package main import ( "fmt" "html/template" "" ) /* See i18n-template for a more advanced translation key-values. */ func newApp() *iris.Application { app := iris.New() // Configure i18n. // // app.I18n.Subdomain = false to disable resolve lang code from subdomain. // app.I18n.LoadAssets for go-bindata. // Default values: // app.I18n.URLParameter = "lang" // app.I18n.Subdomain = true // // Set to false to disallow path (local) redirects, // see // app.I18n.PathRedirect = true // // See `app.I18n.ExtractFunc = func(ctx iris.Context) string` or // `ctx.SetLanguage(langCode string)` to change the extracted language from a request. // // Use DefaultMessageFunc to customize the return value of a not found key or lang. // All language inputs fallback to the default locale if not matched. // This is why this one accepts both input and matched languages, // so the caller can be more expressful knowing those. // Defaults to nil. app.I18n.DefaultMessageFunc = func(langInput, langMatched, key string, args ...interface{}) string { msg := fmt.Sprintf("user language input: %s: matched as: %s: not found key: %s: args: %v", langInput, langMatched, key, args) app.Logger().Warn(msg) return msg } // Load i18n when customizations are set in place. // // First parameter: Glob filpath patern, // Second variadic parameter: Optional language tags, the first one is the default/fallback one. err := app.I18n.Load("./locales/*/*", "en-US", "el-GR", "zh-CN") if err != nil { panic(err) } app.Get("/not-matched", func(ctx iris.Context) { text := ctx.Tr("not_found_key", "some", "values", 42) ctx.WriteString(text) // user language input: en-gb: matched as: en-US: not found key: not_found_key: args: [some values 42] }) app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) { hi := ctx.Tr("hi", "iris") locale := ctx.GetLocale() ctx.Writef("From the language %s translated output: %s", locale.Language(), hi) }) app.Get("/some-path", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("%s", ctx.Tr("hi", "iris")) }) app.Get("/other", func(ctx iris.Context) { language := ctx.GetLocale().Language() fromFirstFileValue := ctx.Tr("key1") fromSecondFileValue := ctx.Tr("key2") ctx.Writef("From the language: %s, translated output:\n%s=%s\n%s=%s", language, "key1", fromFirstFileValue, "key2", fromSecondFileValue) }) // using in inside your views: view := iris.HTML("./views", ".html") app.RegisterView(view) app.Get("/templates", func(ctx iris.Context) { if err := ctx.View("index.html", iris.Map{ "tr": ctx.Tr, // word, arguments... {call .tr "hi" "iris"}} "trUnsafe": func(message string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML { return template.HTML(ctx.Tr(message, args...)) }, }); err != nil { ctx.HTML("<h3>%s</h3>", err.Error()) return } // Note that, // Iris automatically adds a "tr" global template function as well, // the only difference is the way you call it inside your templates and // that it accepts a language code as its first argument: {{ tr "el-GR" "hi" "iris"}} }) // return app } func main() { app := newApp() // go to http://localhost:8080/el-gr/some-path // ^ (by path prefix) // // or http://el.mydomain.com8080/some-path // ^ (by subdomain - test locally with the hosts file) // // or http://localhost:8080/zh-CN/templates // ^ (by path prefix with uppercase) // // or http://localhost:8080/some-path?lang=el-GR // ^ (by url parameter) // // or http://localhost:8080 (default is en-US) // or http://localhost:8080/?lang=zh-CN // // go to http://localhost:8080/other?lang=el-GR // or http://localhost:8080/other (default is en-US) // or http://localhost:8080/other?lang=en-US // // or use cookies to set the language. app.Listen(":8080", iris.WithSitemap("http://localhost:8080")) }