package main import ( "os" "time" "" "" ) // get a filename based on the date, file logs works that way the most times // but these are just a sugar. func todayFilename() string { today := time.Now().Format("Jan 02 2006") return today + ".txt" } func newLogFile() *os.File { filename := todayFilename() // open an output file, this will append to the today's file if server restarted. f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { panic(err) } return f } func main() { f := newLogFile() defer f.Close() app := iris.New() // attach the file as logger, remember, iris' app logger is just an io.Writer. app.Logger().SetOutput(newLogFile()) app.Get("/", func(ctx context.Context) { // for the sake of simplicity, in order see the logs at the ./_today_.txt ctx.Application().Logger().Info("Request path: " + ctx.Path()) ctx.Writef("hello") }) // navigate to http://localhost:8080 // and open the ./logs.txt file if err := app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"), iris.WithoutBanner); err != nil { if err != iris.ErrServerClosed { app.Logger().Warn("Shutdown with error: " + err.Error()) } } }