package router import ( "reflect" "strings" "" "" ) // Controller is the base controller for the high level controllers instances. // // This base controller is used as an alternative way of building // APIs, the controller can register all type of http methods. // // Keep note that controllers are bit slow // because of the reflection use however it's as fast as possible because // it does preparation before the serve-time handler but still // remains slower than the low-level handlers // such as `Handle, Get, Post, Put, Delete, Connect, Head, Trace, Patch`. // // // All fields that are tagged with iris:"persistence"` // are being persistence and kept between the different requests, // meaning that these data will not be reset-ed on each new request, // they will be the same for all requests. // // An Example Controller can be: // // type IndexController struct { // Controller // } // // func (c *IndexController) Get() { // c.Tmpl = "index.html" // c.Data["title"] = "Index page" // c.Data["message"] = "Hello world!" // } // // Usage: app.Controller("/", new(IndexController)) // // // Another example with persistence data: // // type UserController struct { // Controller // // CreatedAt time.Time `iris:"persistence"` // Title string `iris:"persistence"` // DB *DB `iris:"persistence"` // } // // // Get serves using the User controller when HTTP Method is "GET". // func (c *UserController) Get() { // c.Tmpl = "user/index.html" // c.Data["title"] = c.Title // c.Data["username"] = "kataras " + c.Params.Get("userid") // c.Data["connstring"] = c.DB.Connstring // c.Data["uptime"] = time.Now().Sub(c.CreatedAt).Seconds() // } // // Usage: app.Controller("/user/{id:int}", &UserController{ // CreatedAt: time.Now(), // Title: "User page", // DB: yourDB, // }) // // Look `router#APIBuilder#Controller` method too. type Controller struct { // path params. Params *context.RequestParams // view properties. Layout string Tmpl string Data map[string]interface{} // give access to the request context itself. Ctx context.Context } // all lowercase, so user can see only the fields // that are necessary to him/her, do not confuse that // with the optional custom `Init` of the higher-level Controller. func (b *Controller) init(ctx context.Context) { b.Ctx = ctx b.Params = ctx.Params() b.Data = make(map[string]interface{}, 0) } func (b *Controller) exec() { if v := b.Tmpl; v != "" { if l := b.Layout; l != "" { b.Ctx.ViewLayout(l) } if d := b.Data; d != nil { for key, value := range d { b.Ctx.ViewData(key, value) } } b.Ctx.View(v) } } var ( // ErrInvalidControllerType is a static error which fired from `Controller` when // the passed "c" instnace is not a valid type of `Controller`. ErrInvalidControllerType = errors.New("controller should have a field of Controller type") ) // get the field name at compile-time, // will help us to catch any unexpected results on future versions. var baseControllerName = reflect.TypeOf(Controller{}).Name() // registers a controller to a specific `Party`. // Consumed by `APIBuilder#Controller` function. func registerController(p Party, path string, c interface{}) ([]*Route, error) { typ := reflect.TypeOf(c) if typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { typ = reflect.PtrTo(typ) } elem := typ.Elem() // check if "c" has the "Controller" typeof `Controller` field. b, has := elem.FieldByName(baseControllerName) if !has { return nil, ErrInvalidControllerType } baseControllerFieldIndex := b.Index[0] persistenceFields := make(map[int]reflect.Value, 0) if numField := elem.NumField(); numField > 1 { val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(c)) for i := 0; i < numField; i++ { f := elem.Field(i) valF := val.Field(i) // catch persistence data by tags, i.e: // MyData string `iris:"persistence"` if t, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("iris"); ok { if t == "persistence" { persistenceFields[i] = reflect.ValueOf(valF.Interface()) continue } } // no: , lets have only the tag // even for pointers, this will make // things clear // so a *Session can be declared // without having to introduce // a new tag such as `iris:"omit_persistence"` // old: // catch persistence data by pointer, i.e: // DB *Database // if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { // if !valF.IsNil() { // persistenceFields[i] = reflect.ValueOf(valF.Interface()) // } // } } } customInitFuncIndex, _ := getCustomInitFuncIndex(typ) // check if has Any() or All() // if yes, then register all http methods and // exit. m, has := typ.MethodByName("Any") if !has { m, has = typ.MethodByName("All") } if has { routes := p.Any(path, controllerToHandler(elem, persistenceFields, baseControllerFieldIndex, m.Index, customInitFuncIndex)) return routes, nil } var routes []*Route // else search the entire controller // for any compatible method function // and register that. for _, method := range AllMethods { httpMethodFuncName := strings.Title(strings.ToLower(method)) m, has := typ.MethodByName(httpMethodFuncName) if !has { continue } httpMethodIndex := m.Index r := p.Handle(method, path, controllerToHandler(elem, persistenceFields, baseControllerFieldIndex, httpMethodIndex, customInitFuncIndex)) routes = append(routes, r) } return routes, nil } func controllerToHandler(elem reflect.Type, persistenceFields map[int]reflect.Value, baseControllerFieldIndex, httpMethodIndex int, customInitFuncIndex int) context.Handler { return func(ctx context.Context) { // create a new controller instance of that type(>ptr). c := reflect.New(elem) // get the responsible method. // Remember: // To improve the performance // we don't compare the ctx.Method()[HTTP Method] // to the instance's Method, each handler is registered // to a specific http method. methodFunc := c.Method(httpMethodIndex) // get the Controller embedded field. b, _ := c.Elem().Field(baseControllerFieldIndex).Addr().Interface().(*Controller) if len(persistenceFields) > 0 { elem := c.Elem() for index, value := range persistenceFields { elem.Field(index).Set(value) } } // init the new controller instance. b.init(ctx) // calls the higher "Init(ctx context.Context)", // if exists. if customInitFuncIndex > 0 { callCustomInit(ctx, c, customInitFuncIndex) } // if custom Init didn't stop the execution of the // context if !ctx.IsStopped() { // execute the responsible method for that handler. methodFunc.Interface().(func())() } // finally, execute the controller. b.exec() } } // Init can be used as a custom function // to init the new instance of controller // that is created on each new request. // // Useful when more than one methods are using the same // request data. const customInitFuncName = "Init" func getCustomInitFuncIndex(typ reflect.Type) (initFuncIndex int, has bool) { if m, has := typ.MethodByName(customInitFuncName); has { return m.Index, has } return -1, false } // the "cServeTime" is a new "c" instance // which is being used at serve time, inside the Handler. // it calls the custom "Init", the check of this // function made at build time, so it's a safe a call. func callCustomInit(ctx context.Context, cServeTime reflect.Value, initFuncIndex int) { cServeTime.Method(initFuncIndex).Interface().(func(ctx context.Context))(ctx) }