package example import ( "bytes" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) // Parse will try to parse and return all examples. // The input parameter "branch" is used to build // the raw..iris-contrib/examples/$branch/ // but it should be the same with // the kataras/iris/$branch/ for consistency. func Parse(branch string) (examples []Example, err error) { var ( contentsURL = "" + branch tableOfContents = "Table of contents" sanitizeMarkdown = true ) // get the raw markdown readmeURL := contentsURL + "/" res, err := http.Get(readmeURL) if err != nil { return nil, err } markdownContents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { return nil, err } // convert it to html htmlContents := &bytes.Buffer{} htmlContentsFromMarkdown := blackfriday.MarkdownCommon(markdownContents) if len(htmlContentsFromMarkdown) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("empty html") } if sanitizeMarkdown { markdownContents = bluemonday.UGCPolicy().SanitizeBytes(markdownContents) } htmlContents.Write(htmlContentsFromMarkdown) // println("html contents: " + htmlContents.String()) // get the document from the html readme, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(htmlContents) if err != nil { return nil, err } // or with just one line (but may break if we add another h2, // so I will do it with the hard and un-readable way for now) // readme.Find("h2").First().NextAllFiltered("ul").Children().Text() // find the header of Table Of Contents, we will need it to take its // next ul, which should be the examples list. var tableOfContentsHeader *goquery.Selection readme.Find("h2").EachWithBreak(func(_ int, n *goquery.Selection) bool { if nodeContents := n.Text(); nodeContents == tableOfContents { tableOfContentsHeader = n return false // break } return true }) if tableOfContentsHeader == nil { return nil, errors.New("table of contents not found using: " + tableOfContents) } // get the list of the examples tableOfContentsUL := tableOfContentsHeader.NextFiltered("ul") if tableOfContentsUL == nil { return nil, errors.New("table of contents list not found") } // iterate over categories example's <a href ...>...</a> tableOfContentsUL.Children().EachWithBreak(func(_ int, li *goquery.Selection) bool { exampleHrefLink := li.Children().First() if exampleHrefLink == nil { err = errors.New("example link href is nil, source: " + li.Text()) return false // break on first failure } name := exampleHrefLink.Text() sourcelink, _ := li.Find("a").First().Attr("href") hasChildren := !strings.HasSuffix(sourcelink, ".go") example := Example{ Name: name, DataSource: contentsURL + "/" + sourcelink, HasChildren: hasChildren, HasNotChildren: !hasChildren, } // search for sub examples if hasChildren { li.Find("ul").Children().EachWithBreak(func(_ int, liExample *goquery.Selection) bool { name := liExample.Text() liHref := liExample.Find("a").First() sourcelink, ok := liHref.Attr("href") if !ok { err = errors.New(name + "'s source couldn't be found") return false } subExample := Example{ Name: name, DataSource: contentsURL + "/" + sourcelink, } example.Children = append(example.Children, subExample) return true }) } examples = append(examples, example) return true }) return examples, err }