# Locale variables
# Unlike normal keys, the variables
# have limitations of: no ">x", "zero", "two" and template functions are supported.
# This is done to force developers to use small and easy to read variables for easier maintain process. 
  - Minutes:
      # possible keys:
      # one
      # "=x"  - where x is a number
      # "<x"
      # other
      # format - to customize the format, which defaults to %d .
      one: "minute"
      other: "minutes"
      format: "%d" # defaults to that.
  - Dogs:
      "=5": "dogsssss"
      one: "dog"
      other: "dogs"
  - Houses:
      one: "house"
      other: "houses"
  - Gender:
      "=1": "She" # 1 for female
      "=2": "He" # 2 for male

# Using variables in raw string
YouLate: "You are %[1]d ${Minutes} late."
# Just a simple raw value
Classic: "classic"

# Pluralization, translate based on the plural count
# including the variables and their counts
  # possible keys:
  # zero
  # one
  # two
  # "=x"
  # "<x"
  # ">x"
  # other
  "=3": "You have three days and %[2]d ${Minutes} off." # "FreeDay" 3, 15 (plurals + variable pluralization)
  one:  "You have a day off" # "FreeDay", 1
  other: "You have %[1]d free days" # "FreeDay", 5

# Sprintf-like raw translation
HeIsHome: "%s is home"

# Value without plural of its self but variables except pluralization
HouseCount: "${Gender} (%[3]s) has %[2]d ${Houses}"
# Same as above but with a template instead
VarTemplate: (${Gender}) {{tr "HeIsHome" .Name}}
# Template and non template with variables in the same plural key
  one: "${Gender} is awesome"
  other: "other (${Gender}) has %[3]d ${Houses}"
  "=5": "{{call .InlineJoin .Names}} are awesome"
  one: "{{.Name}} is unique"
  "=5": "{{call .InlineJoin .Names}} are awesome"
# Same as above but it takes the variable counting through the map argument
  other: "These {{.PluralCount}} are wonderful, feeding {{.DogsCount}} ${Dogs} in total!"

# Local variables and section.
   Text: "${Gender} has %[2]d ${Houses}"
    - Gender:
        "=3": "She"
        "=4": "He"
    - Houses:
        one: "house"
        other: "houses"

# Sections:
  user: Account

  home: Home # nav.home
  user: '{{tr "root.user"}}' # nav.user
    what: "this" # nav.more.what
      more: "yes" # nav.more.even.more
      aplural: "You are %[1]d ${Minutes} late." # Tr("nav.more.even.aplural", 15)