
+ fsrv2 := &fasthttp.Server{Handler: iris.Default.Router}
go fsrv2.ListenAndServe(domain + ":8888")
- go ListenTLS(hostTLS, certFile.Name(), keyFile.Name())
+ go iris.ListenTLS(hostTLS, certFile.Name(), keyFile.Name())
- if ok := <-Available; !ok {
+ if ok := <-iris.Default.Available; !ok {
t.Fatal("Unexpected error: server cannot start, please report this as bug!!")
- Default.Config.Tester.ExplicitURL = true
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t, httptest.ExplicitURL(true))
- e.Request("GET", "http://"+domain+":8080").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
- e.Request("GET", "http://localhost:8888").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
- e.Request("GET", "https://"+hostTLS).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
+ e.Request("GET", "http://"+domain+":8080").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
+ e.Request("GET", "http://localhost:8888").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
+ e.Request("GET", "https://"+hostTLS).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("Hello from " + hostTLS)
@@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ const (
func testSubdomainHost() string {
- s := testSubdomain + "." + Default.Config.VHost
+ s := testSubdomain + "." + iris.Default.Config.VHost
return s
func testSubdomainURL() string {
subdomainHost := testSubdomainHost()
- return Default.Config.VScheme + subdomainHost
+ return iris.Default.Config.VScheme + subdomainHost
func subdomainTester(e *httpexpect.Expect) *httpexpect.Expect {
@@ -339,13 +339,13 @@ func TestMuxSimple(t *testing.T) {
{"GET", "/test_get_urlparameter2/second", "/test_get_urlparameter2/second", "name=irisurl&something=anything", "name=irisurl,something=anything", 200, true, nil, []param{{"name", "irisurl"}, {"something", "anything"}}},
{"GET", "/test_get_urlparameter2/first/second/third", "/test_get_urlparameter2/first/second/third", "name=irisurl&something=anything&else=elsehere", "name=irisurl,something=anything,else=elsehere", 200, true, nil, []param{{"name", "irisurl"}, {"something", "anything"}, {"else", "elsehere"}}},
- defer Close()
- initDefault()
+ defer iris.Close()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
for idx := range testRoutes {
r := testRoutes[idx]
if r.Register {
- HandleFunc(r.Method, r.Path, func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.HandleFunc(r.Method, r.Path, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
if r.Params != nil && len(r.Params) > 0 {
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ func TestMuxSimple(t *testing.T) {
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
// run the tests (1)
for idx := range testRoutes {
@@ -383,12 +383,12 @@ func TestMuxSimple(t *testing.T) {
func TestMuxSimpleParty(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
- h := func(c *Context) { c.WriteString(c.HostString() + c.PathString()) }
+ h := func(c *iris.Context) { c.WriteString(c.HostString() + c.PathString()) }
if testEnableSubdomain {
- subdomainParty := Party(testSubdomain + ".")
+ subdomainParty := iris.Party(testSubdomain + ".")
subdomainParty.Get("/", h)
subdomainParty.Get("/path1", h)
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ func TestMuxSimpleParty(t *testing.T) {
// simple
- p := Party("/party1")
+ p := iris.Party("/party1")
p.Get("/", h)
p.Get("/path1", h)
@@ -408,16 +408,16 @@ func TestMuxSimpleParty(t *testing.T) {
p.Get("/namedpath/:param1/something/:param2/else", h)
- Default.Config.VHost = ""
- // Default.Config.Tester.Debug = true
- // Default.Config.Tester.ExplicitURL = true
- e := Tester(t)
+ iris.Default.Config.VHost = ""
+ // iris.Default.Config.Tester.Debug = true
+ // iris.Default.Config.Tester.ExplicitURL = true
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
request := func(reqPath string) {
e.Request("GET", reqPath).
- Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(Default.Config.VHost + reqPath)
+ Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(iris.Default.Config.VHost + reqPath)
// run the tests
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ func TestMuxSimpleParty(t *testing.T) {
subdomainRequest := func(reqPath string) {
es.Request("GET", reqPath).
- Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(testSubdomainHost() + reqPath)
+ Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(testSubdomainHost() + reqPath)
@@ -444,33 +444,33 @@ func TestMuxSimpleParty(t *testing.T) {
func TestMuxPathEscape(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
- Get("/details/:name", func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Get("/details/:name", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
name := ctx.Param("name")
highlight := ctx.URLParam("highlight")
- ctx.Text(StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("name=%s,highlight=%s", name, highlight))
+ ctx.Text(iris.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("name=%s,highlight=%s", name, highlight))
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
e.GET("/details/Sakamoto desu ga").
WithQuery("highlight", "text").
- Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("name=Sakamoto desu ga,highlight=text")
+ Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("name=Sakamoto desu ga,highlight=text")
func TestMuxDecodeURL(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
- Get("/encoding/:url", func(ctx *Context) {
- url := DecodeURL(ctx.Param("url"))
- ctx.SetStatusCode(StatusOK)
+ iris.Get("/encoding/:url", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
+ url := iris.DecodeURL(ctx.Param("url"))
+ ctx.SetStatusCode(iris.StatusOK)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- e.GET("/encoding/http%3A%2F%2Fsome-url.com").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("http://some-url.com")
+ e.GET("/encoding/http%3A%2F%2Fsome-url.com").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("http://some-url.com")
func TestMuxCustomErrors(t *testing.T) {
@@ -500,27 +500,27 @@ func TestMuxCustomErrors(t *testing.T) {
{"TRACE", "/test_trace_panic_custom", "/test_trace_panic_custom", "", internalServerMessage, 500, true, nil, nil},
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
// first register the testRoutes needed
for _, r := range testRoutesCustomErrors {
if r.Register {
- HandleFunc(r.Method, r.Path, func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.HandleFunc(r.Method, r.Path, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// register the custom errors
- OnError(404, func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.OnError(iris.StatusNotFound, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write("%s", notFoundMessage)
- OnError(500, func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.OnError(iris.StatusInternalServerError, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write("%s", internalServerMessage)
// create httpexpect instance that will call fasthtpp.RequestHandler directly
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
// run the tests
for _, r := range testRoutesCustomErrors {
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ func TestMuxCustomErrors(t *testing.T) {
type testUserAPI struct {
- *Context
+ *iris.Context
// GET /users
@@ -560,62 +560,62 @@ func (u testUserAPI) DeleteBy(id string) {
func TestMuxAPI(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
middlewareResponseText := "I assume that you are authenticated\n"
- API("/users", testUserAPI{}, func(ctx *Context) { // optional middleware for .API
+ iris.API("/users", testUserAPI{}, func(ctx *iris.Context) { // optional middleware for .API
// do your work here, or render a login window if not logged in, get the user and send it to the next middleware, or do all here
ctx.Set("user", "username")
- }, func(ctx *Context) {
+ }, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
if ctx.Get("user") == "username" {
} else {
- ctx.SetStatusCode(StatusUnauthorized)
+ ctx.SetStatusCode(iris.StatusUnauthorized)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
userID := "4077"
formname := "kataras"
- e.GET("/users").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Get Users\n")
- e.GET("/users/" + userID).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Get By " + userID + "\n")
- e.PUT("/users").WithFormField("name", formname).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Put, name: " + formname + "\n")
- e.POST("/users/"+userID).WithFormField("name", formname).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Post By " + userID + ", name: " + formname + "\n")
- e.DELETE("/users/" + userID).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Delete By " + userID + "\n")
+ e.GET("/users").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Get Users\n")
+ e.GET("/users/" + userID).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Get By " + userID + "\n")
+ e.PUT("/users").WithFormField("name", formname).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Put, name: " + formname + "\n")
