diff --git a/HISTORY.md b/HISTORY.md
index 1956ac4d..31431775 100644
--- a/HISTORY.md
+++ b/HISTORY.md
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
**How to upgrade**: remove your `$GOPATH/src/github.com/kataras` folder, open your command-line and execute this command: `go get -u github.com/kataras/iris/iris`.
-## 5.0.1 -> 5.1.0
+## v3 -> v4 (fasthttp-based) long term support
- **NEW FEATURE**: `CacheService` simple, cache service for your app's static body content(can work as external service if you are doing horizontal scaling, the `Cache` is just a `Handler` :) )
@@ -25,15 +26,13 @@ Cache any content, templates, static files, even the error handlers, anything.
// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
Cache(bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc
-// InvalidateCache clears the cache body for a specific key(request uri, can be retrieved by GetCacheKey(ctx))
+// InvalidateCache clears the cache body for a specific context's url path(cache unique key)
// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
-// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
-InvalidateCache(key string)
+// use the app.InvalidateCache instead of iris.InvalidateCache
+InvalidateCache(ctx *Context)
-// GetCacheKey returns the cache key(string) from a Context
-GetCacheKey(ctx *Context) string
@@ -50,9 +49,6 @@ iris.Get("/hi", iris.Cache(func(c *iris.Context) {
package main
@@ -131,8 +127,6 @@ func main() {
-## v4 -> 5.0.1
- **IMPROVE**: [Iris command line tool](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/iris) introduces a **new** `get` command (replacement for the old `create`)
@@ -153,9 +147,6 @@ Downloads the [basic](https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/tree/master/AIO_
- **CHANGE**: The `Path parameters` are now **immutable**. Now you don't have to copy a `path parameter` before passing to another function which maybe modifies it, this has a side-affect of `context.GetString("key") = context.Param("key")` so you have to be careful to not override a path parameter via other custom (per-context) user value.
-## v3 -> v4 long term support
- **NEW**: `iris.StaticEmbedded`/`app := iris.New(); app.StaticEmbedded` - Embed static assets into your executable with [go-bindata](https://github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata) and serve them.
> Note: This was already buitl'n feature for templates using `iris.UseTemplate(html.New()).Directory("./templates",".html").Binary(Asset,AssetNames)`, after v4.6.1 you can do that for other static files too, with the `StaticEmbedded` function
@@ -882,8 +873,6 @@ Zero front-end changes. No real improvements, developers can ignore this update.
- Replace the main and underline websocket implementation with [go-websocket](https://github.com/kataras/go-websocket). Note that we still need the [ris-contrib/websocket](https://github.com/iris-contrib/websocket) package.
- Replace the use of iris-contrib/errors with [go-errors](https://github.com/kataras/go-errors), which has more features
-- **NEW FEATURE**: Basic remote control through SSH, example [here](https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/blob/master/ssh/main.go)
- **NEW FEATURE**: Optionally `OnError` foreach Party (by prefix, use it with your own risk), example [here](https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/blob/master/httperrors/main.go#L37)
- **NEW**: `iris.Config.Sessions.CookieLength`, You're able to customize the length of each sessionid's cookie's value. Default (and previous' implementation) is 32.
- **FIX**: Websocket panic on non-websocket connection[*](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/367)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cd63e1e2..4e4cb67c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Ideally suited for both experienced and novice Developers.
- Limit request body
- Localization i18N
- Serve static files
+- Cache
- Log requests
- Define your format and output for the logger
- Define custom HTTP errors handlers
@@ -882,7 +883,7 @@ I recommend writing your API tests using this new library, [httpexpect](https://
-Current: **5.1.0**
+Current: **v4 LTS**
@@ -921,7 +922,7 @@ under the Apache Version 2 license found in the [LICENSE file](LICENSE).
[Travis]: http://travis-ci.org/kataras/iris
[License Widget]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%20Version%202-E91E63.svg?style=flat-square
[License]: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/LICENSE
-[Release Widget]: https://img.shields.io/badge/release-V5.1.0%20-blue.svg?style=flat-square
+[Release Widget]: https://img.shields.io/badge/release-V4%20LTS%20-blue.svg?style=flat-square
[Release]: https://github.com/kataras/iris/releases
[Chat Widget]: https://img.shields.io/badge/community-chat%20-00BCD4.svg?style=flat-square
[Chat]: https://kataras.rocket.chat/channel/iris
diff --git a/cache.go b/cache.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c78a5477..00000000
--- a/cache.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-package iris
-import (
- "github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
- "net/url"
- "strconv"
- "sync"
- "time"
-type (
- // CacheServiceAPI describes the cache service which caches the whole response body
- CacheServiceAPI interface {
- // Cache accepts a route's handler which will cache its response and a time.Duration(int64) which is the expiration duration
- Cache(HandlerFunc, time.Duration) HandlerFunc
- // ServeRemoteCache creates & returns a new handler which saves cache by POST method and serves a cache entry by GET method to clients
- // usually set it with iris.Any,
- // but developer is able to set different paths for save or get cache entries: using the iris.Post/.Get(...,iris.ServeRemote())
- // CacheRemote IS not ready for production yet and that's why it is not in docs or history yet.
- // propably this method will go to another package which will be ready at the next 24 hours,
- // because it can work both on iris and raw net/http, lets no limit it:)
- ServeRemoteCache(time.Duration) HandlerFunc
- // Invalidate accepts a cache key (which can be retrieved by 'GetCacheKey') and remove its cache response body
- InvalidateCache(string)
- }
- cacheService struct {
- cache map[string]*cacheEntry
- mu sync.RWMutex
- // keep track of the minimum cache duration of all cache entries, this will be used when gcDuration inside .start() is <=time.Second
- gcDuration time.Duration
- }
- cacheEntry struct {
- statusCode int
- contentType string
- body []byte
- // we could have a new Timer foreach cache entry in order to be persise on the expiration but this will cost us a lot of performance,
- // (the ticker should be stopped if delete or key ovveride and so on...)
