package user

import (


const sessionIDKey = "UserID"

// paths
var (
	PathLogin  = mvc.Response{Path: "/user/login"}
	PathLogout = mvc.Response{Path: "/user/logout"}

// AuthController is the user authentication controller, a custom shared controller.
type AuthController struct {
	// context is auto-binded if struct depends on this,
	// in this controller we don't we do everything with mvc-style,
	// and that's neither the 30% of its features.
	// Ctx iris.Context

	Source  *DataSource
	Session *sessions.Session

	// the whole controller is request-scoped because we already depend on Session, so
	// this will be new for each new incoming request, BeginRequest sets that based on the session.
	UserID int64

// BeginRequest saves login state to the context, the user id.
func (c *AuthController) BeginRequest(ctx iris.Context) {
	c.UserID, _ = c.Session.GetInt64(sessionIDKey)

// EndRequest is here just to complete the BaseController
// in order to be tell iris to call the `BeginRequest` before the main method.
func (c *AuthController) EndRequest(ctx iris.Context) {}

func (c *AuthController) fireError(err error) mvc.View {
	return mvc.View{
		Code: iris.StatusBadRequest,
		Name: "shared/error.html",
		Data: iris.Map{"Title": "User Error", "Message": strings.ToUpper(err.Error())},

func (c *AuthController) redirectTo(id int64) mvc.Response {
	return mvc.Response{Path: "/user/" + strconv.Itoa(int(id))}

func (c *AuthController) createOrUpdate(firstname, username, password string) (user Model, err error) {
	username = strings.Trim(username, " ")
	if username == "" || password == "" || firstname == "" {
		return user, errors.New("empty firstname, username or/and password")

	userToInsert := Model{
		Firstname: firstname,
		Username:  username,
		password:  password,
	} // password is hashed by the Source.

	newUser, err := c.Source.InsertOrUpdate(userToInsert)
	if err != nil {
		return user, err

	return newUser, nil

func (c *AuthController) isLoggedIn() bool {
	// we don't search by session, we have the user id
	// already by the `BeginRequest` middleware.
	return c.UserID > 0

func (c *AuthController) verify(username, password string) (user Model, err error) {
	if username == "" || password == "" {
		return user, errors.New("please fill both username and password fields")

	u, found := c.Source.GetByUsername(username)
	if !found {
		// if user found with that username not found at all.
		return user, errors.New("user with that username does not exist")

	if ok, err := ValidatePassword(password, u.HashedPassword); err != nil || !ok {
		// if user found but an error occurred or the password is not valid.
		return user, errors.New("please try to login with valid credentials")

	return u, nil

// if logged in then destroy the session
// and redirect to the login page
// otherwise redirect to the registration page.
func (c *AuthController) logout() mvc.Response {
	if c.isLoggedIn() {
	return PathLogin