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synced 2025-03-21 12:36:25 +01:00
New middlewares for various client cache methods that can speed your pages even more
Former-commit-id: 243a625144fc52255ed21474055f52dd5b33d257
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,4 +19,9 @@ after_script:
# typescript examples
- cd ./typescript/_examples
- go get ./...
- go test -v -cover ./...
- cd ../../
# make sure that the _benchmarks code is working
- cd ./_benchmarks
- go get ./...
- go test -v -cover ./...
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package cache
import (
// CacheControlHeaderValue is the header value of the
// "Cache-Control": "private, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-store, proxy-revalidate, s-maxage=0".
// It can be overriden.
var CacheControlHeaderValue = "private, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-store, proxy-revalidate, s-maxage=0"
const (
// PragmaHeaderKey is the header key of "Pragma".
PragmaHeaderKey = "Pragma"
// PragmaNoCacheHeaderValue is the header value of "Pragma": "no-cache".
PragmaNoCacheHeaderValue = "no-cache"
// ExpiresHeaderKey is the header key of "Expires".
ExpiresHeaderKey = "Expires"
// ExpiresNeverHeaderValue is the header value of "ExpiresHeaderKey": "0".
ExpiresNeverHeaderValue = "0"
// NoCache is a middleware which overrides the Cache-Control, Pragma and Expires headers
// in order to disable the cache during the browser's back and forward feature.
// A good use of this middleware is on HTML routes; to refresh the page even on "back" and "forward" browser's arrow buttons.
// See `cache#StaticCache` for the opposite behavior.
var NoCache = func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx.Header(context.CacheControlHeaderKey, CacheControlHeaderValue)
ctx.Header(PragmaHeaderKey, PragmaNoCacheHeaderValue)
ctx.Header(ExpiresHeaderKey, ExpiresNeverHeaderValue)
// Add the X-No-Cache header as well, for any customized case, i.e `cache#Handler` or `cache#Cache`.
// StaticCache middleware for caching static files by sending the "Cache-Control" and "Expires" headers to the client.
// It accepts a single input parameter, the "cacheDur", a time.Duration that it's used to calculate the expiration.
// If "cacheDur" <=0 then it returns the `NoCache` middleware instaed to disable the caching between browser's "back" and "forward" actions.
// Usage: `app.Use(cache.StaticCache(24 * time.Hour))` or `app.Use(cache.Staticcache(-1))`.
// A middleware, which is a simple Handler can be called inside another handler as well, example:
// cacheMiddleware := cache.StaticCache(...)
// func(ctx iris.Context){
// cacheMiddleware(ctx)
// [...]
// }
var StaticCache = func(cacheDur time.Duration) context.Handler {
if int64(cacheDur) <= 0 {
return NoCache
cacheControlHeaderValue := "public, max-age=" + strconv.Itoa(int(cacheDur.Seconds()))
return func(ctx context.Context) {
cacheUntil := time.Now().Add(cacheDur).Format(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTimeFormat())
ctx.Header(ExpiresHeaderKey, cacheUntil)
ctx.Header(context.CacheControlHeaderKey, cacheControlHeaderValue)
const ifNoneMatchHeaderKey = "If-None-Match"
// ETag is another browser & server cache request-response feature.
// It can be used side by side with the `StaticCache`, usually `StaticCache` middleware should go first.
// This should be used on routes that serves static files only.
// The key of the `ETag` is the `ctx.Request().URL.Path`, invalidation of the not modified cache method
// can be made by other request handler as well.
// In typical usage, when a URL is retrieved, the web server will return the resource's current
// representation along with its corresponding ETag value,
// which is placed in an HTTP response header "ETag" field:
// ETag: "/mypath"
// The client may then decide to cache the representation, along with its ETag.
// Later, if the client wants to retrieve the same URL resource again,
// it will first determine whether the local cached version of the URL has expired
// (through the Cache-Control (`StaticCache` method) and the Expire headers).
// If the URL has not expired, it will retrieve the local cached resource.
// If it determined that the URL has expired (is stale), then the client will contact the server
// and send its previously saved copy of the ETag along with the request in a "If-None-Match" field.
