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synced 2025-03-11 09:16:20 +01:00
touches before release
Former-commit-id: c6539320214e9120a801b2a3c3c8e9867dfb2ed7
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Add a `badge` to your open-source projects powered by [Iris](https://iris-go.com
## How to upgrade
go get -u github.com/kataras/iris
go get github.com/kataras/iris@v11.2.0
Go version 1.12 and above is required.
@ -13,972 +13,6 @@
Developers are not forced to upgrade if they don't really need it. Upgrade whenever you feel ready.
**How to upgrade**: Open your command-line and execute this command: `go get -u github.com/kataras/iris` or let the automatic updater do that for you.
**How to upgrade**: Open your command-line and execute this command: `go get github.com/kataras/iris@v11.2.0`.
# Soon
Coming soon, stay tuned by reading the [PR](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1175) progress.
# Fr, 11 January 2019 | v11.1.1
Happy new year! This is a minor release, contains mostly bug fixes.
Strange that we don't have major features in this release, right? Don't worry, I am not out of ideas (at least not yet!).
I have some features in-mind but lately I do not have the time to humanize those ideas for you due to my new position in [Netdata Inc.](https://github.com/netdata/netdata), so be patient and [stay-tuned](https://github.com/kataras/iris/stargazers). Read the current changelog below:
- session/redis: fix unused service config var. IdleTimeout witch was replaced by default values. [#1140](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1140) ([@d7561985](https://github.com/d7561985))
- fix [#1141](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1141) and [#1142](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1142). [2bd7a8e88777766d1f4cac7562feec304112d2b1](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/2bd7a8e88777766d1f4cac7562feec304112d2b1) (@kataras)
- fix cache corruption due to recorder reuse. [#1146](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1146) ([@Slamper](https://github.com/Slamper))
- add `StatusTooEarly`, compatible with: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/425#Browser_compatibility. [31b2913447aa9e41e16a3eb33eb0019427e15cea](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/31b2913447aa9e41e16a3eb33eb0019427e15cea) (@kataras)
- fix [#1164](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1164). [701e8e46c20395f87fa34bf9fabd145074c7b78c](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/701e8e46c20395f87fa34bf9fabd145074c7b78c) (@kataras)
- `context#ReadForm` can skip unkown fields by `IsErrPath(err)`, fixes: [#1157](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1157). [1607bb5113568af6a34142f23bfa44903205b314](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/1607bb5113568af6a34142f23bfa44903205b314) (@kataras)
Doc updates:
- fix grammar and misspell. [5069e9afd8700d20dfd04cdc008efd671b5d0b40](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/5069e9afd8700d20dfd04cdc008efd671b5d0b40) (@kataras)
- fix link for httpexpect in README. [#1148](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1148) ([@drenel18](https://github.com/drenel18))
- translate _examples/README.md into Chinese. [#1156](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1156) ([@fduxiao](https://github.com/fduxiao))
- add https://github.com/snowlyg/IrisApiProject to starter kits (Chinese). [ea12533871253afc34e40e36ba658b51955ea82d](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/ea12533871253afc34e40e36ba658b51955ea82d)
- add https://github.com/yz124/superstar to starter kits (Chinese). [0e734ff8445f07482c28881347c1e564dc5aab9c](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/0e734ff8445f07482c28881347c1e564dc5aab9c)
# Su, 18 November 2018 | v11.1.0
PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1130
This release contains a new feature for versioning your Iris APIs. The initial motivation and feature request came by https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1129.
The [versioning](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/versioning) package provides [semver](https://semver.org/) versioning for your APIs. It implements all the suggestions written at [api-guidelines](https://github.com/byrondover/api-guidelines/blob/master/Guidelines.md#versioning) and more.
The version comparison is done by the [go-version](https://github.com/hashicorp/go-version) package. It supports matching over patterns like `">= 1.0, < 3"` and etc.
## Features
- per route version matching, a normal iris handler with "switch" cases via Map for version => handler
- per group versioned routes and deprecation API
- version matching like ">= 1.0, < 2.0" or just "2.0.1" and etc.
- version not found handler (can be customized by simply adding the versioning.NotFound: customNotMatchVersionHandler on the Map)
- version is retrieved from the "Accept" and "Accept-Version" headers (can be customized via middleware)
- respond with "X-API-Version" header, if version found.
- deprecation options with customizable "X-API-Warn", "X-API-Deprecation-Date", "X-API-Deprecation-Info" headers via `Deprecated` wrapper.
## Get version
Current request version is retrieved by `versioning.GetVersion(ctx)`.
By default the `GetVersion` will try to read from:
- `Accept` header, i.e `Accept: "application/json; version=1.0"`
- `Accept-Version` header, i.e `Accept-Version: "1.0"`
You can also set a custom version for a handler via a middleware by using the context's store values.
For example:
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.Values().Set(versioning.Key, ctx.URLParamDefault("version", "1.0"))
## Match version to handler
The `versioning.NewMatcher(versioning.Map) iris.Handler` creates a single handler which decides what handler need to be executed based on the requested version.
app := iris.New()
// middleware for all versions.
myMiddleware := func(ctx iris.Context) {
// [...]
myCustomNotVersionFound := func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.Writef("%s version not found", versioning.GetVersion(ctx))
userAPI := app.Party("/api/user")
userAPI.Get("/", myMiddleware, versioning.NewMatcher(versioning.Map{
"1.0": sendHandler(v10Response),
">= 2, < 3": sendHandler(v2Response),
versioning.NotFound: myCustomNotVersionFound,
### Deprecation
Using the `versioning.Deprecated(handler iris.Handler, options versioning.DeprecationOptions) iris.Handler` function you can mark a specific handler version as deprecated.
v10Handler := versioning.Deprecated(sendHandler(v10Response), versioning.DeprecationOptions{
// if empty defaults to: "WARNING! You are using a deprecated version of this API."
WarnMessage string
DeprecationDate time.Time
DeprecationInfo string
userAPI.Get("/", versioning.NewMatcher(versioning.Map{
"1.0": v10Handler,
// [...]
This will make the handler to send these headers to the client:
- `"X-API-Warn": options.WarnMessage`
- `"X-API-Deprecation-Date": context.FormatTime(ctx, options.DeprecationDate))`
- `"X-API-Deprecation-Info": options.DeprecationInfo`
> versioning.DefaultDeprecationOptions can be passed instead if you don't care about Date and Info.
## Grouping routes by version
Grouping routes by version is possible as well.
Using the `versioning.NewGroup(version string) *versioning.Group` function you can create a group to register your versioned routes.
The `versioning.RegisterGroups(r iris.Party, versionNotFoundHandler iris.Handler, groups ...*versioning.Group)` must be called in the end in order to register the routes to a specific `Party`.
app := iris.New()
userAPI := app.Party("/api/user")
// [... static serving, middlewares and etc goes here].
userAPIV10 := versioning.NewGroup("1.0")
userAPIV10.Get("/", sendHandler(v10Response))
userAPIV2 := versioning.NewGroup(">= 2, < 3")
userAPIV2.Get("/", sendHandler(v2Response))
userAPIV2.Post("/", sendHandler(v2Response))
userAPIV2.Put("/other", sendHandler(v2Response))
versioning.RegisterGroups(userAPI, versioning.NotFoundHandler, userAPIV10, userAPIV2)
> A middleware can be registered to the actual `iris.Party` only, using the methods we learnt above, i.e by using the `versioning.Match` in order to detect what code/handler you want to be executed when "x" or no version is requested.
### Deprecation for Group
Just call the `Deprecated(versioning.DeprecationOptions)` on the group you want to notify your API consumers that this specific version is deprecated.
userAPIV10 := versioning.NewGroup("1.0").Deprecated(versioning.DefaultDeprecationOptions)
## Compare version manually from inside your handlers
// reports if the "version" is matching to the "is".
// the "is" can be a constraint like ">= 1, < 3".
If(version string, is string) bool
// same as `If` but expects a Context to read the requested version.
Match(ctx iris.Context, expectedVersion string) bool
app.Get("/api/user", func(ctx iris.Context) {
if versioning.Match(ctx, ">= 2.2.3") {
// [logic for >= 2.2.3 version of your handler goes here]
Example can be found [here](_examples/versioning/main.go).
# Fr, 09 November 2018 | v11.0.4
Add `Configuration.DisablePathCorrectionRedirection` - `iris.WithoutPathCorrectionRedirection` to support
direct handler execution of the matching route without the last `'/'` instead of sending a redirect response when `DisablePathCorrection` is set to false(default behavior).
For example, CORS needs the allow origin headers in redirect response as well,
however is not possible from the router to know what headers a route's handler will send to the client.
So the best option we have is to just execute the handler itself instead of sending a redirect response.
Add the `app.Run(..., iris.WithoutPathCorrectionRedirection)` on the server side if you wish
to directly fire the handler instead of redirection (which is the default behavior)
on request paths like `"$yourdomain/v1/mailer/"` when `"/v1/mailer"` route handler is registered.
Example Code:
package main
import "github.com/kataras/iris"
func main() {
app := iris.New()
crs := func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
ctx.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
v1 := app.Party("/api/v1", crs).AllowMethods(iris.MethodOptions)
v1.Post("/mailer", func(ctx iris.Context) {
var any iris.Map
err := ctx.ReadJSON(&any)
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Infof("received %#+v", any)
// HERE:
app.Run(iris.Addr(":80"), iris.WithoutPathCorrectionRedirection)
# Tu, 06 November 2018 | v11.0.3
- add "part" html view engine's tmpl function: [15bb55d](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/15bb55d85eac378bbe0c98c10ffea938cc05fe4d)
- update pug engine's vendor: [c20bc3b](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/c20bc3bceef158ef99931e609123fa0aca2a918c)
# Tu, 30 October 2018 | v11.0.2
Fix [memstore](core/memstore/memstore.go) overflows when build 32 bit app, reported and fixed by [@bouroo](https://github.com/bouroo) at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1118
# Su, 28 October 2018 | v11.0.1
- Update benchmarks: https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/d1b47b1ec65ae77a2ca7485e510386f4a5456ac4
- Add link for third-party source benchmarks: https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/64e80a7ee5c23ed938ddc8b68d181a25420c7653
- Add optionally custom low-level websocket message data prefix as requested at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1113 by [@jjhesk](https://github.com/jjhesk). Example:
app := iris.New()
// [...]
wsServer := websocket.New(websocket.Config{
// [...]
EvtMessagePrefix: []byte("my-custom-prefix:"),
// [...]
// serve the javascript built-in client-side library,
// see websockets.html script tags, this path is used.
app.Any("/iris-ws.js", func(ctx iris.Context) {
// [...]
# Su, 21 October 2018 | v11.0.0
For the craziest of us, click [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/compare/v10.7.0...v11) 🔥 to find out the commits and the code changes since our previous release.
## Breaking changes
- Remove the "Configurator" `WithoutVersionChecker` and the configuration field `DisableVersionChecker`
- `:int` parameter type **can accept negative numbers now**.
- `app.Macros().String/Int/Uint64/Path...RegisterFunc` should be replaced to: `app.Macros().Get("string" or "int" or "uint64" or "path" when "path" is the ":path" parameter type).RegisterFunc`, because you can now add custom macros and parameter types as well, see [here](_examples/routing/macros).
- `RegisterFunc("min", func(paramValue string) bool {...})` should be replaced to `RegisterFunc("min", func(paramValue <T>) bool {...})`, the `paramValue` argument is now stored in the exact type the macro's type evaluator inits it, i.e `uint64` or `int` and so on, therefore you don't have to convert the parameter value each time (this should make your handlers with macro functions activated even faster now)
- The `Context#ReadForm` will no longer return an error if it has no value to read from the request, we let those checks to the caller and validators as requested at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1095 by [@haritsfahreza](https://github.com/haritsfahreza)
## Routing
I wrote a [new router implementation](https://github.com/kataras/muxie#philosophy) for our Iris internal(low-level) routing mechanism, it is good to know that this was the second time we have updated the router internals without a single breaking change after the v6, thanks to the very well-written and designed-first code we have for the high-level path syntax component called [macro interpreter](macro/interpreter).
The new router supports things like **closest wildcard resolution**.
> If the name doesn't sound good to you it is because I named that feature myself, I don't know any other framework or router that supports a thing like that so be gentle:)
Previously you couldn't register routes like: `/{myparam:path}` and `/static` and `/{myparam:string}` and `/{myparam:string}/static` and `/static/{myparam:string}` all in one path prefix without a "decision handler". And generally if you had a wildcard it was possible to add (a single) static part and (a single) named parameter but not without performance cost and limits, why only one? (one is better than nothing: look the Iris' alternatives) We struggle to overcome our own selves, now you **can definitely do it without a bit of performance cost**, and surely we hand't imagine the wildcard to **catch all if nothing else found** without huge routing performance cost, the wildcard(`:path`) meant ONLY: "accept one or more path segments and put them into the declared parameter" so if you had register a dynamic single-path-segment named parameter like `:string, :int, :uint, :alphabetical...` in between those path segments it wouldn't work. The **closest wildcard resolution** offers you the opportunity to design your APIs even better via custom handlers and error handlers like `404 not found` to path prefixes for your API's groups, now you can do it without any custom code for path resolution inside a "decision handler" or a middleware.
Code worths 1000 words, now it is possible to define your routes like this without any issues:
package main
import (
func main() {
app := iris.New()
// matches everyhing if nothing else found,
// so you can use it for custom 404 root-level/main pages!
app.Get("/{p:path}", func(ctx context.Context) {
path := ctx.Params().Get("p")
// gives the path without the first "/".
ctx.Writef("Site Custom 404 Error Message\nPage of: '%s' not found", path)
app.Get("/", indexHandler)
// request: http://localhost:8080/profile
// response: "Profile Index"
app.Get("/profile", func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx.Writef("Profile Index")
// request: http://localhost:8080/profile/kataras
// response: "Profile of username: 'kataras'"
app.Get("/profile/{username}", func(ctx context.Context) {
username := ctx.Params().Get("username")
ctx.Writef("Profile of username: '%s'", username)
// request: http://localhost:8080/profile/settings
// response: "Profile personal settings"
app.Get("/profile/settings", func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx.Writef("Profile personal settings")
// request: http://localhost:8080/profile/settings/security
// response: "Profile personal security settings"
app.Get("/profile/settings/security", func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx.Writef("Profile personal security settings")
// matches everyhing /profile/*somethng_here*
// if no other route matches the path semgnet after the
// /profile or /profile/
// So, you can use it for custom 404 profile pages
// side-by-side to your root wildcard without issues!
// For example:
// request: http://localhost:8080/profile/kataras/what
// response:
// Profile Page Custom 404 Error Message
// Profile Page of: 'kataras/what' was unable to be found
app.Get("/profile/{p:path}", func(ctx context.Context) {
path := ctx.Params().Get("p")
ctx.Writef("Profile Page Custom 404 Error Message\nProfile Page of: '%s' not found", path)
func indexHandler(ctx context.Context) {
ctx.HTML("This is the <strong>index page</strong>")
The `github.com/kataras/iris/core/router.AllMethods` is now a variable that can be altered by end-developers, so things like `app.Any` can register to custom methods as well, as requested at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1102. For example, import that package and do `router.AllMethods = append(router.AllMethods, "LINK")` in your `main` or `init` function.
The old `github.com/kataras/iris/core/router/macro` package was moved to `guthub.com/kataras/iris/macro` to allow end-developers to add custom parameter types and macros, it supports all go standard types by default as you will see below.
- `:int` parameter type as an alias to the old `:int` which can accept any numeric path segment now, both negative and positive numbers
- Add `:int8` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetInt8`
- Add `:int16` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetInt16`
- Add `:int32` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetInt32`
- Add `:int64` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetInt64`
- Add `:uint` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetUint`
- Add `:uint8` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetUint8`
- Add `:uint16` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetUint16`
- Add `:uint32` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetUint32`
- Add `:uint64` parameter type and `ctx.Params().GetUint64`
- Add alias `:bool` for the `:boolean` parameter type
Here is the full list of the built-in parameter types that we support now, including their validations/path segment rules.
| Param Type | Go Type | Validation | Retrieve Helper |
| -----------------|------|-------------|------|
| `:string` | string | the default if param type is missing, anything (single path segment) | `Params().Get` |
