package main

import (



// 1. Install Redis:
// 1.1 Windows:
// 1.2 Other:
// 2. Run command: go run -mod=mod main.go
// Tested with redis version 3.0.503.
func main() {
	// These are the default values,
	// you can replace them based on your running redis' server settings:
	db := redis.New(redis.Config{
		Network:   "tcp",
		Addr:      getenv("REDIS_ADDR", ""),
		Timeout:   time.Duration(30) * time.Second,
		MaxActive: 10,
		Username:  "",
		Password:  "",
		Database:  "",
		Prefix:    "myapp-",
		Driver:    redis.GoRedis(), // defaults.

	// Optionally configure the underline driver:
	// driver := redis.GoRedis()
	// driver.ClientOptions = redis.Options{...}
	// driver.ClusterOptions = redis.ClusterOptions{...}
	// redis.New(redis.Config{Driver: driver, ...})

	defer db.Close() // close the database connection if application errored.

	sess := sessions.New(sessions.Config{
		Cookie:          "_session_id",
		Expires:         0, // defaults to 0: unlimited life. Another good value is: 45 * time.Minute,
		AllowReclaim:    true,
		CookieSecureTLS: true,


	app := example.NewApp(sess)

	// TIP scaling-out Iris sessions using redis:
	// $ docker-compose up
	// http://localhost:8080/set/$key/$value
	// The value will be available on all Iris servers as well.
	// E.g. http://localhost:9090/get/$key and vice versa.
	addr := fmt.Sprintf(":%s", getenv("PORT", "8080"))

func getenv(key string, def string) string {
	if v := os.Getenv(strings.ToUpper(key)); v != "" {
		return v

	return def