+ e.POST("/users/"+userID).WithFormField("name", formname).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Post By " + userID + ", name: " + formname + "\n")
+ e.DELETE("/users/" + userID).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Delete By " + userID + "\n")
func TestMuxAPIWithParty(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
- siteParty := Party("sites/:site")
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ siteParty := iris.Party("sites/:site")
middlewareResponseText := "I assume that you are authenticated\n"
- siteParty.API("/users", testUserAPI{}, func(ctx *Context) {
+ siteParty.API("/users", testUserAPI{}, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Set("user", "username")
- }, func(ctx *Context) {
+ }, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
if ctx.Get("user") == "username" {
} else {
- ctx.SetStatusCode(StatusUnauthorized)
+ ctx.SetStatusCode(iris.StatusUnauthorized)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
siteID := "1"
apiPath := "/sites/" + siteID + "/users"
userID := "4077"
formname := "kataras"
- e.GET(apiPath).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Get Users\n")
- e.GET(apiPath + "/" + userID).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Get By " + userID + "\n")
- e.PUT(apiPath).WithFormField("name", formname).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Put, name: " + formname + "\n")
- e.POST(apiPath+"/"+userID).WithFormField("name", formname).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Post By " + userID + ", name: " + formname + "\n")
- e.DELETE(apiPath + "/" + userID).Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Delete By " + userID + "\n")
+ e.GET(apiPath).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Get Users\n")
+ e.GET(apiPath + "/" + userID).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Get By " + userID + "\n")
+ e.PUT(apiPath).WithFormField("name", formname).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Put, name: " + formname + "\n")
+ e.POST(apiPath+"/"+userID).WithFormField("name", formname).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Post By " + userID + ", name: " + formname + "\n")
+ e.DELETE(apiPath + "/" + userID).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(middlewareResponseText + "Delete By " + userID + "\n")
type myTestHandlerData struct {
@@ -628,64 +628,64 @@ type myTestCustomHandler struct {
data myTestHandlerData
-func (m *myTestCustomHandler) Serve(ctx *Context) {
+func (m *myTestCustomHandler) Serve(ctx *iris.Context) {
data := &m.data
data.DynamicPathParameter = ctx.Param("myparam")
- ctx.JSON(StatusOK, data)
+ ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, data)
func TestMuxCustomHandler(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
+ iris.ResetDefault()
myData := myTestHandlerData{
Sysname: "Redhat",
Version: 1,
- Handle("GET", "/custom_handler_1/:myparam", &myTestCustomHandler{myData})
- Handle("GET", "/custom_handler_2/:myparam", &myTestCustomHandler{myData})
+ iris.Handle("GET", "/custom_handler_1/:myparam", &myTestCustomHandler{myData})
+ iris.Handle("GET", "/custom_handler_2/:myparam", &myTestCustomHandler{myData})
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
// two times per testRoute
param1 := "thisimyparam1"
expectedData1 := myData
expectedData1.DynamicPathParameter = param1
- e.GET("/custom_handler_1/" + param1).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Equal(expectedData1)
+ e.GET("/custom_handler_1/" + param1).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Equal(expectedData1)
param2 := "thisimyparam2"
expectedData2 := myData
expectedData2.DynamicPathParameter = param2
- e.GET("/custom_handler_1/" + param2).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Equal(expectedData2)
+ e.GET("/custom_handler_1/" + param2).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Equal(expectedData2)
param3 := "thisimyparam3"
expectedData3 := myData
expectedData3.DynamicPathParameter = param3
- e.GET("/custom_handler_2/" + param3).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Equal(expectedData3)
+ e.GET("/custom_handler_2/" + param3).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Equal(expectedData3)
param4 := "thisimyparam4"
expectedData4 := myData
expectedData4.DynamicPathParameter = param4
- e.GET("/custom_handler_2/" + param4).Expect().Status(StatusOK).JSON().Equal(expectedData4)
+ e.GET("/custom_handler_2/" + param4).Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).JSON().Equal(expectedData4)
func TestMuxFireMethodNotAllowed(t *testing.T) {
- initDefault()
- Default.Config.FireMethodNotAllowed = true
