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synced 2025-03-21 05:26:28 +01:00
Update README.md
Former-commit-id: 2eeecfbe46954d7705104d0e4a6697e181272a86
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,28 +1,40 @@
I spend all my time in the construction of Iris, therefore I have no income value.
Feel free to send **any** amount through paypal
> Please check your e-mail after your donation
- Your github username, after your approval, is visible here.
- Access to the 'donors' [private chat room](https://kataras.rocket.chat/group/donors), real-time assistance by me.
- Each donate gives lifetime to the Iris web framework. The author works full-time on this project, no time for any part-time job.
**Thank you**!
### More about your donations
The main purpose of donations to open source is to say "thank you" to the developer rather than actually advancing the project.
I'm grateful for all the generous donations. Iris is fully funded by these donations.
Open source projects don’t need the money like those charities do—and so it’s usually phrased like: *Buy the developer a cup of coffee*.
#### Donations
- ANONYMOUS donated 50 EUR at May 11
<!--It's true that I am spending all my available time for Iris and its related projects, therefore I have no income value.
However, I am not asking from people to change the system. I know that the majority of us(devs) don't really care how authors of projects like Iris survive. I totally understand that.
If somebody out there can
help developers like me to worry less about daily life's dilemmas it would be easier for them to make the particular project(s) even better.
There are no limits to the Iris' potentials.
I am a realistic person. If things won't change for my daily life I will be forced to give Iris' managment to somebody else(that community could trust).-->
# Buy me a cup of coffee?
Iris is free and open source but developing it has taken thousands of hours of my time and a large part of my sanity. If you feel this web framework useful to you, it would go a great way to ensuring that I can afford to take the time to continue to develop it.
Thanks for your gratitude and finance help ♡
Some of the benefits are listed here:
- Your github username, after your approval, is visible here as a "premium" community member.
- Access to the 'donors' [private chat room](https://kataras.rocket.chat/group/donors) gives you real-time assistance by Iris' Author.
## More about your donations
*ANONYMOUS*: People who donate but don't want to be shown here. *ANONYMOUS* are listed as one group instead of an individual entry, in order to protect their exact date of their donation.
- *ANYNOMOUS* donated 336 EUR
- [Juan Sebastián Suárez Valencia](https://github.com/Juanses) donated 20 EUR at September 11
@ -30,26 +42,12 @@ I'm grateful for all the generous donations. Iris is fully funded by these dona
- [Celso Luiz](https://github.com/celsosz) donated 50 EUR at September 29
- ANONYMOUS donated 6 EUR at October 1
- [Ankur Srivastava](https://github.com/ansrivas) donated 20 EUR at October 2
- ANONYMOUS donated 100 EUR at October 18
- ANONYMOUS donated 20 EUR at October 19
- [Damon Zhao](https://github.com/se77en) donated 20 EUR at October 21
- ANONYMOUS donated 50 EUR at October 21
- [exponity - consulting & digital transformation](https://github.com/exponity) donated 30 EUR at November 4
- ANONYMOUS donated 50 EUR at December 7
- ANONYMOUS donated 20 EUR at December 9
- ANONYMOUS donated 5 EUR at December 13
- [Thomas Fritz](https://github.com/thomasfr) donated 25 EUR at Jenuary 8 of 2017
- [Thanos V.](http://mykonosbiennale.com/) donated 20 EUR at Jenuary 16 of 2017
@ -58,17 +56,10 @@ I'm grateful for all the generous donations. Iris is fully funded by these dona
- [Lex Tang](https://github.com/lexrus) donated 20 EUR at February 22 of 2017
- ANONYMOUS donated 35 EUR at February 24 of 2017
## Sponsors
Want to add your company's logo here?
Please contact me via email: kataras2006@hotmail.com
> The name or/and github username link added after donator's approvement via e-mail.