- // but I chosen to just have a generic timer with its tick on the lowest 'expires' of all cache entries that cache keeps
- expires time.Time
- }
-func (e *cacheEntry) serve(ctx *Context) {
- ctx.SetContentType(e.contentType)
- ctx.SetStatusCode(e.statusCode)
- ctx.RequestCtx.Write(e.body)
-var _ CacheServiceAPI = &cacheService{}
-func newCacheService() *cacheService {
- cs := &cacheService{
- cache: make(map[string]*cacheEntry),
- mu: sync.RWMutex{},
- gcDuration: -1, // will set as the lowest of the cache entries, if not set then the cache doesn't starts its garbage collector
- }
- return cs
-// start called last (after the lowest cache gc duration has been setted by the Cache funcs)
-func (cs *cacheService) start() {
- if cs.gcDuration > 0 {
- // start the timer to check for expirated cache entries
- tick := time.Tick(cs.gcDuration)
- go func() {
- for range tick {
- cs.mu.Lock()
- now := time.Now()
- for k, v := range cs.cache {
- if now.After(v.expires) {
- delete(cs.cache, k)
- }
- }
- cs.mu.Unlock()
- }
- }()
- }
-func (cs *cacheService) get(key string) *cacheEntry {
- cs.mu.RLock()
- if v, ok := cs.cache[key]; ok && time.Now().Before(v.expires) { // we check for expiration, the gc clears the cache but gc maybe late
- cs.mu.RUnlock()
- return v
- }
- cs.mu.RUnlock()
- return nil
-var minimumAllowedCacheDuration = 2 * time.Second
-func validateCacheDuration(expiration time.Duration) time.Duration {
- if expiration <= minimumAllowedCacheDuration {
- expiration = minimumAllowedCacheDuration * 2
- }
- return expiration
-func validateStatusCode(statusCode int) int {
- if statusCode <= 0 {
- statusCode = StatusOK
- }
- return statusCode
-func validateContentType(cType string) string {
- if cType == "" {
- cType = contentText
- }
- return cType
-func (cs *cacheService) set(key string, statusCode int, cType string, body []byte, expiration time.Duration) {
- entry := &cacheEntry{
- statusCode: validateStatusCode(statusCode),
- contentType: validateContentType(cType),
- expires: time.Now().Add(validateCacheDuration(expiration)),
- body: body,
- }
- cs.mu.Lock()
- cs.cache[key] = entry
- cs.mu.Unlock()
-func (cs *cacheService) remove(key string) {
- cs.mu.Lock()
- delete(cs.cache, key)
- cs.mu.Unlock()
-// GetCacheKey returns the cache key(string) from a context
-// it's just the RequestURI
-func GetCacheKey(ctx *Context) string {
- return string(ctx.Request.URI().RequestURI())
-// InvalidateCache clears the cache body for a specific key(request uri, can be retrieved by GetCacheKey(ctx))
-// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
-// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
-// use the app.InvalidateCache instead of iris.InvalidateCache
-// Example: https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/tree/master/cache_body
-func InvalidateCache(key string) {
- Default.InvalidateCache(key)
-// InvalidateCache clears the cache body for a specific key(request uri, can be retrieved by GetCacheKey(ctx))
-// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
-// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
-// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
-// Example: https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/tree/master/cache_body
-func (cs *cacheService) InvalidateCache(key string) {
- cs.remove(key)
-// Cache is just a wrapper for a route's handler which you want to enable body caching
-// Usage: iris.Get("/", iris.Cache(func(ctx *iris.Context){
-// ctx.WriteString("Hello, world!") // or a template or anything else
-// }, time.Duration(10*time.Second))) // duration of expiration
-// if <=time.Second then it tries to find it though request header's "cache-control" maxage value
-// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
-// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
-// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
-// Example: https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/tree/master/cache_body
-func Cache(bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
- return Default.Cache(bodyHandler, expiration)
-func getResponseContentType(ctx *Context) string {
- return validateContentType(string(ctx.Response.Header.ContentType()))
-func getResponseStatusCode(ctx *Context) int {
- return validateStatusCode(ctx.Response.StatusCode())
-// Cache is just a wrapper for a route's handler which you want to enable body caching
-// Usage: iris.Get("/", iris.Cache(func(ctx *iris.Context){
-// ctx.WriteString("Hello, world!") // or a template or anything else
-// }, time.Duration(10*time.Second))) // duration of expiration
-// if <=time.Second then it tries to find it though request header's "cache-control" maxage value
-// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
-// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
-// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
-// Example: https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/tree/master/cache_body
-func (cs *cacheService) Cache(bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
- expiration = validateCacheDuration(expiration)
- if cs.gcDuration == -1 || expiration < cs.gcDuration {
- cs.gcDuration = expiration // the first time the gcDuration should be > minimumAllowedCacheDuration so:
- }
- h := func(ctx *Context) {
- key := GetCacheKey(ctx)
- if v := cs.get(key); v != nil {
- v.serve(ctx)
- return
- }
- // if not found then serve the handler and collect its results after
- bodyHandler.Serve(ctx)
- if expiration <= minimumAllowedCacheDuration {
- // try to set the expiraion from header
- expiration = time.Duration(ctx.MaxAge()) * time.Second
- }
- cType := getResponseContentType(ctx)
- statusCode := getResponseStatusCode(ctx)
- body := ctx.Response.Body()
- // and set the cache value as its response body in a goroutine, because we want to exit from the route's handler as soon as possible
- go cs.set(key, statusCode, cType, body, expiration)
- }
- return h
-// GetRemoteCacheKey returns the context's cache key,
-// differs from GetCacheKey is that this method parses the query arguments
-// because this key must be sent to an external server
-func GetRemoteCacheKey(ctx *Context) string {
- return url.QueryEscape(ctx.Request.URI().String())
-const (
- queryCacheKey = "cache_key"