| `:int` | int | -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 (x64) or -2147483648 to 2147483647 (x32), depends on the host arch | `Params().GetInt` |
| `:int8` | int8 | -128 to 127 | `Params().GetInt8` |
| `:int16` | int16 | -32768 to 32767 | `Params().GetInt16` |
| `:int32` | int32 | -2147483648 to 2147483647 | `Params().GetInt32` |
| `:int64` | int64 | -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 | `Params().GetInt64` |
| `:uint` | uint | 0 to 18446744073709551615 (x64) or 0 to 4294967295 (x32), depends on the host arch | `Params().GetUint` |
| `:uint8` | uint8 | 0 to 255 | `Params().GetUint8` |
| `:uint16` | uint16 | 0 to 65535 | `Params().GetUint16` |
| `:uint32` | uint32 | 0 to 4294967295 | `Params().GetUint32` |
| `:uint64` | uint64 | 0 to 18446744073709551615 | `Params().GetUint64` |
| `:bool` | bool | "1" or "t" or "T" or "TRUE" or "true" or "True" or "0" or "f" or "F" or "FALSE" or "false" or "False" | `Params().GetBool` |
| `:alphabetical` | string | lowercase or uppercase letters | `Params().Get` |
| `:file` | string | lowercase or uppercase letters, numbers, underscore (_), dash (-), point (.) and no spaces or other special characters that are not valid for filenames | `Params().Get` |
| `:path` | string | anything, can be separated by slashes (path segments) but should be the last part of the route path | `Params().Get` |
app.Get("/users/{id:uint64}", func(ctx iris.Context){
id, _ := ctx.Params().GetUint64("id")
// [...]
| Built-in Func | Param Types |
| -----------|---------------|
| `regexp`(expr string) | :string |
| `prefix`(prefix string) | :string |
| `suffix`(suffix string) | :string |
| `contains`(s string) | :string |
| `min`(minValue int or int8 or int16 or int32 or int64 or uint8 or uint16 or uint32 or uint64 or float32 or float64) | :string(char length), :int, :int8, :int16, :int32, :int64, :uint, :uint8, :uint16, :uint32, :uint64 |
| `max`(maxValue int or int8 or int16 or int32 or int64 or uint8 or uint16 or uint32 or uint64 or float32 or float64) | :string(char length), :int, :int8, :int16, :int32, :int64, :uint, :uint8, :uint16, :uint32, :uint64 |
| `range`(minValue, maxValue int or int8 or int16 or int32 or int64 or uint8 or uint16 or uint32 or uint64 or float32 or float64) | :int, :int8, :int16, :int32, :int64, :uint, :uint8, :uint16, :uint32, :uint64 |
app.Get("/profile/{name:alphabetical max(255)}", func(ctx iris.Context){
name := ctx.Params().Get("name")
// len(name) <=255 otherwise this route will fire 404 Not Found
// and this handler will not be executed at all.
## Vendoring
- Rename the vendor `sessions/sessiondb/vendor/...bbolt` from `coreos/bbolt` to `etcd-io/bbolt` and update to v1.3.1, based on [that](https://github.com/etcd-io/bbolt/releases/tag/v1.3.1-etcd.7)
- Update the vendor `sessions/sessiondb/vendor/...badger` to v1.5.3
I believe it is soon to adapt the new [go modules](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#table-of-contents) inside Iris, the new `go mod` command may change until go 1.12, it is still an experimental feature.
The [vendor](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/vendor) folder will be kept until the majority of Go developers get acquainted with the new `go modules`. The `go.mod` and `go.sum` files will come at `iris v12` (or `go 1.12`), we could do that on this version as well but I don't want to have half-things, versioning should be passed on import path as well and that is a large breaking change to go with it right now, so it will probably have a new path such as `github.com/kataras/iris/v12` based on a `git tag` like every Iris release (we are lucky here because we used semantic versioning from day zero). No folder re-structure inside the root git repository to split versions will ever happen, so backwards-compatibility for older go versions(before go 1.9.3) and iris versions will be not enabled by-default although it's easy for anyone to grab any version from older [releases](https://github.com/kataras/iris/releases) or branch and target that.
# Sat, 11 August 2018 | v10.7.0
I am overjoyed to announce stage 1 of the the Iris Web framework **10.7 stable release is now available**.
Version 10.7.0 is part of the official [releases](https://github.com/kataras/iris/releases).
This release does not contain any breaking changes to existing Iris-based projects built on older versions of Iris. Iris developers can upgrade with absolute safety.
Read below the changes and the improvements to the framework's internals. We also have more examples for beginners in our community.
## New Examples
- [Iris + WebAssemply = 💓](_examples/webassembly/basic/main.go) **compatible only for projects built with go11.beta and above**
- [Server-Sent Events](_examples/http_responsewriter/sse/main.go)
- [Struct Validation on context.ReadJSON](_examples/http_request/read-json-struct-validation/main.go)
- [Extract referrer from "referer" header or URL query parameter](_examples/http_request/extract-referer/main.go)
- [Hero Sessions](_examples/hero/sessions)
- [Yet another dependency injection example with hero](_examples/hero/smart-contract/main.go)
- [Writing an API for the Apache Kafka](_examples/tutorial/api-for-apache-kafka)
> Also, all "sessions" examples have been customized to include the `AllowReclaim: true` option.
## kataras/iris/websocket
- Change connection list from a customized slice to `sync.Map` with: [this](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/5f16704f45bedd767527eadf411cf9bc0f8edaee) and [that commit](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/16b30e8eed1406c61abc01282120870bd9fa31d8)
- Minify and add the `iris-ws.js` to the famous https://cdnjs.com via [this PR](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1053) made by [Dibyendu Das](https://github.com/dibyendu)
## kataras/iris/core/router
- Add `json` field tags and new functions such as `ChangeMethod`, `SetStatusOffline` and `RestoreStatus` to the `Route` structure, these type of changes to the routes at runtime have effect after the manual call of the `Router/Application.RefreshRouter()` (not recommended but useful for custom Iris web server's remote control panels)
- Add `GetRoutesReadOnly` function to the `APIBuilder` structure
## kataras/iris/context
- Add `GetReferrer`, `GetContentTypeRequested` and `URLParamInt32Default` functions
- Insert `Trace`, `Tmpl` and `MainHandlerName` functions to the `RouteReadOnly` interface
- Add `OnConnectionClose` function listener to fire a callback when the underline tcp connection is closed, extremely useful for SSE or other loop-forever implementations inside a handler -- and `OnClose` which is the same as `OnConnectionClose(myFunc)` and `defer myFunc()` [*](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/6898c2f755a0e22aa42e3b1799e29c857777a6f9)
This release contains minor grammar and typo fixes and more meaningful [godoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/kataras/iris) code comments too.
## Industry
I am glad to announce that Iris has been chosen as the main development kit for eight medium-to-large sized companies and a new very promising India-based startup. I want to thank you once again for the unwavering support and trust you have shown me, especially this year, despite the past unfair rumours and defamation that we suffered by the merciless competition.
# Tu, 05 June 2018 | v10.6.6
- **view/pug**: update vendor for Pug (Jade) parser and add [Iris + Pug examples](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples#view) via [this commit](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/e0171cbed69efecba199ef547aa5e7063e18b27a), relative to [issue #1003](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1003) opened by [@DjLeChuck](https://github.com/DjLeChuck)
- **middleware/logger**: new configuration field, defaults to false: `Query bool`, if true prints the full path, including the URL query as requested at [issue #1017](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1017) by [@andr33z](https://github.com/andr33z). Example [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/request-logger/main.go#L21). Implemented by [this commit](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a7364876e0d1b8bd60acf94f17f6d1341b16c617)
- **cookies**: some minor but helpful additions, like `CookieOption` relative to [issue #1018](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1018) asked by [@dibyendu](https://github.com/dibyendu). [Cookies examples added](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies) too. Implemented by [this commit](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/574414a64ed3d8736c836d476e6304d915f4a511)
- **cookies**: ability to set custom cookie encoders to encode the cookie's value before sent by `context#SetCookie` and `context#SetCookieKV` and cookie decoders to decode the cookie's value when retrieving from `context#GetCookie`. That was the second and final part relative to a community's question at: [issue #1018](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1018). Implemented by [this commit](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/f708c6098faec7c4e2232c791380cdff7a26960b)
- **fix**: [issue #1020](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1020) via [this commit](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/3d30ccef05703246b716a14dda14d2f28294dbd2), redis database stores the int as float64, don't change that native behavior, just grab it nicely.
## Translations (2)
- [README_PT_BR.md](README_PT_BR.md) for Brazilian Portuguese language via [this PR](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1008) thanks to [@gschri](https://github.com/gschri)
- [README_JPN.md](README_JPN.md) for Japanese language via [this PR](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1015) thanks to [@tkhkokd](https://github.com/tkhkokd).
Thank you both for your contribution. We all looking forward for the HISTORY translations as well!!!
# Mo, 21 May 2018 | v10.6.5
First of all, special thanks to [@haritsfahreza](https://github.com/haritsfahreza) for translating the entire Iris' README page & Changelogs to the Bahasa Indonesia language via PR: [#1000](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1000)!
## New Feature: `Execution Rules`
From the begin of the Iris' journey we used to use the `ctx.Next()` inside handlers in order to call the next handler in the route's registered handlers chain, otherwise the "next handler" would never be executed.
We could always "force-break" that handlers chain using the `ctx.StopExecution()` to indicate that any future `ctx.Next()` calls will do nothing.
These things will never change, they were designed in the lower possible level of the Iris' high-performant and unique router and they're working like a charm:)
We have introduced `Iris MVC Applications` two years later. Iris is the first and the only one Go web framework with a realistic point-view and feature-rich MVC architectural pattern support without sacrifices, always with speed in mind (handlers vs mvc have almost the same speed here!!!).
A bit later we introduced another two unique features, `Hero Handlers and Service/Dynamic Bindings` (see the very bottom of this HISTORY page).
You loved it, you're using it a lot, just take a look at the recent github issues the community raised about MVC and etc.
Two recent discussions/support were about calling `Done` handlers inside MVC applications, you could simply do that by implementing the optional `BaseController` as examples shown, i.e:
func (c *myController) BeginRequest(ctx iris.Context) {}
func (c *myController) EndRequest(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.Next() // Call of any `Done` handlers.
But for some reason you found that confused. This is where the new feature comes: **The option to change the default behavior of handlers execution's rules PER PARTY**.
For example, we want to run all handlers(begin, main and done handlers) with the order you register but without the need of the `ctx.Next()` (in that case the only remained way to stop the lifecycle of an http request when next handlers are registered is to use the `ctx.StopExecution()` which, does not allow the next handler(s) to be executed even if `ctx.Next()` called in some place later on, but you're already know this, I hope :)).
package main
import (
func main() {
app := iris.New()
app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Redirect("/example") })
m := mvc.New(app.Party("/example"))
// the new feature, all options can be filled with Force:true, they are all play nice together.
// Begin: <- from `Use[all]` to `Handle[last]` future route handlers, execute all, execute all even if `ctx.Next()` is missing.
// Main: <- all `Handle` future route handlers, execute all >> >>.
Done: iris.ExecutionOptions{Force: true}, // <- from `Handle[last]` to `Done[all]` future route handlers, execute all >> >>.
// m.Router.Done(...)
// ...
func doneHandler(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.WriteString("\nFrom Done Handler")
type exampleController struct{}
func (c *exampleController) Get() string {
return "From Main Handler"
// Note that here we don't binding the `Context`, and we don't call its `Next()`
// function in order to call the `doneHandler`,
// this is done automatically for us because we changed the execution rules with the `SetExecutionRules`.
// Therefore, the final output is:
// From Main Handler
// From Done Handler
Example at: [_examples/mvc/middleware/without-ctx-next](_examples/mvc/middleware/without-ctx-next).
This feature can be applied to any type of application, the example is an MVC Application because many of you asked for this exactly flow the past days.
## Thank you
Thank you for your honest support once again, your posts are the heart of this framework.
Don't forget to [star](https://github.com/kataras/iris/stargazers) the Iris' github repository whenever you can and spread the world about its potentials!
Be part of this,
- complete our User Experience Report: https://goo.gl/forms/lnRbVgA6ICTkPyk02
- join to our Community live chat: https://chat.iris-go.com
- connect to our [new facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/iris.framework) to get notifications about new job opportunities relatively to Iris!
[Gerasimos Maropoulos](https://twitter.com/MakisMaropoulos).
# We, 09 May 2018 | v10.6.4
- [fix issue 995](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/62457279f41a1f157869a19ef35fb5198694fddb)
- [fix issue 996](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a11bb5619ab6b007dce15da9984a78d88cd38956)
# We, 02 May 2018 | v10.6.3
**Every server should be upgraded to this version**, it contains an important, but easy, fix for the `websocket/Connection#Emit##To`.
- Websocket: fix https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/991
# Tu, 01 May 2018 | v10.6.2
- Websocket: added OnPong to Connection via PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/988
- Websocket: `OnError` accepts a `func(error)` now instead of `func(string)`, as requested at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/987
# We, 25 April 2018 | v10.6.1
- Re-implement the [BoltDB](https://github.com/coreos/bbolt) as built-in back-end storage for sessions(`sessiondb`) using the latest features: [/sessions/sessiondb/boltdb/database.go](sessions/sessiondb/boltdb/database.go), example can be found at [/_examples/sessions/database/boltdb/main.go](_examples/sessions/database/boltdb/main.go).
- Fix a minor issue on [Badger sessiondb example](_examples/sessions/database/badger/main.go). Its `sessions.Config { Expires }` field was `2 *time.Second`, it's `45 *time.Minute` now.
- Other minor improvements to the badger sessiondb.
# Su, 22 April 2018 | v10.6.0
- Fix open redirect by @wozz via PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/972.
- Fix when destroy session can't remove cookie in subdomain by @Chengyumeng via PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/964.
- Add `OnDestroy(sid string)` on sessions for registering a listener when a session is destroyed with commit: https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/d17d7fecbe4937476d00af7fda1c138c1ac6f34d.
- Finally, sessions are in full-sync with the registered database now. That required a lot of internal code changed but **zero code change requirements by your side**. We kept only `badger` and `redis` as the back-end built-in supported sessions storages, they are enough. Made with commit: https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/f2c3a5f0cef62099fd4d77c5ccb14f654ddbfb5c relative to many issues that you've requested it.
# Sa, 24 March 2018 | v10.5.0
### New
Add new client cache (helpers) middlewares for even faster static file servers. Read more [there](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/935).
### Breaking Change
Change the `Value<T>Default(<T>, error)` to `Value<T>Default(key, defaultValue) <T>` like `ctx.PostValueIntDefault` or `ctx.Values().GetIntDefault` or `sessions/session#GetIntDefault` or `context#URLParamIntDefault`.
The proposal was made by @jefurry at https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/937.
#### How to align your existing codebase
Just remove the second return value from these calls.
Nothing too special or hard to change here, think that in our 100+ [_examples](_examples) we had only two of them.
For example: at [_examples/mvc/basic/main.go line 100](_examples/mvc/basic/main.go#L100) the `count,_ := c.Session.GetIntDefault("count", 1)` **becomes now:** `count := c.Session.GetIntDefault("count", 1)`.
> Remember that if you can't upgrade then just don't, we dont have any security fixes in this release, but at some point you will have to upgrade for your own good, we always add new features that you will love to embrace!
# We, 14 March 2018 | v10.4.0
- fix `APIBuilder, Party#StaticWeb` and `APIBuilder, Party#StaticEmbedded` wrong strip prefix inside children parties
- keep the `iris, core/router#StaticEmbeddedHandler` and remove the `core/router/APIBuilder#StaticEmbeddedHandler`, (note the `Handler` suffix) it's global and has nothing to do with the `Party` or the `APIBuilder`
- fix high path cleaning between `{}` (we already escape those contents at the [interpreter](macro/interpreter) level but some symbols are still removed by the higher-level api builder) , i.e `\\` from the string's macro function `regex` contents as reported at [927](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/927) by [commit e85b113476eeefffbc7823297cc63cd152ebddfd](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/e85b113476eeefffbc7823297cc63cd152ebddfd)
- sync the `golang.org/x/sys/unix` vendor
## The most important
We've made static files served up to 8 times faster using the new tool, <https://github.com/kataras/bindata> which is a fork of your beloved `go-bindata`, some unnecessary things for us were removed there and contains some additions for performance boost.
## Reqs/sec with [shuLhan/go-bindata](https://github.com/shuLhan/go-bindata) and alternatives