// Usage with combination of `StaticCache`:
// assets := app.Party("/assets", cache.StaticCache(24 * time.Hour), ETag)
// assets.StaticWeb("/", "./assets") or StaticEmbedded("/", "./assets") or StaticEmbeddedGzip("/", "./assets").
// Similar to `Cache304` but it doesn't depends on any "modified date", it uses just the ETag and If-None-Match headers.
// Read more at: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching and
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_ETag
var ETag = func(ctx context.Context) {
key := ctx.Request().URL.Path
ctx.Header(context.ETagHeaderKey, key)
if match := ctx.GetHeader(ifNoneMatchHeaderKey); match == key {
// Cache304 sends a `StatusNotModified` (304) whenever
// the "If-Modified-Since" request header (time) is before the
// time.Now() + expiresEvery (always compared to their UTC values).
// Use this `cache#Cache304` instead of the "github.com/kataras/iris/cache" or iris.Cache
// for better performance.
// Clients that are compatible with the http RCF (all browsers are and tools like postman)
// will handle the caching.
// The only disadvantage of using that instead of server-side caching
// is that this method will send a 304 status code instead of 200,
// So, if you use it side by side with other micro services
// you have to check for that status code as well for a valid response.
// Developers are free to extend this method's behavior
// by watching system directories changes manually and use of the `ctx.WriteWithExpiration`
// with a "modtime" based on the file modified date,
// can be used on Party's that contains a static handler,
// i.e `StaticWeb`, `StaticEmbedded` or even `StaticEmbeddedGzip`.
var Cache304 = func(expiresEvery time.Duration) context.Handler {
return func(ctx context.Context) {
now := time.Now()
if modified, err := ctx.CheckIfModifiedSince(now.Add(-expiresEvery)); !modified && err == nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package cache_test
import (
func TestNoCache(t *testing.T) {
app := iris.New()
app.Get("/", cache.NoCache, func(ctx iris.Context) {
// tests
e := httptest.New(t, app)
r := e.GET("/").Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)
func TestStaticCache(t *testing.T) {
// test change the time format, which is not reccomended but can be done.
app := iris.New().Configure(iris.WithTimeFormat("02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"))
cacheDur := 30 * (24 * time.Hour)
var expectedTime time.Time
app.Get("/", cache.StaticCache(cacheDur), func(ctx iris.Context) {
expectedTime = time.Now()
// tests
e := httptest.New(t, app)
r := e.GET("/").Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)
cacheControlHeaderValue := "public, max-age=" + strconv.Itoa(int(cacheDur.Seconds()))
func TestCache304(t *testing.T) {
app := iris.New()
expiresEvery := 4 * time.Second
app.Get("/", cache.Cache304(expiresEvery), func(ctx iris.Context) {
// handlers
e := httptest.New(t, app)
// when 304, content type, content length and if ETagg is there are removed from the headers.
insideCacheTimef := time.Now().Add(-expiresEvery).UTC().Format(app.ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTimeFormat())
r := e.GET("/").WithHeader(context.IfModifiedSinceHeaderKey, insideCacheTimef).Expect().Status(httptest.StatusNotModified)
// continue to the handler itself.
cacheInvalidatedTimef := time.Now().Add(expiresEvery).UTC().Format(app.ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTimeFormat()) // after ~5seconds.
r = e.GET("/").WithHeader(context.LastModifiedHeaderKey, cacheInvalidatedTimef).Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)
// now without header, it should continue to the handler itself as well.
r = e.GET("/").Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)
func TestETag(t *testing.T) {
app := iris.New()
n := "_"
app.Get("/", cache.ETag, func(ctx iris.Context) {
n += "_"
// the first and last test writes the content with status OK without cache,
// the rest tests the cache headers and status 304 and return, so body should be "".
e := httptest.New(t, app)
r := e.GET("/").Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)
r.Header("ETag").Equal("/") // test if header setted.
e.GET("/").WithHeader("ETag", "/").WithHeader("If-None-Match", "/").Expect().
