# Examples Please do learn how [net/http](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/) std package works, first. This folder provides easy to understand code snippets on how to get started with [iris](https://github.com/kataras/iris) micro web framework. It doesn't always contain the "best ways" but it does cover each important feature that will make you so excited to GO with iris! ### Overview - [Hello world!](hello-world/main.go) - [Glimpse](overview/main.go) - [Tutorial: Online Visitors](tutorial/online-visitors/main.go) - [Tutorial: URL Shortener using BoltDB](https://medium.com/@kataras/a-url-shortener-service-using-go-iris-and-bolt-4182f0b00ae7) - [Tutorial: How to turn your Android Device into a fully featured Web Server](https://medium.com/@kataras/how-to-turn-an-android-device-into-a-web-server-9816b28ab199) ### HTTP Listening - [Common, with address](http-listening/listen-addr/main.go) * [omit server errors](http-listening/listen-addr/omit-server-errors/main.go) - [UNIX socket file](http-listening/listen-unix/main.go) - [TLS](http-listening/listen-tls/main.go) - [Letsencrypt (Automatic Certifications)](http-listening/listen-letsencrypt/main.go) - [Notify on shutdown](http-listening/notify-on-shutdown/main.go) - Custom TCP Listener * [common net.Listener](http-listening/custom-listener/main.go) * [SO_REUSEPORT for unix systems](http-listening/custom-listener/unix-reuseport/main.go) - Custom HTTP Server * [easy way](http-listening/custom-httpserver/easy-way/main.go) * [std way](http-listening/custom-httpserver/std-way/main.go) * [multi server instances](http-listening/custom-httpserver/multi/main.go) - Graceful Shutdown * [using the `RegisterOnInterrupt`](http-listening/graceful-shutdown/default-notifier/main.go) * [using a custom notifier](http-listening/graceful-shutdown/custom-notifier/main.go) ### Configuration - [Functional](configuration/functional/main.go) - [From Configuration Struct](configuration/from-configuration-structure/main.go) - [Import from YAML file](configuration/from-yaml-file/main.go) - [Import from TOML file](configuration/from-toml-file/main.go) ### Routing, Grouping, Dynamic Path Parameters, "Macros" and Custom Context * `app.Get("{userid:int min(1)}", myHandler)` * `app.Post("{asset:path}", myHandler)` * `app.Put("{custom:string regexp([a-z]+)}", myHandler)` Note: unlike other routers you'd seen, iris' router can handle things like these: ```go // Matches all GET requests prefixed with "/assets/" app.Get("/assets/{asset:path}", assetsWildcardHandler) // Matches only GET "/" app.Get("/", indexHandler) // Matches only GET "/about" app.Get("/about", aboutHandler) // Matches all GET requests prefixed with "/profile/" // and followed by a single path part app.Get("/profile/{username:string}", userHandler) // Matches only GET "/profile/me" because // it does not conflict with /profile/{username:string} // or the root wildcard {root:path} app.Get("/profile/me", userHandler) // Matches all GET requests prefixed with /users/ // and followed by a number which should be equal or bigger than 1 app.Get("/user/{userid:int min(1)}", getUserHandler) // Matches all requests DELETE prefixed with /users/ // and following by a number which should be equal or bigger than 1 app.Delete("/user/{userid:int min(1)}", deleteUserHandler) // Matches all GET requests except "/", "/about", anything starts with "/assets/" etc... // because it does not conflict with the rest of the routes. app.Get("{root:path}", rootWildcardHandler) ``` Navigate through examples for a better understanding. - [Overview](routing/overview/main.go) - [Basic](routing/basic/main.go) - [Custom HTTP Errors](routing/http-errors/main.go) - [Dynamic Path](routing/dynamic-path/main.go) * [root level wildcard path](routing/dynamic-path/root-wildcard/main.go) - [Reverse routing](routing/reverse/main.go) - [Custom wrapper](routing/custom-wrapper/main.go) - Custom Context * [method overriding](routing/custom-context/method-overriding/main.go) * [new implementation](routing/custom-context/new-implementation/main.go) - [Route State](routing/route-state/main.go) ### Subdomains - [Single](subdomains/single/main.go) - [Multi](subdomains/multi/main.go) - [Wildcard](subdomains/wildcard/main.go) - [WWW](subdomains/www/main.go) ### Convert `http.Handler/HandlerFunc` - [From func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)](convert-handlers/negroni-like/main.go) - [From http.Handler or http.HandlerFunc](convert-handlers/nethttp/main.go) ### View | Engine | Declaration | | -----------|-------------| | template/html | `iris.HTML(...)` | | django | `iris.Django(...)` | | handlebars | `iris.Handlebars(...)` | | amber | `iris.Amber(...)` | | pug(jade) | `iris.Pug(...)