## Reqs/sec with [kataras/bindata](https://github.com/kataras/bindata)

A **new** function `Party#StaticEmbeddedGzip` which has the same input arguments as the `Party#StaticEmbedded` added. The difference is that the **new** `StaticEmbeddedGzip` accepts the `GzipAsset` and `GzipAssetNames` from the `bindata` (go get -u github.com/kataras/bindata/cmd/bindata).
You can still use both `bindata` and `go-bindata` tools in the same folder, the first for embedding the rest of the static files (javascript, css, ...) and the second for embedding the templates!
A full example can be found at: [_examples/file-server/embedding-gziped-files-into-app/main.go](_examples/file-server/embedding-gziped-files-into-app/main.go).
_Happy Coding!_
# Sa, 10 March 2018 | v10.3.0
- The only one API Change is the [Application/Context/Router#RouteExists](https://godoc.org/github.com/kataras/iris/core/router#Router.RouteExists), it accepts the `Context` as its first argument instead of last now.
- Fix cors middleware via https://github.com/iris-contrib/middleware/commit/048e2be034ed172c6754448b8a54a9c55debad46, relative issue: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/922 (still pending for a verification).
- Add `Context#NextOr` and `Context#NextOrNotFound`
// NextOr checks if chain has a next handler, if so then it executes it
// otherwise it sets a new chain assigned to this Context based on the given handler(s)
// and executes its first handler.
// Returns true if next handler exists and executed, otherwise false.
// Note that if no next handler found and handlers are missing then
// it sends a Status Not Found (404) to the client and it stops the execution.
NextOr(handlers ...Handler) bool
// NextOrNotFound checks if chain has a next handler, if so then it executes it
// otherwise it sends a Status Not Found (404) to the client and stops the execution.
// Returns true if next handler exists and executed, otherwise false.
NextOrNotFound() bool
- Add a new `Party#AllowMethods` which if called before any `Handle, Get, Post...` will clone the routes to that methods as well.
- Fix trailing slash from POST method request redirection as reported at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/921 via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/dc589d9135295b4d080a9a91e942aacbfe5d56c5
- Add examples for read using custom decoder per type, read using custom decoder via `iris#UnmarshalerFunc` and to complete it add an example for the `context#ReadXML`, you can find them [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples#how-to-read-from-contextrequest-httprequest)via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/78cd8e5f677fe3ff2c863c5bea7d1c161bf4c31e.
- Add one more example for custom router macro functions, relative to https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/918, you can find it [there](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L144-L158), via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a7690c71927cbf3aa876592fab94f04cada91b72
- Add wrappers for `Pongo`'s `AsValue()` and `AsSaveValue()` by @neenar via PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/913
- Remove unnecessary reflection usage on `context#UnmarshalBody` via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/4b9e41458b62035ea4933789c0a132c3ef2a90cc
# Th, 15 February 2018 | v10.2.1
Fix subdomains' `StaticEmbedded` & `StaticWeb` not found errors, as reported by [@speedwheel](https://github.com/speedwheel) via [facebook page's chat](https://facebook.com/iris.framework).
# Th, 08 February 2018 | v10.2.0
A new minor version family because it contains a **BREAKING CHANGE** and a new `Party#Reset` function.
### Party#Done behavior change & new Party#DoneGlobal introduced
As correctly pointed out by @likakuli at https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/901, the old `Done` registered
handlers globally instead of party's and its children routes, this was not by accident because `Done` was introduced
before the `UseGlobal` idea and it didn't change for the shake of stability. Now it's time to move on, the new `Done` should be called before the routes that they care about those done handlers and the **new** `DoneGlobal` works like the old `Done`; order doesn't matter and it appends those done handlers
to the current registered routes and the future, globally (to all subdomains, parties every route in the Application).
The [routing/writing-a-middleware](_examples/routing/writing-a-middleware) examples are updated, read those to understand what's going on, although if you used iris before and you know the vocabulary we use you don't have to, the `DoneGlobal` and `Done` are clearly separated.
### Party#Reset
A new `Party#Reset()` function introduced in order to be able to clear parent's Party's begin and done handlers that are registered via `Use` and `Done` at a previous state, nothing crazy about this, it just clears the `middleware` and `doneHandlers` of the current Party instance, see `core/router#APIBuilder` for more.
### Update your codebase
Just replace all existing `.Done(` with `.DoneGlobal(` using a rich code editor (like the [VSCode](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kataras2006.iris)) which supports `find and replace all` and you're ready to Go:)
# Tu, 06 February 2018 | v10.1.0
New Features:
- Multi-Level subdomain redirect helper, you can find an example [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/subdomains/redirect/main.go)
- Cache middleware which makes use of the `304` status code, request fires from client to server but server respond with a status code, client is responsible to render the cached, you can find an example [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/cache/client-side/main.go)
- `websocket/Connection#IsJoined(roomName string)` new method to check if a user is joined to a room. An un-joined connections cannot send messages, this check is optionally.
- update vendor/golang/crypto package to its latest version again, they have a lot of fixes there, as you know we're always following the dependencies for any fixes and meanful updates.
- [don't force-set content type on gzip response writer's WriteString and Writef if already there](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/af79aad11932f1a4fcbf7ebe28274b96675d0000)
- [new: add websocket/Connection#IsJoined](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/cb9e30948c8f1dd099f5168218d110765989992e)
- [fix #897](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/21cb572b638e82711910745cfae3c52d836f01f9)
- [add context#StatusCodeNotSuccessful variable for customize even the rfc2616-sec10](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/c56b7a3f04d953a264dfff15dadd2b4407d62a6f)
- [fix example comment on routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L101](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/0fbf1d45f7893cb1393759b7362444f3d381d182)
- [new: Cache Middleware `iris.Cache304`](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/1722355870174cecbc12f7beff8514b058b3b912)
- [fix comment on csrf example](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a39e3d7d6cf528e51e6c7e32a884a8d9f2fadc0b)
- [un-default the Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/47108dc5a147a8b23de61bef86fe9327f0781396)
- [add vscode extension link and badge](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/6f594c0a7c641cc98bd683163fffbf5fa5fc8de6)
- [add an `app.View` example for parsing and writing templates outside of the HTTP (similar to context#View)](_examples/view/write-to)
- [new: Support multi-level subdomains redirect](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/12d7df113e611a75088c2a72774dab749d2c7685).
# Tu, 16 January 2018 | v10.0.2
## Security | `iris.AutoTLS`
**Every server should be upgraded to this version**, it contains fixes for the _tls-sni challenge disabled_ some days ago by letsencrypt.org which caused almost every https-enabled golang server to be unable to be functional, therefore support for the _http-01 challenge type_ added. Now the server is testing all available letsencrypt challenges.
Read more at:
- https://letsencrypt.status.io/pages/incident/55957a99e800baa4470002da/5a55777ed9a9c1024c00b241
- https://github.com/golang/crypto/commit/13931e22f9e72ea58bb73048bc752b48c6d4d4ac
# Mo, 15 January 2018 | v10.0.1
Not any serious problems were found to be resolved here but one, the first one which is important for devs that used the [cache](cache) package.
- fix a single one cache handler didn't work across multiple route handlers at the same time https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/852, as reported at https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/850
- merge PR https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/862
- do not allow concurrent access to the `ExecuteWriter -> Load` when `view#Engine##Reload` was true, as requested at https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/872
- badge for open-source projects powered by Iris, learn how to add that badge to your open-source project at [FAQ.md](FAQ.md) file
- upstream update for `golang/crypto` to apply the fix about the [tls-sni challenge disabled](https://letsencrypt.status.io/pages/incident/55957a99e800baa4470002da/5a55777ed9a9c1024c00b241) https://github.com/golang/crypto/commit/13931e22f9e72ea58bb73048bc752b48c6d4d4ac (**relative to iris.AutoTLS**)
## New Backers
1. https://opencollective.com/cetin-basoz
## New Translations
1. The Chinese README_ZH.md and HISTORY_ZH.md was translated by @Zeno-Code via https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/858
2. New Russian README_RU.md translations by @merrydii via https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/857
3. New Greek README_GR.md and HISTORY_GR.md translations via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/8c4e17c2a5433c36c148a51a945c4dc35fbe502a#diff-74b06c740d860f847e7b577ad58ddde0 and https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/bb5a81c540b34eaf5c6c8e993f644a0e66a78fb8
## New Examples
1. [MVC - Register Middleware](_examples/mvc/middleware)
## New Articles
1. [A Todo MVC Application using Iris and Vue.js](https://hackernoon.com/a-todo-mvc-application-using-iris-and-vue-js-5019ff870064)
2. [A Hasura starter project with a ready to deploy Golang hello-world web app with IRIS](bit.ly/2lmKaAZ)
# Mo, 01 January 2018 | v10.0.0
We must thanks [Mrs. Diana](https://www.instagram.com/merry.dii/) for our awesome new [logo](https://iris-go.com/images/icon.svg)!
You can [contact](mailto:Kovalenkodiana8@gmail.com) her for any design-related enquiries or explore and send a direct message via [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/merry.dii/).
<p align="center">
<img width="145px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/icon.svg?v=a" />
At this version we have many internal improvements but just two major changes and one big feature, called **hero**.
> The new version adds 75 plus new commits, the PR is located [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/849) read the internal changes if you are developing a web framework based on Iris. Why 9 was skipped? Because.
## Hero
The new package [hero](hero) contains features for binding any object or function that `handlers` may use, these are called dependencies. Hero funcs can also return any type of values, these values will be dispatched to the client.
> You may saw binding before but you didn't have code editor's support, with Iris you get truly safe binding thanks to the new `hero` package. It's also fast, near to raw handlers performance because Iris calculates everything before server ran!
Below you will see some screenshots we prepared for you in order to be easier to understand:
### 1. Path Parameters - Built-in Dependencies

