package main // See import ( "time" "" "" "" "" "" rotatelogs "" ) func makeAccessLog() *accesslog.AccessLog { // Optionally, let's Go with log rotation. pathToAccessLog := "./access_log.%Y%m%d%H%M" w, err := rotatelogs.New( pathToAccessLog, rotatelogs.WithMaxAge(24*time.Hour), rotatelogs.WithRotationTime(time.Hour)) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Initialize a new access log middleware. // Accepts an `io.Writer`. ac := accesslog.New(w) ac.TimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05" // Example of adding more than one field to the logger. // Here we logging all the session values this request has. // // You can also add fields per request handler, // look below to the `fieldsHandler` function. // Note that this method can override a key stored by a handler's fields. ac.AddFields(func(ctx iris.Context, fields *accesslog.Fields) { if sess := sessions.Get(ctx); sess != nil { fields.Set("session_id", sess.ID()) sess.Visit(func(k string, v interface{}) { fields.Set(k, v) }) } }) // Add a custom field of "auth" when basic auth is available. ac.AddFields(func(ctx iris.Context, fields *accesslog.Fields) { if username, password, ok := ctx.Request().BasicAuth(); ok { fields.Set("auth", username+":"+password) } }) return ac /* Use a file directly: ac := accesslog.File("./access.log") Log after the response was sent (defaults to false): ac.Async = true Force-protect writer with locks. On this example this is not required: ac.LockWriter = true" // To disable request and response calculations // (enabled by default but slows down the whole operation if Async is false): ac.RequestBody = false ac.ResponseBody = false ac.BytesReceived = false ac.BytesSent = false Add second output: ac.AddOutput(app.Logger().Printer) OR: accesslog.New(io.MultiWriter(w, os.Stdout)) Change format (after output was set): ac.SetFormatter(&accesslog.JSON{Indent: " "}) Modify the output format and customize the order with the Template formatter: ac.SetFormatter(&accesslog.Template{ Text: "{{.Now.Format .TimeFormat}}|{{.Latency}}|{{.Method}}|{{.Path}}|{{.RequestValuesLine}}|{{.Code}}|{{.BytesReceivedLine}}|{{.BytesSentLine}}|{{.Request}}|{{.Response}}|\n", // Default ^ }) */ } func main() { ac := makeAccessLog() defer ac.Close() iris.RegisterOnInterrupt(func() { ac.Close() }) app := iris.New() // Register the middleware (UseRouter to catch http errors too). app.UseRouter(ac.Handler) // // Register other middlewares... app.UseRouter(requestid.New()) // Register some routes... app.HandleDir("/", iris.Dir("./public")) app.Get("/user/{username}", userHandler) app.Post("/read_body", readBodyHandler) app.Get("/html_response", htmlResponse) basicAuth := basicauth.Default(map[string]string{ "admin": "admin", }) app.Get("/admin", basicAuth, adminHandler) sess := sessions.New(sessions.Config{Cookie: "my_session_id", AllowReclaim: true}) app.Get("/session", sess.Handler(), sessionHandler) app.Get("/fields", fieldsHandler) // app.Listen(":8080") } func readBodyHandler(ctx iris.Context) { var request interface{} if err := ctx.ReadBody(&request); err != nil { ctx.StopWithPlainError(iris.StatusBadRequest, err) return } ctx.JSON(iris.Map{"message": "OK", "data": request}) } func userHandler(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("Hello, %s!", ctx.Params().Get("username")) } func htmlResponse(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.HTML("<h1>HTML Response</h1>") } func adminHandler(ctx iris.Context) { username, password, _ := ctx.Request().BasicAuth() // of course you don't want that in production: ctx.HTML("<h2>Username: %s</h2><h3>Password: %s</h3>", username, password) } func sessionHandler(ctx iris.Context) { sess := sessions.Get(ctx) sess.Set("session_test_key", "session_test_value") ctx.WriteString("OK") } func fieldsHandler(ctx iris.Context) { start := time.Now() // simulate a heavy job... time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) end := time.Since(start) // Get the current fields instance // and use it to set custom log values. logFields := accesslog.GetFields(ctx) logFields.Set("job_latency", end.Round(time.Second)) ctx.WriteString("OK") }