- h := func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Default.Config.FireMethodNotAllowed = true
+ h := func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write("%s", ctx.MethodString())
- Default.OnError(StatusMethodNotAllowed, func(ctx *Context) {
+ iris.Default.OnError(iris.StatusMethodNotAllowed, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write("Hello from my custom 405 page")
- Get("/mypath", h)
- Put("/mypath", h)
+ iris.Get("/mypath", h)
+ iris.Put("/mypath", h)
- e := Tester(t)
+ e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- e.GET("/mypath").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("GET")
- e.PUT("/mypath").Expect().Status(StatusOK).Body().Equal("PUT")
+ e.GET("/mypath").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("GET")
+ e.PUT("/mypath").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("PUT")
// this should fail with 405 and catch by the custom http error
- e.POST("/mypath").Expect().Status(StatusMethodNotAllowed).Body().Equal("Hello from my custom 405 page")
- Close()
+ e.POST("/mypath").Expect().Status(iris.StatusMethodNotAllowed).Body().Equal("Hello from my custom 405 page")
+ iris.Close()
diff --git a/httptest/httptest.go b/httptest/httptest.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9c59bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httptest/httptest.go
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+package httptest
+import (
+ "github.com/gavv/httpexpect"
+ "github.com/kataras/iris"
+ "net/http"
+ "testing"
+type (
+ // OptionSetter sets a configuration field to the configuration
+ OptionSetter interface {
+ // Set receives a pointer to the Configuration type and does the job of filling it
+ Set(c *Configuration)
+ }
+ // OptionSet implements the OptionSetter
+ OptionSet func(c *Configuration)
+// Set is the func which makes the OptionSet an OptionSetter, this is used mostly
+func (o OptionSet) Set(c *Configuration) {
+ o(c)
+// Configuration httptest configuration
+type Configuration struct {
+ // ExplicitURL If true then the url (should) be prepended manually, useful when want to test subdomains
+ // Default is false
+ ExplicitURL bool
+ // Debug if true then debug messages from the httpexpect will be shown when a test runs
+ // Default is false
+ Debug bool
+// Set implements the OptionSetter for the Configuration itself
+func (c Configuration) Set(main *Configuration) {
+ main.ExplicitURL = c.ExplicitURL
+ main.Debug = c.Debug
+var (
+ // ExplicitURL If true then the url (should) be prepended manually, useful when want to test subdomains
+ // Default is false
+ ExplicitURL = func(val bool) OptionSet {
+ return func(c *Configuration) {
+ c.ExplicitURL = val
+ }
+ }
+ // Debug if true then debug messages from the httpexpect will be shown when a test runs
+ // Default is false
+ Debug = func(val bool) OptionSet {
+ return func(c *Configuration) {
+ c.Debug = val
+ }
+ }
+// DefaultConfiguration returns the default configuration for the httptest
+// all values are defaulted to false for clarity
+func DefaultConfiguration() *Configuration {
+ return &Configuration{ExplicitURL: false, Debug: false}
+// New Prepares and returns a new test framework based on the api
+// is useful when you need to have more than one test framework for the same iris instance
+// usage:
+// iris.Get("/mypath", func(ctx *iris.Context){ctx.Write("my body")})
+// ...
+// e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
+// e.GET("/mypath").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal("my body")
+// You can find example on the https://github.com/kataras/iris/glob/master/context_test.go
+func New(api *iris.Framework, t *testing.T, setters ...OptionSetter) *httpexpect.Expect {
+ conf := DefaultConfiguration()
+ for _, setter := range setters {
+ setter.Set(conf)
+ }
+ api.Set(iris.OptionDisableBanner(true))
+ baseURL := ""
+ if !api.Plugins.PreBuildFired() {
+ api.Build()
+ }
+ if !conf.ExplicitURL {
+ baseURL = api.Config.VScheme + api.Config.VHost
+ // if it's still empty then set it to the default server addr
+ if baseURL == "" {
+ baseURL = iris.SchemeHTTP + iris.DefaultServerAddr
+ }
+ }
+ testConfiguration := httpexpect.Config{
+ BaseURL: baseURL,
+ Client: &http.Client{
+ Transport: httpexpect.NewFastBinder(api.Router),
+ Jar: httpexpect.NewJar(),
+ },
+ Reporter: httpexpect.NewAssertReporter(t),
+ }
+ if conf.Debug {
+ testConfiguration.Printers = []httpexpect.Printer{
+ httpexpect.NewDebugPrinter(t, true),
+ }
+ }
+ return httpexpect.WithConfig(testConfiguration)
diff --git a/iris.go b/iris.go
index 2f94540f..d7e43238 100644
--- a/iris.go
+++ b/iris.go
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ import (
- "net/http"