### 2. Services - Static Dependencies

### 3. Per-Request - Dynamic Dependencies

`hero funcs` are very easy to understand and when you start using them **you never go back**.
- [Basic](_examples/hero/basic/main.go)
- [Overview](_examples/hero/overview)
## MVC
You have to understand the `hero` package in order to use the `mvc`, because `mvc` uses the `hero` internally for the controller's methods you use as routes, the same rules applied to those controller's methods of yours as well.
With this version you can register **any controller's methods as routes manually**, you can **get a route based on a method name and change its `Name` (useful for reverse routing inside templates)**, you can use any **dependencies** registered from `hero.Register` or `mvc.New(iris.Party).Register` per mvc application or per-controller, **you can still use `BeginRequest` and `EndRequest`**, you can catch **`BeforeActivation(b mvc.BeforeActivation)` to add dependencies per controller and `AfterActivation(a mvc.AfterActivation)` to make any post-validations**, **singleton controllers when no dynamic dependencies are used**, **Websocket controller, as simple as a `websocket.Connection` dependency** and more...
Old examples are here as well. Compare the two different versions of each example to understand what you win if you upgrade now.
| NEW | OLD |
| -----------|-------------|
| [Hello world](_examples/mvc/hello-world/main.go) | [OLD Hello world](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v8/_examples/mvc/hello-world/main.go) |
| [Session Controller](_examples/mvc/session-controller/main.go) | [OLD Session Controller](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v8/_examples/mvc/session-controller/main.go) |
| [Overview - Plus Repository and Service layers](_examples/mvc/overview) | [OLD Overview - Plus Repository and Service layers](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/v8/_examples/mvc/overview) |
| [Login showcase - Plus Repository and Service layers](_examples/mvc/login) | [OLD Login showcase - Plus Repository and Service layers](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/v8/_examples/mvc/login) |
| [Singleton](_examples/mvc/singleton) | **NEW** |
| [Websocket Controller](_examples/mvc/websocket) | **NEW** |
| [Vue.js Todo MVC](_examples/tutorial/vuejs-todo-mvc) | **NEW** |
## context#PostMaxMemory
Remove the old static variable `context.DefaultMaxMemory` and replace it with the configuration `WithPostMaxMemory`.
// WithPostMaxMemory sets the maximum post data size
// that a client can send to the server, this differs
// from the overral request body size which can be modified
// by the `context#SetMaxRequestBodySize` or `iris#LimitRequestBodySize`.
// Defaults to 32MB or 32 << 20 if you prefer.
func WithPostMaxMemory(limit int64) Configurator
If you used that old static field you will have to change that single line.
import "github.com/kataras/iris"
func main() {
app := iris.New()
// [...]
app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"), iris.WithPostMaxMemory(10 << 20))
## context#UploadFormFiles
New method to upload multiple files, should be used for common upload actions, it's just a helper function.
// UploadFormFiles uploads any received file(s) from the client
// to the system physical location "destDirectory".
// The second optional argument "before" gives caller the chance to
// modify the *miltipart.FileHeader before saving to the disk,
// it can be used to change a file's name based on the current request,
// all FileHeader's options can be changed. You can ignore it if
// you don't need to use this capability before saving a file to the disk.
// Note that it doesn't check if request body streamed.
// Returns the copied length as int64 and
// a not nil error if at least one new file
// can't be created due to the operating system's permissions or
// http.ErrMissingFile if no file received.
// If you want to receive & accept files and manage them manually you can use the `context#FormFile`
// instead and create a copy function that suits your needs, the below is for generic usage.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// See `FormFile` to a more controlled to receive a file.
func (ctx *context) UploadFormFiles(
destDirectory string,
before ...func(string, string),
) (int64, error)
Example can be found [here](_examples/http_request/upload-files/main.go).
## context#View
Just a minor addition, add a second optional variadic argument to the `context#View` method to accept a single value for template binding.
When you just want one value and not key-value pairs, you used to use an empty string on the `ViewData`, which is fine, especially if you preload these from a previous handler/middleware in the request handlers chain.
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.ViewData("", myItem{Name: "iris" })
Same as:
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.View("item.html", myItem{Name: "iris" })
Item's name: {{.Name}}
## context#YAML
Add a new `context#YAML` function, it renders a yaml from a structured value.
// YAML marshals the "v" using the yaml marshaler and renders its result to the client.
func YAML(v interface{}) (int, error)
## Session#GetString
`sessions/session#GetString` can now return a filled value even if the stored value is a type of integer, just like the memstore, the context's temp store, the context's path parameters and the context's url parameters.
# Mo, 22 July 2019 | v11.2.0
@ -11,333 +11,8 @@
### Πρέπει να αναβαθμίσω το Iris μου;
Οι προγραμματιστές δεν αναγκάζονται να αναβαθμίσουν αν δεν το χρειάζονται πραγματικά. Αναβαθμίστε όποτε αισθάνεστε έτοιμοι.
Οι προγραμματιστές δεν χρειάζεται να αναβαθμίσουν το τοπικό τους Iris αμέσως. Αναβαθμίστε όποτε αισθάνεστε έτοιμοι.
> Το Iris εκμεταλλεύεται τη λεγόμενη λειτουργία [vendor directory](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo). Παίρνετε πλήρως αναπαραγωγίσιμα builds, καθώς αυτή η μέθοδος προστατεύει από τις upstream μετονομασίες και διαγραφές.
**Πώς να αναβαθμίσετε**: Ανοίξτε την γραμμή εντολών σας και εκτελέστε αυτήν την εντολή: `go get github.com/kataras/iris@v11.2.0`.
**Πώς να αναβαθμίσετε**: Ανοίξτε την γραμμή εντολών σας και εκτελέστε αυτήν την εντολή: `go get -u github.com/kataras/iris` ή αφήστε το αυτόματο updater να το κάνει αυτό για σας.
# Fr, 11 January 2019 | v11.1.1
Πατήστε [εδώ](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#fr-11-january-2019--v1111) για να διαβάσετε στα αγγλικά.
# Su, 18 November 2018 | v11.1.0
Πατήστε [εδώ](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-18-november-2018--v1110) για να διαβάσετε στα αγγλικά για το νέο "versioning" feature.
# Fr, 09 November 2018 | v11.0.4
Πατήστε [εδώ](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#fr-09-november-2018--v1104) για να διαβάσετε στα αγγλικά τις αλλαγές που φέρνει το τελευταίο patch για την έκδοση 11.
# Tu, 30 October 2018 | v11.0.2
Πατήστε [εδώ](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-30-october-2018--v1102) για να διαβάσετε στα αγγλικά μια σημαντική διόρθωση για τα x32 machines που φέρνει το τελευταίο patch για την έκδοση 11.
# Su, 28 October 2018 | v11.0.1
Πατήστε [εδώ](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-28-october-2018--v1101) για να διαβάσετε στα αγγλικά τις αλλαγές και το νέο feature που φέρνει το τελευταίο patch για την έκδοση 11.
# Su, 21 October 2018 | v11.0.0
Πατήστε [εδώ](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-21-october-2018--v1100) για να διαβάσετε στα αγγλικά τις αλλαγές και τα νέα features που φέρνει νεότερη έκδοση του Iris, version 11.
# Sat, 11 August 2018 | v10.7.0
Είμαι στην, πραγματικά, ευχάριστη θέση να σας ανακοινώσω το πρώτο στάδιο της σταθερής κυκλοφορίας της έκδοσης **10.7** του Iris Web Framework.
Η έκδοση 10.7.0 είναι μέρος των [επίσημων διανομών μας](https://github.com/kataras/iris/releases).
Αυτή η έκδοση δεν περιέχει αλλαγές που μπορούν να αλλάξουν ριζικά τα υπάρχοντα προγράμματα που χτίστηκαν με βάση παλιότερες εκδόσεις του Iris. Οι προγραμματιστές μπορούν να αναβαθμίσουν με απόλυτη ασφάλεια.
Διαβάστε παρακάτω τις αλλαγές και τις βελτιώσεις στον εσωτερικό άβυσσο του Iris. Επιπλέον έχουμε ακόμα περισσότερα παραδείγματα για αρχάριους στην κοινότητα μας.
## Νέα παραδείγματα
- [Iris + WebAssemply = 💓](_examples/webassembly/basic/main.go) **προυποθέτει την έκδοση go11.beta και αφεξ**
- [Server-Sent Events](_examples/http_responsewriter/sse/main.go)
- [Struct Validation on context.ReadJSON](_examples/http_request/read-json-struct-validation/main.go)
- [Extract referrer from "referer" header or URL query parameter](_examples/http_request/extract-referer/main.go)
- [Hero Sessions](_examples/hero/sessions)
- [Yet another dependency injection example with hero](_examples/hero/smart-contract/main.go)
- [Writing an API for the Apache Kafka](_examples/tutorial/api-for-apache-kafka)
> Επίσης, όλα τα "sessions" παραδείγματα έχουν προσαρμοστεί ώστε να περιέχουν την επιλογή `AllowReclaim: true`
## kataras/iris/websocket
- Αλλαγή του "connection list" από απλή λίστα σε `sync.Map`, έγινε με: [αυτό](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/5f16704f45bedd767527eadf411cf9bc0f8edaee) και [αυτό το commit](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/16b30e8eed1406c61abc01282120870bd9fa31d8)
- Προσθήκη του `iris-ws.js` αρχείου στο διάσημο CDN https://cdnjs.com με [αυτό το PR](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1053) από τον [Dibyendu Das](https://github.com/dibyendu)
## kataras/iris/core/router
- Προσθήκη κάποιων `json` field tags και νέα functions όπως τα `ChangeMethod`, `SetStatusOffline` και `RestoreStatus` στη `Route` δομή, προσοχή, για να υσχίσουν αυτών των ειδών οι αλλαγές προυποθέτουν από εσας το κάλεσμα του `Router/Application.RefreshRouter()`. (δεν συνιστάται απόλυτα αλλά είναι χρήσιμο για ειδικά κατασκευασμένες ιστοσελίδες τρίτων που μπορεί να υπάρχουν εκει έξω για διαχείριση ενός Web Server που χτίστηκε με Iris)
- Προσθήκη του `GetRoutesReadOnly` function στην `APIBuilder` δομή
## kataras/iris/context
- Προσθήκη των `GetReferrer`, `GetContentTypeRequested` και `URLParamInt32Default` functions
- Εισαγωγή των `Trace`, `Tmpl` και `MainHandlerName` functions στη διεπαφή(interface) `RouteReadOnly`
- Προσθήκη του `OnConnectionClose` function, χρησημοποείται για να καλεί κάποιο function όταν η "underline tcp connection" διακοπεί, εξαιρετικά χρήσιμο για SSE ή και άλλες παρόμοιες υλοποιήσεις μέσα σε έναν Iris Handler -- και του `OnClose` function το οποίο είναι σαν να καλείτε τα `OnConnectionClose(myFunc)` και `defer myFunc()` στον ίδιο Iris Handler [*](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/6898c2f755a0e22aa42e3b1799e29c857777a6f9)
Αυτή η έκδοση περιέχει επίσης κάποιες δευτερεύουσες γραμματικής και τυπογραφικού λάθους διορθώσεις και πιό ευανάγνωστα σχόλια για το [godoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/kataras/iris).
## Βιομηχανία
Βρίσκομαι στην ευχάριστη αυτή θέση να σας ανακοινώσω ότι το Iris έχει επιλεγεί ως το κύριο αναπτυξιακό kit(main development kit) για οκτώ μεσαίου ως μεγάλου μεγέθους εταιρείες και μια νέα πολύ ελπιδοφόρα startup με βάση την Ινδία.
Θέλω να σας ευχαριστήσω όλους, **καθέ μία και έναν ξεχωριστά**, για την αδιάκοπη αυτή υποστήριξη και την εμπιστοσύνη που μου δείξατε όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, ειδικά φέτος, παρά τις φήμες και τις διάφορες δυσφήσεις που είχαμε υποστεί αδίκως από τον ανελέητο ανταγωνισμό.
# Tu, 05 June 2018 | v10.6.6
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-05-june-2018--v1066) instead.
# Mo, 21 May 2018 | v10.6.5
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#mo-21-may-2018--v1065) instead.
# We, 09 May 2018 | v10.6.4
- [διόρθωση του bug #995](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/62457279f41a1f157869a19ef35fb5198694fddb)
- [διόρθωση του bug #996](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a11bb5619ab6b007dce15da9984a78d88cd38956)
# We, 02 May 2018 | v10.6.3
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#we-02-may-2018--v1063) instead.
# Tu, 01 May 2018 | v10.6.2
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-01-may-2018--v1062) instead.
# We, 25 April 2018 | v10.6.1
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#we-25-april-2018--v1061) instead.
# Su, 22 April 2018 | v10.6.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-22-april-2018--v1060) instead.
# Sa, 24 March 2018 | v10.5.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#sa-24-march-2018--v1050) instead.
# We, 14 March 2018 | v10.4.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#we-14-march-2018--v1040) instead.
# Sa, 10 March 2018 | v10.3.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Greek language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#sa-10-march-2018--v1030) instead.
# Th, 15 February 2018 | v10.2.1
Διόρθωση το οποίο αφορά 404 not found errors στα αρχεία που σερβίρονται από τα `StaticEmbedded` και `StaticWeb` των υποτομεών(subdomains), όπως αναφέρθηκε πριν λίγο από τον [@speedwheel](https://github.com/speedwheel) μέσω [της σελίδας μας στο facebook](https://facebook.com/iris.framework).
This history entry is not yet translated to Greek. Please read [the english version instead](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#th-15-february-2018--v1021).
# Th, 08 February 2018 | v10.2.0
This history entry is not yet translated to Greek. Please read [the english version instead](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#th-08-february-2018--v1020).
# Tu, 06 February 2018 | v10.1.0
This history entry is not yet translated to Greek. Please read [the english version instead](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-06-february-2018--v1010).
# Tu, 16 January 2018 | v10.0.2
## Ασφάλεια | `iris.AutoTLS`
**Όλοι οι servers πρέπει να αναβαθμιστούν σε αυτήν την έκδοση**, περιέχει διορθώσεις για το _tls-sni challenge_ το οποίο απενεργοποιήθηκε μερικές μέρες πριν από το letsencrypt.org το οποίο προκάλεσε σχεδόν όλα τα golang https-ενεργποιημένα servers να να μην είναι σε θέση να λειτουργήσουν, έτσι υποστήριξη για το _http-01 challenge_ προστέθηκε σαν αναπλήρωση. Πλέον ο διακομιστής δοκιμάζει όλες τις διαθέσιμες προκλήσεις(challenges) letsencrypt.
Διαβάστε περισσότερα:
- https://letsencrypt.status.io/pages/incident/55957a99e800baa4470002da/5a55777ed9a9c1024c00b241
- https://github.com/golang/crypto/commit/13931e22f9e72ea58bb73048bc752b48c6d4d4ac
# Mo, 15 January 2018 | v10.0.1
- διόρθωση του cache handler που δεν δούλευε όπως έπρεπε όταν γινόταν εγγραφή σε πάνω από ένα handler, παλιότερα ήταν ένα cache handler προς ένα route handler, τώρα το ίδιο handler μπορεί να καταχωρηθεί σε όσα route handlers θέλετε https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/852, όπως είχε αναφερθεί στο https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/850
- συγχώνευση PR https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/862
- απαγόρευση της ταυτόχρονης προσπέλασης του `ExecuteWriter -> Load` όταν το `view#Engine##Reload` είναι true, όπως είχε ζητηθεί στο https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/872
- αναβάθμιση του ενσωματωμένου πακέτου `golang/crypto` για να εφαρμοστεί η επιδιόρθωση για το [tls-sni challenge disabled](https://letsencrypt.status.io/pages/incident/55957a99e800baa4470002da/5a55777ed9a9c1024c00b241) https://github.com/golang/crypto/commit/13931e22f9e72ea58bb73048bc752b48c6d4d4ac (**σχετικό με το iris.AutoTLS**)
## Νέοι Υποστηρικτές
1. https://opencollective.com/cetin-basoz
## Νέες Μεταφράσεις
1. Aναβαθμίσεις για την Κινέζικη μετάφραση README_ZH.md (νέο) και HISTORY_ZH.md από @Zeno-Code μέσω του https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/858
2. Το Ρώσικο README_RU.md μεταφράστηκε από την @merrydii μέσω του https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/857
3. Τα Ελληνικά README_GR.md και HISTORY_GR.md μεταφράστηκαν μέσω των https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/8c4e17c2a5433c36c148a51a945c4dc35fbe502a#diff-74b06c740d860f847e7b577ad58ddde0 και https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/bb5a81c540b34eaf5c6c8e993f644a0e66a78fb8
## Νέα Παραδείγματα
1. [MVC - Register Middleware](_examples/mvc/middleware)
## Νέα Άρθρα
1. [A Todo MVC Application using Iris and Vue.js](https://hackernoon.com/a-todo-mvc-application-using-iris-and-vue-js-5019ff870064)
2. [A Hasura starter project with a ready to deploy Golang hello-world web app with IRIS](bit.ly/2lmKaAZ)
# Mo, 01 January 2018 | v10.0.0
Πρέπει να ευχαριστήσουμε την [Κυρία Diana](https://www.instagram.com/merry.dii/) για το νέο μας [λογότυπο](https://iris-go.com/images/icon.svg)!
Μπορείτε να [επικοινωνήσετε](mailto:Kovalenkodiana8@gmail.com) μαζί της για οποιεσδήποτε σχετικές με το σχεδιασμό εργασίες ή να της στείλειτε ένα άμεσο μήνυμα μέσω [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/merry.dii/).
<p align="center">
<img width="145px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/icon.svg?v=a" />
Σε αυτή την έκδοση έχουμε πολλές εσωτερικές βελτιώσεις αλλά μόνο δύο μεγάλες αλλαγές και ένα μεγάλο χαρακτηριστικό, που ονομάζεται **hero**.
> Η νέα έκδοση προσθέτει 75 καινούρια commits, το PR βρίσκεται [εδώ](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/849). Παρακαλώ διαβάστε τις εσωτερικές αλλαγές αν σχεδιάζετε ένα web framework που βασίζεται στο Iris. Γιατί η έκδοση 9 παραλείφθηκε; Έτσι.
## Hero
Το νέο πακέτο [hero](hero) περιέχει χαρακτηριστικά για σύνδεση(binding) οποιουδήποτε αντικειμένου ή function το οποίο τα `handlers` μπορεί να χρησημοποιούν, αυτά λεγόνται εξαρτήσεις(dependencies). Τα Hero funcs μπορούν επίσης να επιστρέψουν οποιαδήποτε τιμή, οποιουδήποτε τύπου, αυτές οι τιμές αποστέλλονται στον πελάτη(client).
> Μπορεί να είχατε ξαναδει "εξαρτήσεις" και "δέσιμο" πριν αλλά ποτέ με υποστήριξη από τον επεξεργαστή κώδικα (code editor), με το Iris πέρνεις πραγματικά ασφαλή "δεσίματα"(bindings) χάρη στο νέο `hero` πακέτο. Αυτή η όλη εκτέλεση(implementation) είναι επίσης η ποιο γρήγορη που έχει επιτευχθεί εως τώρα, η επίδοση είναι πολύ κοντά στα απλά "handlers" και αυτό γιατί το Iris υπολογίζει τα πάντα πριν καν ο server τρέξει!
Παρακάτω θα δείτε μερικά στιγμιότυπα που ετοιμάσαμε για εσάς, ώστε να γίνουν πιο κατανοητά τα παραπάνω:
### 1. Παράμετροι διαδρομής - Ενσωματωμένες Εξαρτήσεις (Built-in Dependencies)

