diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fc4ebc44..a97babde 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,11 +12,139 @@ Finally, a real expressjs equivalent for the Go Programming Language.
Learn what [others say about Iris](#support) and [star](https://github.com/kataras/iris/stargazers) this github repository to stay [up to date](https://facebook.com/iris.framework).
-## Backers
+## Installation
-Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer](https://iris-go.com/donate)
+The only requirement is the [Go Programming Language](https://golang.org/dl/)
+$ go get -u github.com/kataras/iris
+Iris takes advantage of the [vendor directory](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo) feature. You get truly reproducible builds, as this method guards against upstream renames and deletes.
+[![Iris vs .NET Core(C#) vs Node.js (Express)](https://iris-go.com/images/benchmark-new-gray.png)](_benchmarks/README_UNIX.md)
+_Updated at: [Tuesday, 21 November 2017](_benchmarks/README_UNIX.md)_
+Benchmarks from third-party source over the rest web frameworks
+![Comparison with other frameworks](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smallnest/go-web-framework-benchmark/4db507a22c964c9bc9774c5b31afdc199a0fe8b7/benchmark.png)
+## Philosophy
+The Iris philosophy is to provide robust tooling for HTTP, making it a great solution for single page applications, web sites, hybrids, or public HTTP APIs. Keep note that, so far, iris is the fastest web framework ever created in terms of performance.
+Iris does not force you to use any specific ORM or template engine. With support for the most used template engines, you can quickly craft the perfect application.
+## Quick start
+$ cat example.go
+package main
+import "github.com/kataras/iris"
+func main() {
+ app := iris.Default()
+ app.Get("/ping", func(ctx iris.Context) {
+ ctx.JSON(iris.Map{
+ "message": "pong",
+ })
+ })
+ // Listen and serve on http://localhost:8080.
+ app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"))
+$ go run example.go
+Now listening on: http://localhost:8080
+Application Started. Press CTRL+C to shut down.
+### Using Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete and Options
+func main() {
+ // Creates an application with default middleware:
+ // logger and recovery (crash-free) middleware.
+ app := iris.Default()
+ app.Get("/someGet", getting)
+ app.Post("/somePost", posting)
+ app.Put("/somePut", putting)
+ app.Delete("/someDelete", deleting)
+ app.Patch("/somePatch", patching)
+ app.Head("/someHead", head)
+ app.Options("/someOptions", options)
+ app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"))
+### Parameters in path
+func main() {
+ app := iris.Default()
+ // This handler will match /user/kataras but will not match neither /user/ or /user.
+ app.Get("/user/{name}", func(ctx iris.Context) {
+ name := ctx.Params().Get("name")
+ ctx.Writef("Hello %s", name)
+ })
+ // This handles the /user/kataras/42
+ // and fires 400 bad request if /user/kataras/string.
+ // The "else 400" is optionally:
+ // by-default it will fire 404 not found if alphanumeric instead
+ // of number passed on the "age" parameter.
+ app.Get("/user/{name:string}/{age:int else 400}", func(ctx iris.Context) {
+ name := ctx.Params().Get("name")
+ age, _ := ctx.Params().GetInt("age")
+ ctx.Writef("%s is %d years old", name, age)
+ })
+ // However, this one will match /action/{user}/star and also /action/{user}/stars
+ // or even /action/{user}/likes/page/2.
+ // It should match anything after the /action/{user}/
+ // except the /action/{user}/static which is handled by the below route.
+ app.Get("/action/{user:string}/{action:path}", func(ctx iris.Context) {
+ user := ctx.Params().Get("user")
+ action := ctx.Params().Get("action")
+ ctx.Writef("user: %s | action: %s", user, action)
+ })
+ // Unlike other frameworks and routers,
+ // Iris is smart enough to understand that this is not the previous,
+ // wildcard of type path route, it should only match the /action/{user}/static.
+ app.Get("/action/{user:string}/static", func(ctx iris.Context) {
+ user := ctx.Params().Get("user")
+ ctx.Writef("static path for user: %s", user)
+ })
+ // http://localhost:8080/user/kataras
+ // http://localhost:8080/user/kataras/25
+ // http://localhost:8080/action/kataras/upgrade
+ // http://localhost:8080/action/kataras/static
+ app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"))
+> If parameter type is missing then the defaults to `string`, therefore `{name:string}` and `{name}` do the same exactly
+> Learn more about path parameter's types by navigating [here](_examples/routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L31)
+### Cookies
$ cat _examples/cookies/basic/main.go
@@ -79,7 +207,7 @@ func main() {
* `ctx.Request().Cookie(name)` is also available, it's the `net/http` approach
* Learn more about path parameter's types by clicking [here](_examples/routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L31).
-### Testing your Application? Easy with Iris
+### Testing
package main
@@ -119,89 +247,6 @@ func TestCookiesBasic(t *testing.T) {
-### Serve your Application
-$ go run main.go
-Now listening on: http://localhost:8080
-Application Started. Press CTRL+C to shut down.
