package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" "" "" ) type clientPage struct { Title string Host string } func main() { app := iris.New() app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./templates", ".html")) // select the html engine to serve templates ws := websocket.New(websocket.Config{}) // register the server on an endpoint. // see the inline javascript code i the websockets.html, this endpoint is used to connect to the server. app.Get("/my_endpoint", ws.Handler()) // serve the javascript built'n client-side library, // see weboskcets.html script tags, this path is used. app.Any("/iris-ws.js", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Write(websocket.ClientSource) }) app.StaticWeb("/js", "./static/js") // serve our custom javascript code app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.ViewData("", clientPage{"Client Page", "localhost:8080"}) ctx.View("client.html") }) Conn := make(map[websocket.Connection]bool) var myChatRoom = "room1" var mutex = new(sync.Mutex) ws.OnConnection(func(c websocket.Connection) { c.Join(myChatRoom) mutex.Lock() Conn[c] = true mutex.Unlock() c.On("chat", func(message string) { if message == "leave" { c.Leave(myChatRoom) c.To(myChatRoom).Emit("chat", "Client with ID: "+c.ID()+" left from the room and cannot send or receive message to/from this room.") c.Emit("chat", "You have left from the room: "+myChatRoom+" you cannot send or receive any messages from others inside that room.") return } }) c.OnDisconnect(func() { mutex.Lock() delete(Conn, c) mutex.Unlock() fmt.Printf("\nConnection with ID: %s has been disconnected!\n", c.ID()) }) }) var delay = 1 * time.Second go func() { i := 0 for { mutex.Lock() broadcast(Conn, fmt.Sprintf("aaaa %d\n", i)) mutex.Unlock() time.Sleep(delay) i++ } }() go func() { i := 0 for range time.Tick(1*time.Second){ //another way to get clock signal mutex.Lock() broadcast(Conn, fmt.Sprintf("aaaa2 %d\n", i)) mutex.Unlock() time.Sleep(delay) i++ } }() app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080")) } func broadcast(Conn map[websocket.Connection]bool, message string) { for k := range Conn { k.To("room1").Emit("chat", message) } }