package websocket

import (



var (
	// EnableDebug enables debug mode for websocket module,
	// for MVC this is done automatically
	// when the app's logger level is set to "debug".
	EnableDebug = neffos.EnableDebug
	// GorillaUpgrader is an upgrader type for the gorilla/websocket subprotocol implementation.
	// Should be used on `New` to construct the websocket server.
	GorillaUpgrader = gorilla.Upgrader
	// GobwasUpgrader is an upgrader type for the gobwas/ws subprotocol implementation.
	// Should be used on `New` to construct the websocket server.
	GobwasUpgrader = gobwas.Upgrader
	// DefaultGorillaUpgrader is a gorilla/websocket Upgrader with all fields set to the default values.
	DefaultGorillaUpgrader = gorilla.DefaultUpgrader
	// DefaultGobwasUpgrader is a gobwas/ws Upgrader with all fields set to the default values.
	DefaultGobwasUpgrader = gobwas.DefaultUpgrader
	// New constructs and returns a new websocket server.
	// Listens to incoming connections automatically, no further action is required from the caller.
	// The second parameter is the "connHandler", it can be
	// filled as `Namespaces`, `Events` or `WithTimeout`, same namespaces and events can be used on the client-side as well,
	// Use the `Conn#IsClient` on any event callback to determinate if it's a client-side connection or a server-side one.
	// See examples for more.
	New = neffos.New
	// DefaultIDGenerator returns a universal unique identifier for a new connection.
	// It's the default `IDGenerator` if missing.
	DefaultIDGenerator = func(ctx *context.Context) string {
		return neffos.DefaultIDGenerator(ctx.ResponseWriter(), ctx.Request())

	// NewRedisStackExchange returns a new redis StackExchange.
	// The "channel" input argument is the channel prefix for publish and subscribe.
	NewRedisStackExchange = redis.NewStackExchange
	// NewNatsStackExchange returns a new nats StackExchange.
	// The "url" input argument is the connection string of your nats server.
	// The second variadic input argument can be used to use custom `nats.Option`s
	// such as authentication and more nats servers addresses.
	NewNatsStackExchange = nats.NewStackExchange
	// WithNatsOptions can be used as the second input argument of `NewNatsStackExchange`
	// to declare a struct-based configuration for the nats server(s).
	WithNatsOptions = nats.With

	// GorillaDialer is a `Dialer` type for the gorilla/websocket subprotocol implementation.
	// Should be used on `Dial` to create a new client/client-side connection.
	GorillaDialer = gorilla.Dialer
	// GobwasDialer is a `Dialer` type for the gobwas/ws subprotocol implementation.
	// Should be used on `Dial` to create a new client/client-side connection.
	GobwasDialer = gobwas.Dialer
	// DefaultGorillaDialer is a gorilla/websocket dialer with all fields set to the default values.
	DefaultGorillaDialer = gorilla.DefaultDialer
	// DefaultGobwasDialer is a gobwas/ws dialer with all fields set to the default values.
	DefaultGobwasDialer = gobwas.DefaultDialer
	// Dial establishes a new websocket client connection.
	// Context "ctx" is used for handshake timeout.
	// Dialer "dial" can be either `GorillaDialer` or `GobwasDialer`,
	// custom dialers can be used as well when complete the `Socket` and `Dialer` interfaces for valid client.
	// URL "url" is the endpoint of the websocket server, i.e "ws://localhost:8080/echo".
	// The last parameter, and the most important one is the "connHandler", it can be
	// filled as `Namespaces`, `Events` or `WithTimeout`, same namespaces and events can be used on the server-side as well.
	// See examples for more.
	Dial = neffos.Dial
	// IsTryingToReconnect reports whether the returning "err" from the `Server#Upgrade`
	// is from a client that was trying to reconnect to the websocket server.
	// Look the `Conn#WasReconnected` and `Conn#ReconnectTries` too.
	IsTryingToReconnect = neffos.IsTryingToReconnect
	// NewStruct returns the `Struct` Conn Handler based on ptr value.
	NewStruct = neffos.NewStruct
	// JoinConnHandlers combines two or more ConnHandlers as one.
	JoinConnHandlers = neffos.JoinConnHandlers
	// OnNamespaceConnect is the event name which its callback is fired right before namespace connect,
	// if non-nil error then the remote connection's `Conn.Connect` will fail and send that error text.
	// Connection is not ready to emit data to the namespace.
	OnNamespaceConnect = neffos.OnNamespaceConnect
	// OnNamespaceConnected is the event name which its callback is fired after namespace successfully connected.
	// Connection is ready to emit data back to the namespace.
	OnNamespaceConnected = neffos.OnNamespaceConnected
	// OnNamespaceDisconnect is the event name which its callback is fired when
	// remote namespace disconnection or local namespace disconnection is happening.
	// For server-side connections the reply matters, so if error returned then the client-side cannot disconnect yet,
	// for client-side the return value does not matter.
	OnNamespaceDisconnect = neffos.OnNamespaceDisconnect // if allowed to connect then it's allowed to disconnect as well.
	// OnRoomJoin is the event name which its callback is fired right before room join.
	OnRoomJoin = neffos.OnRoomJoin // able to check if allowed to join.
	// OnRoomJoined is the event name which its callback is fired after the connection has successfully joined to a room.
	OnRoomJoined = neffos.OnRoomJoined // able to broadcast messages to room.
	// OnRoomLeave is the event name which its callback is fired right before room leave.
	OnRoomLeave = neffos.OnRoomLeave // able to broadcast bye-bye messages to room.
	// OnRoomLeft is the event name which its callback is fired after the connection has successfully left from a room.
	OnRoomLeft = neffos.OnRoomLeft // if allowed to join to a room, then its allowed to leave from it.
	// OnAnyEvent is the event name which its callback is fired when incoming message's event is not declared to the ConnHandler(`Events` or `Namespaces`).
	OnAnyEvent = neffos.OnAnyEvent // when event no match.
	// OnNativeMessage is fired on incoming native/raw websocket messages.
	// If this event defined then an incoming message can pass the check (it's an invalid message format)
	// with just the Message's Body filled, the Event is "OnNativeMessage" and IsNative always true.
	// This event should be defined under an empty namespace in order this to work.
	OnNativeMessage = neffos.OnNativeMessage

