package main import ( "os" "" "" "" ) func main() { /* On this example we will make use of the logs broker. A handler will listen for any incoming logs and render those logs as chunks of JSON to the client (e.g. browser) at real-time. Note that this ^ can be done with Server-Sent Events but for the sake of the example we'll do it using Transfer-Encoding: chunked. */ ac := accesslog.File("./access.log") defer ac.Close() ac.AddOutput(os.Stdout) ac.RequestBody = true // Set to false to print errors as one line: // ac.KeepMultiLineError = false // Set the "depth" of a panic trace: ac.PanicLog = accesslog.LogHandler // or LogCallers or LogStack // Optionally run logging after response has sent: // ac.Async = true broker := ac.Broker() // <- IMPORTANT app := iris.New() app.UseRouter(ac.Handler) app.UseRouter(recover.New()) app.OnErrorCode(iris.StatusNotFound, notFoundHandler) app.Get("/panic", testPanic) app.Get("/", indexHandler) app.Get("/profile/{username}", profileHandler) app.Post("/read_body", readBodyHandler) // register the /logs route, // registers a listener and prints the incoming logs. // Optionally, skip logging this handler. app.Get("/logs", accesslog.SkipHandler, logsHandler(broker)) // http://localhost:8080/logs to see the logs at real-time. app.Listen(":8080") } func notFoundHandler(ctx iris.Context) { // ctx.Application().Logger().Infof("Not Found Handler for: %s", ctx.Path()) suggestPaths := ctx.FindClosest(3) if len(suggestPaths) == 0 { ctx.WriteString("The page you're looking does not exist.") return } ctx.HTML("Did you mean?<ul>") for _, s := range suggestPaths { ctx.HTML(`<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>`, s, s) } ctx.HTML("</ul>") } func indexHandler(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.HTML("<h1>Index</h1>") } func profileHandler(ctx iris.Context) { username := ctx.Params().Get("username") ctx.HTML("Hello, <strong>%s</strong>!", username) } func readBodyHandler(ctx iris.Context) { var request interface{} if err := ctx.ReadBody(&request); err != nil { ctx.StopWithPlainError(iris.StatusBadRequest, err) return } ctx.JSON(iris.Map{"message": "OK", "data": request}) } func testPanic(ctx iris.Context) { panic("PANIC HERE") } func logsHandler(b *accesslog.Broker) iris.Handler { return func(ctx iris.Context) { // accesslog.Skip(ctx) // or inline skip. logs := b.NewListener() // <- IMPORTANT ctx.Header("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked") notifyClose := ctx.Request().Context().Done() for { select { case <-notifyClose: b.CloseListener(logs) // <- IMPORTANT err := ctx.Request().Context().Err() ctx.Application().Logger().Infof("Listener closed [%v], loop end.", err) return case log := <-logs: // <- IMPORTANT ctx.JSON(log, iris.JSON{Indent: " ", UnescapeHTML: true}) ctx.ResponseWriter().Flush() } } } }