# Iris, MySQL, Groupcache & Docker Example ## 📘 Endpoints | Method | Path | Description | URL Parameters | Body | Auth Required | |--------|---------------------|------------------------|--------------- |----------------------------|---------------| | ANY | /token | Prints a new JWT Token | - | - | - | | GET | /category | Lists a set of Categories | offset, limit, order | - | - | | POST | /category | Creates a Category | - | JSON [Full Category](migration/api_category/create_category.json) | Token | | PUT | /category | Fully-Updates a Category | - | JSON [Full Category](migration/api_category/update_category.json) | Token | | PATCH | /category/{id} | Partially-Updates a Category | - | JSON [Partial Category](migration/api_category/update_partial_category.json) | Token | | GET | /category/{id} | Prints a Category | - | - | - | | DELETE | /category/{id} | Deletes a Category | - | - | Token | | GET | /category/{id}/products | Lists all Products from a Category | offset, limit, order | - | - | | POST | /category/{id}/products | (Batch) Assigns one or more Products to a Category | - | JSON [Products](migration/api_category/insert_products_category.json) | Token | | GET | /product | Lists a set of Products (cache) | offset, limit, order | - | - | | POST | /product | Creates a Product | - | JSON [Full Product](migration/api_product/create_product.json) | Token | | PUT | /product | Fully-Updates a Product | - | JSON [Full Product](migration/api_product/update_product.json) | Token | | PATCH | /product/{id} | Partially-Updates a Product | - | JSON [Partial Product](migration/api_product/update_partial_product.json) | Token | | GET | /product/{id} | Prints a Product (cache) | - | - | - | | DELETE | /product/{id} | Deletes a Product | - | - | Token | ## 📑 Responses * **Content-Type** of `"application/json;charset=utf-8"`, snake_case naming (identical to the database columns) * **Status Codes** * 500 for server(db) errors, * 422 for validation errors, e.g. ```json { "code": 422, "message": "required fields are missing", "timestamp": 1589306271 } ``` * 400 for malformed syntax, e.g. ```json { "code": 400, "message": "json: cannot unmarshal number -2 into Go struct field Category.position of type uint64", "timestamp": 1589306325 } ``` ```json { "code": 400, "message": "json: unknown field \"field_not_exists\"", "timestamp": 1589306367 } ``` * 404 for entity not found, e.g. ```json { "code": 404, "message": "entity does not exist", "timestamp": 1589306199 } ``` * 304 for unaffected UPDATE or DELETE, * 201 for CREATE with the last inserted ID, * 200 for GET, UPDATE and DELETE ## ⚡ Get Started Download the folder. ### Install (Docker) Install [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) and execute the command below ```sh $ docker-compose up ``` ### Install (Manually) Run `go build` or `go run main.go` and read below. #### MySQL Environment variables: ```sh MYSQL_USER=user_myapp MYSQL_PASSWORD=dbpassword MYSQL_HOST=localhost MYSQL_DATABASE=myapp ``` Download the schema from [migration/db.sql](migration/db.sql) and execute it against your MySQL server instance. ```sql CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS myapp DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; USE myapp; SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS categories; CREATE TABLE categories ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title varchar(255) NOT NULL, position int(11) NOT NULL, image_url varchar(255) NOT NULL, created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS products; CREATE TABLE products ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, category_id int, title varchar(255) NOT NULL, image_url varchar(255) NOT NULL, price decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES categories(id) ); SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; ``` ### Requests Some request bodies can be found at: [migration/api_category](migration/api_category) and [migration/api_product](migration/api_product). **However** I've provided a [postman.json](migration/myapp_postman.json) Collection that you can import to your [POSTMAN](https://learning.postman.com/docs/postman/collections/importing-and-exporting-data/#collections) and start playing with the API. All write-access endpoints are "protected" via JWT, a client should "verify" itself. You'll need to manually take the **token** from the `http://localhost:8080/token` and put it on url parameter `?token=$token` or to the `Authentication: Bearer $token` request header. ### Unit or End-To-End Testing? Testing is important. The code is written in a way that testing should be trivial (Pseudo/memory Database or SQLite local file could be integrated as well, for end-to-end tests a Docker image with MySQL and fire tests against that server). However, there is [nothing(?)](service/category_service_test.go) to see here. ## Packages - https://github.com/kataras/jwt (JWT parsing) - https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql (Go Driver for MySQL) - https://github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock (Testing DB see [service/category_service_test.go](service/category_service_test.go)) - https://github.com/kataras/iris (HTTP) - https://github.com/mailgun/groupcache (Caching)