Status(httptest.StatusNotModified).Body().Equal("") // browser is responsible, no the test engine.
r = e.GET("/").Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)
r.Header("ETag").Equal("/") // test if header setted.
@ -65,9 +65,3 @@ func Handler(expiration time.Duration) context.Handler {
h := Cache(expiration).ServeHTTP
return h
var (
// NoCache disables the cache for a particular request,
// can be used as a middleware or called manually from the handler.
NoCache = client.NoCache
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ func runTest(e *httpexpect.Expect, path string, counterPtr *uint32, expectedBody
return nil
func TestNoCache(t *testing.T) {
func TestClientNoCache(t *testing.T) {
app := iris.New()
var n uint32
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ func TestNoCache(t *testing.T) {
app.Get("/nocache", cache.Handler(cacheDuration), func(ctx context.Context) {
cache.NoCache(ctx) // <----
client.NoCache(ctx) // <----
atomic.AddUint32(&n, 1)
@ -980,35 +980,6 @@ var LimitRequestBodySize = func(maxRequestBodySizeBytes int64) Handler {
// Cache304 sends a `StatusNotModified` (304) whenever
// the "If-Modified-Since" request header (time) is before the
// time.Now() + expiresEvery (always compared to their UTC values).
// Use this `context#Cache304` instead of the "github.com/kataras/iris/cache" or iris.Cache
// for better performance.
// Clients that are compatible with the http RCF (all browsers are and tools like postman)
// will handle the caching.
// The only disadvantage of using that instead of server-side caching
// is that this method will send a 304 status code instead of 200,
// So, if you use it side by side with other micro services
// you have to check for that status code as well for a valid response.
// Developers are free to extend this method's behavior
// by watching system directories changes manually and use of the `ctx.WriteWithExpiration`
// with a "modtime" based on the file modified date,
// simillary to the `StaticWeb`(StaticWeb sends an OK(200) and browser disk caching instead of 304).
var Cache304 = func(expiresEvery time.Duration) Handler {
return func(ctx Context) {
now := time.Now()
if modified, err := ctx.CheckIfModifiedSince(now.Add(-expiresEvery)); !modified && err == nil {
// Gzip is a middleware which enables writing
// using gzip compression, if client supports.
var Gzip = func(ctx Context) {
@ -1602,8 +1573,6 @@ func (ctx *context) Header(name string, value string) {
ctx.writer.Header().Add(name, value)
const contentTypeHeaderKey = "Content-Type"
// ContentType sets the response writer's header key "Content-Type" to the 'cType'.
func (ctx *context) ContentType(cType string) {
if cType == "" {
@ -1623,13 +1592,13 @@ func (ctx *context) ContentType(cType string) {
ctx.writer.Header().Set(contentTypeHeaderKey, cType)
ctx.writer.Header().Set(ContentTypeHeaderKey, cType)
// GetContentType returns the response writer's header value of "Content-Type"
// which may, setted before with the 'ContentType'.
func (ctx *context) GetContentType() string {
return ctx.writer.Header().Get(contentTypeHeaderKey)
return ctx.writer.Header().Get(ContentTypeHeaderKey)
// StatusCode sets the status code header to the response.
@ -2198,19 +2167,31 @@ func (ctx *context) WriteString(body string) (n int, err error) {
return ctx.writer.WriteString(body)
var (
// StaticCacheDuration expiration duration for INACTIVE file handlers, it's the only one global configuration
// which can be changed.
StaticCacheDuration = 20 * time.Second
const (
// ContentTypeHeaderKey is the header key of "Content-Type".
ContentTypeHeaderKey = "Content-Type"
lastModifiedHeaderKey = "Last-Modified"
ifModifiedSinceHeaderKey = "If-Modified-Since"
contentDispositionHeaderKey = "Content-Disposition"
cacheControlHeaderKey = "Cache-Control"
contentEncodingHeaderKey = "Content-Encoding"
gzipHeaderValue = "gzip"
acceptEncodingHeaderKey = "Accept-Encoding"
varyHeaderKey = "Vary"
// LastModifiedHeaderKey is the header key of "Last-Modified".