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ import (
- "testing"
@@ -108,7 +106,16 @@ var (
Available chan bool
-func initDefault() {
+// ResetDefault resets the iris.Default which is the instance which is used on the default iris station for
+// iris.Get(all api functions)
+// iris.Config
+// iris.Logger
+// iris.Plugins
+// iris.Router
+// iris.Websocket
+// iris.SSH and iris.Available channel
+// useful mostly when you are not using the form of app := iris.New() inside your tests, to make sure that you're using a new iris instance
+func ResetDefault() {
Default = New()
Config = Default.Config
Logger = Default.Logger
@@ -120,7 +127,7 @@ func initDefault() {
func init() {
- initDefault()
+ ResetDefault()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -159,7 +166,6 @@ type (
TemplateString(string, interface{}, ...map[string]interface{}) string
TemplateSourceString(string, interface{}) string
SerializeToString(string, interface{}, ...map[string]interface{}) string
- Tester(*testing.T) *httpexpect.Expect
// Framework is our God |\| Google.Search('Greek mythology Iris')
@@ -678,7 +684,7 @@ func ReleaseCtx(ctx *Context) {
// see .AcquireCtx & .Serve
func (s *Framework) ReleaseCtx(ctx *Context) {
ctx.Params = ctx.Params[0:0]
- ctx.middleware = nil
+ ctx.Middleware = nil
ctx.session = nil
@@ -1112,55 +1118,6 @@ func (s *Framework) SerializeToString(keyOrContentType string, obj interface{},
return res
-// NewTester Prepares and returns a new test framework based on the api
-// is useful when you need to have more than one test framework for the same iris insttance, otherwise you can use the iris.Tester(t *testing.T)/variable.Tester(t *testing.T)
-func NewTester(api *Framework, t *testing.T) *httpexpect.Expect {
- api.Set(OptionDisableBanner(true))
- baseURL := ""
- if api.fsrv == nil {
- api.Build()
- }
- if !api.Config.Tester.ExplicitURL {
- baseURL = api.Config.VScheme + api.Config.VHost
- // if it's still empty then set it to the default server addr
- if baseURL == "" {
- baseURL = SchemeHTTP + DefaultServerAddr
- }
- }
- testConfiguration := httpexpect.Config{
- BaseURL: baseURL,
- Client: &http.Client{
- Transport: httpexpect.NewFastBinder(api.Router),
- Jar: httpexpect.NewJar(),
- },
- Reporter: httpexpect.NewAssertReporter(t),
- }
- if api.Config.Tester.Debug {
- testConfiguration.Printers = []httpexpect.Printer{
- httpexpect.NewDebugPrinter(t, true),
- }
- }
- return httpexpect.WithConfig(testConfiguration)
-// Tester returns the test framework for this default insance
-func Tester(t *testing.T) *httpexpect.Expect {
- return Default.Tester(t)
-// Tester returns the test framework for this iris insance
-func (s *Framework) Tester(t *testing.T) *httpexpect.Expect {
- if s.testFramework == nil {
- s.testFramework = NewTester(s, t)
- }
- return s.testFramework
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------MuxAPI implementation------------------------------
@@ -1732,7 +1689,7 @@ func (api *muxAPI) StaticHandler(systemPath string, stripSlashes int, compress b
if errCode == StatusNotFound || errCode == StatusBadRequest || errCode == StatusInternalServerError {
api.mux.fireError(errCode, ctx)
- if ctx.pos < uint8(len(ctx.middleware))-1 {
+ if ctx.Pos < uint8(len(ctx.Middleware))-1 {
ctx.Next() // for any case
diff --git a/plugin.go b/plugin.go
index 79df305b..430b4245 100644
--- a/plugin.go
+++ b/plugin.go
@@ -119,23 +119,31 @@ type (
PluginContainer interface {
Add(...Plugin) error
Remove(string) error
+ Len() int
GetName(Plugin) string
GetDescription(Plugin) string
GetByName(string) Plugin
Printf(string, ...interface{})
+ Fired(string) int
+ PreLookupFired() bool
+ PreBuildFired() bool
+ PreListenFired() bool
+ PostListenFired() bool
+ PreCloseFired() bool
DoPreDownload(Plugin, string)
+ PreDownloadFired() bool
GetAll() []Plugin
// GetDownloader is the only one module that is used and fire listeners at the same time in this file
@@ -248,11 +256,12 @@ type pluginContainer struct {
downloader *pluginDownloadManager
logger *log.Logger
mu sync.Mutex
+ fired map[string]int // event/plugin type name and the times fired
// newPluginContainer receives a logger and returns a new PluginContainer
func newPluginContainer(l *log.Logger) PluginContainer {
- return &pluginContainer{logger: l}
+ return &pluginContainer{logger: l, fired: make(map[string]int, 0)}
// Add activates the plugins and if succeed then adds it to the activated plugins list
@@ -291,10 +300,6 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) Add(plugins ...Plugin) error {
return nil
-func (p *pluginContainer) Reset() {
// Remove removes a plugin by it's name, if pluginName is empty "" or no plugin found with this name, then nothing is removed and a specific error is returned.