- queryCacheDuration = "cache_duration"
- queryCacheStatusCode = "cache_status_code"
- queryCacheContentType = "cache_content_type"
- requestCacheTimeout = 5 * time.Second
- statusCacheSucceed = StatusOK
- statusCacheFailed = StatusBadRequest
-// RemoteCache accepts the remote server address and path of the external cache service, the body handler and optional an expiration
-// the last 2 receivers works like .Cache(...) function
-// Note: Remotecache is a global function, usage:
-// app.Get("/", iris.RemoteCache("", bodyHandler, time.Duration(15)*time.Second))
-// IT IS NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION YET, READ THE HISTORY.md for the available working cache methods
-func RemoteCache(cacheServerAddr string, bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
- client := fasthttp.Client{}
- // buf := utils.NewBufferPool(10)
- cacheDurationStr := strconv.Itoa(int(expiration.Seconds()))
- h := func(ctx *Context) {
- req := fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
- req.SetRequestURI(cacheServerAddr)
- req.Header.SetMethodBytes(MethodGetBytes)
- req.URI().QueryArgs().Add(queryCacheKey, GetRemoteCacheKey(ctx))
- res := fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
- err := client.DoTimeout(req, res, requestCacheTimeout)
- if err != nil || res.StatusCode() == statusCacheFailed {
- // if not found on cache, then execute the handler and save the cache to the remote server
- bodyHandler.Serve(ctx)
- // save to the remote cache
- req.Header.SetMethodBytes(MethodPostBytes)
- args := req.URI().QueryArgs()
- args.Add(queryCacheDuration, cacheDurationStr)
- statusCode := strconv.Itoa(ctx.Response.StatusCode())
- args.Add(queryCacheStatusCode, statusCode)
- cType := string(ctx.Response.Header.Peek(contentType))
- args.Add(queryCacheContentType, cType)
- req.SetBody(ctx.Response.Body())
- go func() {
- client.DoTimeout(req, res, requestCacheTimeout)
- fasthttp.ReleaseRequest(req)
- fasthttp.ReleaseResponse(res)
- }()
- } else {
- // get the status code , content type and the write the response body
- statusCode := res.StatusCode()
- cType := res.Header.ContentType()
- ctx.SetStatusCode(statusCode)
- ctx.Response.Header.SetContentTypeBytes(cType)
- ctx.RequestCtx.Write(res.Body())
- fasthttp.ReleaseRequest(req)
- fasthttp.ReleaseResponse(res)
- }
- }
- return h
-// ServeRemoteCache usage: iris.Any("/cacheservice", iris.ServeRemote())
-// client does an http request to retrieve cached body from the external/remote server which keeps the cache service.
-// if is GET method request then gets from cache
-// if it's POST method request then its saves to the cache
-// if it's DELETE method request then its invalidates/removes from cache manually
-// the content type and the status are setted inside the caller's handler
-// this is not like cs.Cache, it's useful only when you separate your servers to achieve horizontal scaling
-// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
-// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
-// use the app.ServeRemoteCache instead of iris.ServeRemoteCache
-func ServeRemoteCache(gcDuration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
- return Default.ServeRemoteCache(gcDuration)
-// ServeRemoteCache usage: iris.Any("/cacheservice", iris.ServeRemoteCache())
-// client does an http request to retrieve cached body from the external/remote server which keeps the cache service.
-// if is GET method request then gets from cache
-// if it's POST method request then its saves to the cache
-// if it's DELETE method request then its invalidates/removes from cache manually
-// the content type and the status are setted inside the caller's handler
-// this is not like cs.Cache, it's useful only when you separate your servers to achieve horizontal scaling
-// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
-// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
-// use the app.ServeRemoteCache instead of iris.ServeRemoteCache
-func (cs *cacheService) ServeRemoteCache(gcDuration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
- cs.gcDuration = validateCacheDuration(gcDuration)
- // the service started at pre-listen state(on .Build) if gcDuration > 0
- h := func(ctx *Context) {
- key := ctx.URLParam(queryCacheKey)
- if key == "" {
- ctx.SetStatusCode(statusCacheFailed)
- return
- }
- if ctx.IsGet() {
- if v := cs.get(key); v != nil {
- v.serve(ctx)
- return
- }
- } else if ctx.IsPost() {
- // get the cache expiration via url param
- expirationSeconds, err := ctx.URLParamInt64(queryCacheDuration)
- // get the body from the requested body
- body := ctx.Request.Body()
- if len(body) == 0 {
- ctx.SetStatusCode(statusCacheFailed)
- return
- }
- // get the expiration from the "cache-control's maxage" if no url param is setted
- if expirationSeconds <= 0 || err != nil {
- expirationSeconds = ctx.MaxAge()
- }
- // if not setted then try to get it via
- if expirationSeconds <= 0 {
- expirationSeconds = int64(minimumAllowedCacheDuration.Seconds())
- }
- cacheDuration := validateCacheDuration(time.Duration(expirationSeconds) * time.Second)
- statusCode, _ := ctx.URLParamInt(queryCacheDuration)
- statusCode = validateStatusCode(statusCode)
- cType := validateContentType(ctx.URLParam(queryCacheContentType))
- cs.set(key, statusCode, cType, body, cacheDuration)
- ctx.SetStatusCode(statusCacheSucceed)
- return
- } else if ctx.IsDelete() {
- cs.remove(key)
- ctx.SetStatusCode(statusCacheSucceed)
- return
- }
- ctx.SetStatusCode(statusCacheFailed)
- }
- return h
diff --git a/cache_test.go b/cache_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 350503db..00000000
--- a/cache_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-package iris_test
-import (
- "github.com/kataras/iris"
- "github.com/kataras/iris/httptest"
- "testing"
- "time"
-var testMarkdownContents = `## Hello Markdown from Iris
-This is an example of Markdown with Iris
-All features of Sundown are supported, including:
-* **Compatibility**. The Markdown v1.0.3 test suite passes with
- the --tidy option. Without --tidy, the differences are
- mostly in whitespace and entity escaping, where blackfriday is
- more consistent and cleaner.
-* **Common extensions**, including table support, fenced code
- blocks, autolinks, strikethroughs, non-strict emphasis, etc.