LastModifiedHeaderKey = "Last-Modified"
// IfModifiedSinceHeaderKey is the header key of "If-Modified-Since".
IfModifiedSinceHeaderKey = "If-Modified-Since"
// CacheControlHeaderKey is the header key of "Cache-Control".
CacheControlHeaderKey = "Cache-Control"
// ETagHeaderKey is the header key of "ETag".
ETagHeaderKey = "ETag"
// ContentDispositionHeaderKey is the header key of "Content-Disposition".
ContentDispositionHeaderKey = "Content-Disposition"
// ContentLengthHeaderKey is the header key of "Content-Length"
ContentLengthHeaderKey = "Content-Length"
// ContentEncodingHeaderKey is the header key of "Content-Encoding".
ContentEncodingHeaderKey = "Content-Encoding"
// GzipHeaderValue is the header value of "gzip".
GzipHeaderValue = "gzip"
// AcceptEncodingHeaderKey is the header key of "Accept-Encoding".
AcceptEncodingHeaderKey = "Accept-Encoding"
// VaryHeaderKey is the header key of "Vary".
VaryHeaderKey = "Vary"
var unixEpochTime = time.Unix(0, 0)
@ -2251,7 +2232,7 @@ var FormatTime = func(ctx Context, t time.Time) string {
// It's mostly internally on core/router and context packages.
func (ctx *context) SetLastModified(modtime time.Time) {
if !IsZeroTime(modtime) {
ctx.Header(lastModifiedHeaderKey, FormatTime(ctx, modtime.UTC())) // or modtime.UTC()?
ctx.Header(LastModifiedHeaderKey, FormatTime(ctx, modtime.UTC())) // or modtime.UTC()?
@ -2273,7 +2254,7 @@ func (ctx *context) CheckIfModifiedSince(modtime time.Time) (bool, error) {
if method := ctx.Method(); method != http.MethodGet && method != http.MethodHead {
return false, errors.New("skip: method")
ims := ctx.GetHeader(ifModifiedSinceHeaderKey)
ims := ctx.GetHeader(IfModifiedSinceHeaderKey)
if ims == "" || IsZeroTime(modtime) {
return false, errors.New("skip: zero time")
@ -2301,10 +2282,10 @@ func (ctx *context) WriteNotModified() {
// guiding cache updates (e.g.," Last-Modified" might be useful if the
// response does not have an ETag field).
h := ctx.ResponseWriter().Header()
delete(h, contentTypeHeaderKey)
delete(h, contentLengthHeaderKey)
if h.Get("Etag") != "" {
delete(h, lastModifiedHeaderKey)
delete(h, ContentTypeHeaderKey)
delete(h, ContentLengthHeaderKey)
if h.Get(ETagHeaderKey) != "" {
delete(h, LastModifiedHeaderKey)
@ -2359,9 +2340,9 @@ func (ctx *context) StreamWriter(writer func(w io.Writer) bool) {
// ClientSupportsGzip retruns true if the client supports gzip compression.
func (ctx *context) ClientSupportsGzip() bool {
if h := ctx.GetHeader(acceptEncodingHeaderKey); h != "" {
if h := ctx.GetHeader(AcceptEncodingHeaderKey); h != "" {
for _, v := range strings.Split(h, ";") {
if strings.Contains(v, gzipHeaderValue) { // we do Contains because sometimes browsers has the q=, we don't use it atm. || strings.Contains(v,"deflate"){
if strings.Contains(v, GzipHeaderValue) { // we do Contains because sometimes browsers has the q=, we don't use it atm. || strings.Contains(v,"deflate"){
return true
@ -2896,11 +2877,6 @@ var (
errServeContent = errors.New("while trying to serve content to the client. Trace %s")
const (
// contentLengthHeaderKey represents the header["Content-Length"]
contentLengthHeaderKey = "Content-Length"
// ServeContent serves content, headers are autoset
// receives three parameters, it's low-level function, instead you can use .ServeFile(string,bool)/SendFile(string,string)
@ -2918,9 +2894,6 @@ func (ctx *context) ServeContent(content io.ReadSeeker, filename string, modtime
if gzipCompression && ctx.ClientSupportsGzip() {
// ctx.writer.Header().Add(varyHeaderKey, acceptEncodingHeaderKey)
// ctx.Header(contentEncodingHeaderKey,gzipHeaderValue)
gzipWriter := acquireGzipWriter(ctx.writer)
defer releaseGzipWriter(gzipWriter)
out = gzipWriter
@ -2958,7 +2931,7 @@ func (ctx *context) ServeFile(filename string, gzipCompression bool) error {
// Use this instead of ServeFile to 'force-download' bigger files to the client.
