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synced 2025-02-02 15:30:36 +01:00
Set the yaml configuration fields identical to the original's Configuration fields. Update Readme
Former-commit-id: 2fa9f7985a16c5c292634d0140ee6b1959c04dbb
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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@ -8,51 +8,74 @@
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Iris provides efficient and well-designed toolbox with robust set of features to<br/> <b>create your own
Iris provides efficient and well-designed toolbox with robust set of features to<br/> <b>create your own
perfect high-performance web application</b> <br/>with unlimited portability using the Go Programming Language.
perfect high-performance web application</b> <br/>with unlimited potentials amd <b>portability</b>.
<b>Easy</b> to <a href="https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/kataras/iris.v6">learn</a> while it's highly customizable,
<b>Easy</b> to <a href="https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/kataras/iris.v6">learn</a> while it's highly customizable,
ideally suited for <br/> both experienced and novice developers.<br/><br/>
ideally suited for <br/> both experienced and novice developers.<br/><br/>
If you're coming from <a href="https://nodejs.org/en/">Node.js</a> world, this is the <a href="https://github.com/expressjs/express">expressjs</a> for the <a href="https://golang.org">Go Programming Language.</a>
If you're coming from <a href="https://nodejs.org/en/">Node.js</a> world, this is the <a href="https://github.com/expressjs/express">expressjs</a> for the <a href="https://golang.org">Go Programming Language.</a>
Not just another Go Web Framework
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- Iris is fully vendored. That means it is independent of any API changes in the used libraries and will work seamlessly in the future!
- Iris follows the latest tech trends around the world.
- Iris' features are visible to other web frameworks after some time. That means that Iris is followed by other go web frameworks.
- Iris is a high-performance tool, but it doesn't stops there. Performance depends on your application too, Iris helps you to make the right choices on every step.
- Familiar and easy API.
- Examples and Documentation for the most use cases and if you don't find something, just do an online search of the net/http way and adapt this way to Iris, Iris is not black-magic, I didn't invent the world.
- Iris is a low-level web framework, you know what you code on each single line.
- You'll never miss a thing from `net/http`, but if you do on some point, no problem because Iris is fully compatible with stdlib, you still have access to `http.ResponseWriter` and `http.Request`, you can adapt any third-party middleware of form `func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)` as well.
- Iris is a community-driven project, you suggest and I code.
- Unlike others, this repository is very active. When you post an issue, you get an answer in the next couple of minutes, hours at the worst. If you find a bug, I am obliged to fix it on the same day.
> Q: Why this framework is better than alternatives, does the author is, simply, better than other developers?
> A: Probably not, I don't think that I'm better than anyone else, I still learning every single day. The answer is that I have all the world's time to code for Iris the whole day, I don't have any obligations to anybody else, except you. I'd describe my self as a very dedicated FOSS developer.
Click the below animation to see what people say about Iris.
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@ -149,13 +172,11 @@ func getByIDHandler(ctx *iris.Context) {
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- The most important is to know where to find the [details](https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/kataras/iris.v6)
- The most important is to know where to find the [details](https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/kataras/iris.v6)
- Read [the practical guide](https://docs.iris-go.com/)
- Navigate through [examples](https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples)
- Navigate through [examples](https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples)
- [HISTORY.md](https://github.com//kataras/iris/tree/v6/HISTORY.md) file is your best friend.
- [HISTORY.md](https://github.com//kataras/iris/tree/v6/HISTORY.md) file is your best friend.
@ -223,7 +244,7 @@ Besides the fact that we have a [community chat][Chat] for questions or reports
Current: **v6.2.0**
Current: **v6**, code-named as "vNext"
v5: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/5.0.0
v5: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/5.0.0
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ type Configuration struct {
// listening to the $instance.Handler after the manually-called $instance.Build
// listening to the $instance.Handler after the manually-called $instance.Build
// Default comes from iris.Default.Listen/.Serve with iris' listeners (iris.TCP4/UNIX/TLS/LETSENCRYPT).
// Default comes from iris.Default.Listen/.Serve with iris' listeners (iris.TCP4/UNIX/TLS/LETSENCRYPT).
VHost string `yaml:"vHost"`
VHost string `yaml:"VHost"`
// VScheme is the scheme (http:// or https://) putted at the template function '{{url }}'
// VScheme is the scheme (http:// or https://) putted at the template function '{{url }}'
// It's an optional field,
// It's an optional field,
@ -101,20 +101,20 @@ type Configuration struct {
// addr only(http://) but the nginx mapper is listening to https://
// addr only(http://) but the nginx mapper is listening to https://
// Default comes from iris.Default.Listen/.Serve with iris' listeners (TCP4,UNIX,TLS,LETSENCRYPT).
// Default comes from iris.Default.Listen/.Serve with iris' listeners (TCP4,UNIX,TLS,LETSENCRYPT).
VScheme string `yaml:"vScheme"`
VScheme string `yaml:"VScheme"`
// ReadTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out read of the request.
// ReadTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out read of the request.
ReadTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"readTimeout"`
ReadTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"ReadTimeout"`
// WriteTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out write of the response.
// WriteTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out write of the response.
WriteTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"writeTimeout"`
WriteTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"WriteTimeout"`
// MaxHeaderBytes controls the maximum number of bytes the
// MaxHeaderBytes controls the maximum number of bytes the
// server will read parsing the request header's keys and
// server will read parsing the request header's keys and
// values, including the request line. It does not limit the
// values, including the request line. It does not limit the
// size of the request body.
// size of the request body.
// If zero, DefaultMaxHeaderBytes is used.
// If zero, DefaultMaxHeaderBytes is used.