#### Report, so far
- 13 EUR for the domain, [iris-go.com](https://iris-go.com)
- **Thanks** to all of **You**, 424 EUR donated to [Holy Metropolis of Ioannina](http://www.imioanninon.gr/main/) for clothes, foods and medications for our fellow human beings.
- 211 EUR 1year(pre-ordered) hosting for http://support.iris-go.com.
**Available**: VAT(50) + VAT(20) + VAT(20) + VAT(50) + VAT(6) + VAT(20) + VAT(100) + VAT(20) + VAT(20) + VAT(50) + VAT(30) + VAT(50) + VAT(20) + VAT(5) + VAT(25) + VAT(20) + VAT(20) + VAT(20) + VAT(35) - 424 - 13 = 47,45 + 18,97 + 18,61 + 47,05 + 5,34 + 18,97 + 98,04 + 18,97 + 18,61 + 47,95 + 28,24 + 47,05 + 18,97 + 4,59 + 23,80 + 18,77 + 18,97 + 18,61 + 33,76 - 424 - 211 - 13 = **-96,17 EUR**
Thank you!
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<a href="https://golang.org"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/powered_by-go-6362c2.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Built with GoLang"></a>
<a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=kataras2006%40hotmail%2ecom&lc=GR&item_name=Iris%20web%20framework&item_number=iriswebframeworkdonationid2016¤cy_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/open-%20source-thisismycolor.svg?logo=data:image%2Fsvg%2Bxml%3Bbase64%2CPHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAxMDAwIDEwMDAiPjxwYXRoIGZpbGw9InJnYigyMjAsMjIwLDIyMCkiIGQ9Ik04ODYuNiwzMDUuM2MtNDUuNywyMDMuMS0xODcsMzEwLjMtNDA5LjYsMzEwLjNoLTc0LjFsLTUxLjUsMzI2LjloLTYybC0zLjIsMjEuMWMtMi4xLDE0LDguNiwyNi40LDIyLjYsMjYuNGgxNTguNWMxOC44LDAsMzQuNy0xMy42LDM3LjctMzIuMmwxLjUtOGwyOS45LTE4OS4zbDEuOS0xMC4zYzIuOS0xOC42LDE4LjktMzIuMiwzNy43LTMyLjJoMjMuNWMxNTMuNSwwLDI3My43LTYyLjQsMzA4LjktMjQyLjdDOTIxLjYsNDA2LjgsOTE2LjcsMzQ4LjYsODg2LjYsMzA1LjN6Ii8%2BPHBhdGggZmlsbD0icmdiKDIyMCwyMjAsMjIwKSIgZD0iTTc5MS45LDgzLjlDNzQ2LjUsMzIuMiw2NjQuNCwxMCw1NTkuNSwxMEgyNTVjLTIxLjQsMC0zOS44LDE1LjUtNDMuMSwzNi44TDg1LDg1MWMtMi41LDE1LjksOS44LDMwLjIsMjUuOCwzMC4ySDI5OWw0Ny4zLTI5OS42bC0xLjUsOS40YzMuMi0yMS4zLDIxLjQtMzYuOCw0Mi45LTM2LjhINDc3YzE3NS41LDAsMzEzLTcxLjIsMzUzLjItMjc3LjVjMS4yLTYuMSwyLjMtMTIuMSwzLjEtMTcuOEM4NDUuMSwxODIuOCw4MzMuMiwxMzAuOCw3OTEuOSw4My45TDc5MS45LDgzLjl6Ii8%2BPC9zdmc%2B" alt="Donation"></a>
<a href="https://www.paypal.me/kataras/25eur"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Buy%20me%20a%20cup%20of%20-%20coffee%3F-F4A460.svg?logo=data:image%2Fsvg%2Bxml%3Bbase64%2CPHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAxMDAwIDEwMDAiPjxwYXRoIGZpbGw9InJnYigyMjAsMjIwLDIyMCkiIGQ9Ik04ODYuNiwzMDUuM2MtNDUuNywyMDMuMS0xODcsMzEwLjMtNDA5LjYsMzEwLjNoLTc0LjFsLTUxLjUsMzI2LjloLTYybC0zLjIsMjEuMWMtMi4xLDE0LDguNiwyNi40LDIyLjYsMjYuNGgxNTguNWMxOC44LDAsMzQuNy0xMy42LDM3LjctMzIuMmwxLjUtOGwyOS45LTE4OS4zbDEuOS0xMC4zYzIuOS0xOC42LDE4LjktMzIuMiwzNy43LTMyLjJoMjMuNWMxNTMuNSwwLDI3My43LTYyLjQsMzA4LjktMjQyLjdDOTIxLjYsNDA2LjgsOTE2LjcsMzQ4LjYsODg2LjYsMzA1LjN6Ii8%2BPHBhdGggZmlsbD0icmdiKDIyMCwyMjAsMjIwKSIgZD0iTTc5MS45LDgzLjlDNzQ2LjUsMzIuMiw2NjQuNCwxMCw1NTkuNSwxMEgyNTVjLTIxLjQsMC0zOS44LDE1LjUtNDMuMSwzNi44TDg1LDg1MWMtMi41LDE1LjksOS44LDMwLjIsMjUuOCwzMC4ySDI5OWw0Ny4zLTI5OS42bC0xLjUsOS40YzMuMi0yMS4zLDIxLjQtMzYuOCw0Mi45LTM2LjhINDc3YzE3NS41LDAsMzEzLTcxLjIsMzUzLjItMjc3LjVjMS4yLTYuMSwyLjMtMTIuMSwzLjEtMTcuOEM4NDUuMSwxODIuOCw4MzMuMiwxMzAuOCw3OTEuOSw4My45TDc5MS45LDgzLjl6Ii8%2BPC9zdmc%2B" alt="Buy me a cup of coffee"></a>
@ -33,6 +33,31 @@ If you're coming from <a href="https://nodejs.org/en/">Node.js</a> world, this i
Heroes [♡](https://github.com/kataras/iris#support)
[Juan Sebastián Suárez Valencia](https://github.com/Juanses) donated 20 EUR at September 11 of 2016
[Bob Lee](https://github.com/li3p) donated 20 EUR at September 16 of 2016
[Celso Luiz](https://github.com/celsosz) donated 50 EUR at September 29 of 2016
[Ankur Srivastava](https://github.com/ansrivas) donated 20 EUR at October 2 of 2016
[Damon Zhao](https://github.com/se77en) donated 20 EUR at October 21 of 2016
[exponity - consulting & digital transformation](https://github.com/exponity) donated 30 EUR at November 4 of 2016
[Thomas Fritz](https://github.com/thomasfr) donated 25 EUR at Jenuary 8 of 2017
[Thanos V.](http://mykonosbiennale.com/) donated 20 EUR at Jenuary 16 of 2017
[George Opritescu](https://github.com/International) donated 20 EUR at February 7 of 2017
[Lex Tang](https://github.com/lexrus) donated 20 EUR at February 22 of 2017
ANYNOMOUS[*](https://github.com/kataras/iris#support) donated 336 EUR
Feature Overview
@ -257,7 +282,6 @@ Here is a small list of Iris compatible middleware, I'm sure you can find more!
| [digits](https://github.com/bamarni/digits) | [Bilal Amarni](https://github.com/bamarni) | Middleware that handles [Twitter Digits](https://get.digits.com/) authentication |
@ -380,32 +404,70 @@ The Iris philosophy is to provide robust tooling for HTTP, making it a great sol
Iris does not force you to use any specific ORM or template engine. Iris is routerless which means you can adapt any router you like, [httprouter](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v6/adaptors/httprouter/_example/main.go) is the fastest, [gorillamux](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v6/adaptors/gorillamux/_example/main.go) has more features. With support for the most used template engines (5), you can quickly craft the perfect application.
