package sessions

import (

const (
	// DefaultCookieName the secret cookie's name for sessions
	DefaultCookieName = "irissessionid"
	// DefaultCookieLength is the default Session Manager's CookieLength, which is 32
	DefaultCookieLength = 32

type (
	// Config is the configuration for sessions
	// has 5 fields
	// first is the cookieName, the session's name (string) ["mysessionsecretcookieid"]
	// second enable if you want to decode the cookie's key also
	// third is the time which the client's cookie expires
	// forth is the cookie length (sessionid) int, defaults to 32, do not change if you don't have any reason to do
	// fifth is the DisableSubdomainPersistence which you can set it to true in order dissallow your q subdomains to have access to the session cook
	Config struct {
		// Cookie string, the session's client cookie name, for example: "mysessionid"
		// Defaults to "irissessionid"
		Cookie string

		// DecodeCookie set it to true to decode the cookie key with base64 URLEncoding
		// Defaults to false
		DecodeCookie bool

		// Expires the duration of which the cookie must expires (created_time.Add(Expires)).
		// If you want to delete the cookie when the browser closes, set it to -1.
		// 0 means no expire, (24 years)
		// -1 means when browser closes
		// > 0 is the time.Duration which the session cookies should expire.
		// Defaults to infinitive/unlimited life duration(0)
		Expires time.Duration

		// CookieLength the length of the sessionid's cookie's value, let it to 0 if you don't want to change it
		// Defaults to 32
		CookieLength int

		// DisableSubdomainPersistence set it to true in order dissallow your q subdomains to have access to the session cookie
		// Defaults to false
		DisableSubdomainPersistence bool

// Validate corrects missing fields configuration fields and returns the right configuration
func (c Config) Validate() Config {

	if c.Cookie == "" {
		c.Cookie = DefaultCookieName

	if c.DecodeCookie {
		c.Cookie = base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(c.Cookie)) // change the cookie's name/key to a more safe(?)
		// get the real value for your tests by:
		//sessIdKey := url.QueryEscape(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(Sessions.Cookie)))

	if c.CookieLength <= 0 {
		c.CookieLength = DefaultCookieLength

	return c