### 2. Υπηρεσίες - Στατικές Eξαρτήσεις (Static Dependencies)

### 3. Ανά Αίτηση - Δυναμικές Eξαρτήσεις (Dynamic Dependencies)

Είναι πραγματικά πολύ εύκολο να καταλάβεις πως δουλεύουν τα `hero funcs` και όταν αρχίσεις να τα χρησιμοποιείς **δεν γυρίζεις ποτέ πίσω**.
- [Βασικό](_examples/hero/basic/main.go)
- [Επισκόπηση](_examples/hero/overview)
## MVC
Πρέπει να καταλάβεις πως δουλεύει το `hero` πακετό ώστε να να δουλέψεις με το `mvc`, γιατί το `mvc` πακέτο βασίζετε στο `hero` για τις μεθόδους του controller σου, οι ίδιοι κανόνες εφαρμόζονται και εκεί.
Τα παλιά παραδείγματα είναι επίσης εδώ ώστε να μπορείτε να τα συγκρίνετε με τα καινούρια.
| -----------|-------------|
| [Hello world](_examples/mvc/hello-world/main.go) | [ΠΑΛΙΟ Hello world](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v8/_examples/mvc/hello-world/main.go) |
| [Session Controller](_examples/mvc/session-controller/main.go) | [ΠΑΛΙΟ Session Controller](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v8/_examples/mvc/session-controller/main.go) |
| [Overview - Plus Repository and Service layers](_examples/mvc/overview) | [ΠΑΛΙΟ Overview - Plus Repository and Service layers](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/v8/_examples/mvc/overview) |
| [Login showcase - Plus Repository and Service layers](_examples/mvc/login) | [ΠΑΛΙΟ Login showcase - Plus Repository and Service layers](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/v8/_examples/mvc/login) |
| [Singleton](_examples/mvc/singleton) | **NEO** |
| [Websocket Controller](_examples/mvc/websocket) | **NEO** |
| [Vue.js Todo MVC](_examples/tutorial/vuejs-todo-mvc) | **NEO** |
## context#PostMaxMemory
Αφαίρεση της παλιάς στατικής μεταβλητής `context.DefaultMaxMemory` και αντικατάσταση με ρύθμιση στο configuration `WithPostMaxMemory`.
// WithPostMaxMemory sets the maximum post data size
// that a client can send to the server, this differs
// from the overral request body size which can be modified
// by the `context#SetMaxRequestBodySize` or `iris#LimitRequestBodySize`.
// Defaults to 32MB or 32 << 20 if you prefer.
func WithPostMaxMemory(limit int64) Configurator
Αν χρησημοποιούσατε την παλιά στατική μεταβλητή θα χρειαστεί να κάνετε μια αλλαγή σε εκείνη τη γραμμή του κώδικα.
import "github.com/kataras/iris"
func main() {
app := iris.New()
// [...]
app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"), iris.WithPostMaxMemory(10 << 20))
## context#UploadFormFiles
Νέα μέθοδος για ανέβασμα πολλαπλών αρχείων από τον client, πρέπει να χρησημοποιείται για απλές και συνηθισμένες καταστάσεις, ένα helper είναι μόνο.
// UploadFormFiles uploads any received file(s) from the client
// to the system physical location "destDirectory".
// The second optional argument "before" gives caller the chance to
// modify the *miltipart.FileHeader before saving to the disk,
// it can be used to change a file's name based on the current request,
// all FileHeader's options can be changed. You can ignore it if
// you don't need to use this capability before saving a file to the disk.
// Note that it doesn't check if request body streamed.
// Returns the copied length as int64 and
// a not nil error if at least one new file
// can't be created due to the operating system's permissions or
// http.ErrMissingFile if no file received.
// If you want to receive & accept files and manage them manually you can use the `context#FormFile`
// instead and create a copy function that suits your needs, the below is for generic usage.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// See `FormFile` to a more controlled to receive a file.
func (ctx *context) UploadFormFiles(
destDirectory string,
before ...func(string, string),
) (int64, error)
Το παράδειγμα μπορεί να βρεθεί [εδώ](_examples/http_request/upload-files/main.go).
## context#View
Απλά μια μικρή προσθήκη μια δεύτερης προαιρετικής variadic παράμετρου στη `context#View` μέθοδο για να δέχεται μια μονή τιμή για template binding.
Όταν απλά θέλετε να εμφάνισετε ένα struct value και όχι ζεύγη από κλειδί-τιμή, παλιότερα για να το κάνετε αυτό έπρεπε να δηλώσετε κενό string στη 1η παράμετρο στη `context#ViewData` μέθοδο, το οποίο είναι μια χαρά ειδικά αν δηλώνατε αυτά τα δεδομένα σε προηγούμενο handler της αλυσίδας.
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.ViewData("", myItem{Name: "iris" })
Το ίδιο όπως:
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.View("item.html", myItem{Name: "iris" })
Item's name: {{.Name}}
## context#YAML
Προσθήκη νέας μεθόδου, `context#YAML`, εμφανίζει δομημένο yaml κείμενο από struct value.
// YAML marshals the "v" using the yaml marshaler and renders its result to the client.
func YAML(v interface{}) (int, error)
## Session#GetString
Η μέθοδος `sessions/session#GetString` μπορεί πλέον να επιστρέψει τιμή ακόμα και απο τιμή που αποθηκεύτηκαι σαν αριθμός (integer), όπως ακριβώς κάνουν ήδη τα: memstore, η προσωρινή μνήμη του context, οι δυναμικές μεταβλητές του path routing και οι παράμετροι του url query.
# Mo, 22 July 2019 | v11.2.0
@ -13,412 +13,6 @@
Developers tidak diwajibkan untuk melakukan upgrade apabila mereka tidak membutuhkannya. Anda bisa melakukan upgrade ketika anda sudah siap.
> Iris menggunakan fitur [vendor directory](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo). Anda mendapatkan build yang benar - benar dapat direproduksi, karena metode ini menjaga terhadap penggantian nama dan penghapusan di upstream.
**Cara Upgrade**: Bukan command-line anda dan eksekuis perintah ini: `go get github.com/kataras/iris@v11.2.0`.
**Cara Upgrade**: Bukan command-line anda dan eksekuis perintah ini: `go get -u github.com/kataras/iris` atau biarkan updater otomatis melakukannya untuk anda.
# Fr, 11 January 2019 | v11.1.1
This history entry is not translated yet to the Indonesian language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#fr-11-january-2019--v1111) instead.
# Su, 18 November 2018 | v11.1.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Indonesian language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-18-november-2018--v1110) instead.
# Fr, 09 November 2018 | v11.0.4
This history entry is not translated yet to the Indonesian language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#fr-09-november-2018--v1104) instead.
# Tu, 30 October 2018 | v11.0.2
This history entry is not translated yet to the Indonesian language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-30-october-2018--v1102) instead.
# Su, 28 October 2018 | v11.0.1
This history entry is not translated yet to the Indonesian language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-28-october-2018--v1101) instead.
# Su, 21 October 2018 | v11.0.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Indonesian language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-21-october-2018--v1100) instead.
# Sat, 11 August 2018 | v10.7.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Indonesian language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#sat-11-august-2018--v1070) instead.
# Tu, 05 June 2018 | v10.6.6
This history entry is not translated yet to the Indonesian language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-05-june-2018--v1066) instead.
# Mo, 21 May 2018 | v10.6.5
This history entry is not translated yet to the Bahasa Indonesia language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#mo-21-may-2018--v1065) instead.
# We, 09 May 2018 | v10.6.4
- [fix issue 995](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/62457279f41a1f157869a19ef35fb5198694fddb)
- [fix issue 996](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a11bb5619ab6b007dce15da9984a78d88cd38956)
# We, 02 May 2018 | v10.6.3
**Every server should be upgraded to this version**, it contains an important, but easy, fix for the `websocket/Connection#Emit##To`.
- Websocket: fix https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/991
# Tu, 01 May 2018 | v10.6.2
- Websocket: added OnPong to Connection via PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/988
- Websocket: `OnError` accepts a `func(error)` now instead of `func(string)`, as requested at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/987
# We, 25 April 2018 | v10.6.1
- Re-implement the [BoltDB](https://github.com/coreos/bbolt) as built-in back-end storage for sessions(`sessiondb`) using the latest features: [/sessions/sessiondb/boltdb/database.go](sessions/sessiondb/boltdb/database.go), example can be found at [/_examples/sessions/database/boltdb/main.go](_examples/sessions/database/boltdb/main.go).
- Fix a minor issue on [Badger sessiondb example](_examples/sessions/database/badger/main.go). Its `sessions.Config { Expires }` field was `2 *time.Second`, it's `45 *time.Minute` now.
- Other minor improvements to the badger sessiondb.
# Su, 22 April 2018 | v10.6.0
- Fix open redirect by @wozz via PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/972.
- Fix when destroy session can't remove cookie in subdomain by @Chengyumeng via PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/964.
- Add `OnDestroy(sid string)` on sessions for registering a listener when a session is destroyed with commit: https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/d17d7fecbe4937476d00af7fda1c138c1ac6f34d.
- Finally, sessions are in full-sync with the registered database now. That required a lot of internal code changed but **zero code change requirements by your side**. We kept only `badger` and `redis` as the back-end built-in supported sessions storages, they are enough. Made with commit: https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/f2c3a5f0cef62099fd4d77c5ccb14f654ddbfb5c relative to many issues that you've requested it.
# Sa, 24 March 2018 | v10.5.0
### New
Add new client cache (helpers) middlewares for even faster static file servers. Read more [there](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/935).
### Breaking Change
Change the `Value<T>Default(<T>, error)` to `Value<T>Default(key, defaultValue) <T>` like `ctx.PostValueIntDefault` or `ctx.Values().GetIntDefault` or `sessions/session#GetIntDefault` or `context#URLParamIntDefault`.
The proposal was made by @jefurry at https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/937.
#### How to align your existing codebase
Just remove the second return value from these calls.
Nothing too special or hard to change here, think that in our 100+ [_examples](_examples) we had only two of them.
For example: at [_examples/mvc/basic/main.go line 100](_examples/mvc/basic/main.go#L100) the `count,_ := c.Session.GetIntDefault("count", 1)` **becomes now:** `count := c.Session.GetIntDefault("count", 1)`.
> Remember that if you can't upgrade then just don't, we dont have any security fixes in this release, but at some point you will have to upgrade for your own good, we always add new features that you will love to embrace!
# We, 14 March 2018 | v10.4.0
- fix `APIBuilder, Party#StaticWeb` and `APIBuilder, Party#StaticEmbedded` wrong strip prefix inside children parties
- keep the `iris, core/router#StaticEmbeddedHandler` and remove the `core/router/APIBuilder#StaticEmbeddedHandler`, (note the `Handler` suffix) it's global and has nothing to do with the `Party` or the `APIBuilder`
- fix high path cleaning between `{}` (we already escape those contents at the [interpreter](macro/interpreter) level but some symbols are still removed by the higher-level api builder) , i.e `\\` from the string's macro function `regex` contents as reported at [927](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/927) by [commit e85b113476eeefffbc7823297cc63cd152ebddfd](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/e85b113476eeefffbc7823297cc63cd152ebddfd)
- sync the `golang.org/x/sys/unix` vendor
## The most important
We've made static files served up to 8 times faster using the new tool, <https://github.com/kataras/bindata> which is a fork of your beloved `go-bindata`, some unnecessary things for us were removed there and contains some additions for performance boost.
## Reqs/sec with [shuLhan/go-bindata](https://github.com/shuLhan/go-bindata) and alternatives

