package mvc2 import ( "testing" "" ) func TestPathParamsBinder(t *testing.T) { m := NewEngine() m.Dependencies.Add(PathParamsBinder) got := "" h := m.Handler(func(params PathParams) { got = params.Get("firstname") + params.Get("lastname") }) ctx := context.NewContext(nil) ctx.Params().Set("firstname", "Gerasimos") ctx.Params().Set("lastname", "Maropoulos") h(ctx) expected := "GerasimosMaropoulos" if got != expected { t.Fatalf("expected the params 'firstname' + 'lastname' to be '%s' but got '%s'", expected, got) } } func TestPathParamBinder(t *testing.T) { m := NewEngine() m.Dependencies.Add(PathParamBinder("username")) got := "" executed := false h := m.Handler(func(username PathParam) { // this should not be fired at all if "username" param wasn't found at all. // although router is responsible for that but the `ParamBinder` makes that check as well because // the end-developer may put a param as input argument on her/his function but // on its route's path didn't describe the path parameter, // the handler fires a warning and stops the execution for the invalid handler to protect the user. executed = true got = username.String() }) expectedUsername := "kataras" ctx := context.NewContext(nil) ctx.Params().Set("username", expectedUsername) h(ctx) if got != expectedUsername { t.Fatalf("expected the param 'username' to be '%s' but got '%s'", expectedUsername, got) } // test the non executed if param not found. executed = false got = "" ctx2 := context.NewContext(nil) h(ctx2) if got != "" { t.Fatalf("expected the param 'username' to be entirely empty but got '%s'", got) } if executed { t.Fatalf("expected the handler to not be executed") } }