package methodfunc

import (


var posWords = map[int]string{
	0: "",
	1: "first",
	2: "second",
	3: "third",
	4: "forth",
	5: "five",
	6: "sixth",
	7: "seventh",
	8: "eighth",
	9: "ninth",

func genParamKey(argIdx int) string {
	return "param" + posWords[argIdx] // paramfirst, paramsecond...

const (
	paramTypeInt     = "int"
	paramTypeLong    = "long"
	paramTypeBoolean = "boolean"
	paramTypeString  = "string"
	paramTypePath    = "path"

var macroTypes = map[string]string{
	"int":    paramTypeInt,
	"int64":  paramTypeLong,
	"bool":   paramTypeBoolean,
	"string": paramTypeString,
	// there is "path" param type but it's being captured "on-air"
	// "file" param type is not supported by the current implementation, yet
	// but if someone ask for it I'll implement it, it's easy.

type funcParser struct {
	info  FuncInfo
	lexer *lexer

func newFuncParser(info FuncInfo) *funcParser {
	return &funcParser{
		info:  info,
		lexer: newLexer(info.Trailing),

func (p *funcParser) parse() (*ast, error) {
	a := new(ast)
	funcArgPos := 0

	for {
		w :=
		if w == "" {

		if w == tokenBy {
			funcArgPos++ // starting with 1 because in typ.NumIn() the first is the struct receiver.

			// No need for these:
			// ByBy will act like /{param:type}/{param:type} as users expected
			// if func input arguments are there, else act By like normal path /by.
			// if p.lexer.peekPrev() == tokenBy || typ.NumIn() == 1 { // ByBy, then act this second By like a path
			// 	a.relPath += "/" + strings.ToLower(w)
			// 	continue
			// }

			if err := p.parsePathParam(a, w, funcArgPos); err != nil {
				return nil, err


		a.relPath += "/" + strings.ToLower(w)

	// This fixes a problem when developer misses to append the keyword `By`
	// to the method function when input arguments are declared (for path parameters binding).
	// We could just use it with `By` keyword but this is not a good practise
	// because what happens if we will become naive and declare something like
	// Get(id int) and GetBy(username string) or GetBy(id int) ? it's not working because of duplication of the path.
	// Docs are clear about that but we are humans, they may do a mistake by accident but
	// framework will not allow that.
	// So the best thing we can do to help prevent those errors is by printing that message
	// below to the developer.
	// Note: it should be at the end of the words loop because a.dynamic may be true later on.
	if numIn :=; numIn > 1 && !a.dynamic {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("found %d input arguments but keyword 'By' is missing from '%s'",
			// -1 because end-developer wants to know the actual input arguments, without the struct holder.
	return a, nil

func (p *funcParser) parsePathParam(a *ast, w string, funcArgPos int) error {
	typ :=

	if typ.NumIn() <= funcArgPos {
		// old:
		// return nil, errors.New("keyword 'By' found but length of input receivers are not match for " +

		// By found but input arguments are not there, so act like /by path without restricts.
		a.relPath += "/" + strings.ToLower(w)
		return nil

	var (
		paramKey  = genParamKey(funcArgPos) // paramfirst, paramsecond...
		paramType = paramTypeString         // default string

	// string, int...
	goType := typ.In(funcArgPos).Name()
	nextWord := p.lexer.peekNext()

	if nextWord == tokenWildcard {
		p.lexer.skip() // skip the Wildcard word.
		paramType = paramTypePath
	} else if pType, ok := macroTypes[goType]; ok {
		// it's not wildcard, so check base on our available macro types.
		paramType = pType
	} else {
		return errors.New("invalid syntax for " +

	a.paramKeys = append(a.paramKeys, paramKey)
	a.paramTypes = append(a.paramTypes, paramType)
	// /{paramfirst:path}, /{paramfirst:long}...
	a.relPath += fmt.Sprintf("/{%s:%s}", paramKey, paramType)
	a.dynamic = true

	if nextWord == "" && typ.NumIn() > funcArgPos+1 {
		// By is the latest word but func is expected
		// more path parameters values, i.e:
		// GetBy(name string, age int)
		// The caller (parse) doesn't need to know
		// about the incremental funcArgPos because
		// it will not need it.
		return p.parsePathParam(a, nextWord, funcArgPos+1)

	return nil

type ast struct {
	paramKeys  []string // paramfirst, paramsecond... [0]
	paramTypes []string // string, int, long, path... [0]
	relPath    string
	dynamic    bool // when paramKeys (and paramTypes, are equal) > 0

// moved to func_caller#buildMethodcall, it's bigger and with repeated code
// than this, below function but it's faster.
// func (a *ast) MethodCall(ctx context.Context, f reflect.Value) {
// 	if a.dynamic {
// 		f.Call(a.paramValues(ctx))
// 		return
// 	}
// 	f.Interface().(func())()
// }

func (a *ast) paramValues(ctx context.Context) []reflect.Value {
	if !a.dynamic {
		return nil

	l := len(a.paramKeys)
	values := make([]reflect.Value, l, l)
	for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
		paramKey := a.paramKeys[i]
		paramType := a.paramTypes[i]
		values[i] = getParamValueFromType(ctx, paramType, paramKey)

	return values

func getParamValueFromType(ctx context.Context, paramType string, paramKey string) reflect.Value {
	if paramType == paramTypeInt {
		v, _ := ctx.Params().GetInt(paramKey)
		return reflect.ValueOf(v)

	if paramType == paramTypeLong {
		v, _ := ctx.Params().GetInt64(paramKey)
		return reflect.ValueOf(v)

	if paramType == paramTypeBoolean {
		v, _ := ctx.Params().GetBool(paramKey)
		return reflect.ValueOf(v)

	// string, path...
	return reflect.ValueOf(ctx.Params().Get(paramKey))