package main

import (


func TestJSONLogger(t *testing.T) {
	iters := 500

	out := new(bytes.Buffer)

	app := iris.New()
	app.Logger().SetTimeFormat("")     // disable timestamps.
	app.Logger().SetStacktraceLimit(1) // limit debug stacktrace to 1, show only the first caller.

	app.Logger().Handle(func(l *golog.Log) bool {
		enc := json.NewEncoder(l.Logger.Printer) // you can change the output to a file as well.
		err := enc.Encode(l)
		return err == nil

	app.Get("/ping", ping)

	const expectedLogStr = `{"level":"debug","message":"Request path: /ping","fields":{"request_id":null},"stacktrace":[{"function":"json-logger/ping","source":"/home/runner/work/iris/iris/_examples/logging/json-logger/main.go:78"}]}` // gh actions-specific.
	e := httptest.New(t, app, httptest.LogLevel("debug"))
	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
	for i := 0; i < iters; i++ {
		go func() {

	expected := ""
	for i := 0; i < iters; i++ {
		expected += expectedLogStr + "\n"

	got := out.String()
	got = got[strings.Index(got, "{"):] // take only the json we care and after.
	if expected != got {
		if !strings.HasSuffix(got, expected) {
			// C:/mygopath vs /home/travis vs any file system,
			// pure check but it does the job.
			t.Fatalf("expected:\n%s\nbut got:\n%s", expected, got)