<!-- the message's input -->
<input id="input" type="text" />

<!-- when clicked then a websocket event will be sent to the server, at this example we registered the 'chat' -->
<button id="sendBtn" disabled>Send</button>

<!-- the messages will be shown here -->
<pre id="output"></pre>
<!-- import the iris client-side library for browser from a CDN or locally.
     However, `neffos.(min.)js` is a NPM package too so alternatively,
     you can use it as dependency on your package.json and all nodejs-npm tooling become available:
     see the "browserify" example for more-->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/neffos.js@latest/dist/neffos.min.js"></script>
    // `neffos` global variable is available now.
    var scheme = document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "wss" : "ws";
    var port = document.location.port ? ":" + document.location.port : "";
    var wsURL = scheme + "://" + document.location.hostname + port + "/echo";

    const enableJWT = true;
    if (enableJWT) {
        // This is just a signature and a payload of an example content, 
        // please replace this with your logic.
        // Add a random letter in front of the token to make it
        // invalid and see that this client is not allowed to dial the websocket server.
        const token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjozMjEzMjF9.8waEX7-vPKACa-Soi1pQvW3Rl8QY-SUFcHKTLZI4mvU";
        wsURL += "?token=" + token;

    var outputTxt = document.getElementById("output");
    function addMessage(msg) {
        outputTxt.innerHTML += msg + "\n";

    function handleError(reason) {
        window.alert("error: see the dev console");

    function handleNamespaceConnectedConn(nsConn) {
        nsConn.emit("Hello from browser client side!");

        let inputTxt = document.getElementById("input");
        let sendBtn = document.getElementById("sendBtn");

        sendBtn.disabled = false;
        sendBtn.onclick = function () {
            const input = inputTxt.value;
            inputTxt.value = "";
            nsConn.emit("chat", input);
            addMessage("Me: " + input);

    const username = window.prompt("Your username?");

    async function runExample() {
        // You can omit the "default" and simply define only Events, the namespace will be an empty string"",
        // however if you decide to make any changes on this example make sure the changes are reflecting inside the ../server.go file as well.
        try {
            const conn = await neffos.dial(wsURL, {
                default: { // "default" namespace.
                    _OnNamespaceConnected: function (nsConn, msg) {
                        addMessage("connected to namespace: " + msg.Namespace);
                    _OnNamespaceDisconnect: function (nsConn, msg) {
                        addMessage("disconnected from namespace: " + msg.Namespace);
                    chat: function (nsConn, msg) { // "chat" event.
                headers: {
                    "X-Username": username,

            // You can either wait to conenct or just conn.connect("connect")
            // and put the `handleNamespaceConnectedConn` inside `_OnNamespaceConnected` callback instead.
            // const nsConn = await conn.connect("default");
            // nsConn.emit(...); handleNamespaceConnectedConn(nsConn);

        } catch (err) {


    // If "await" and "async" are available, use them instead^, all modern browsers support those,
    // all of the javascript examples will be written using async/await method instead of promise then/catch callbacks.
    // A usage example of promise then/catch follows:
    // neffos.dial(wsURL, {
    //     default: { // "default" namespace.
    //         _OnNamespaceConnected: function (ns, msg) {
    //             addMessage("connected to namespace: " + msg.Namespace);
    //         },
    //         _OnNamespaceDisconnect: function (ns, msg) {
    //             addMessage("disconnected from namespace: " + msg.Namespace);
    //         },
    //         chat: function (ns, msg) { // "chat" event.
    //             addMessage(msg.Body);
    //         }
    //     }
    // }).then(function (conn) {
    //     conn.connect("default").then(handleNamespaceConnectedConn).catch(handleError);
    // }).catch(handleError);