## Reqs/sec with [kataras/bindata](https://github.com/kataras/bindata)

A **new** function `Party#StaticEmbeddedGzip` which has the same input arguments as the `Party#StaticEmbedded` added. The difference is that the **new** `StaticEmbeddedGzip` accepts the `GzipAsset` and `GzipAssetNames` from the `bindata` (go get -u github.com/kataras/bindata/cmd/bindata).
You can still use both `bindata` and `go-bindata` tools in the same folder, the first for embedding the rest of the static files (javascript, css, ...) and the second for embedding the templates!
A full example can be found at: [_examples/file-server/embedding-gziped-files-into-app/main.go](_examples/file-server/embedding-gziped-files-into-app/main.go).
_Happy Coding!_
# Sa, 10 March 2018 | v10.3.0
- The only one API Change is the [Application/Context/Router#RouteExists](https://godoc.org/github.com/kataras/iris/core/router#Router.RouteExists), it accepts the `Context` as its first argument instead of last now.
- Fix cors middleware via https://github.com/iris-contrib/middleware/commit/048e2be034ed172c6754448b8a54a9c55debad46, relative issue: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/922 (still pending for a verification).
- Add `Context#NextOr` and `Context#NextOrNotFound`
// NextOr checks if chain has a next handler, if so then it executes it
// otherwise it sets a new chain assigned to this Context based on the given handler(s)
// and executes its first handler.
// Returns true if next handler exists and executed, otherwise false.
// Note that if no next handler found and handlers are missing then
// it sends a Status Not Found (404) to the client and it stops the execution.
NextOr(handlers ...Handler) bool
// NextOrNotFound checks if chain has a next handler, if so then it executes it
// otherwise it sends a Status Not Found (404) to the client and stops the execution.
// Returns true if next handler exists and executed, otherwise false.
NextOrNotFound() bool
- Add a new `Party#AllowMethods` which if called before any `Handle, Get, Post...` will clone the routes to that methods as well.
- Fix trailing slash from POST method request redirection as reported at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/921 via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/dc589d9135295b4d080a9a91e942aacbfe5d56c5
- Add examples for read using custom decoder per type, read using custom decoder via `iris#UnmarshalerFunc` and to complete it add an example for the `context#ReadXML`, you can find them [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples#how-to-read-from-contextrequest-httprequest)via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/78cd8e5f677fe3ff2c863c5bea7d1c161bf4c31e.
- Add one more example for custom router macro functions, relative to https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/918, you can find it [there](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L144-L158), via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a7690c71927cbf3aa876592fab94f04cada91b72
- Add wrappers for `Pongo`'s `AsValue()` and `AsSaveValue()` by @neenar via PR: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/913
- Remove unnecessary reflection usage on `context#UnmarshalBody` via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/4b9e41458b62035ea4933789c0a132c3ef2a90cc
# Th, 15 February 2018 | v10.2.1
Fix subdomains' `StaticEmbedded` & `StaticWeb` not found errors, as reported by [@speedwheel](https://github.com/speedwheel) via [facebook page's chat](https://facebook.com/iris.framework).
# Th, 08 February 2018 | v10.2.0
A new minor version family because it contains a **BREAKING CHANGE** and a new `Party#Reset` function.
### Party#Done behavior change & new Party#DoneGlobal introduced
As correctly pointed out by @likakuli at https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/901, the old `Done` registered
handlers globally instead of party's and its children routes, this was not by accident because `Done` was introduced
before the `UseGlobal` idea and it didn't change for the shake of stability. Now it's time to move on, the new `Done` should be called before the routes that they care about those done handlers and the **new** `DoneGlobal` works like the old `Done`; order doesn't matter and it appends those done handlers
to the current registered routes and the future, globally (to all subdomains, parties every route in the Application).
The [routing/writing-a-middleware](_examples/routing/writing-a-middleware) examples are updated, read those to understand what's going on, although if you used iris before and you know the vocabulary we use you don't have to, the `DoneGlobal` and `Done` are clearly separated.
### Party#Reset
A new `Party#Reset()` function introduced in order to be able to clear parent's Party's begin and done handlers that are registered via `Use` and `Done` at a previous state, nothing crazy about this, it just clears the `middleware` and `doneHandlers` of the current Party instance, see `core/router#APIBuilder` for more.
### Update your codebase
Just replace all existing `.Done(` with `.DoneGlobal(` using a rich code editor (like the [VSCode](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kataras2006.iris)) which supports `find and replace all` and you're ready to Go:)
# Tu, 06 February 2018 | v10.1.0
New Features:
- Multi-Level subdomain redirect helper, you can find an example [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/subdomains/redirect/main.go)
- Cache middleware which makes use of the `304` status code, request fires from client to server but server respond with a status code, client is responsible to render the cached, you can find an example [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/cache/client-side/main.go)
- `websocket/Connection#IsJoined(roomName string)` new method to check if a user is joined to a room. An un-joined connections cannot send messages, this check is optionally.
- update vendor/golang/crypto package to its latest version again, they have a lot of fixes there, as you know we're always following the dependencies for any fixes and meanful updates.
- [don't force-set content type on gzip response writer's WriteString and Writef if already there](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/af79aad11932f1a4fcbf7ebe28274b96675d0000)
- [new: add websocket/Connection#IsJoined](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/cb9e30948c8f1dd099f5168218d110765989992e)
- [fix #897](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/21cb572b638e82711910745cfae3c52d836f01f9)
- [add context#StatusCodeNotSuccessful variable for customize even the rfc2616-sec10](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/c56b7a3f04d953a264dfff15dadd2b4407d62a6f)
- [fix example comment on routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L101](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/0fbf1d45f7893cb1393759b7362444f3d381d182)
- [new: Cache Middleware `iris.Cache304`](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/1722355870174cecbc12f7beff8514b058b3b912)
- [fix comment on csrf example](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a39e3d7d6cf528e51e6c7e32a884a8d9f2fadc0b)
- [un-default the Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/47108dc5a147a8b23de61bef86fe9327f0781396)
- [add vscode extension link and badge](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/6f594c0a7c641cc98bd683163fffbf5fa5fc8de6)
- [add an `app.View` example for parsing and writing templates outside of the HTTP (similar to context#View)](_examples/view/write-to)
- [new: Support multi-level subdomains redirect](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/12d7df113e611a75088c2a72774dab749d2c7685).
# Tu, 16 January 2018 | v10.0.2
## Security | `iris.AutoTLS`
**Every server should be upgraded to this version**, it contains fixes for the _tls-sni challenge disabled_ some days ago by letsencrypt.org which caused almost every https-enabled golang server to be unable to be functional, therefore support for the _http-01 challenge type_ added. Now the server is testing all available letsencrypt challenges.
Read more at:
- https://letsencrypt.status.io/pages/incident/55957a99e800baa4470002da/5a55777ed9a9c1024c00b241
- https://github.com/golang/crypto/commit/13931e22f9e72ea58bb73048bc752b48c6d4d4ac
# Mo, 15 January 2018 | v10.0.1
Not any serious problems were found to be resolved here but one, the first one which is important for devs that used the [cache](cache) package.
- fix a single one cache handler didn't work across multiple route handlers at the same time https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/852, as reported at https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/850
- merge PR https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/862
- do not allow concurrent access to the `ExecuteWriter -> Load` when `view#Engine##Reload` was true, as requested at https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/872
- badge for open-source projects powered by Iris, learn how to add that badge to your open-source project at [FAQ.md](FAQ.md) file
- upstream update for `golang/crypto` to apply the fix about the [tls-sni challenge disabled](https://letsencrypt.status.io/pages/incident/55957a99e800baa4470002da/5a55777ed9a9c1024c00b241) https://github.com/golang/crypto/commit/13931e22f9e72ea58bb73048bc752b48c6d4d4ac (**relative to iris.AutoTLS**)
## New Backers
1. https://opencollective.com/cetin-basoz
## New Translations
1. The Chinese README_ZH.md and HISTORY_ZH.md was translated by @Zeno-Code via https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/858
2. New Russian README_RU.md translations by @merrydii via https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/857
3. New Greek README_GR.md and HISTORY_GR.md translations via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/8c4e17c2a5433c36c148a51a945c4dc35fbe502a#diff-74b06c740d860f847e7b577ad58ddde0 and https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/bb5a81c540b34eaf5c6c8e993f644a0e66a78fb8
## New Examples
1. [MVC - Register Middleware](_examples/mvc/middleware)
## New Articles
1. [A Todo MVC Application using Iris and Vue.js](https://hackernoon.com/a-todo-mvc-application-using-iris-and-vue-js-5019ff870064)
2. [A Hasura starter project with a ready to deploy Golang hello-world web app with IRIS](bit.ly/2lmKaAZ)
# Mo, 01 January 2018 | v10.0.0
We must thanks [Mrs. Diana](https://www.instagram.com/merry.dii/) for our awesome new [logo](https://iris-go.com/images/icon.svg)!
You can [contact](mailto:Kovalenkodiana8@gmail.com) her for any design-related enquiries or explore and send a direct message via [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/merry.dii/).
<p align="center">
<img width="145px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/icon.svg?v=a" />
At this version we have many internal improvements but just two major changes and one big feature, called **hero**.
> The new version adds 75 plus new commits, the PR is located [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/849) read the internal changes if you are developing a web framework based on Iris. Why 9 was skipped? Because.
## Hero
The new package [hero](hero) contains features for binding any object or function that `handlers` may use, these are called dependencies. Hero funcs can also return any type of values, these values will be dispatched to the client.
> You may saw binding before but you didn't have code editor's support, with Iris you get truly safe binding thanks to the new `hero` package. It's also fast, near to raw handlers performance because Iris calculates everything before server ran!
Below you will see some screenshots we prepared for you in order to be easier to understand:
### 1. Path Parameters - Built-in Dependencies

