package cache_test

import (




var (
	cacheDuration   = 2 * time.Second
	expectedBodyStr = "Imagine it as a big message to achieve x20 response performance!"

type testError struct {
	expected int
	got      uint32

func (h *testError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("expected the main handler to be executed %d times instead of %d", h.expected,

func runTest(e *httpexpect.Expect, path string, counterPtr *uint32, expectedBodyStr string, nocache string) error {
	time.Sleep(cacheDuration / 5) // lets wait for a while, cache should be saved and ready
	counter := atomic.LoadUint32(counterPtr)
	if counter > 1 {
		// n should be 1 because it doesn't changed after the first call
		return &testError{1, counter}

	// cache should be cleared now
	time.Sleep(cacheDuration / 5)
	// let's call again , the cache should be saved
	counter = atomic.LoadUint32(counterPtr)
	if counter != 2 {
		return &testError{2, counter}

	// we have cache response saved for the path, we have some time more here, but here
	// we will make the requestS with some of the deniers options
	e.GET(path).WithHeader("max-age", "0").Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBodyStr)
	e.GET(path).WithHeader("Authorization", "basic or anything").Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBodyStr)
	counter = atomic.LoadUint32(counterPtr)
	if counter != 4 {
		return &testError{4, counter}

	if nocache != "" {
		// test the NoCache, first sleep to pass the cache expiration,
		// second add to the cache with a valid request and response
		// third, do it with the "/nocache" path (static for now, pure test design) given by the consumer

		// cache should be cleared now, this should work because we are not in the "nocache" path
		e.GET("/").Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBodyStr) // counter = 5
		time.Sleep(cacheDuration / 5)

		// let's call the "nocache", the expiration is not passed so but the "nocache"
		// route's path has the cache.NoCache so it should be not cached and the counter should be ++
		e.GET(nocache).Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBodyStr) // counter should be 6
		counter = atomic.LoadUint32(counterPtr)
		if counter != 6 { // 4 before, 5 with the first call to store the cache, and six with the no cache, again original handler executation
			return &testError{6, counter}

		// let's call again the path the expiration is not passed so  it should be cached
		counter = atomic.LoadUint32(counterPtr)
		if counter != 6 {
			return &testError{6, counter}

		// but now check for the No

	return nil

func TestClientNoCache(t *testing.T) {
	app := iris.New()
	var n uint32

	app.Get("/", cache.Handler(cacheDuration), func(ctx context.Context) {
		atomic.AddUint32(&n, 1)

	app.Get("/nocache", cache.Handler(cacheDuration), func(ctx context.Context) {
		client.NoCache(ctx) // <----
		atomic.AddUint32(&n, 1)

	e := httptest.New(t, app)
	if err := runTest(e, "/", &n, expectedBodyStr, "/nocache"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf(t.Name()+": %v", err)

func TestCache(t *testing.T) {
	app := iris.New()
	var n uint32


	app.Get("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
		atomic.AddUint32(&n, 1)

	var (
		n2               uint32
		expectedBodyStr2 = "This is the other"

	app.Get("/other", func(ctx context.Context) {
		atomic.AddUint32(&n2, 1)

	e := httptest.New(t, app)
	if err := runTest(e, "/", &n, expectedBodyStr, ""); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf(t.Name()+": %v", err)

	if err := runTest(e, "/other", &n2, expectedBodyStr2, ""); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf(t.Name()+" other: %v", err)

func TestCacheHandlerParallel(t *testing.T) {

func TestCacheValidator(t *testing.T) {
	app := iris.New()
	var n uint32

	h := func(ctx context.Context) {
		atomic.AddUint32(&n, 1)

	validCache := cache.Cache(cacheDuration)
	app.Get("/", validCache.ServeHTTP, h)

	managedCache := cache.Cache(cacheDuration)
		func(ctx context.Context) bool {
			// should always invalid for cache, don't bother to go to try to get or set cache
			return ctx.Request().URL.Path != "/invalid"
	}, nil))

	managedCache2 := cache.Cache(cacheDuration)
			func(ctx context.Context) bool {
				// it's passed the Claim and now Valid checks if the response contains a header of "DONT"
				return ctx.ResponseWriter().Header().Get("DONT") == ""

	app.Get("/valid", validCache.ServeHTTP, h)

	app.Get("/invalid", managedCache.ServeHTTP, h)
	app.Get("/invalid2", managedCache2.ServeHTTP, func(ctx context.Context) {
		atomic.AddUint32(&n, 1)
		ctx.Header("DONT", "DO not cache that response even if it was claimed")

	e := httptest.New(t, app)

	// execute from cache the next time
	time.Sleep(cacheDuration / 5) // lets wait for a while, cache should be saved and ready
	counter := atomic.LoadUint32(&n)
	if counter > 1 {
		// n should be 1 because it doesn't changed after the first call
		t.Fatalf("%s: %v", t.Name(), &testError{1, counter})
	// don't execute from cache, execute the original, counter should ++ here
	e.GET("/invalid").Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBodyStr)  // counter = 2
	e.GET("/invalid2").Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Equal(expectedBodyStr) // counter = 3

	counter = atomic.LoadUint32(&n)
	if counter != 3 {
		// n should be 1 because it doesn't changed after the first call
		t.Fatalf("%s: %v", t.Name(), &testError{3, counter})