full commit from development branch.
Examples, book, middleware, plugins are updated to the latest iris
version. Read HISTORY.md for more.
The 'old' v5 branch which relied on fasthttp exists for those who want
to use it navigate there: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/5.0.0
## 4.0.0-alpha.2 -> 4.0.0-alpha.3
A **Response Engine** gives you the freedom to create/change the
render/response writer for
- `context.JSON`
- `context.JSONP`
- `context.XML`
- `context.Text`
- `context.Markdown`
- `context.Data`
- `context.Render("my_custom_type",mystructOrData{},
- `context.MarkdownString`
- `iris.ResponseString(...)`
- https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/294
**Small changes**
- `iris.Config.Charset`, before alpha.3 was `iris.Config.Rest.Charset` &
`iris.Config.Render.Template.Charset`, but you can override it at
runtime by passinth a map `iris.RenderOptions` on the `context.Render`
call .
- `iris.Config.IsDevelopment` , before alpha.1 was
**Websockets changes**
No need to import the `github.com/kataras/iris/websocket` to use the
`Connection` iteral, the websocket moved inside `kataras/iris` , now all
exported variables' names have the prefix of `Websocket`, so the old
`websocket.Connection` is now `iris.WebsocketConnection`.
Generally, no other changes on the 'frontend API', for response engines
examples and how you can register your own to add more features on
existing response engines or replace them, look
**BAD SIDE**: E-Book is still pointing on the v3 release, but will be
updated soon.