-* **Safety**. Blackfriday is paranoid when parsing, making it safe
- to feed untrusted user input without fear of bad things
- happening. The test suite stress tests this and there are no
- known inputs that make it crash. If you find one, please let me
- know and send me the input that does it.
- NOTE: "safety" in this context means *runtime safety only*. In order to
- protect yourself against JavaScript injection in untrusted content, see
- [this example](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday#sanitize-untrusted-content).
-* **Fast processing**. It is fast enough to render on-demand in
- most web applications without having to cache the output.
-* **Thread safety**. You can run multiple parsers in different
- goroutines without ill effect. There is no dependence on global
- shared state.
-* **Minimal dependencies**. Blackfriday only depends on standard
- library packages in Go. The source code is pretty
- self-contained, so it is easy to add to any project, including
- Google App Engine projects.
-* **Standards compliant**. Output successfully validates using the
- W3C validation tool for HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
- [this is a link](https://github.com/kataras/iris) `
-// 10 seconds test
-// EXAMPLE: https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/tree/master/cache_body
-func TestCacheCanRender(t *testing.T) {
- iris.ResetDefault()
- iris.Config.IsDevelopment = true
- defer iris.Close()
- var i = 1
- bodyHandler := func(ctx *iris.Context) {
- if i%2 == 0 { // only for testing
- ctx.SetStatusCode(iris.StatusNoContent)
- i++
- return
- }
- i++
- ctx.Markdown(iris.StatusOK, testMarkdownContents)
- }
- expiration := time.Duration(1 * time.Minute)
- iris.Get("/", iris.Cache(bodyHandler, expiration))
- e := httptest.New(iris.Default, t)
- expectedBody := iris.SerializeToString("text/markdown", testMarkdownContents)
- e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBody)
- time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // let's sleep for a while in order to be saved in cache(running in goroutine)
- e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBody) // the 1 minute didnt' passed so it should work
-// CacheRemote IS not ready for production yet
-// func TestCacheRemote(t *testing.T) {
-// iris.ResetDefault()
-// // setup the remote cache service listening on localhost:8888/cache
-// remoteService := iris.New(iris.OptionDisableBanner(true))
-// remoteService.Any("/cache", remoteService.ServeRemoteCache(5*time.Second)) // clear the gc every 5 seconds
-// defer remoteService.Close()
-// go remoteService.Listen("localhost:8888")
-// <-remoteService.Available
-// app := iris.New()
-// n := 1
-// bodyHandler := func(ctx *iris.Context) {
-// n++
-// ctx.Markdown(iris.StatusOK, testMarkdownContents)
-// }
-// app.Get("/", iris.RemoteCache("http://localhost:8888/cache", bodyHandler, 10*time.Second))
-// e := httptest.New(app, t, httptest.Debug(false))
-// expectedBody := app.SerializeToString("text/markdown", testMarkdownContents)
-// e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBody)
-// time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) // let's wait a while because saving is going on a goroutine (in some ms, but travis is slow so 2 seconds wait)
-// // we are in cache, so the 'n' should be 1
-// e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBody)
-// if n > 1 {
-// // n should be 1 because it doesn't changed after the first call
-// t.Fatalf("Expected n = %d but got %d. Cache has problems!!", 1, n)
-// }
-// // let's wait 5 more seconds, the cache should be cleared now the n should be 2
-// time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
-// e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusNoContent).Body().Empty()
-// if n != 2 {
-// t.Fatalf("Expected n = %d but got %d. Cache has problems!!", 2, n)
-// }
-// }
diff --git a/context.go b/context.go
index 9db8a55c..4edf792c 100644
--- a/context.go
+++ b/context.go
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ func (ctx *Context) MaxAge() int64 {
// InvalidateCache clears the cache manually for this request uri context's handler's route
func (ctx *Context) InvalidateCache() {
- ctx.framework.cacheService.InvalidateCache(GetCacheKey(ctx))
+ ctx.framework.InvalidateCache(ctx)
// Log logs to the iris defined logger
diff --git a/iris.go b/iris.go
index d5742046..de5588d4 100644
--- a/iris.go
+++ b/iris.go
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/geekypanda/httpcache"
@@ -77,9 +78,9 @@ import (
const (
// IsLongTermSupport flag is true when the below version number is a long-term-support version
- IsLongTermSupport = false
+ IsLongTermSupport = true
// Version is the current version number of the Iris web framework
- Version = "5.1.0"
+ Version = "4"
banner = ` _____ _
|_ _| (_)
@@ -97,9 +98,6 @@ var (
Plugins PluginContainer
Router fasthttp.RequestHandler
Websocket *WebsocketServer
- // Look ssh.go for this field's configuration
- // example: https://github.com/iris-contrib/examples/blob/master/ssh/main.go
- SSH *SSHServer
// Available is a channel type of bool, fired to true when the server is opened and all plugins ran
// never fires false, if the .Close called then the channel is re-allocating.
// the channel remains open until you close it.
