package iris_test import ( "fmt" "testing" "" "" ) // most tests lives inside context_test.go:Transactions, there lives the response writer's full and coblex tests func TestResponseWriterBeforeFlush(t *testing.T) { app := iris.New() app.Adapt(newTestNativeRouter()) body := "my body" beforeFlushBody := "body appeneded or setted before callback" app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) { w := ctx.ResponseWriter w.SetBeforeFlush(func() { w.WriteString(beforeFlushBody) }) w.WriteString(body) }) // recorder can change the status code after write too // it can also be changed everywhere inside the context's lifetime app.Get("/recorder", func(ctx *iris.Context) { w := ctx.Recorder() w.SetBeforeFlush(func() { w.SetBodyString(beforeFlushBody) w.WriteHeader(iris.StatusForbidden) }) w.WriteHeader(iris.StatusOK) w.WriteString(body) }) e := httptest.New(app, t) e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(body + beforeFlushBody) e.GET("/recorder").Expect().Status(iris.StatusForbidden).Body().Equal(beforeFlushBody) } func TestResponseWriterToRecorderMiddleware(t *testing.T) { app := iris.New() app.Adapt(newTestNativeRouter()) beforeFlushBody := "body appeneded or setted before callback" app.UseGlobal(iris.Recorder) app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) { w := ctx.Recorder() w.SetBeforeFlush(func() { w.SetBodyString(beforeFlushBody) w.WriteHeader(iris.StatusForbidden) }) w.WriteHeader(iris.StatusOK) w.WriteString("this will not be sent at all because of SetBodyString") }) e := httptest.New(app, t) e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusForbidden).Body().Equal(beforeFlushBody) } func TestResponseRecorderStatusCodeContentTypeBody(t *testing.T) { app := iris.New() app.Adapt(newTestNativeRouter()) firstStatusCode := iris.StatusOK contentType := "text/html; charset=" + app.Config.Charset firstBodyPart := "first" secondBodyPart := "second" prependedBody := "zero" expectedBody := prependedBody + firstBodyPart + secondBodyPart app.Use(iris.Recorder) // recorder's status code can change if needed by a middleware or the last handler. app.UseFunc(func(ctx *iris.Context) { ctx.SetStatusCode(firstStatusCode) ctx.Next() }) app.UseFunc(func(ctx *iris.Context) { ctx.SetContentType(contentType) ctx.Next() }) app.UseFunc(func(ctx *iris.Context) { // set a body ( we will append it later, only with response recorder we can set append or remove a body or a part of it*) ctx.WriteString(firstBodyPart) ctx.Next() }) app.UseFunc(func(ctx *iris.Context) { ctx.WriteString(secondBodyPart) ctx.Next() }) app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) { previousStatusCode := ctx.StatusCode() if previousStatusCode != firstStatusCode { t.Fatalf("Previous status code should be %d but got %d", firstStatusCode, previousStatusCode) } previousContentType := ctx.ContentType() if previousContentType != contentType { t.Fatalf("First content type should be %s but got %d", contentType, previousContentType) } // change the status code, this will tested later on (httptest) ctx.SetStatusCode(iris.StatusForbidden) prevBody := string(ctx.Recorder().Body()) if prevBody != firstBodyPart+secondBodyPart { t.Fatalf("Previous body (first handler + second handler's writes) expected to be: %s but got: %s", firstBodyPart+secondBodyPart, prevBody) } // test it on httptest later on ctx.Recorder().SetBodyString(prependedBody + prevBody) }) e := httptest.New(app, t) et := e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusForbidden) et.Header("Content-Type").Equal(contentType) et.Body().Equal(expectedBody) } func ExampleResponseWriter_WriteHeader() { app := iris.New() app.Adapt(newTestNativeRouter()) expectedOutput := "Hey" app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) { // here for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { ctx.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(iris.StatusOK) } ctx.Writef(expectedOutput) // here fmt.Println(expectedOutput) // here for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { ctx.SetStatusCode(iris.StatusOK) } }) e := httptest.New(app, nil) e.GET("/").Expect().Status(iris.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedOutput) // here it shouldn't log an error that status code write multiple times (by the net/http package.) // Output: // Hey }