// file: controllers/user_controller.go

package controllers

import (


// UserController is our /user controller.
// UserController is responsible to handle the following requests:
// GET  			/user/register
// POST 			/user/register
// GET 				/user/login
// POST 			/user/login
// GET 				/user/me
// All HTTP Methods /user/logout
type UserController struct {
	// mvc.C is just a lightweight lightweight alternative
	// to the "mvc.Controller" controller type,
	// use it when you don't need mvc.Controller's fields
	// (you don't need those fields when you return values from the method functions).

	// Our UserService, it's an interface which
	// is binded from the main application.
	Service services.UserService

	// Session-relative things.
	Manager *sessions.Sessions
	Session *sessions.Session

// BeginRequest will set the current session to the controller.
// Remember: iris.Context and context.Context is exactly the same thing,
// iris.Context is just a type alias for go 1.9 users.
// We use context.Context here because we don't need all iris' root functions,
// when we see the import paths, we make it visible to ourselves that this file is using only the context.
func (c *UserController) BeginRequest(ctx context.Context) {

	if c.Manager == nil {
		ctx.Application().Logger().Errorf(`UserController: sessions manager is nil, you should bind it`)
		ctx.StopExecution() // dont run the main method handler and any "done" handlers.

	c.Session = c.Manager.Start(ctx)

const userIDKey = "UserID"

func (c *UserController) getCurrentUserID() int64 {
	userID, _ := c.Session.GetInt64Default(userIDKey, 0)
	return userID

func (c *UserController) isLoggedIn() bool {
	return c.getCurrentUserID() > 0

func (c *UserController) logout() {

var registerStaticView = mvc.View{
	Name: "user/register.html",
	Data: context.Map{"Title": "User Registration"},

// GetRegister handles GET: http://localhost:8080/user/register.
func (c *UserController) GetRegister() mvc.Result {
	if c.isLoggedIn() {

	return registerStaticView

// PostRegister handles POST: http://localhost:8080/user/register.
func (c *UserController) PostRegister() mvc.Result {
	// get firstname, username and password from the form.
	var (
		firstname = c.Ctx.FormValue("firstname")
		username  = c.Ctx.FormValue("username")
		password  = c.Ctx.FormValue("password")

	// create the new user, the password will be hashed by the service.
	u, err := c.Service.Create(password, datamodels.User{
		Username:  username,
		Firstname: firstname,

	// set the user's id to this session even if err != nil,
	// the zero id doesn't matters because .getCurrentUserID() checks for that.
	// If err != nil then it will be shown, see below on mvc.Response.Err: err.
	c.Session.Set(userIDKey, u.ID)

	return mvc.Response{
		// if not nil then this error will be shown instead.
		Err: err,
		// redirect to /user/me.
		Path: "/user/me",
		// When redirecting from POST to GET request you -should- use this HTTP status code,
		// however there're some (complicated) alternatives if you
		// search online or even the HTTP RFC.
		// Status "See Other" RFC 7231, however iris can automatically fix that
		// but it's good to know you can set a custom code;
		// Code: 303,


var loginStaticView = mvc.View{
	Name: "user/login.html",
	Data: context.Map{"Title": "User Login"},

// GetLogin handles GET: http://localhost:8080/user/login.
func (c *UserController) GetLogin() mvc.Result {
	if c.isLoggedIn() {
		// if it's already logged in then destroy the previous session.

	return loginStaticView

// PostLogin handles POST: http://localhost:8080/user/register.
func (c *UserController) PostLogin() mvc.Result {
	var (
		username = c.Ctx.FormValue("username")
		password = c.Ctx.FormValue("password")

	u, found := c.Service.GetByUsernameAndPassword(username, password)

	if !found {
		return mvc.Response{
			Path: "/user/register",

	c.Session.Set(userIDKey, u.ID)

	return mvc.Response{
		Path: "/user/me",

// GetMe handles GET: http://localhost:8080/user/me.
func (c *UserController) GetMe() mvc.Result {
	if !c.isLoggedIn() {
		// if it's not logged in then redirect user to the login page.
		return mvc.Response{Path: "/user/login"}

	u, found := c.Service.GetByID(c.getCurrentUserID())
	if !found {
		// if the  session exists but for some reason the user doesn't exist in the "database"
		// then logout and re-execute the function, it will redirect the client to the
		// /user/login page.
		return c.GetMe()

	return mvc.View{
		Name: "user/me.html",
		Data: context.Map{
			"Title": "Profile of " + u.Username,
			"User":  u,

// AnyLogout handles All/Any HTTP Methods for: http://localhost:8080/user/logout.
func (c *UserController) AnyLogout() {
	if c.isLoggedIn() {
