diff --git a/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/main.go b/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/main.go
index 968ad284..c47ce0a8 100644
--- a/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/main.go
+++ b/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/main.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package main
import (
+ "fmt"
@@ -8,6 +9,13 @@ import (
+var events = websocket.Namespaces{
+ "default": websocket.Events{
+ websocket.OnRoomJoined: onRoomJoined,
+ websocket.OnRoomLeft: onRoomLeft,
+ },
func main() {
// init the web application instance
// app := iris.New()
@@ -16,11 +24,9 @@ func main() {
// load templates
app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./templates", ".html").Reload(true))
// setup the websocket server
- ws := websocket.New(websocket.Config{})
- ws.OnConnection(HandleWebsocketConnection)
+ ws := websocket.New(websocket.DefaultGorillaUpgrader, events)
- app.Get("/my_endpoint", ws.Handler())
- app.Any("/iris-ws.js", websocket.ClientHandler())
+ app.Get("/my_endpoint", websocket.Handler(ws))
// register static assets request path and system directory
app.HandleDir("/js", "./static/assets/js")
@@ -114,48 +120,54 @@ func (v *pageViews) Reset() {
var v pageViews
-// HandleWebsocketConnection handles the online viewers per example(gist source)
-func HandleWebsocketConnection(c websocket.Connection) {
- c.On("watch", func(pageSource string) {
- v.Add(pageSource)
- // join the socket to a room linked with the page source
- c.Join(pageSource)
- viewsCount := v.Get(pageSource).getCount()
- if viewsCount == 0 {
- viewsCount++ // count should be always > 0 here
- }
- c.To(pageSource).Emit("watch", viewsCount)
- })
- c.OnLeave(func(roomName string) {
- if roomName != c.ID() { // if the roomName it's not the connection iself
- // the roomName here is the source, this is the only room(except the connection's ID room) which we join the users to.
- pageV := v.Get(roomName)
- if pageV == nil {
- return // for any case that this room is not a pageView source
- }
- // decrement -1 the specific counter for this page source.
- pageV.decrement()
- // 1. open 30 tabs.
- // 2. close the browser.
- // 3. re-open the browser
- // 4. should be v.getCount() = 1
- // in order to achieve the previous flow we should decrement exactly when the user disconnects
- // but emit the result a little after, on a goroutine
- // getting all connections within this room and emit the online views one by one.
- // note:
- // we can also add a time.Sleep(2-3 seconds) inside the goroutine at the future if we don't need 'real-time' updates.
- go func(currentConnID string) {
- for _, conn := range c.Server().GetConnectionsByRoom(roomName) {
- if conn.ID() != currentConnID {
- conn.Emit("watch", pageV.getCount())
- }
- }
- }(c.ID())
- }
- })
+func viewsCountBytes(viewsCount uint64) []byte {
+ // * there are other methods to convert uint64 to []byte
+ return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", viewsCount))
+func onRoomJoined(ns *websocket.NSConn, msg websocket.Message) error {
+ // the roomName here is the source.
+ pageSource := string(msg.Room)
+ v.Add(pageSource)
+ viewsCount := v.Get(pageSource).getCount()
+ if viewsCount == 0 {
+ viewsCount++ // count should be always > 0 here
+ }
+ // fire the "onNewVisit" client event
+ // on each connection joined to this room (source page)
+ // and notify of the new visit,
+ // including this connection (see nil on first input arg).
+ ns.Conn.Server().Broadcast(nil, websocket.Message{
+ Namespace: msg.Namespace,
+ Room: pageSource,
+ Event: "onNewVisit", // fire the "onNewVisit" client event.
+ Body: viewsCountBytes(viewsCount),
+ })
+ return nil
+func onRoomLeft(ns *websocket.NSConn, msg websocket.Message) error {
+ // the roomName here is the source.
+ pageV := v.Get(msg.Room)
+ if pageV == nil {
+ return nil // for any case that this room is not a pageView source
+ }
+ // decrement -1 the specific counter for this page source.
+ pageV.decrement()
+ // fire the "onNewVisit" client event
+ // on each connection joined to this room (source page)
+ // and notify of the new, decremented by one, visits count.
+ ns.Conn.Server().Broadcast(nil, websocket.Message{
+ Namespace: msg.Namespace,
+ Room: msg.Room,
+ Event: "onNewVisit",
+ Body: viewsCountBytes(pageV.getCount()),
+ })
+ return nil
diff --git a/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/static/assets/js/visitors.js b/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/static/assets/js/visitors.js
index dd7f9e68..d083e210 100644
--- a/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/static/assets/js/visitors.js
+++ b/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/static/assets/js/visitors.js
@@ -1,21 +1,24 @@
-(function() {
- var socket = new Ws("ws://localhost:8080/my_endpoint");
- socket.OnConnect(function () {
- socket.Emit("watch", PAGE_SOURCE);
- });
- socket.On("watch", function (onlineViews) {
- var text = "1 online view";
- if (onlineViews > 1) {
+(function () {
+ var events = {
+ default: {
+ _OnNamespaceConnected: function (ns, msg) {
+ ns.joinRoom(PAGE_SOURCE);
+ },
+ _OnNamespaceDisconnect: function (ns, msg) {
+ document.getElementById("online_views").innerHTML = "you've been disconnected";
+ },
+ onNewVisit: function (ns, msg) {
+ var text = "1 online view";
+ var onlineViews = Number(msg.Body);
+ if (onlineViews > 1) {
text = onlineViews + " online views";
+ }
+ document.getElementById("online_views").innerHTML = text;
- document.getElementById("online_views").innerHTML = text;
- });
+ }
+ };
- socket.OnDisconnect(function () {
- document.getElementById("online_views").innerHTML = "you've been disconnected";
+ neffos.dial("ws://localhost:8080/my_endpoint", events).then(function (client) {
+ client.connect("default");
diff --git a/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/templates/index.html b/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/templates/index.html
index d84f5f35..d544b4a5 100644
--- a/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/templates/index.html
+++ b/_examples/tutorial/online-visitors/templates/index.html
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@