@@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ var (
// iris.Plugins
// iris.Router
// iris.Websocket
-// iris.SSH and iris.Available channel
+// iris.Available channel
// useful mostly when you are not using the form of app := iris.New() inside your tests, to make sure that you're using a new iris instance
func ResetDefault() {
Default = New()
@@ -124,7 +122,6 @@ func ResetDefault() {
Plugins = Default.Plugins
Router = Default.Router
Websocket = Default.Websocket
- SSH = Default.SSH
Available = Default.Available
@@ -142,7 +139,6 @@ type (
// FrameworkAPI contains the main Iris Public API
FrameworkAPI interface {
- CacheServiceAPI
@@ -169,6 +165,8 @@ type (
TemplateString(string, interface{}, ...map[string]interface{}) string
TemplateSourceString(string, interface{}) string
SerializeToString(string, interface{}, ...map[string]interface{}) string
+ Cache(HandlerFunc, time.Duration) HandlerFunc
+ InvalidateCache(*Context)
// Framework is our God |\| Google.Search('Greek mythology Iris')
@@ -176,7 +174,6 @@ type (
// Implements the FrameworkAPI
Framework struct {
- *cacheService
// HTTP Server runtime fields is the iris' defined main server, developer can use unlimited number of servers
// note: they're available after .Build, and .Serve/Listen/ListenTLS/ListenLETSENCRYPT/ListenUNIX
ln net.Listener
@@ -198,7 +195,6 @@ type (
Logger *log.Logger
Plugins PluginContainer
Websocket *WebsocketServer
- SSH *SSHServer
@@ -216,12 +212,11 @@ func New(setters ...OptionSetter) *Framework {
s := &Framework{}
- // logger, plugins & ssh
+ // logger & plugins
// set the Logger, which it's configuration should be declared before .Listen because the servemux and plugins needs that
s.Logger = log.New(s.Config.LoggerOut, s.Config.LoggerPreffix, log.LstdFlags)
s.Plugins = newPluginContainer(s.Logger)
- s.SSH = NewSSHServer()
// rendering
@@ -232,8 +227,6 @@ func New(setters ...OptionSetter) *Framework {
"url": s.URL,
"urlpath": s.Path,
- // set the cache service
- s.cacheService = newCacheService()
// websocket & sessions
@@ -353,11 +346,6 @@ func (s *Framework) Build() {
s.sessions.Set(s.Config.Sessions, sessions.DisableAutoGC(false))
- // set the cache gc duration and start service
- if s.cacheService.gcDuration > 0 {
- s.cacheService.start()
- }
if s.Config.Websocket.Endpoint != "" {
// register the websocket server and listen to websocket connections when/if $instance.Websocket.OnConnection called by the dev
s.Websocket.RegisterTo(s, s.Config.Websocket)
@@ -404,13 +392,6 @@ func (s *Framework) Build() {
- //
- // ssh
- if s.SSH != nil && s.SSH.Enabled() {
- s.SSH.bindTo(s)
- }
// updates, to cover the default station's irs.Config.checkForUpdates
// note: we could use the IsDevelopment configuration field to do that BUT
// the developer may want to check for updates without, for example, re-build template files (comes from IsDevelopment) on each request
@@ -1141,6 +1122,58 @@ func (s *Framework) SerializeToString(keyOrContentType string, obj interface{},
return res
+// Cache is just a wrapper for a route's handler which you want to enable body caching
+// Usage: iris.Get("/", iris.Cache(func(ctx *iris.Context){
+// ctx.WriteString("Hello, world!") // or a template or anything else
+// }, time.Duration(10*time.Second))) // duration of expiration
+// if <=time.Second then it tries to find it though request header's "cache-control" maxage value
+// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
+// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
+// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
+func Cache(bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
+ return Default.Cache(bodyHandler, expiration)
+// Cache is just a wrapper for a route's handler which you want to enable body caching
+// Usage: iris.Get("/", iris.Cache(func(ctx *iris.Context){
+// ctx.WriteString("Hello, world!") // or a template or anything else
+// }, time.Duration(10*time.Second))) // duration of expiration
+// if <=time.Second then it tries to find it though request header's "cache-control" maxage value
+// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
+// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
+// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
+func (s *Framework) Cache(bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
+ fh := httpcache.Fasthttp.Cache(func(reqCtx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
+ ctx := s.AcquireCtx(reqCtx)
+ bodyHandler.Serve(ctx)
+ s.ReleaseCtx(ctx)
+ }, expiration)
+ return func(ctx *Context) {
+ fh(ctx.RequestCtx)
+ }
+// InvalidateCache clears the cache body for a specific context's url path(cache unique key)
+// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
+// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
+// use the app.InvalidateCache instead of iris.InvalidateCache
+func InvalidateCache(ctx *Context) {
+ Default.InvalidateCache(ctx)
+// InvalidateCache clears the cache body for a specific context's url path(cache unique key)
+// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
+// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
+// use the app.InvalidateCache instead of iris.InvalidateCache
+func (s *Framework) InvalidateCache(ctx *Context) {
+ httpcache.Fasthttp.Invalidate(ctx.RequestCtx)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------MuxAPI implementation------------------------------
diff --git a/ssh.go b/ssh.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e303e03d..00000000
--- a/ssh.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-package iris
-// Minimal management over SSH for your Iris & Q web server
-// Declaration:
-// iris.SSH.Host = ""
-// iris.SSH.KeyPath = "./iris_rsa" // it's auto-generated if not exists
-// iris.SSH.Users = iris.Users{"kataras", []byte("pass")}
-// Usage:
-// via interactive command shell:
-// $ ssh kataras@localhost
-// or via standalone command and exit:
-// $ ssh kataras@localhost stop
-// Commands available:
-// stop
-// start
-// restart
-// log
-// help
-// exit
-// Keep note that I will re-write this file, ssh.go because, as you can see, it's not well-written and not maintainable*
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net"
- "os"
- "os/exec"
- "path/filepath"
- "runtime"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "text/template"
- "time"
- "log"
- "github.com/kardianos/osext"
- "github.com/kardianos/service"
- "github.com/kataras/go-errors"
- "github.com/kataras/go-fs"
- "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh"
- "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal"
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------Iris+SSH-------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-func _output(format string, a ...interface{}) func(io.Writer) {
- if format[len(format)-3:] != "\n" {
- format += "\n"
- }
- msgBytes := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
- return func(w io.Writer) {
- w.Write(msgBytes)
- }
-type systemServiceWrapper struct{}
-func (w *systemServiceWrapper) Start(s service.Service) error {
- return nil
-func (w *systemServiceWrapper) Stop(s service.Service) error {
- return nil
-func (s *SSHServer) bindTo(station *Framework) {
- if s.Enabled() && !s.IsListening() { // check if not listening because on restart this block will re-executing,but we don't want to start ssh again, ssh will never stops.
- if station.Config.IsDevelopment && s.Logger == nil {
- s.Logger = station.Logger
- }
- // cache the messages to be sent to the channel, no need to produce memory allocations here
- statusRunningMsg := _output("The HTTP Server is running.")
- statusNotRunningMsg := _output("The HTTP Server is NOT running. ")
- serverStoppedMsg := _output("The HTTP Server has been stopped.")