	// IsSystemEvent reports whether the "event" is a system event,
	// OnNamespaceConnect, OnNamespaceConnected, OnNamespaceDisconnect,
	// OnRoomJoin, OnRoomJoined, OnRoomLeave and OnRoomLeft.
	IsSystemEvent = neffos.IsSystemEvent
	// Reply is a special type of custom error which sends a message back to the other side
	// with the exact same incoming Message's Namespace (and Room if specified)
	// except its body which would be the given "body".
	Reply = neffos.Reply
	// Marshal marshals the "v" value and returns a Message's Body.
	// The "v" value's serialized value can be customized by implementing a `Marshal() ([]byte, error) ` method,
	// otherwise the default one will be used instead ( see `SetDefaultMarshaler` and `SetDefaultUnmarshaler`).
	// Errors are pushed to the result, use the object's Marshal method to catch those when necessary.
	Marshal = neffos.Marshal

// SetDefaultMarshaler changes the default json marshaler.
// See `Marshal` package-level function and `Message.Unmarshal` method for more.
func SetDefaultMarshaler(fn func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)) {
	neffos.DefaultMarshaler = fn

// SetDefaultUnmarshaler changes the default json unmarshaler.
// See `Message.Unmarshal` method and package-level `Marshal` function for more.
func SetDefaultUnmarshaler(fn func(data []byte, v interface{}) error) {
	neffos.DefaultUnmarshaler = fn

// IDGenerator is an iris-specific IDGenerator for new connections.
type IDGenerator func(*context.Context) string

func wrapIDGenerator(idGen IDGenerator) func(ctx *context.Context) neffos.IDGenerator {
	return func(ctx *context.Context) neffos.IDGenerator {
		return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) string {
			return idGen(ctx)

// Handler returns an Iris handler to be served in a route of an Iris application.
// Accepts the neffos websocket server as its first input argument
// and optionally an Iris-specific `IDGenerator` as its second one.
// This SHOULD be the last handler in the route's chain as it hijacks the connection and the context.
func Handler(s *neffos.Server, idGenerator ...IDGenerator) context.Handler {
	idGen := DefaultIDGenerator
	if len(idGenerator) > 0 {
		idGen = idGenerator[0]

	if cb := s.OnDisconnect; cb != nil {
		s.OnDisconnect = func(c *neffos.Conn) {
	} else {
		s.OnDisconnect = func(c *neffos.Conn) {

	return func(ctx *context.Context) {
		if ctx.IsStopped() {
			// let the framework release it as always;
			// socket was not created so disconnect event will not called and the
			// DisablePoolRelease was not even called yet.

		Upgrade(ctx, idGen, s)

// Upgrade upgrades the request and returns a new websocket Conn.
// Use `Handler` for higher-level implementation instead.
func Upgrade(ctx *context.Context, idGen IDGenerator, s *neffos.Server) *neffos.Conn {

	conn, upgradeErr := s.Upgrade(ctx.ResponseWriter(), ctx.Request(), func(socket neffos.Socket) neffos.Socket {
		return &socketWrapper{
			Socket: socket,
			ctx:    ctx,
	}, wrapIDGenerator(idGen)(ctx))

	if upgradeErr != nil {

	return conn

func manualReleaseWithoutResp(ctx *context.Context) {
	ctx.ResponseWriter().EndResponse()                   // relases the response writer (common, recorder & compress).
	ctx.Application().GetContextPool().ReleaseLight(ctx) // just releases the context.

type socketWrapper struct {
	ctx *context.Context

// GetContext returns the Iris Context from a websocket connection.
// Note that writing to the client connection through this Context is not allowed
// from a websocket event because the connection is hijacked.
// If used, you are limited for read-only access of the request e.g. read the request headers.
func GetContext(c *neffos.Conn) *context.Context {
	if sw, ok := c.Socket().(*socketWrapper); ok {
		return sw.ctx
	return nil