package main import ( "time" "" "" ) /* Documentation: */ // Replace with your own key and keep them secret. // The "signatureSharedKey" is used for the HMAC(HS256) signature algorithm. var signatureSharedKey = []byte("sercrethatmaycontainch@r32length") func main() { app := iris.New() app.Get("/", generateToken) app.Get("/protected", protected) app.Listen(":8080") } type fooClaims struct { Foo string `json:"foo"` } func generateToken(ctx iris.Context) { claims := fooClaims{ Foo: "bar", } // Sign and generate compact form token. token, err := jwt.Sign(jwt.HS256, signatureSharedKey, claims, jwt.MaxAge(10*time.Minute)) if err != nil { ctx.StopWithStatus(iris.StatusInternalServerError) return } tokenString := string(token) // or jwt.BytesToString ctx.HTML(`Token: ` + tokenString + `<br/><br/> <a href="/protected?token=` + tokenString + `">/protected?token=` + tokenString + `</a>`) } func protected(ctx iris.Context) { // Extract the token, e.g. cookie, Authorization: Bearer $token // or URL query. token := ctx.URLParam("token") // Verify the token. verifiedToken, err := jwt.Verify(jwt.HS256, signatureSharedKey, []byte(token)) if err != nil { ctx.StopWithStatus(iris.StatusUnauthorized) return } ctx.Writef("This is an authenticated request.\n\n") // Decode the custom claims. var claims fooClaims verifiedToken.Claims(&claims) // Just an example on how you can retrieve all the standard claims (set by jwt.MaxAge, "exp"). standardClaims := jwt.GetVerifiedToken(ctx).StandardClaims expiresAtString := standardClaims.ExpiresAt().Format(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTimeFormat()) timeLeft := standardClaims.Timeleft() ctx.Writef("foo=%s\nexpires at: %s\ntime left: %s\n", claims.Foo, expiresAtString, timeLeft) }