People & Support
The author of Iris is [@kataras](https://github.com/kataras).
The Success of Iris belongs to YOU with your bug reports and feature requests that made this Framework so Unique.
However the real Success of Iris belongs to you with your bug reports and feature requests that made this Framework so Unique.
#### Who is kataras?
Hi, my name is Gerasimos Maropoulos and I'm the author of this project, let me put a few words about me.
I started to design Iris the night of the 13 March 2016, some weeks later, iris started to became famous and I have to fix many issues and implement new features, but I didn't have time to work on Iris because I had a part time job and the (software engineering) colleague which I studied.
<!--It's true that I am spending all my available time for Iris and its related projects, therefore I have no income value.
I wanted to make iris' users proud of the framework they're using, so I decided to interrupt my studies and colleague, two days later I left from my part time job also.
However, I am not asking from people to change the system. I know that the majority of us(devs) don't really care how authors of projects like Iris survive. I totally understand that.
Today I spend all my days and nights coding for Iris, and I'm happy about this, therefore I have zero incoming value.
If somebody out there can
help developers like me to worry less about daily life's dilemmas it would be easier for them to make the particular project(s) even better.
There are no limits to the Iris' potentials.
I am a realistic person. If things won't change for my daily life I will be forced to give Iris' managment to somebody else(that community could trust).-->
The main purpose of donations to open source is to say "thank you" to the developer rather than actually advancing the project.
Open source projects don’t need the money like those charities do—and so it’s usually phrased like: *Buy the developer a cup of coffee*.
### Buy me a cup of coffee?
Iris is free and open source but developing it has taken thousands of hours of my time and a large part of my sanity. If you feel this web framework useful to you, it would go a great way to ensuring that I can afford to take the time to continue to develop it.
Thanks for your gratitude and finance help ♡
Some of the benefits are listed here:
- Your github username, after your approval, is visible at the top of the README page.
- Access to the 'donors' [private chat room](https://kataras.rocket.chat/group/donors) gives you real-time assistance by Iris' Author.
> *ANONYMOUS*: People who donate but don't want to be shown here.
*ANONYMOUS* are listed as one group instead of an individual entry, in order to protect their exact date of their donation.
> The names, shown at the [supporters](heroes) list, are sorted by **date** and **NOT by the amount** of the donation.
### More options!
- Star the project, will help you to follow the upcoming features.
- [Donate](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/DONATIONS.md), if you can afford any cost.
- Write an article about Iris or even post a Tweet.
- **Do Pull Requests on the [iris-contrib](https://github.com/iris-contrib)** organisation's repositories, like [book](https://github.com/iris-contrib/gitbook), [examples](https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples) and to [gopherbook](http://gopherbook.iris-go.com/).
If you are interested in contributing to the Iris project, please see the document [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- If you are interested in contributing to the Iris project, please see the document [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).
### Become An Iris Sponsor
Want to add your company's logo to our [website](http://iris-go.com)?
Please contact me via email: kataras2006@hotmail.com
Thank you!
Besides the fact that we have a [community chat][Chat] for questions or reports and ideas, [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/) section for generic go+iris questions and the [iris support](http://support.iris-go.com) for bug reports and feature requests, you can also contact with me, as a person who is always open to help you:
@ -438,9 +500,6 @@ TODO
- [ ] Refactor the [Examples](https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples) to be align with the latest version
- [ ] Upgrade [GitBook](https://docs.iris-go.com) for the latest release
- [x] Add some missing tests from the previous version and find a way to share these end-to-end tests accross the adaptors and the root
- [ ] Replace http://iris-go.com content to something more fancy, as suggested [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/613)
- [x] Make a table list of the most famous middleware(s) with their descriptions, in order to help new Gophers find what they're looking for
Iris is a Community-Driven project waiting for your [feature requests](http://support.iris-go.com/t/feature-request)!
Reference in New Issue
Block a user