/* Package cache provides server-side caching capabilities with rich support of options and rules.

Use it for server-side caching, see the `iris#Cache304` for an alternative approach that
may fit your needs most.

Example code:

		 import (


		 func main(){
		 	app := iris.Default()
		 	middleware := cache.Handler(2 *time.Minute)
		 	app.Get("/hello", middleware, h)

		 func h(ctx iris.Context) {
		 	ctx.HTML("<h1> Hello, this should be cached. Every 2 minutes it will be refreshed, check your browser's inspector</h1>")

package cache

import (


// Cache accepts the cache expiration duration.
// If the "expiration" input argument is invalid, <=2 seconds,
// then expiration is taken by the "cache-control's maxage" header.
// Returns a Handler structure which you can use to customize cache furher.
// All types of response can be cached, templates, json, text, anything.
// Use it for server-side caching, see the `iris#Cache304` for an alternative approach that
// may be more suited to your needs.
// You can add validators with this function.
func Cache(expiration time.Duration) *client.Handler {
	return client.NewHandler(expiration)

// Handler like `Cache` but returns an Iris Handler to be used as a middleware.
// For more options use the `Cache`.
// Examples can be found at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/#caching
func Handler(expiration time.Duration) context.Handler {
	h := Cache(expiration).ServeHTTP
	return h