- errServerNotReadyMsg := _output("Error: HTTP Server is not even builded yet!")
- serverStartedMsg := _output("The HTTP Server has been started.")
- serverRestartedMsg := _output("The HTTP Server has been restarted.")
- loggerStartedMsg := _output("Logger has been registered to the HTTP Server.\nNew Requests will be printed here.\nYou can still type 'exit' to close this SSH Session.\n\n")
- //
- sshCommands := Commands{
- Command{Name: "status", Description: "Prompts the status of the HTTP Server, is listening(started) or not(stopped).", Action: func(conn ssh.Channel) {
- if station.IsRunning() {
- statusRunningMsg(conn)
- } else {
- statusNotRunningMsg(conn)
- }
- execPath, err := osext.Executable() // this works fine, if the developer builded the go app, if just go run main.go then prints the temporary path which the go tool creates
- if err == nil {
- conn.Write([]byte("[EXEC] " + execPath + "\n"))
- }
- }},
- // Note for stop If you have opened a tab with Q route:
- // in order to see that the http listener has closed you have to close your browser and re-navigate(browsers caches the tcp connection)
- Command{Name: "stop", Description: "Stops the HTTP Server.", Action: func(conn ssh.Channel) {
- if station.IsRunning() {
- station.Close()
- //srv.listener = nil used to reopen so let it setted
- serverStoppedMsg(conn)
- } else {
- errServerNotReadyMsg(conn)
- }
- }},
- Command{Name: "start", Description: "Starts the HTTP Server.", Action: func(conn ssh.Channel) {
- if !station.IsRunning() {
- go station.Reserve()
- }
- serverStartedMsg(conn)
- }},
- Command{Name: "restart", Description: "Restarts the HTTP Server.", Action: func(conn ssh.Channel) {
- if station.IsRunning() {
- station.Close()
- //srv.listener = nil used to reopen so let it setted
- }
- go station.Reserve()
- serverRestartedMsg(conn)
- }},
- /* not ready yet
- Command{Name: "service", Description: "[REQUIRES HTTP SERVER's ADMIN PRIVILEGE] Adds the web server to the system services, use it when you want to make your server to autorun on reboot", Action: func(conn ssh.Channel) {
- ///TODO:
- // 1. Unistall service and change the 'service' to 'install service'
- // 2. Fix, this current implementation doesn't works on windows 10 it says that the service is not responding to request and start...
- // 2.1 the fix is maybe add these and change the s.Install to s.Run to the $DESKTOP/some/q/main.go I will try this
- // as the example shows.
- // remember: run command line as administrator > sc delete "Iris Web Server - $DATETIME" to delete the service, do it on each test.
- svcConfig := &service.Config{
- Name: "Iris Web Server - " + time.Now().Format(q.TimeFormat),
- DisplayName: "Iris Web Server - " + time.Now().Format(q.TimeFormat),
- Description: "The web server which has been registered by SSH interface.",
- }
- prg := &systemServiceWrapper{}
- s, err := service.New(prg, svcConfig)
- if err != nil {
- conn.Write([]byte(err.Error() + "\n"))
- return
- }
- err = s.Install()
- if err != nil {
- conn.Write([]byte(err.Error() + "\n"))
- return
- }
- conn.Write([]byte("Service has been registered.\n"))
- }},*/
- Command{Name: "log", Description: "Adds a logger to the HTTP Server, waits for requests and prints them here.", Action: func(conn ssh.Channel) {
- // the ssh user can still write commands, this is not blocking anything.
- loggerMiddleware := NewLoggerHandler(conn, true)
- station.UseGlobalFunc(loggerMiddleware)
- // register to the errors also
- errorLoggerHandler := NewLoggerHandler(conn, false)
- for k, v := range station.mux.errorHandlers {
- errorH := v
- // wrap the error handler with the ssh logger middleware
- station.mux.errorHandlers[k] = HandlerFunc(func(ctx *Context) {
- errorH.Serve(ctx)
- errorLoggerHandler(ctx) // after the error handler because that is setting the status code.
- })
- }
- station.mux.build() // rebuild the mux in order the UseGlobalFunc to work at runtime
- loggerStartedMsg(conn)
- // the middleware will still to run, we could remove it on exit but exit is general command I dont want to touch that
- // we could make a command like 'log stop' or on 'stop' to remove the middleware...I will think about it.
- }},
- }
- for _, cmd := range sshCommands {
- if _, found := s.Commands.ByName(cmd.Name); !found { // yes, the user can add custom commands too, I will cover this on docs some day, it's not too hard if you see the code.
- s.Commands.Add(cmd)
- }
- }
- go func() {
- station.Must(s.Listen())
- }()
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------SSH implementation---------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-var (
- // SSHBanner is the banner goes on top of the 'ssh help message'
- // it can be changed, defaults is the Iris's banner
- SSHBanner = banner
- helpMessage = SSHBanner + `
- {{ range $index, $cmd := .Commands }}
- {{- $cmd.Name }} | {{ $cmd.Description }}
- {{ end }}
- ssh myusername@{{ .Hostname}} {{ .PortDeclaration }} {{ first .Commands}}
- or just write the command below
- {{ .Version }}
- helpTmpl *template.Template
-func init() {
- var err error
- helpTmpl = template.New("help_message").Funcs(template.FuncMap{"first": func(cmds Commands) string {
- if len(cmds) > 0 {
- return cmds[0].Name
- }
- return ""
- }})
- helpTmpl, err = helpTmpl.Parse(helpMessage)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err.Error())
- }
-//no need of SSH prefix on these types, we don't have other commands
-// use of struct and no global variables because we want each Iris instance to have its own SSH interface.
-// Action the command's handler
-type Action func(ssh.Channel)
-// Command contains the registered SSH commands
-// contains a Name which is the payload string
-// Description which is the description of the command shows to the admin/user
-// Action is the particular command's handler
-type Command struct {
- Name string
- Description string
- Action Action
-// Commands the SSH Commands, it's just a type of []Command
-type Commands []Command
-// Add adds command(s) to the commands list
-func (c *Commands) Add(cmd ...Command) {
- pCommands := *c
- *c = append(pCommands, cmd...)
