just an improvement to the `LETSENCRYPT` in order to meet your needs,
it lets you configure the cache file to any directory or to disable it
by passing "" as the second argument.
// ListenLETSENCRYPT starts a server listening at the specific nat
// using key & certification taken from the letsencrypt.org 's servers
// it's also starts a second 'http' server to redirect all
'http://$ADDR_HOSTNAME:80' to the' https://$ADDR'
// it creates a cache file to store the certifications, for performance
reasons, this file by-default is "./letsencrypt.cache"
// if you skip the second parameter then the cache file is
// if you want to disable cache then simple pass as second argument an
empty emtpy string ""
// example:
// supports localhost domains for testing,
// NOTE: if you are ready for production then use
`$app.Serve(iris.LETSENCRYPTPROD("mydomain.com"))` instead
ListenLETSENCRYPT(addr string, cacheFileOptional ...string)
package main
import "github.com/kataras/iris"
func main() {
iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Write("Hello from SECURE SERVER!")
iris.ListenLETSENCRYPT("mydomain.com", "./mycachefile.cache)
Instead of this article, I just found, shows you how to inject the main
server, now you can just use the:
iris.ListenTo(config.Server{WriteTimeout: 5* time.Second, ReadTimeout=
5*time.Second, ListeningAddr:":8080"})
I changed that because some guys has problems in their hosting machines,
and they should use the "127.0..0.1" instead of "", if you have
problems just pass `iris.Listen("") instead of
## 4.0.0-alpha.2 -> 4.0.0-alpha.3
A **Response Engine** gives you the freedom to create/change the
render/response writer for
- `context.JSON`
- `context.JSONP`
- `context.XML`
- `context.Text`
- `context.Markdown`
- `context.Data`
- `context.Render("my_custom_type",mystructOrData{},
- `context.MarkdownString`
- `iris.ResponseString(...)`
- https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/294
**Small changes**
- `iris.Config.Charset`, before alpha.3 was `iris.Config.Rest.Charset` &
`iris.Config.Render.Template.Charset`, but you can override it at
runtime by passinth a map `iris.RenderOptions` on the `context.Render`
call .
- `iris.Config.IsDevelopment` , before alpha.1 was
**Websockets changes**
No need to import the `github.com/kataras/iris/websocket` to use the
`Connection` iteral, the websocket moved inside `kataras/iris` , now all
exported variables' names have the prefix of `Websocket`, so the old
`websocket.Connection` is now `iris.WebsocketConnection`.
Generally, no other changes on the 'frontend API', for response engines
examples and how you can register your own to add more features on
existing response engines or replace them, look
**BAD SIDE**: E-Book is still pointing on the v3 release, but will be
updated soon.
MustUse and MustUseFunc - registers middleware for all parties and
Subdomains don't care about registering order now
iris control plugin realtime logger