// This doesn't calls the PreClose method
func (p *pluginContainer) Remove(pluginName string) error {
@@ -322,6 +327,11 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) Remove(pluginName string) error {
return nil
+// Len returns the number of activate plugins
+func (p *pluginContainer) Len() int {
+ return len(p.activatedPlugins)
// GetName returns the name of a plugin, if no GetName() implemented it returns an empty string ""
func (p *pluginContainer) GetName(plugin Plugin) string {
if pluginObj, ok := plugin.(pluginGetName); ok {
@@ -378,6 +388,29 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
+// fire adds a fired event on the (statically type named) map and returns the new times
+func (p *pluginContainer) fire(name string) int {
+ p.mu.Lock()
+ var times int
+ // maybe unnessecary but for clarity reasons
+ if t, found := p.fired[name]; found {
+ times = t
+ }
+ times++
+ p.fired[name] = times
+ p.mu.Unlock()
+ return times
+// Fired receives an event name/plugin type and returns the times which this event is fired and how many plugins are fired this event,
+// if zero then it's not fired at all
+func (p *pluginContainer) Fired(name string) (times int) {
+ if t, found := p.fired[name]; found {
+ times = t
+ }
+ return
// PreLookup adds a PreLookup plugin-function to the plugin flow container
func (p *pluginContainer) PreLookup(fn PreLookupFunc) {
@@ -388,11 +421,18 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) DoPreLookup(r Route) {
for i := range p.activatedPlugins {
// check if this method exists on our plugin obj, these are optionaly and call it
if pluginObj, ok := p.activatedPlugins[i].(pluginPreLookup); ok {
+ // fire will add times to the number of events fired this event
+ p.fire("prelookup")
+// PreLookupFired returns true if PreLookup event/ plugin type is fired at least one time
+func (p *pluginContainer) PreLookupFired() bool {
+ return p.Fired("prelookup") > 0
// PreBuild adds a PreBuild plugin-function to the plugin flow container
func (p *pluginContainer) PreBuild(fn PreBuildFunc) {
@@ -404,10 +444,16 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) DoPreBuild(station *Framework) {
// check if this method exists on our plugin obj, these are optionaly and call it
if pluginObj, ok := p.activatedPlugins[i].(pluginPreBuild); ok {
+ p.fire("prebuild")
+// PreBuildFired returns true if PreBuild event/ plugin type is fired at least one time
+func (p *pluginContainer) PreBuildFired() bool {
+ return p.Fired("prebuild") > 0
// PreListen adds a PreListen plugin-function to the plugin flow container
func (p *pluginContainer) PreListen(fn PreListenFunc) {
@@ -419,6 +465,7 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) DoPreListen(station *Framework) {
// check if this method exists on our plugin obj, these are optionaly and call it
if pluginObj, ok := p.activatedPlugins[i].(pluginPreListen); ok {
+ p.fire("prelisten")
@@ -433,6 +480,7 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) DoPreListenParallel(station *Framework) {
go func(plugin Plugin) {
if pluginObj, ok := plugin.(pluginPreListen); ok {
+ p.fire("prelisten")
@@ -444,6 +492,11 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) DoPreListenParallel(station *Framework) {
+// PreListenFired returns true if PreListen or PreListenParallel event/ plugin type is fired at least one time
+func (p *pluginContainer) PreListenFired() bool {
+ return p.Fired("prelisten") > 0
// PostListen adds a PostListen plugin-function to the plugin flow container
func (p *pluginContainer) PostListen(fn PostListenFunc) {
@@ -455,10 +508,16 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) DoPostListen(station *Framework) {
// check if this method exists on our plugin obj, these are optionaly and call it
if pluginObj, ok := p.activatedPlugins[i].(pluginPostListen); ok {
+ p.fire("postlisten")
+// PostListenFired returns true if PostListen event/ plugin type is fired at least one time
+func (p *pluginContainer) PostListenFired() bool {
+ return p.Fired("postlisten") > 0
// PreClose adds a PreClose plugin-function to the plugin flow container
