package main import ( "log" "os" "runtime" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" ) const ( endpoint = "localhost:8080" totalClients = 16000 // max depends on the OS. verbose = false maxC = 0 ) func main() { ws := websocket.New(websocket.Config{}) ws.OnConnection(handleConnection) // websocket.Config{PingPeriod: ((60 * time.Second) * 9) / 10} go func() { dur := 4 * time.Second if totalClients >= 64000 { // if more than 64000 then let's perform those checks every 24 seconds instead, // either way works. dur = 24 * time.Second } t := time.NewTicker(dur) defer func() { t.Stop() printMemUsage() os.Exit(0) }() var started bool for { <-t.C n := ws.GetTotalConnections() if n > 0 { started = true if maxC > 0 && n > maxC { log.Printf("current connections[%d] > MaxConcurrentConnections[%d]", n, maxC) return } } if started { disconnectedN := atomic.LoadUint64(&totalDisconnected) connectedN := atomic.LoadUint64(&totalConnected) if disconnectedN == totalClients && connectedN == totalClients { if n != 0 { log.Println("ALL CLIENTS DISCONNECTED BUT LEFTOVERS ON CONNECTIONS LIST.") } else { log.Println("ALL CLIENTS DISCONNECTED SUCCESSFULLY.") } return } else if n == 0 { log.Printf("%d/%d CLIENTS WERE NOT CONNECTED AT ALL. CHECK YOUR OS NET SETTINGS. THE REST CLIENTS WERE DISCONNECTED SUCCESSFULLY.\n", totalClients-totalConnected, totalClients) return } } } }() app := iris.New() app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) { c := ws.Upgrade(ctx) handleConnection(c) c.Wait() }) app.Run(iris.Addr(endpoint), iris.WithoutServerError(iris.ErrServerClosed)) } var totalConnected uint64 func handleConnection(c websocket.Connection) { if c.Err() != nil { log.Fatalf("[%d] upgrade failed: %v", atomic.LoadUint64(&totalConnected)+1, c.Err()) return } atomic.AddUint64(&totalConnected, 1) c.OnError(func(err error) { handleErr(c, err) }) c.OnDisconnect(func() { handleDisconnect(c) }) c.On("chat", func(message string) { c.To(websocket.Broadcast).Emit("chat", c.ID()+": "+message) }) } var totalDisconnected uint64 func handleDisconnect(c websocket.Connection) { newC := atomic.AddUint64(&totalDisconnected, 1) if verbose { log.Printf("[%d] client [%s] disconnected!\n", newC, c.ID()) } } func handleErr(c websocket.Connection, err error) { log.Printf("client [%s] errorred: %v\n", c.ID(), err) } func toMB(b uint64) uint64 { return b / 1024 / 1024 } func printMemUsage() { var m runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&m) log.Printf("Alloc = %v MiB", toMB(m.Alloc)) log.Printf("\tTotalAlloc = %v MiB", toMB(m.TotalAlloc)) log.Printf("\tSys = %v MiB", toMB(m.Sys)) log.Printf("\tNumGC = %v\n", m.NumGC) log.Printf("\tNumGoRoutines = %d\n", runtime.NumGoroutine()) }