### 2. Services - Static Dependencies

### 3. Per-Request - Dynamic Dependencies

`hero funcs` are very easy to understand and when you start using them **you never go back**.
- [Basic](_examples/hero/basic/main.go)
- [Overview](_examples/hero/overview)
## MVC
You have to understand the `hero` package in order to use the `mvc`, because `mvc` uses the `hero` internally for the controller's methods you use as routes, the same rules applied to those controller's methods of yours as well.
With this version you can register **any controller's methods as routes manually**, you can **get a route based on a method name and change its `Name` (useful for reverse routing inside templates)**, you can use any **dependencies** registered from `hero.Register` or `mvc.New(iris.Party).Register` per mvc application or per-controller, **you can still use `BeginRequest` and `EndRequest`**, you can catch **`BeforeActivation(b mvc.BeforeActivation)` to add dependencies per controller and `AfterActivation(a mvc.AfterActivation)` to make any post-validations**, **singleton controllers when no dynamic dependencies are used**, **Websocket controller, as simple as a `websocket.Connection` dependency** and more...
Old examples are here as well. Compare the two different versions of each example to understand what you win if you upgrade now.
| NEW | OLD |
| -----------|-------------|
| [Hello world](_examples/mvc/hello-world/main.go) | [OLD Hello world](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v8/_examples/mvc/hello-world/main.go) |
| [Session Controller](_examples/mvc/session-controller/main.go) | [OLD Session Controller](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v8/_examples/mvc/session-controller/main.go) |
| [Overview - Plus Repository and Service layers](_examples/mvc/overview) | [OLD Overview - Plus Repository and Service layers](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/v8/_examples/mvc/overview) |
| [Login showcase - Plus Repository and Service layers](_examples/mvc/login) | [OLD Login showcase - Plus Repository and Service layers](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/v8/_examples/mvc/login) |
| [Singleton](_examples/mvc/singleton) | **NEW** |
| [Websocket Controller](_examples/mvc/websocket) | **NEW** |
| [Vue.js Todo MVC](_examples/tutorial/vuejs-todo-mvc) | **NEW** |
## context#PostMaxMemory
Remove the old static variable `context.DefaultMaxMemory` and replace it with the configuration `WithPostMaxMemory`.
// WithPostMaxMemory sets the maximum post data size
// that a client can send to the server, this differs
// from the overral request body size which can be modified
// by the `context#SetMaxRequestBodySize` or `iris#LimitRequestBodySize`.
// Defaults to 32MB or 32 << 20 if you prefer.
func WithPostMaxMemory(limit int64) Configurator
If you used that old static field you will have to change that single line.
import "github.com/kataras/iris"
func main() {
app := iris.New()
// [...]
app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"), iris.WithPostMaxMemory(10 << 20))
## context#UploadFormFiles
New method to upload multiple files, should be used for common upload actions, it's just a helper function.
// UploadFormFiles uploads any received file(s) from the client
// to the system physical location "destDirectory".
// The second optional argument "before" gives caller the chance to
// modify the *miltipart.FileHeader before saving to the disk,
// it can be used to change a file's name based on the current request,
// all FileHeader's options can be changed. You can ignore it if
// you don't need to use this capability before saving a file to the disk.
// Note that it doesn't check if request body streamed.
// Returns the copied length as int64 and
// a not nil error if at least one new file
// can't be created due to the operating system's permissions or
// http.ErrMissingFile if no file received.
// If you want to receive & accept files and manage them manually you can use the `context#FormFile`
// instead and create a copy function that suits your needs, the below is for generic usage.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// See `FormFile` to a more controlled to receive a file.
func (ctx *context) UploadFormFiles(
destDirectory string,
before ...func(string, string),
) (int64, error)
Example can be found [here](_examples/http_request/upload-files/main.go).
## context#View
Just a minor addition, add a second optional variadic argument to the `context#View` method to accept a single value for template binding.
When you just want one value and not key-value pairs, you used to use an empty string on the `ViewData`, which is fine, especially if you preload these from a previous handler/middleware in the request handlers chain.
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.ViewData("", myItem{Name: "iris" })
Same as:
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.View("item.html", myItem{Name: "iris" })
Item's name: {{.Name}}
## context#YAML
Add a new `context#YAML` function, it renders a yaml from a structured value.
// YAML marshals the "v" using the yaml marshaler and renders its result to the client.
func YAML(v interface{}) (int, error)
## Session#GetString
`sessions/session#GetString` can now return a filled value even if the stored value is a type of integer, just like the memstore, the context's temp store, the context's path parameters and the context's url parameters.
# Mo, 22 July 2019 | v11.2.0
@ -13,400 +13,6 @@
> Iris 使用 Golang 的 [vendor directory](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo) 特性, 避免依赖包的更改带来影响。
**如何升级**: 打开命令行执行以下命令: `go get github.com/kataras/iris@v11.2.0`.
**如何升级**: 打开命令行执行以下命令: `go get -u github.com/kataras/iris` 或者等待自动更新。
# Fr, 11 January 2019 | v11.1.1
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#fr-11-january-2019--v1111) instead.
# Su, 18 November 2018 | v11.1.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-18-november-2018--v1110) instead.
# Fr, 09 November 2018 | v11.0.4
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#fr-09-november-2018--v1104) instead.
# Tu, 30 October 2018 | v11.0.2
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-30-october-2018--v1102) instead.
# Su, 28 October 2018 | v11.0.1
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-28-october-2018--v1101) instead.
# Su, 21 October 2018 | v11.0.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#su-21-october-2018--v1100) instead.
# Sat, 11 August 2018 | v10.7.0
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#sat-11-august-2018--v1070) instead.
# Tu, 05 June 2018 | v10.6.6
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-05-june-2018--v1066) instead.
# Mo, 21 May 2018 | v10.6.5
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#mo-21-may-2018--v1065) instead.
# We, 09 May 2018 | v10.6.4
- [fix issue 995](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/62457279f41a1f157869a19ef35fb5198694fddb)
- [fix issue 996](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a11bb5619ab6b007dce15da9984a78d88cd38956)
# We, 02 May 2018 | v10.6.3
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#we-02-may-2018--v1063) instead.
# Tu, 01 May 2018 | v10.6.2
This history entry is not translated yet to the Chinese language yet, please refer to the english version of the [HISTORY entry](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md#tu-01-may-2018--v1062) instead.
# 2018 4月25日 | v10.6.1 版本更新
- 用最新版 BoltDB 重新实现 session (`sessiondb`) 存储:[/sessions/sessiondb/boltdb/database.go](sessions/sessiondb/boltdb/database.go), 相关示例 [/_examples/sessions/database/boltdb/main.go](_examples/sessions/database/boltdb/main.go).
- 修正 一个小问题 on [Badger sessiondb example](_examples/sessions/database/badger/main.go). `sessions.Config { Expires }` 字段由 `2 *time.Second` 调整为 `45 *time.Minute` .
- badger sessiondb 其他小改进.
# 2018 4月22日 | v10.6.0 版本更新
- 修正 重定向问题 由 @wozz 提交: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/972.
- 修正 无法销毁子域名 session 问题 由 @Chengyumeng 提交: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/964.
- 添加 `OnDestroy(sid string)` 当 session 销毁时注册监听器 相关细节: https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/d17d7fecbe4937476d00af7fda1c138c1ac6f34d.
- sessions 现在与注册数据库完全同步。 这涉及到很多内部改动,但 **这不影响你当前项目代码**. 我们只保留了 `badger` 和 `redis` 作为底部支持。 相关细节: https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/f2c3a5f0cef62099fd4d77c5ccb14f654ddbfb5c
# 2018 3月 24日 | v10.5.0 版本更新
### 新增
新增 缓存中间件客户端,更快的静态文件服务器. 详情 [点击](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/935).
### 破坏式更新
改变 `Value<T>Default(<T>, error)` 为 `Value<T>Default(key, defaultValue) <T>` 如同 `ctx.PostValueIntDefault` 或 `ctx.Values().GetIntDefault` 或 `sessions/session#GetIntDefault` 或 `context#URLParamIntDefault`.
由 @jefurry 提出 https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/937.
#### 如何升级现有代码
示例: [_examples/mvc/basic/main.go line 100](_examples/mvc/basic/main.go#L100) `count,_ := c.Session.GetIntDefault("count", 1)` **变更为:** `count := c.Session.GetIntDefault("count", 1)`.
> 请记住,如果您无法升级,那么就不要这样做,我们在此版本中没有任何安全修复程序,但在某些时候建议您最好进行升级,我们总是会添加您喜欢的新功能!
# 2018 3月14日 | v10.4.0 版本更新
- 修正 `APIBuilder, Party#StaticWeb` 和 `APIBuilder, Party#StaticEmbedded` 子分组内的前缀错误
- 保留 `iris, core/router#StaticEmbeddedHandler` 并移除 `core/router/APIBuilder#StaticEmbeddedHandler`, (`Handler` 后缀) 这是全局性的,与 `Party` `APIBuilder` 无关。
- 修正 路径 `{}` 中的路径清理 (我们已经在 [解释器](macro/interpreter) 级别转义了这些字符, 但是一些符号仍然被更高级别的API构建器删除) , 例如 `\\` 字符串的宏函数正则表达式内容 [927](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/927) by [commit e85b113476eeefffbc7823297cc63cd152ebddfd](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/e85b113476eeefffbc7823297cc63cd152ebddfd)
- 同步 `golang.org/x/sys/unix`
## 重要变更
我们使用新工具将静态文件的速度提高了8倍, <https://github.com/kataras/bindata> 这是 go-bindata 的一个分支,对我们来说,一些不必要的东西被移除了,并且包含一些提高性能的补充。
## Reqs/sec 使用 [shuLhan/go-bindata](https://github.com/shuLhan/go-bindata) 和 备选方案对比

## Reqs/sec 使用 [kataras/bindata](https://github.com/kataras/bindata)

**新增** 方法 `Party#StaticEmbeddedGzip` 与 `Party#StaticEmbedded` 参数相同. 不同处在于 **新增** `StaticEmbeddedGzip` 从 `bindata` 接收 `GzipAsset` 和 `GzipAssetNames` (go get -u github.com/kataras/bindata/cmd/bindata).
你可以在同个文件夹里同时使用 `bindata` 和 `go-bindata` 工具, 第一个用于嵌入静态文件 (javascript, css, ...) 第二个用于静态编译模板!
完整示例: [_examples/file-server/embedding-gziped-files-into-app/main.go](_examples/file-server/embedding-gziped-files-into-app/main.go).
# 2018 3月10号 | v10.3.0 版本更新
- 只有一项 API 更改 [Application/Context/Router#RouteExists](https://godoc.org/github.com/kataras/iris/core/router#Router.RouteExists), 将 `Context` 作为第一参数,而不是最后一个。
- 修正 cors 中间件 https://github.com/iris-contrib/middleware/commit/048e2be034ed172c6754448b8a54a9c55debad46, 相关问题: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/922 (目前仍在等待验证).
- 添加 `Context#NextOr` 和 `Context#NextOrNotFound` 方法
// NextOr 检查程序链上是否有下一个处理程序,如果是,则执行它
// 否则根据给定的处理程序设置分配给 Context 程序链,并且执行第一个控制器。
// 如果下一个处理器存在并执行,则返回true,否则返回false
// 请注意,如果没有找到下一个处理程序并且处理程序缺失,
// 会发送 (404) 状态码到客户端,并停止执行。
NextOr(handlers ...Handler) bool
// NextOrNotFound 检查程序链上是否存在下一个处理程序,如果有则执行
// 其他情况会发送 404 状态码,并停止执行。
// 如果下一个控制器存在并执行,返回 true , 其他情况 false.
NextOrNotFound() bool
- 新增方法 `Party#AllowMethods` 如果在 `Handle, Get, Post...` 之前调用,则会将路由克隆到该方法.
- 修复 POST 请求尾部斜杠重定向问题: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/921 https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/dc589d9135295b4d080a9a91e942aacbfe5d56c5
- 新增示例 通过 `iris#UnmarshalerFunc` 自定义解码, 新增 `context#ReadXML` 使用示例, [相关示例](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples#how-to-read-from-contextrequest-httprequest)via https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/78cd8e5f677fe3ff2c863c5bea7d1c161bf4c31e.
- 新增自定义路由宏功能示例, 相关讨论 https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/918, [示例代码](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L144-L158), https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a7690c71927cbf3aa876592fab94f04cada91b72
- 为 `Pongo` 新增 `AsValue()` 和 `AsSaveValue()` @neenar https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/913
- 删除 `context#UnmarshalBody` 上不必要的反射 https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/4b9e41458b62035ea4933789c0a132c3ef2a90cc
# 2018 2月15号 | v10.2.1 版本更新
修正 子域名 (subdomain) 的 `StaticEmbedded` 和 `StaticWeb` 不存在错误, 由 [@speedwheel](https://github.com/speedwheel) 通过 [facebook page's chat](https://facebook.com/iris.framework) 反馈。
# 2018 2月8号 | v10.2.0 版本更新
新的小版本, 因为它包含一个 **破坏性变动** 和一个新功能 `Party#Reset`
### Party#Done 特性变动 和 新增 Party#DoneGlobal 介绍
正如 @likakuli 指出的那样 https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/901, 以前 `Done` 注册的处理器,在全局范围内会替代子处理器,因为在引入 `UseGlobal` 这概念之前,缺少稳定性. 现在是时候了, 新的 `Done` 应该在相关的路由之前调用, **新增** `DoneGlobal` 之前的`Done` 使用相同; 顺序无关紧要,他只是结束处理附加到当前的注册程序, 全局性的 (所有子域名,分组).
[routing/writing-a-middleware](_examples/routing/writing-a-middleware) 路由中间件示例更新, 列举了使用方式变化, 如果之前使用过 Iris ,并熟悉内置函数方法名称,请区分 `DoneGlobal` 和 `Done` 的不同.
### Party#Reset
新增 `Party#Reset()` 函数,以便重置上级分组通过 `Use` 和 `Done` 注册的处理方法, 没有什么特别之处,它只是清除当前分组实例的 `middleware` 和 `doneHandlers`,详情参见 `core/router#APIBuilder`.
### 更新方法
只需要将现有的 `.Done` 替换为 `.DoneGlobal` 就可以了。
# 2018 2月6号 | v10.1.0 版本更新
- 多级域名跳转, 相关示例 [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/subdomains/redirect/main.go)
- 缓存中间件携带 `304` 状态码, 缓存期间的请求,服务器只响应状态, 相关示例 [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/cache/client-side/main.go)
- `websocket/Connection#IsJoined(roomName string)` 新增方法,检查用户是否加入房间。 未加入的连接不能发送消息,此检查是可选的.
- 更新上游 vendor/golang/crypto 包到最新版本, 我们总是跟进依赖关系的任何修复和有意义的更新.
- [改进:不在gzip响应的WriteString和Writef上强制设置内容类型(如果已经存在的话)](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/af79aad11932f1a4fcbf7ebe28274b96675d0000)
- [新增:websocket/Connection#IsJoined](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/cb9e30948c8f1dd099f5168218d110765989992e)
- [修复:#897](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/21cb572b638e82711910745cfae3c52d836f01f9)
- [新增:context#StatusCodeNotSuccessful 变量用来定制 rfc2616-sec10](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/c56b7a3f04d953a264dfff15dadd2b4407d62a6f)
- [修复:示例 routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L101](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/0fbf1d45f7893cb1393759b7362444f3d381d182)
- [新增:缓存中间件 `iris.Cache304`](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/1722355870174cecbc12f7beff8514b058b3b912)
- [修复:示例 csrf](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/a39e3d7d6cf528e51e6c7e32a884a8d9f2fadc0b)
- [取消:Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders 默认值](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/47108dc5a147a8b23de61bef86fe9327f0781396)
- [新增:vscode 扩展链接和徽章](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/6f594c0a7c641cc98bd683163fffbf5fa5fc8de6)
- [新增:`app.View` 示例 用于解析和编写HTTP之外的模板(类似于上下文#视图)](_examples/view/write-to)
- [新增:支持多级域名跳转](https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/12d7df113e611a75088c2a72774dab749d2c7685).
# 2018 1月16号 | v10.0.2 版本更新
## 安全更新 | `iris.AutoTLS`
**建议升级**, 包含几天前修复了 letsencrypt.org 禁用 tls-sni 的问题,这导致几乎每个启用了 https 的 golang 服务器都无法正常工作,因此支持添加了 http-01 类型。 现在服务器会尝试所有可用的 letsencrypt 类型。
- https://letsencrypt.status.io/pages/incident/55957a99e800baa4470002da/5a55777ed9a9c1024c00b241
- https://github.com/golang/crypto/commit/13931e22f9e72ea58bb73048bc752b48c6d4d4ac
# 2018 1月15号 | v10.0.1 版本更新
该版本暂未发现重大问题,但如果你使用 [cache](cache) 包的话,这里有些更新或许正好解决某些问题。
- 修复缓存在同一控制器多个方法中,返回相同内容问题 https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/852, 问题报告:https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/850
- 问题修正 https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/862
- 当 `view#Engine##Reload` 为 true,`ExecuteWriter -> Load` 不能同时使用问题,相关问题 :https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/872
- 由Iris提供支持的开源项目的徽章, 学习如何将徽章添加到您的开源项目中 [FAQ.md](FAQ.md)
- 上游更新 `golang/crypto` 修正 [tls-sni challenge disabled](https://letsencrypt.status.io/pages/incident/55957a99e800baa4470002da/5a55777ed9a9c1024c00b241) https://github.com/golang/crypto/commit/13931e22f9e72ea58bb73048bc752b48c6d4d4ac (**关系到 iris.AutoTLS**)
## 新增捐助
1. https://opencollective.com/cetin-basoz
## 新增翻译
1. 中文版 README_ZH.md and HISTORY_ZH.md 由 @Zeno-Code 翻译 https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/858
2. 俄语版 README_RU.md 由 @merrydii 翻译 https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/857
3. 希腊版 README_GR.md and HISTORY_GR.md https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/8c4e17c2a5433c36c148a51a945c4dc35fbe502a#diff-74b06c740d860f847e7b577ad58ddde0 and https://github.com/kataras/iris/commit/bb5a81c540b34eaf5c6c8e993f644a0e66a78fb8
## 新增示例
1. [MVC - Register Middleware](_examples/mvc/middleware)
## 新增文章
1. [A Todo MVC Application using Iris and Vue.js](https://hackernoon.com/a-todo-mvc-application-using-iris-and-vue-js-5019ff870064)
2. [A Hasura starter project with a ready to deploy Golang hello-world web app with IRIS](bit.ly/2lmKaAZ)
# 2018 元旦 | v10.0.0 版本发布
我们必须感谢 [Mrs. Diana](https://www.instagram.com/merry.dii/) 帮我们绘制的漂亮 [logo](https://iris-go.com/images/icon.svg)!
如果有设计相关的需求,你可以[发邮件](mailto:Kovalenkodiana8@gmail.com)给他,或者通过 [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/merry.dii/) 给他发信息。
<p align="center">
<img width="145px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/icon.svg?v=a" />
在这个版本中,有许多内部优化改进,但只有两个重大变更和新增一个叫做 **hero** 的特性。
> 新版本有 75 + 的变更提交, 如果你需要升级 Iris 请仔细阅读本文档。 为什么版本 9 跳过了? 你猜...
## Hero 特性
新增包 [hero](hero) 可以绑定处理任何依赖 `handlers` 的对象或函数。Hero funcs 可以返回任何类型的值,并发送给客户端。
> 之前的绑定没有编辑器的支持, 新包 `hero` 为 Iris 带来真正的安全绑定。 Iris 会在服务器运行之前计算所有内容,所以它执行速度高,接近于原生性能。
### 1. 路径参数 - 构建依赖

