package main // #1552 import ( "" ) func main() { app := newApp() app.Listen(":8080") } func newApp() *iris.Application { app := iris.New() app.UseGlobal(middleware("first")) app.UseGlobal(middleware("second")) app.DoneGlobal(onDone) app.Get("/{name prefix(one)}", handler("first route")) app.Get("/{name prefix(two)}", handler("second route")) app.Get("/{name prefix(three)}", handler("third route")) return app } func middleware(str string) iris.Handler { return func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("Called %s middleware\n", str) ctx.Next() } } func handler(str string) iris.Handler { return func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("%s\n", str) ctx.Next() // or ignroe that and use app.SetRegisterRules. } } func onDone(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("Called done: %s", ctx.Params().Get("name")) }