package main import ( "" ) // Follow the steps below: // $ go get -u // // $ go-bindata -nomemcopy -prefix "../http2push/" ../http2push/assets/... // # OR if the ./assets directory was inside this example foder: // # go-bindata -nomemcopy ./assets/... // // $ go run . // Physical files are not used, you can delete the "assets" folder and run the example. var opts = iris.DirOptions{ IndexName: "/index.html", PushTargets: map[string][]string{ "/": { // Relative path without route prefix. "favicon.ico", "js/main.js", "css/main.css", // ^ Relative to the index, if need absolute ones start with a slash ('/'). }, }, Compress: false, ShowList: true, Asset: Asset, AssetInfo: AssetInfo, AssetNames: AssetNames, } func main() { app := iris.New() app.HandleDir("/public", "./assets", opts) app.Run(iris.TLS(":443", "../http2push/mycert.crt", "../http2push/mykey.key")) }