` | - [Overview](view/overview/main.go) - [Hi](view/template_html_0/main.go) - [A simple Layout](view/template_html_1/main.go) - [Layouts: `yield` and `render` tmpl funcs](view/template_html_2/main.go) - [The `urlpath` tmpl func](view/template_html_3/main.go) - [The `url` tmpl func](view/template_html_4/main.go) - [Inject Data Between Handlers](view/context-view-data/main.go) - [Embedding Templates Into App Executable File](view/embedding-templates-into-app/main.go) You can serve [quicktemplate](https://github.com/valyala/quicktemplate) files too, simply by using the `context#ResponseWriter`, take a look at the [http_responsewriter/quicktemplate](http_responsewriter/quicktemplate) example. ### Authentication - [Basic Authentication](authentication/basicauth/main.go) - [OAUth2](authentication/oauth2/main.go) - [JWT](https://github.com/iris-contrib/middleware/blob/master/jwt/_example/main.go) - [Sessions](#sessions) ### File Server - [Favicon](file-server/favicon/main.go) - [Basic](file-server/basic/main.go) - [Embedding Files Into App Executable File](file-server/embedding-files-into-app/main.go) - [Send/Force-Download Files](file-server/send-files/main.go) - Single Page Applications * [single Page Application](file-server/single-page-application/basic/main.go) * [embedded Single Page Application](file-server/single-page-application/embedded-single-page-application/main.go) ### How to Read from `context.Request() *http.Request` - [Bind JSON](http_request/read-json/main.go) - [Bind Form](http_request/read-form/main.go) - [Upload/Read Files](http_request/upload-files/main.go) > The `context.Request()` returns the same *http.Request you already know, these examples show some places where the Context uses this object. Besides that you can use it as you did before iris. ### How to Write to `context.ResponseWriter() http.ResponseWriter` - [Write `valyala/quicktemplate` templates](http_responsewriter/quicktemplate) - [Text, Markdown, HTML, JSON, JSONP, XML, Binary](http_responsewriter/write-rest/main.go) - [Stream Writer](http_responsewriter/stream-writer/main.go) - [Transactions](http_responsewriter/transactions/main.go) > The `context.ResponseWriter()` returns an enchament version of a http.ResponseWriter, these examples show some places where the Context uses this object. Besides that you can use it as you did before iris. ### Miscellaneous - [Request Logger](http_request/request-logger/main.go) * [log requests to a file](http_request/request-logger/request-logger-file/main.go) - [Localization and Internationalization](miscellaneous/i18n/main.go) - [Recovery](miscellaneous/recover/main.go) - [Profiling (pprof)](miscellaneous/pprof/main.go) - [Internal Application File Logger](miscellaneous/file-logger/main.go) - [Google reCAPTCHA](miscellaneous/recaptcha/main.go) #### More https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/middleware#third-party-handlers ### Testing The `httptest` package is your way for end-to-end HTTP testing, it uses the httpexpect library created by our friend, [gavv](https://github.com/gavv). [Example](testing/httptest/main_test.go) ### Caching iris cache library lives on its own [package](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/cache). - [Simple](cache/simple/main.go) > You're free to use your own favourite caching package if you'd like so. ### Sessions iris session manager lives on its own [package](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/sessions). - [Overview](sessions/overview/main.go) - [Standalone](sessions/standalone/main.go) - [Secure Cookie](sessions/securecookie/main.go) - [Flash Messages](sessions/flash-messages/main.go) - [Databases](sessions/database) * [File](sessions/database/file/main.go) * [BoltDB](sessions/database/boltdb/main.go) * [Redis](sessions/database/redis/main.go) > You're free to use your own favourite sessions package if you'd like so. ### Websockets iris websocket library lives on its own [package](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/websocket). - [Chat](websocket/chat/main.go) - [Native Messages](websocket/native-messages/main.go) - [Connection List](websocket/connectionlist/main.go) - [TLS Enabled](websocket/secure/main.go) - [Custom Raw Go Client](websocket/custom-go-client/main.go) > You're free to use your own favourite websockets package if you'd like so. ### Typescript Automation Tools typescript automation tools have their own repository: [https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/typescript](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/typescript) **it contains examples** > I'd like to tell you that you can use your favourite but I don't think you will find such a thing anywhere else. ### Hey, You! Developers should read the [godocs](https://godoc.org/github.com/kataras/iris) for a better understanding. Psst, I almost forgot; do not forget to [star or watch](https://github.com/kataras/iris/stargazers) the project in order to stay updated with the latest tech trends, it never takes more than a second!