func (ctx *context) SendFile(filename string, destinationName string) error {
ctx.writer.Header().Set(contentDispositionHeaderKey, "attachment;filename="+destinationName)
ctx.writer.Header().Set(ContentDispositionHeaderKey, "attachment;filename="+destinationName)
return ctx.ServeFile(filename, false)
@ -3032,7 +3005,7 @@ var maxAgeExp = regexp.MustCompile(`maxage=(\d+)`)
// seconds as int64
// if header not found or parse failed then it returns -1.
func (ctx *context) MaxAge() int64 {
header := ctx.GetHeader(cacheControlHeaderKey)
header := ctx.GetHeader(CacheControlHeaderKey)
if header == "" {
return -1
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ func (w *GzipResponseWriter) Write(contents []byte) (int, error) {
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) Writef(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
n, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, format, a...)
if err == nil {
if w.ResponseWriter.Header()[contentTypeHeaderKey] == nil {
w.ResponseWriter.Header().Set(contentTypeHeaderKey, ContentTextHeaderValue)
if w.ResponseWriter.Header()[ContentTypeHeaderKey] == nil {
w.ResponseWriter.Header().Set(ContentTypeHeaderKey, ContentTextHeaderValue)
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ func (w *GzipResponseWriter) Writef(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
n, err = w.Write([]byte(s))
if err == nil {
if w.ResponseWriter.Header()[contentTypeHeaderKey] == nil {
w.ResponseWriter.Header().Set(contentTypeHeaderKey, ContentTextHeaderValue)
if w.ResponseWriter.Header()[ContentTypeHeaderKey] == nil {
w.ResponseWriter.Header().Set(ContentTypeHeaderKey, ContentTextHeaderValue)
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ func (w *GzipResponseWriter) WriteNow(contents []byte) (int, error) {
// AddGzipHeaders just adds the headers "Vary" to "Accept-Encoding"
// and "Content-Encoding" to "gzip".
func AddGzipHeaders(w ResponseWriter) {
w.Header().Add(varyHeaderKey, acceptEncodingHeaderKey)
w.Header().Add(contentEncodingHeaderKey, gzipHeaderValue)
w.Header().Add(VaryHeaderKey, AcceptEncodingHeaderKey)
w.Header().Add(ContentEncodingHeaderKey, GzipHeaderValue)
// FlushResponse validates the response headers in order to be compatible with the gzip written data
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ func (t *Transaction) Complete(err error) {
reason = errWstatus.Reason
// get the content type used on this transaction
if cTypeH := t.context.ResponseWriter().Header().Get(contentTypeHeaderKey); cTypeH != "" {
if cTypeH := t.context.ResponseWriter().Header().Get(ContentTypeHeaderKey); cTypeH != "" {
cType = cTypeH
@ -549,23 +549,6 @@ func (api *APIBuilder) Any(relativePath string, handlers ...context.Handler) (ro
// StaticCacheDuration expiration duration for INACTIVE file handlers, it's the only one global configuration
// which can be changed.
