package token

// Type is a specific type of int which describes the symbols.
type Type int

// Token describes the letter(s) or symbol, is a result of the lexer.
type Token struct {
	Type    Type
	Literal string
	Start   int // including the first char
	End     int // including the last char

// /about/{fullname:alphabetical}
// /profile/{anySpecialName:string}
// {id:int range(1,5) else 404}
// /admin/{id:int eq(1) else 402}
// /file/{filepath:file else 405}
const (
	EOF = iota // 0

	// Identifiers + literals
	LBRACE // {
	RBRACE // }
	COLON  // :
	LPAREN // (
	RPAREN // )
	//	PARAM_FUNC_ARG   // 1
	IDENT // string or keyword
	// Keywords
	// keywords_start
	ELSE // else
	// keywords_end
	INT // 42

const eof rune = 0

var keywords = map[string]Type{
	"else": ELSE,

// LookupIdent receives a series of chars
// and tries to resolves the token type.
func LookupIdent(ident string) Type {
	if tok, ok := keywords[ident]; ok {
		return tok
	return IDENT