package hero import ( "fmt" "reflect" "sort" "strconv" "" ) // binding contains the Dependency and the Input, it's the result of a function or struct + dependencies. type binding struct { Dependency *Dependency Input *Input } // Input contains the input reference of which a dependency is binded to. type Input struct { Index int // for func inputs StructFieldIndex []int // for struct fields in order to support embedded ones. StructFieldName string // the struct field's name. Type reflect.Type selfValue reflect.Value // reflect.ValueOf(*Input) cache. } func newInput(typ reflect.Type, index int, structFieldIndex []int) *Input { in := &Input{ Index: index, StructFieldIndex: structFieldIndex, Type: typ, } in.selfValue = reflect.ValueOf(in) return in } func newStructFieldInput(f reflect.StructField) *Input { input := newInput(f.Type, f.Index[0], f.Index) input.StructFieldName = f.Name return input } // String returns the string representation of a binding. func (b *binding) String() string { var index string if len(b.Input.StructFieldIndex) > 0 { index = strconv.Itoa(b.Input.StructFieldIndex[0]) for _, i := range b.Input.StructFieldIndex[1:] { index += fmt.Sprintf(".%d", i) } } else { index = strconv.Itoa(b.Input.Index) } return fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%s] maps to [%s]", index, b.Input.Type.String(), b.Dependency) } // Equal compares "b" and "other" bindings and reports whether they are referring to the same values. func (b *binding) Equal(other *binding) bool { if b == nil { return other == nil } if other == nil { return false } // if b.String() != other.String() { // return false // } if expected, got := b.Dependency != nil, other.Dependency != nil; expected != got { return false } if expected, got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", b.Dependency.OriginalValue), fmt.Sprintf("%v", other.Dependency.OriginalValue); expected != got { return false } if expected, got := b.Dependency.DestType != nil, other.Dependency.DestType != nil; expected != got { return false } if b.Dependency.DestType != nil { if expected, got := b.Dependency.DestType.String(), other.Dependency.DestType.String(); expected != got { return false } } if expected, got := b.Input != nil, other.Input != nil; expected != got { return false } if b.Input != nil { if expected, got := b.Input.Index, other.Input.Index; expected != got { return false } if expected, got := b.Input.Type.String(), other.Input.Type.String(); expected != got { return false } if expected, got := b.Input.StructFieldIndex, other.Input.StructFieldIndex; !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, got) { return false } } return true } // DependencyMatcher type alias describes a dependency match function. type DependencyMatcher = func(*Dependency, reflect.Type) bool // DefaultDependencyMatcher is the default dependency match function for all DI containers. // It is used to collect dependencies from struct's fields and function's parameters. var DefaultDependencyMatcher = func(dep *Dependency, in reflect.Type) bool { if dep.Explicit { return dep.DestType == in } return dep.DestType == nil || equalTypes(dep.DestType, in) } // ToDependencyMatchFunc converts a DependencyMatcher (generic for all dependencies) // to a dependency-specific input matcher. func ToDependencyMatchFunc(d *Dependency, match DependencyMatcher) DependencyMatchFunc { return func(in reflect.Type) bool { return match(d, in) } } func getBindingsFor(inputs []reflect.Type, deps []*Dependency, disablePayloadAutoBinding bool, paramsCount int) (bindings []*binding) { // Path parameter start index is the result of [total path parameters] - [total func path parameters inputs], // moving from last to first path parameters and first to last (probably) available input args. // // That way the above will work as expected: // 1. mvc.New(app.Party("/path/{firstparam}")).Handle(....Controller.GetBy(secondparam string)) // 2. mvc.New(app.Party("/path/{firstparam}/{secondparam}")).Handle(...Controller.GetBy(firstparam, secondparam string)) // 3. usersRouter := app.Party("/users/{id:uint64}"); usersRouter.ConfigureContainer().Handle(method, "/", handler(id uint64)) // 4. usersRouter.Party("/friends").ConfigureContainer().Handle(method, "/{friendID:uint64}", handler(friendID