func (p *pluginContainer) PreClose(fn PreCloseFunc) {
@@ -470,10 +529,16 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) DoPreClose(station *Framework) {
// check if this method exists on our plugin obj, these are optionaly and call it
if pluginObj, ok := p.activatedPlugins[i].(pluginPreClose); ok {
+ p.fire("preclose")
+// PreCloseFired returns true if PreCLose event/ plugin type is fired at least one time
+func (p *pluginContainer) PreCloseFired() bool {
+ return p.Fired("preclose") > 0
// PreDownload adds a PreDownload plugin-function to the plugin flow container
func (p *pluginContainer) PreDownload(fn PreDownloadFunc) {
@@ -485,6 +550,12 @@ func (p *pluginContainer) DoPreDownload(pluginTryToDownload Plugin, downloadURL
// check if this method exists on our plugin obj, these are optionaly and call it
if pluginObj, ok := p.activatedPlugins[i].(pluginPreDownload); ok {
pluginObj.PreDownload(pluginTryToDownload, downloadURL)
+ p.fire("predownload")
+// PreDownloadFired returns true if PreDownload event/ plugin type is fired at least one time
+func (p *pluginContainer) PreDownloadFired() bool {
+ return p.Fired("predownload") > 0
diff --git a/plugin_test.go b/plugin_test.go
index 22eafa3f..a8f68066 100644
--- a/plugin_test.go
+++ b/plugin_test.go
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-package iris
+// Black-box Testing
+package iris_test
Contains tests for plugin, no end-to-end, just local-object tests, these are enoguh for now.
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ CONTRIBUTE & DISCUSSION ABOUT TESTS TO: https://github.com/iris-contrib/tests
import (
+ "github.com/kataras/iris"
@@ -33,52 +35,52 @@ func (t *testPluginEx) GetDescription() string {
return testPluginExDescription
-func (t *testPluginEx) Activate(p PluginContainer) error {
+func (t *testPluginEx) Activate(p iris.PluginContainer) error {
fmt.Println("Activate Struct")
t.activated = true
return nil
-func (t *testPluginEx) PreListen(*Framework) {
+func (t *testPluginEx) PreListen(*iris.Framework) {
fmt.Println("PreListen Struct")
t.prelistenran = true
-func (t *testPluginEx) PostListen(*Framework) {
+func (t *testPluginEx) PostListen(*iris.Framework) {
fmt.Println("PostListen Struct")
t.postlistenran = true
-func (t *testPluginEx) PreClose(*Framework) {
+func (t *testPluginEx) PreClose(*iris.Framework) {
fmt.Println("PreClose Struct")
t.precloseran = true
func ExamplePlugins_Add() {
- initDefault()
- Default.Set(OptionDisableBanner(true))
- Plugins.Add(PreListenFunc(func(*Framework) {
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ iris.Default.Set(iris.OptionDisableBanner(true))
+ iris.Plugins.Add(iris.PreListenFunc(func(*iris.Framework) {
fmt.Println("PreListen Func")
- Plugins.Add(PostListenFunc(func(*Framework) {
+ iris.Plugins.Add(iris.PostListenFunc(func(*iris.Framework) {
fmt.Println("PostListen Func")
- Plugins.Add(PreCloseFunc(func(*Framework) {
+ iris.Plugins.Add(iris.PreCloseFunc(func(*iris.Framework) {
fmt.Println("PreClose Func")
myplugin := &testPluginEx{}
- Plugins.Add(myplugin)
- desc := Plugins.GetDescription(myplugin)
+ iris.Plugins.Add(myplugin)
+ desc := iris.Plugins.GetDescription(myplugin)
// travis have problems if I do that using
// Listen(":8080") and Close()
- Plugins.DoPreListen(Default)
- Plugins.DoPostListen(Default)
- Plugins.DoPreClose(Default)
+ iris.Plugins.DoPreListen(iris.Default)
+ iris.Plugins.DoPostListen(iris.Default)
+ iris.Plugins.DoPreClose(iris.Default)
// Output:
// GetName Struct
@@ -95,7 +97,8 @@ func ExamplePlugins_Add() {
// if a plugin has GetName, then it should be registered only one time, the name exists for that reason, it's like unique ID
func TestPluginDublicateName(t *testing.T) {
- var plugins pluginContainer
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ var plugins = iris.Default.Plugins
firstNamedPlugin := &testPluginEx{}
sameNamedPlugin := &testPluginEx{}
// err := plugins.Add(firstNamedPlugin, sameNamedPlugin) or
@@ -107,8 +110,8 @@ func TestPluginDublicateName(t *testing.T) {
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error because of dublicate named plugin!")