-// ByName returns the command by its Name
-// if not found returns a zero-value Command and false as the second output parameter.
-func (c *Commands) ByName(commandName string) (cmd Command, found bool) {
- pCommands := *c
- for _, cmd = range pCommands {
- if cmd.Name == commandName {
- found = true
- return
- }
- }
- return
-// Users SSH.Users field, it's just map[string][]byte (username:password)
-type Users map[string][]byte
-func (m Users) exists(username string, pass []byte) bool {
- for k, v := range m {
- if k == username && bytes.Equal(v, pass) {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-// DefaultSSHKeyPath used if SSH.KeyPath is empty. Defaults to: "iris_rsa". It can be changed.
-var DefaultSSHKeyPath = "iris_rsa"
-var errSSHExecutableNotFound = errors.New(`Cannot generate ssh private key: ssh-keygen couldn't be found. Please specify the ssh[.exe] and ssh-keygen[.exe]
- path on your operating system's environment's $PATH or set the configuration field 'Bin'.\n For example, on windows, the path is: C:\\Program Files\\Git\usr\\bin. Error Trace: %q`)
-func generateSigner(keypath string, sshKeygenBin string) (ssh.Signer, error) {
- if keypath == "" {
- keypath = DefaultSSHKeyPath
- }
- if sshKeygenBin != "" {
- // if empty then the user should specify the ssh-keygen bin path (if not setted already)
- // on the $PATH system environment, otherwise it will panic.
- if sshKeygenBin[len(sshKeygenBin)-1] != os.PathSeparator {
- sshKeygenBin += string(os.PathSeparator)
- }
- sshKeygenBin += "ssh-keygen"
- if isWindows {
- sshKeygenBin += ".exe"
- }
- } else {
- sshKeygenBin = "ssh-keygen"
- }
- if !fs.DirectoryExists(keypath) {
- os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(keypath), os.ModePerm)
- keygenCmd := exec.Command(sshKeygenBin, "-f", keypath, "-t", "rsa", "-N", "")
- _, err := keygenCmd.Output()
- if err != nil {
- panic(errSSHExecutableNotFound.Format(err.Error()))
- }
- }
- pemBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keypath)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return ssh.ParsePrivateKey(pemBytes)
-func validChannel(ch ssh.NewChannel) bool {
- if typ := ch.ChannelType(); typ != "session" {
- ch.Reject(ssh.UnknownChannelType, typ)
- return false
- }
- return true
-func execCmd(cmd *exec.Cmd, ch ssh.Channel) error {
- stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- stderr, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- input, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err = cmd.Start(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- go io.Copy(input, ch)
- io.Copy(ch, stdout)
- io.Copy(ch.Stderr(), stderr)
- if err = cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-func sendExitStatus(ch ssh.Channel) {
- ch.SendRequest("exit-status", false, []byte{0, 0, 0, 0})
-var errInvalidSSHCommand = errors.New("Invalid Command: '%s'")
-func parsePayload(payload string, prefix string) (string, error) {
- payloadUTF8 := strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
- if r >= 32 && r < 127 {
- return r
- }
- return -1
- }, payload)
- if prefIdx := strings.Index(payloadUTF8, prefix); prefIdx != -1 {
- p := strings.TrimSpace(payloadUTF8[prefIdx+len(prefix):])
- return p, nil
- }
- return "", errInvalidSSHCommand.Format(payload)
-const (
- isWindows = runtime.GOOS == "windows"
- isMac = runtime.GOOS == "darwin"
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------SSH Server-----------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// SSHServer : Simple SSH interface for Iris web framework, does not implements the most secure options and code,
-// but its should works
-// use it at your own risk.
-type SSHServer struct {
- Bin string // windows: C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin, it's the ssh[.exe] and ssh-keygen[.exe], we only need the ssh-keygen.
- KeyPath string // C:/Users/kataras/.ssh/iris_rsa
- Host string // host:port
- listener net.Listener
- Users Users // map[string][]byte]{ "username":[]byte("password"), "my_second_username" : []byte("my_second_password")}
- Commands Commands // Commands{Command{Name: "restart", Description:"restarts & rebuild the server", Action: func(ssh.Channel){}}}
- // note for Commands field:
- // the default Iris's commands are defined at the end of this file, I tried to make this file as standalone as I can, because it will be used for Iris web framework also.
- Shell bool // Set it to true to enable execute terminal's commands(system commands) via ssh if no other command is found from the Commands field. Defaults to false for security reasons
- Logger *log.Logger // log.New(...)/ $qinstance.Logger, fill it when you want to receive debug and info/warnings messages
-// NewSSHServer returns a new empty SSHServer
-func NewSSHServer() *SSHServer {
- return &SSHServer{}
-// Enabled returns true if SSH can be started, if Host != ""
-func (s *SSHServer) Enabled() bool {
- if s == nil {
- return false
- }
- return s.Host != ""
-// IsListening returns true if ssh server has been started
-func (s *SSHServer) IsListening() bool {
- return s.Enabled() && s.listener != nil
-func (s *SSHServer) logf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
- if s.Logger != nil {
- s.Logger.Printf(format, a...)