-## Installation
-The only requirement is the [Go Programming Language](https://golang.org/dl/)
-$ go get -u github.com/kataras/iris
-Iris takes advantage of the [vendor directory](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo) feature. You get truly reproducible builds, as this method guards against upstream renames and deletes.
-[![Iris vs .NET Core(C#) vs Node.js (Express)](https://iris-go.com/images/benchmark-new-gray.png)](_benchmarks/README_UNIX.md)
-_Updated at: [Tuesday, 21 November 2017](_benchmarks/README_UNIX.md)_
-Benchmarks from third-party source over the rest web frameworks
-![Comparison with other frameworks](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smallnest/go-web-framework-benchmark/4db507a22c964c9bc9774c5b31afdc199a0fe8b7/benchmark.png)
-## Support
-- [HISTORY](HISTORY.md#tu-05-june-2018--v1066) file is your best friend, it contains information about the latest features and changes
-- Did you happen to find a bug? Post it at [github issues](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues)
-- Do you have any questions or need to speak with someone experienced to solve a problem at real-time? Join us to the [community chat](https://chat.iris-go.com)
-- Complete our form-based user experience report by clicking [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCxZXPANg_xHWil4kVAdhmh7EBBHQZ_4_xSZVDL-oCC_z5pA/viewform?usp=sf_link)
-- Do you like the framework? Tweet something about it! The People have spoken:
-For more information about contributing to the Iris project please check the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
-[List of all Contributors](https://github.com/kataras/iris/graphs/contributors)
## Learn
First of all, the most correct way to begin with a web framework is to learn the basics of the programming language and the standard `http` capabilities, if your web application is a very simple personal project without performance and maintainability requirements you may want to proceed just with the standard packages. After that follow the guidelines:
@@ -259,18 +304,79 @@ Iris, unlike others, is 100% compatible with the standards and that's why the ma
### Video Courses
-* [Daily Coding - Web Framework Golang: Iris Framework]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmOLFQ29J3s) by WarnabiruTV, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
-* [Tutorial Golang MVC dengan Iris Framework & Mongo DB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXiNYhJqh2I&list=PLMrwI6jIZn-1tzskocnh1pptKhVmWdcbS) (19 parts so far) by Musobar Media, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
-* [Go/Golang 27 - Iris framework : Routage de base](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQxRoN6ub78) by stephgdesign, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
-* [Go/Golang 28 - Iris framework : Templating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOKYV073S2Y) by stephgdesignn, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
-* [Go/Golang 29 - Iris framework : Paramètres](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2FsprfXs1E) by stephgdesign, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
-* [Go/Golang 30 - Iris framework : Les middelwares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLPy1So6bhE) by stephgdesign, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
-* [Go/Golang 31 - Iris framework : Les sessions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnBwUrwgEZ8) by stephgdesign, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
+| Name | Producer |
+| -----------|-------------|
+| [Daily Coding - Web Framework Golang: Iris Framework](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmOLFQ29J3s) | [WarnabiruTV](https://www.youtube.com/user/panahbiru) |
+| [Playlist: Tutorial Golang MVC Iris Framework](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXiNYhJqh2I&list=PLMrwI6jIZn-1tzskocnh1pptKhVmWdcbS) | [Musobar Media](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqOBKU-JXrM86FTt7Xzwdxw) |
+| [Go/Golang 27 - Iris framework : Routage de base](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQxRoN6ub78) | [stephgdesign](https://www.youtube.com/user/stephgdesign) |
+| [Go/Golang 28 - Iris framework : Templating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOKYV073S2Y) | [stephgdesign](https://www.youtube.com/user/stephgdesign) |
+| [Go/Golang 29 - Iris framework : Paramètres](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2FsprfXs1E) | [stephgdesign](https://www.youtube.com/user/stephgdesign) |
+| [Go/Golang 30 - Iris framework : Les middelwares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLPy1So6bhE) | [stephgdesign](https://www.youtube.com/user/stephgdesign) |
+| [Go/Golang 31 - Iris framework : Les sessions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnBwUrwgEZ8) | [stephgdesign](https://www.youtube.com/user/stephgdesign) |
+## Support
+- [HISTORY](HISTORY.md#tu-05-june-2018--v1066) file is your best friend, it contains information about the latest features and changes
+- Did you happen to find a bug? Post it at [github issues](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues)
+- Do you have any questions or need to speak with someone experienced to solve a problem at real-time? Join us to the [community chat](https://chat.iris-go.com)
+- Complete our form-based user experience report by clicking [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCxZXPANg_xHWil4kVAdhmh7EBBHQZ_4_xSZVDL-oCC_z5pA/viewform?usp=sf_link)
+- Do you like the framework? Tweet something about it! The People have spoken:
+For more information about contributing to the Iris project please check the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
+[List of all Contributors](https://github.com/kataras/iris/graphs/contributors)
### Get hired
There are many companies and start-ups looking for Go web developers with Iris experience as requirement, we are searching for you every day and we post those information via our [facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/iris.framework), like the page to get notified, we have already posted some of them.
+### Backers
+Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer](https://iris-go.com/donate)
## License
Iris is licensed under the [3-Clause BSD License](LICENSE). Iris is 100% free and open-source software.