- if len(plugins.activatedPlugins) != 1 {
- t.Fatalf("Expected: %d activated plugin but we got: %d", 1, len(plugins.activatedPlugins))
+ if plugins.Len() != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected: %d activated plugin but we got: %d", 1, plugins.Len())
@@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ type testPluginActivationType struct {
shouldError bool
-func (t testPluginActivationType) Activate(p PluginContainer) error {
+func (t testPluginActivationType) Activate(p iris.PluginContainer) error {
if t.shouldError {
return fmt.Errorf("An error happens, this plugin and the added plugins by this plugin should not be registered")
@@ -125,46 +128,49 @@ func (t testPluginActivationType) Activate(p PluginContainer) error {
func TestPluginActivate(t *testing.T) {
- var plugins pluginContainer
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ var plugins = iris.Default.Plugins
myplugin := testPluginActivationType{shouldError: false}
- if len(plugins.activatedPlugins) != 2 { // 2 because it registeres a second plugin also
- t.Fatalf("Expected activated plugins to be: %d but we got: %d", 0, len(plugins.activatedPlugins))
+ if plugins.Len() != 2 { // 2 because it registeres a second plugin also
+ t.Fatalf("Expected activated plugins to be: %d but we got: %d", 0, plugins.Len())
// if any error returned from the Activate plugin's method, then this plugin and the plugins it registers should not be registered at all
func TestPluginActivationError(t *testing.T) {
- var plugins pluginContainer
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ var plugins = iris.Default.Plugins
myplugin := testPluginActivationType{shouldError: true}
- if len(plugins.activatedPlugins) > 0 {
- t.Fatalf("Expected activated plugins to be: %d but we got: %d", 0, len(plugins.activatedPlugins))
+ if plugins.Len() > 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected activated plugins to be: %d but we got: %d", 0, plugins.Len())
func TestPluginEvents(t *testing.T) {
- var plugins pluginContainer
+ iris.ResetDefault()
+ var plugins = iris.Default.Plugins
var prelistenran, postlistenran, precloseran bool
- plugins.Add(PreListenFunc(func(*Framework) {
+ plugins.Add(iris.PreListenFunc(func(*iris.Framework) {
prelistenran = true
- plugins.Add(PostListenFunc(func(*Framework) {
+ plugins.Add(iris.PostListenFunc(func(*iris.Framework) {
postlistenran = true
- plugins.Add(PreCloseFunc(func(*Framework) {
+ plugins.Add(iris.PreCloseFunc(func(*iris.Framework) {
precloseran = true
myplugin := &testPluginEx{}
- if len(plugins.activatedPlugins) != 4 {
- t.Fatalf("Expected: %d plugins to be registed but we got: %d", 4, len(plugins.activatedPlugins))
+ if plugins.Len() != 4 {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected: %d plugins to be registed but we got: %d", 4, plugins.Len())
desc := plugins.GetDescription(myplugin)
if desc != testPluginExDescription {