- }
-// parsePortSSH receives an addr of form host[:port] and returns the port part of it
-// ex: localhost:22 will return the `22`, mydomain.com will return the '22'
-func parsePortSSH(addr string) int {
- if portIdx := strings.IndexByte(addr, ':'); portIdx != -1 {
- afP := addr[portIdx+1:]
- p, err := strconv.Atoi(afP)
- if err == nil {
- return p
- }
- }
- return 22
-// commands that exists on all ssh interfaces, both Q and Iris
-var standardCommands = Commands{Command{Name: "help", Description: "Opens up the assistance"},
- Command{Name: "exit", Description: "Exits from the terminal (if interactive shell)"}}
-func (s *SSHServer) writeHelp(wr io.Writer) {
- port := parsePortSSH(s.Host)
- hostname := ParseHostname(s.Host)
- defer func() {
- if r := recover(); r != nil {
- // means that user-dev has old version of Go Programming Language in her/his machine, so print a message to the server terminal
- // which will help the dev, NOT the client
- s.logf("[IRIS SSH] Help message is disabled, please install Go Programming Language, at least version 1.7: https://golang.org/dl/")
- }
- }()
- data := map[string]interface{}{
- "Hostname": hostname, "PortDeclaration": "-p " + strconv.Itoa(port),
- "Commands": append(s.Commands, standardCommands...),
- "Version": Version,
- }
- helpTmpl.Execute(wr, data)
-var (
- errUserInvalid = errors.New("Username or Password rejected for: %q")
- errServerListen = errors.New("Cannot listen to: %s, Trace: %s")
-// Listen starts the SSH Server
-func (s *SSHServer) Listen() error {
- // get the key
- privateKey, err := generateSigner(s.KeyPath, s.Bin)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // prepare the server's configuration
- cfg := &ssh.ServerConfig{
- // NoClientAuth: true to allow anyone to login, nooo
- PasswordCallback: func(c ssh.ConnMetadata, pass []byte) (*ssh.Permissions, error) {
- username := c.User()
- if !s.Users.exists(username, pass) {
- return nil, errUserInvalid.Format(username)
- }
- return nil, nil
- }}
- cfg.AddHostKey(privateKey)
- // start the server with the configuration we just made.
- var lerr error
- s.listener, lerr = net.Listen("tcp", s.Host)
- if lerr != nil {
- return errServerListen.Format(s.Host, lerr.Error())
- }
- // ready to accept incoming requests
- s.logf("SSH Server is running")
- for {
- conn, err := s.listener.Accept()
- if err != nil {
- s.logf(err.Error())
- continue
- }
- // handshake first
- sshConn, chans, reqs, err := ssh.NewServerConn(conn, cfg)
- if err != nil {
- s.logf(err.Error())
- continue
- }
- s.logf("New SSH Connection has been enstablish from %s (%s)", sshConn.RemoteAddr(), sshConn.ClientVersion())
- // discard all global requests
- go ssh.DiscardRequests(reqs)
- // accept all current chanels
- go s.handleChannels(chans)
- }
-func (s *SSHServer) handleChannels(chans <-chan ssh.NewChannel) {
- for ch := range chans {
- go s.handleChannel(ch)
- }
-var errUnsupportedReqType = errors.New("Unsupported request type: %q")
-func (s *SSHServer) handleChannel(newChannel ssh.NewChannel) {
- // we working from terminal, so only type of "session" is allowed.
- if !validChannel(newChannel) {
- return
- }
- conn, reqs, err := newChannel.Accept()
- if err != nil {
- s.logf(err.Error())
- return
- }
- go func(in <-chan *ssh.Request) {
- defer func() {
- conn.Close()
- //debug
- s.logf("Session closed")
- }()
- for req := range in {
- var err error
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- conn.Write([]byte(err.Error()))
- }
- sendExitStatus(conn)
- }()
- switch req.Type {
- case "pty-req":
- {
- s.writeHelp(conn)
- req.Reply(true, nil)
- }
- case "shell":
- {
- // comes after pty-req, this is when the user just use this form: ssh kataras@mydomain.com -p 22
- // then we want interactive shell which will execute the commands:
- term := terminal.NewTerminal(conn, "> ")
- for {
- line, lerr := term.ReadLine()
- if lerr == io.EOF {
- return
- }
- if lerr != nil {
- err = lerr
- s.logf(lerr.Error())
- continue
- }
- payload, perr := parsePayload(line, "")
- if perr != nil {
- err = perr
- return
- }
- if payload == "help" {
- s.writeHelp(conn)
- continue
- } else if payload == "exit" {
- return
- }
- if cmd, found := s.Commands.ByName(payload); found {
- cmd.Action(conn)
- } else if s.Shell {
- // yes every time check that
- if isWindows {
- execCmd(exec.Command("cmd", "/C", payload), conn)
- } else {
- execCmd(exec.Command("sh", "-c", payload), conn)
- }
- } else {
- conn.Write([]byte(errInvalidSSHCommand.Format(payload).Error() + "\n"))
- }
- //s.logf(line)
- }
- }
- case "exec":
- {
- // this is the place which the user executed something like that: ssh kataras@mydomain.com -p 22 stop
- // a direct command, we don' t open the interactive shell, just execute the command and exit.
- payload, perr := parsePayload(string(req.Payload), "")
- if perr != nil {
- err = perr
- return
- }
- if cmd, found := s.Commands.ByName(payload); found {
- cmd.Action(conn)
- } else if payload == "help" {
- s.writeHelp(conn)
- } else if s.Shell {
- // yes every time check that
- if isWindows {
- execCmd(exec.Command("cmd", "/C", payload), conn)
- } else {
- execCmd(exec.Command("sh", "-c", payload), conn)
- }
- } else {
- err = errInvalidSSHCommand.Format(payload)
- }
- return
- }
- default:
- {
- err = errUnsupportedReqType.Format(req.Type)
- return
- }
- }
- }
- }(reqs)
-// NewLoggerHandler is a basic Logger middleware/Handler (not an Entry Parser)
-func NewLoggerHandler(writer io.Writer, calculateLatency ...bool) HandlerFunc {
- shouldNext := false
- if len(calculateLatency) > 0 {
- shouldNext = calculateLatency[0]
- }
- return func(ctx *Context) {
- var date, status, ip, method, path string
- var latency time.Duration
- var startTime, endTime time.Time
- path = ctx.PathString()
- method = ctx.MethodString()
- startTime = time.Now()
- if shouldNext {
- ctx.Next()
- }
- endTime = time.Now()
- latency = endTime.Sub(startTime)
- date = endTime.Format("01/02 - 15:04:05")
- status = strconv.Itoa(ctx.Response.StatusCode())
- ip = ctx.RemoteAddr()
- //finally print the logs to the ssh
- writer.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %v %4v %s %s %s \n", date, status, latency, ip, method, path)))
- }