### 2. 服务 - 静态依赖

### 3. 请求之前 - 动态依赖

`hero funcs` 非常容易理解,当你用过之后 **在也回不去了**.
- [基本用法](_examples/hero/basic/main.go)
- [使用概览](_examples/hero/overview)
## MVC
如果要使用 `mvc` ,必须先理解 `hero` 包,因为`mvc`在内部使用`hero`作为路由控制器的方法,同样的规则也适用于你的控制器的方法。
With this version you can register **any controller's methods as routes manually**, you can **get a route based on a method name and change its `Name` (useful for reverse routing inside templates)**, you can use any **dependencies** registered from `hero.Register` or `mvc.New(iris.Party).Register` per mvc application or per-controller, **you can still use `BeginRequest` and `EndRequest`**, you can catch **`BeforeActivation(b mvc.BeforeActivation)` to add dependencies per controller and `AfterActivation(a mvc.AfterActivation)` to make any post-validations**, **singleton controllers when no dynamic dependencies are used**, **Websocket controller, as simple as a `websocket.Connection` dependency** and more...
**如果你之前使用过 MVC ,请仔细阅读:MVC 包含一些破坏性的改进,但新的方式可以做更多,会让程序执行更快**
| NEW | OLD |
| -----------|-------------|
| [Hello world](_examples/mvc/hello-world/main.go) | [OLD Hello world](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v8/_examples/mvc/hello-world/main.go) |
| [Session Controller](_examples/mvc/session-controller/main.go) | [OLD Session Controller](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/v8/_examples/mvc/session-controller/main.go) |
| [Overview - Plus Repository and Service layers](_examples/mvc/overview) | [OLD Overview - Plus Repository and Service layers](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/v8/_examples/mvc/overview) |
| [Login showcase - Plus Repository and Service layers](_examples/mvc/login) | [OLD Login showcase - Plus Repository and Service layers](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/v8/_examples/mvc/login) |
| [Singleton](_examples/mvc/singleton) | **新增** |
| [Websocket Controller](_examples/mvc/websocket) | **新增** |
| [Vue.js Todo MVC](_examples/tutorial/vuejs-todo-mvc) | **新增** |
## context#PostMaxMemory
移除旧版本的常量 `context.DefaultMaxMemory` 替换为配置 `WithPostMaxMemory` 方法.
// WithPostMaxMemory 设置客户端向服务器 post 提交数据的最大值
// 他不同于 request body 的值大小,如果有相关需求请使用
// `context#SetMaxRequestBodySize` 或者 `iris#LimitRequestBodySize`
// 默认值为 32MB 或者 32 << 20
func WithPostMaxMemory(limit int64) Configurator
import "github.com/kataras/iris"
func main() {
app := iris.New()
// [...]
app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"), iris.WithPostMaxMemory(10 << 20))
## context#UploadFormFiles
新方法可以多文件上传, 应用于常见的上传操作, 它是一个非常有用的函数。
// UploadFormFiles 将所有接收到的文件从客户端上传到系统物理位置 destDirectory。
// The second optional argument "before" gives caller the chance to
// modify the *miltipart.FileHeader before saving to the disk,
// it can be used to change a file's name based on the current request,
// all FileHeader's options can be changed. You can ignore it if
// you don't need to use this capability before saving a file to the disk.
// Note that it doesn't check if request body streamed.
// Returns the copied length as int64 and
// a not nil error if at least one new file
// can't be created due to the operating system's permissions or
// http.ErrMissingFile if no file received.
// If you want to receive & accept files and manage them manually you can use the `context#FormFile`
// instead and create a copy function that suits your needs, the below is for generic usage.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// See `FormFile` to a more controlled to receive a file.
func (ctx *context) UploadFormFiles(
destDirectory string,
before ...func(string, string),
) (int64, error)
这里是相关示例 [here](_examples/http_request/upload-files/main.go).
## context#View
如果要忽略其他模版变量,之前是在 `ViewData` 上绑定一个空字符串,现在可以直接通过 View 方法添加。
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.ViewData("", myItem{Name: "iris" })
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.View("item.html", myItem{Name: "iris" })
html 模版中调用: {{.Name}}
## context#YAML
新增 `context#YAML` 函数, 解析结构体到 yaml。
//使用 yaml 包的 Marshal 的方法解析,并发送到客户端。
func YAML(v interface{}) (int, error)
## Session#GetString
`sessions/session#GetString` 可以获取 session 的变量值(可以是 integer 类型),就像内存缓存、Context 上下文储存的值。
# Mo, 22 July 2019 | v11.2.0
@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import (
// Used when "enableJWT" constant is true:
jwtmiddleware "github.com/iris-contrib/middleware/jwt"
// values should match with the client sides as well.
@ -50,17 +49,22 @@ func main() {
websocket.DefaultGorillaUpgrader, /* DefaultGobwasUpgrader can be used too. */
j := jwtmiddleware.New(jwtmiddleware.Config{
j := jwt.New(jwt.Config{
// Extract by the "token" url,
// so the client should dial with ws://localhost:8080/echo?token=$token
Extractor: jwtmiddleware.FromParameter("token"),
Extractor: jwt.FromParameter("token"),
ValidationKeyGetter: func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
return []byte("My Secret"), nil
// When set, the middleware verifies that tokens are signed with the specific signing algorithm
// If the signing method is not constant the ValidationKeyGetter callback can be used to implement additional checks
// Important to avoid security issues described here: https://auth0.com/blog/2015/03/31/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/
// When set, the middleware verifies that tokens are signed
// with the specific signing algorithm
// If the signing method is not constant the
// `Config.ValidationKeyGetter` callback field can be used
// to implement additional checks
// Important to avoid security issues described here:
// https://auth0.com/blog/2015/03/31/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/
SigningMethod: jwt.SigningMethodHS256,
@ -34,31 +34,23 @@ import (
// Cache accepts the cache expiration duration
// if the expiration <=2 seconds then expiration is taken by the "cache-control's maxage" header
// returns context.Handler, which you can use as your default router or per-route handler
// Cache accepts the cache expiration duration.
// If the "expiration" input argument is invalid, <=2 seconds,
// then expiration is taken by the "cache-control's maxage" header.
// Returns a Handler structure which you can use to customize cache furher.
// All types of response can be cached, templates, json, text, anything.
// Use it for server-side caching, see the `iris#Cache304` for an alternative approach that
// may fit your needs most.
// may be more suited to your needs.
// You can add validators with this function.
func Cache(expiration time.Duration) *client.Handler {
return client.NewHandler(expiration)
// Handler accepts one single parameter:
// the cache expiration duration
// if the expiration <=2 seconds then expiration is taken by the "cache-control's maxage" header
// returns context.Handler.
// All types of response can be cached, templates, json, text, anything.
// Use it for server-side caching, see the `iris#Cache304` for an alternative approach that
// may fit your needs most.
// it returns a context.Handler which can be used as a middleware, for more options use the `Cache`.
// Handler like `Cache` but returns an Iris Handler to be used as a middleware.
// For more options use the `Cache`.
// Examples can be found at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/#caching
func Handler(expiration time.Duration) context.Handler {
@ -658,8 +658,9 @@ type Context interface {
// It's mostly used internally on core/router/fs.go and context methods.
// WriteWithExpiration like Write but it sends with an expiration datetime
// which is refreshed every package-level `StaticCacheDuration` field.
// WriteWithExpiration works like `Write` but it will check if a resource is modified,
// based on the "modtime" input argument,
// otherwise sends a 304 status code in order to let the client-side render the cached content.
WriteWithExpiration(body []byte, modtime time.Time) (int, error)
// StreamWriter registers the given stream writer for populating
// response body.
@ -1672,10 +1673,10 @@ type (
// ReferrerType is the goreferrer enum for a referrer type (indirect, direct, email, search, social).
ReferrerType int
ReferrerType = goreferrer.ReferrerType
// ReferrerGoogleSearchType is the goreferrer enum for a google search type (organic, adwords).
ReferrerGoogleSearchType int
ReferrerGoogleSearchType = goreferrer.GoogleSearchType
// Contains the available values of the goreferrer enums.
@ -1692,14 +1693,6 @@ const (
func (gs ReferrerGoogleSearchType) String() string {
return goreferrer.GoogleSearchType(gs).String()
func (r ReferrerType) String() string {
return goreferrer.ReferrerType(r).String()
// unnecessary but good to know the default values upfront.
var emptyReferrer = Referrer{Type: ReferrerInvalid, GoogleType: ReferrerNotGoogleSearch}
@ -2584,8 +2577,9 @@ func (ctx *context) WriteNotModified() {
// WriteWithExpiration like Write but it sends with an expiration datetime
// which is refreshed every package-level `StaticCacheDuration` field.
// WriteWithExpiration works like `Write` but it will check if a resource is modified,
// based on the "modtime" input argument,
// otherwise sends a 304 status code in order to let the client-side render the cached content.
func (ctx *context) WriteWithExpiration(body []byte, modtime time.Time) (int, error) {
if modified, err := ctx.CheckIfModifiedSince(modtime); !modified && err == nil {
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ var (
// If "cacheDur" <=0 then it returns the `NoCache` middleware instaed to disable the caching between browser's "back" and "forward" actions.
// Usage: `app.Use(iris.StaticCache(24 * time.Hour))` or `app.Use(iris.Staticcache(-1))`.
// Usage: `app.Use(iris.StaticCache(24 * time.Hour))` or `app.Use(iris.StaticCache(-1))`.
// A middleware, which is a simple Handler can be called inside another handler as well, example:
// cacheMiddleware := iris.StaticCache(...)
// func(ctx iris.Context){
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ var (
// Developers are free to extend this method's behavior
// by watching system directories changes manually and use of the `ctx.WriteWithExpiration`
// with a "modtime" based on the file modified date,
// simillary to the `HandleDir`(which sends status OK(200) and browser disk caching instead of 304).
// similar to the `HandleDir`(which sends status OK(200) and browser disk caching instead of 304).
// A shortcut of the `cache#Cache304`.
Cache304 = cache.Cache304
@ -501,6 +501,21 @@ var (
IsErrPath = context.IsErrPath
// Contains the enum values of the `Context.GetReferrer()` method,
// shortcuts of the context subpackage.
const (
ReferrerInvalid = context.ReferrerInvalid
ReferrerIndirect = context.ReferrerIndirect
ReferrerDirect = context.ReferrerDirect
ReferrerEmail = context.ReferrerEmail
ReferrerSearch = context.ReferrerSearch
ReferrerSocial = context.ReferrerSocial
ReferrerNotGoogleSearch = context.ReferrerNotGoogleSearch
ReferrerGoogleOrganicSearch = context.ReferrerGoogleOrganicSearch
ReferrerGoogleAdwords = context.ReferrerGoogleAdwords
// ConfigureHost accepts one or more `host#Configuration`, these configurators functions
// can access the host created by `app.Run`,
// they're being executed when application is ready to being served to the public.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user