MaxHeaderBytes int `yaml:"maxHeaderBytes"`
MaxHeaderBytes int `yaml:"MaxHeaderBytes"`
// CheckForUpdates will try to search for newer version of Iris based on the https://github.com/kataras/iris/releases
// CheckForUpdates will try to search for newer version of Iris based on the https://github.com/kataras/iris/releases
// If a newer version found then the app will ask the he dev/user if want to update the 'x' version
// If a newer version found then the app will ask the he dev/user if want to update the 'x' version
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ type Configuration struct {
// Usage: app := iris.New(iris.Configuration{CheckForUpdates: true})
// Usage: app := iris.New(iris.Configuration{CheckForUpdates: true})
// Defaults to false.
// Defaults to false.
CheckForUpdates bool `yaml:"checkForUpdates"`
CheckForUpdates bool `yaml:"CheckForUpdates"`
// DisablePathCorrection corrects and redirects the requested path to the registered path
// DisablePathCorrection corrects and redirects the requested path to the registered path
// for example, if /home/ path is requested but no handler for this Route found,
// for example, if /home/ path is requested but no handler for this Route found,
@ -151,17 +151,17 @@ type Configuration struct {
// projectName, _ := url.QueryUnescape(c.Param("project").
// projectName, _ := url.QueryUnescape(c.Param("project").
// Defaults to false.
// Defaults to false.
EnablePathEscape bool `yaml:"enablePathEscape"`
EnablePathEscape bool `yaml:"EnablePathEscape"`
// FireMethodNotAllowed if it's true router checks for StatusMethodNotAllowed(405) and
// FireMethodNotAllowed if it's true router checks for StatusMethodNotAllowed(405) and
// fires the 405 error instead of 404
// fires the 405 error instead of 404
// Defaults to false.
// Defaults to false.
FireMethodNotAllowed bool `yaml:"fireMethodNotAllowed"`
FireMethodNotAllowed bool `yaml:"FireMethodNotAllowed"`
// DisableBanner outputs the iris banner at startup
// DisableBanner outputs the iris banner at startup
// Defaults to false.
// Defaults to false.
DisableBanner bool `yaml:"disableBanner"`
DisableBanner bool `yaml:"DisableBanner"`
// DisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal manages the reading behavior of the context's body readers/binders.
// DisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal manages the reading behavior of the context's body readers/binders.
// If setted to true then it
// If setted to true then it
@ -171,29 +171,29 @@ type Configuration struct {
// if this field setted to true then a new buffer will be created to read from and the request body.
// if this field setted to true then a new buffer will be created to read from and the request body.
// The body will not be changed and existing data before the
// The body will not be changed and existing data before the
// context.UnmarshalBody/ReadJSON/ReadXML will be not consumed.
// context.UnmarshalBody/ReadJSON/ReadXML will be not consumed.
DisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal bool `yaml:"disableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal"`
DisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal bool `yaml:"DisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal"`
// TimeFormat time format for any kind of datetime parsing
// TimeFormat time format for any kind of datetime parsing
// Defauls to "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT".
// Defauls to "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT".
TimeFormat string `yaml:"timeFormat"`
TimeFormat string `yaml:"TimeFormat"`
// Charset character encoding for various rendering
// Charset character encoding for various rendering
// used for templates and the rest of the responses
// used for templates and the rest of the responses
// Defaults to "UTF-8".
// Defaults to "UTF-8".
Charset string `yaml:"charset"`
Charset string `yaml:"Charset"`
// Gzip enables gzip compression on your Render actions, this includes any type of render,
// Gzip enables gzip compression on your Render actions, this includes any type of render,
// templates and pure/raw content
// templates and pure/raw content
// If you don't want to enable it globally, you could just use the third parameter
// If you don't want to enable it globally, you could just use the third parameter
// on context.Render("myfileOrResponse", structBinding{}, iris.RenderOptions{"gzip": true})
// on context.Render("myfileOrResponse", structBinding{}, iris.RenderOptions{"gzip": true})
// Defaults to false.
// Defaults to false.
Gzip bool `yaml:"gzip"`
Gzip bool `yaml:"Gzip"`
// Other are the custom, dynamic options, can be empty.
// Other are the custom, dynamic options, can be empty.
// This field used only by you to set any app's options you want
// This field used only by you to set any app's options you want
// or by custom adaptors, it's a way to simple communicate between your adaptors (if any)
// or by custom adaptors, it's a way to simple communicate between your adaptors (if any)
// Defaults to a non-nil empty map.
// Defaults to a non-nil empty map.
Other map[string]interface{} `yaml:"other"`
Other map[string]interface{} `yaml:"Other"`
// Set implements the OptionSetter
// Set implements the OptionSetter
@ -103,33 +103,20 @@ func TestConfigurationYAML(t *testing.T) {
yamlConfigurationContents := `
yamlConfigurationContents := `
vHost: iris-go.com
VHost: iris-go.com
VScheme: https://
vScheme: https://
ReadTimeout: 0
WriteTimeout: 5s
readTimeout: 0
MaxHeaderBytes: 8096
CheckForUpdates: true
writeTimeout: 5s
DisablePathCorrection: false
EnablePathEscape: false
maxHeaderBytes: 8096
FireMethodNotAllowed: true
DisableBanner: true
checkForUpdates: true
DisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal: true
TimeFormat: Mon, 01 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT
disablePathCorrection: false
Charset: UTF-8
Gzip: true
enablePathEscape: false
fireMethodNotAllowed: true
disableBanner: true
disableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal: true
timeFormat: Mon, 01 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT
charset: UTF-8
gzip: true
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