var StaticCacheDuration = 20 * time.Second
const (
lastModifiedHeaderKey = "Last-Modified"
ifModifiedSinceHeaderKey = "If-Modified-Since"
contentDispositionHeaderKey = "Content-Disposition"
cacheControlHeaderKey = "Cache-Control"
contentEncodingHeaderKey = "Content-Encoding"
acceptEncodingHeaderKey = "Accept-Encoding"
// contentLengthHeaderKey represents the header["Content-Length"]
contentLengthHeaderKey = "Content-Length"
contentTypeHeaderKey = "Content-Type"
varyHeaderKey = "Vary"
func (api *APIBuilder) registerResourceRoute(reqPath string, h context.Handler) *Route {
api.Head(reqPath, h)
return api.Get(reqPath, h)
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func StaticEmbeddedHandler(vdir string, assetFn func(name string) ([]byte, error
names = append(names, path)
modtime := time.Now()
// modtime := time.Now()
h := func(ctx context.Context) {
reqPath := strings.TrimPrefix(ctx.Request().URL.Path, "/"+vdir)
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func StaticEmbeddedHandler(vdir string, assetFn func(name string) ([]byte, error
if _, err := ctx.WriteWithExpiration(buf, modtime); err != nil {
if _, err := ctx.Write(buf); err != nil {
@ -517,8 +517,8 @@ func serveContent(ctx context.Context, name string, modtime time.Time, sizeFunc
ctx.Header("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")
if ctx.ResponseWriter().Header().Get(contentEncodingHeaderKey) == "" {
ctx.Header(contentLengthHeaderKey, strconv.FormatInt(sendSize, 10))
if ctx.ResponseWriter().Header().Get(context.ContentEncodingHeaderKey) == "" {
ctx.Header(context.ContentLengthHeaderKey, strconv.FormatInt(sendSize, 10))
@ -375,14 +375,38 @@ var (
// Cache is a middleware providing server-side cache functionalities
// to the next handlers, can be used as: `app.Get("/", iris.Cache, aboutHandler)`.
// It should be used after Static methods.
// See `context#Cache304` for an alternative, faster way.
// See `iris#Cache304` for an alternative, faster way.
// Examples can be found at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/#caching
Cache = cache.Handler
// NoCache is a middleware which overrides the Cache-Control, Pragma and Expires headers
// in order to disable the cache during the browser's back and forward feature.
// A good use of this middleware is on HTML routes; to refresh the page even on "back" and "forward" browser's arrow buttons.
// See `iris#StaticCache` for the opposite behavior.
// A shortcut of the `cache#NoCache`
NoCache = cache.NoCache
// StaticCache middleware for caching static files by sending the "Cache-Control" and "Expires" headers to the client.
// It accepts a single input parameter, the "cacheDur", a time.Duration that it's used to calculate the expiration.
// If "cacheDur" <=0 then it returns the `NoCache` middleware instaed to disable the caching between browser's "back" and "forward" actions.
// Usage: `app.Use(iris.StaticCache(24 * time.Hour))` or `app.Use(iris.Staticcache(-1))`.
// A middleware, which is a simple Handler can be called inside another handler as well, example:
// cacheMiddleware := iris.StaticCache(...)
// func(ctx iris.Context){
// cacheMiddleware(ctx)
// [...]
// }
// A shortcut of the `cache#StaticCache`
StaticCache = cache.StaticCache
// Cache304 sends a `StatusNotModified` (304) whenever
// the "If-Modified-Since" request header (time) is before the
// time.Now() + expiresEvery (always compared to their UTC values).
// Use this, which is a shortcut of the, `context#Cache304` instead of the "github.com/kataras/iris/cache" or iris.Cache
// Use this, which is a shortcut of the, `chache#Cache304` instead of the "github.com/kataras/iris/cache" or iris.Cache
// for better performance.
// Clients that are compatible with the http RCF (all browsers are and tools like postman)
// will handle the caching.
@ -394,10 +418,10 @@ var (
// Developers are free to extend this method's behavior
// by watching system directories changes manually and use of the `ctx.WriteWithExpiration`
// with a "modtime" based on the file modified date,
// simillary to the `StaticWeb`(StaticWeb sends an OK(200) and browser disk caching instead of 304).
// simillary to the `StaticWeb`(which sends status OK(200) and browser disk caching instead of 304).
// A shortcut of the `context#Cache304`.
Cache304 = context.Cache304
// A shortcut of the `cache#Cache304`.
Cache304 = cache.Cache304
// SPA accepts an "assetHandler" which can be the result of an
Reference in New Issue
Block a user