uint64)) // // Therefore, count the inputs that can be path parameters first. shouldBindParams := make(map[int]struct{}) totalParamsExpected := 0 if paramsCount != -1 { for i, in := range inputs { if _, canBePathParameter := context.ParamResolvers[in]; !canBePathParameter { continue } shouldBindParams[i] = struct{}{} totalParamsExpected++ } } startParamIndex := paramsCount - totalParamsExpected if startParamIndex < 0 { startParamIndex = 0 } lastParamIndex := startParamIndex getParamIndex := func() int { paramIndex := lastParamIndex lastParamIndex++ return paramIndex } bindedInput := make(map[int]struct{}) for i, in := range inputs { //order matters. _, canBePathParameter := shouldBindParams[i] prevN := len(bindings) // to check if a new binding is attached; a dependency was matched (see below). for j := len(deps) - 1; j >= 0; j-- { d := deps[j] // Note: we could use the same slice to return. // // Add all dynamic dependencies (caller-selecting) and the exact typed dependencies. // // A dependency can only be matched to 1 value, and 1 value has a single dependency // (e.g. to avoid conflicting path parameters of the same type). if _, alreadyBinded := bindedInput[j]; alreadyBinded { continue } match := d.Match(in) if !match { continue } if canBePathParameter { // wrap the existing dependency handler. paramHandler := paramDependencyHandler(getParamIndex()) prevHandler := d.Handle d.Handle = func(ctx *context.Context, input *Input) (reflect.Value, error) { v, err := paramHandler(ctx, input) if err != nil { v, err = prevHandler(ctx, input) } return v, err } d.Static = false d.OriginalValue = nil } bindings = append(bindings, &binding{ Dependency: d, Input: newInput(in, i, nil), }) if !d.Explicit { // if explicit then it can be binded to more than one input bindedInput[j] = struct{}{} } break } if prevN == len(bindings) { if canBePathParameter { // Let's keep that option just for "payload": disablePayloadAutoBinding // no new dependency added for this input, // let's check for path parameters. bindings = append(bindings, paramBinding(i, getParamIndex(), in)) continue } // else, if payload binding is not disabled, // add builtin request bindings that // could be registered by end-dev but they didn't if !disablePayloadAutoBinding && isPayloadType(in) { bindings = append(bindings, payloadBinding(i, in)) continue } } } return } func isPayloadType(in reflect.Type) bool { switch indirectType(in).Kind() { case reflect.Struct, reflect.Slice, reflect.Ptr: return true default: return false } } func getBindingsForFunc(fn reflect.Value, dependencies []*Dependency, disablePayloadAutoBinding bool, paramsCount int) []*binding { fnTyp := fn.Type() if !isFunc(fnTyp) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("bindings: unresolved: no a func type: %#+v", fn)) } n := fnTyp.NumIn() inputs := make([]reflect.Type, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { inputs[i] = fnTyp.In(i) } bindings := getBindingsFor(inputs, dependencies, disablePayloadAutoBinding, paramsCount) if expected, got := n, len(bindings); expected != got { expectedInputs := "" missingInputs := "" for i, in := range inputs { pos := i + 1 typName := in.String() expectedInputs += fmt.Sprintf("\n - [%d] %s", pos, typName) found := false for _, b := range bindings { if b.Input.Index == i { found = true break } } if !found { missingInputs += fmt.Sprintf("\n - [%d] %s", pos, typName) } } fnName := context.HandlerName(fn) panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected [%d] bindings (input parameters) but got [%d]\nFunction:\n - %s\nExpected:%s\nMissing:%s", expected, got, fnName, expectedInputs, missingInputs)) } return bindings } func getBindingsForStruct(v reflect.Value, dependencies []*Dependency, markExportedFieldsAsRequired bool, disablePayloadAutoBinding bool, matchDependency DependencyMatcher, paramsCount int, sorter Sorter) (bindings []*binding) { typ := indirectType(v.Type()) if typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct { panic(fmt.Sprintf("bindings: unresolved: not a struct type: %#+v", v)) } // get bindings from any struct's non zero values first, including unexported. elem := reflect.Indirect(v) nonZero := lookupNonZeroFieldValues(elem) for _, f := range nonZero { // fmt.Printf("Controller [%s] | NonZero | Field Index: %v | Field Type: %s\n", typ, f.Index, f.Type) bindings = append(bindings, &binding{ Dependency: newDependency(elem.FieldByIndex(f.Index).Interface(), disablePayloadAutoBinding, nil), Input: newStructFieldInput(f), }) } fields, stateless := lookupFields(elem, true, true, nil) n := len(fields) if n > 1 && sorter != nil { sort.Slice(fields, func(i, j int) bool { return sorter(fields[i].Type, fields[j].Type) }) } inputs := make([]reflect.Type, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { // fmt.Printf("Controller [%s] | Field Index: %v | Field Type: %s\n", typ, fields[i].Index, fields[i].Type) inputs[i] = fields[i].Type } exportedBindings := getBindingsFor(inputs, dependencies, disablePayloadAutoBinding, paramsCount) // fmt.Printf("Controller [%s] | Inputs length: %d vs Bindings length: %d | NonZero: %d | Stateless : %d\n", // typ, n, len(exportedBindings), len(nonZero), stateless) // for i, b := range exportedBindings { // fmt.Printf("[%d] [Static=%v] %#+v\n", i, b.Dependency.Static, b.Dependency.OriginalValue) // } if markExportedFieldsAsRequired && len(exportedBindings) != n { panic(fmt.Sprintf("MarkExportedFieldsAsRequired is true and at least one of struct's (%s) field was not binded to a dependency.\nFields length: %d, matched exported bindings length: %d.\nUse the Reporter for further details", typ.String(), n, len(exportedBindings))) } if stateless == 0 && len(nonZero) >= len(exportedBindings) { // if we have not a single stateless and fields are defined then just return. // Note(@kataras): this can accept further improvements. return } // get declared bindings from deps. bindings = append(bindings, exportedBindings...) for _, binding := range bindings { // fmt.Printf(""Controller [%s] | Binding: %s\n", typ, binding.String()) if len(binding.Input.StructFieldIndex) == 0 { // set correctly the input's field index and name. f := fields[binding.Input.Index] binding.Input.StructFieldIndex = f.Index binding.Input.StructFieldName = f.Name } // fmt.Printf("Controller [%s] | binding Index: %v | binding Type: %s\n", typ, binding.Input.StructFieldIndex, binding.Input.Type) // fmt.Printf("Controller [%s] Set [%s] to struct field index: %v\n", typ.String(), binding.Input.Type.String(), binding.Input.StructFieldIndex) } return } func getStaticInputs(bindings []*binding, numIn int) []reflect.Value { inputs := make([]reflect.Value, numIn) for _, b := range bindings { if d := b.Dependency; d != nil && d.Static { inputs[b.Input.Index], _ = d.Handle(nil, nil) } } return inputs } /* Builtin dynamic bindings. */ func paramBinding(index, paramIndex int, typ reflect.Type) *binding { return &binding{ Dependency: &Dependency{Handle: paramDependencyHandler(paramIndex), DestType: typ, Source: getSource()}, Input: newInput(typ, index, nil), } } func paramDependencyHandler(paramIndex int) DependencyHandler { return func(ctx *context.Context, input *Input) (reflect.Value, error) { if ctx.Params().Len() <= paramIndex { return emptyValue, ErrSeeOther } return reflect.ValueOf(ctx.Params().Store[paramIndex].ValueRaw), nil } } // registered if input parameters are more than matched dependencies. // It binds an input to a request body based on the request content-type header // (JSON, Protobuf, Msgpack, XML, YAML, Query, Form). func payloadBinding(index int, typ reflect.Type) *binding { // fmt.Printf("Register payload binding for index: %d and type: %s\n", index, typ.String()) return &binding{ Dependency: &Dependency{ Handle: func(ctx *context.Context, input *Input) (newValue reflect.Value, err error) { wasPtr := input.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr if serveDepsV := ctx.Values().Get(context.DependenciesContextKey); serveDepsV != nil { if serveDeps, ok := serveDepsV.(context.DependenciesMap); ok { if newValue, ok = serveDeps[typ]; ok { return } } } if input.Type.Kind() == reflect.Slice { newValue = reflect.New(reflect.SliceOf(indirectType(input.Type))) } else { newValue = reflect.New(indirectType(input.Type)) } ptr := newValue.Interface() err = ctx.ReadBody(ptr) if !wasPtr { newValue = newValue.Elem() } return }, Source: getSource(), }, Input: newInput(typ, index, nil), } }