// Package main an example on how to naming your routes & use the custom // 'url path' HTML Template Engine, same for other template engines. package main import ( "github.com/kataras/iris/v12" ) func main() { app := iris.New() app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./templates", ".html").Reload(true)) mypathRoute := app.Get("/mypath", writePathHandler) mypathRoute.Name = "my-page1" mypath2Route := app.Get("/mypath2/{paramfirst}/{paramsecond}", writePathHandler) mypath2Route.Name = "my-page2" mypath3Route := app.Get("/mypath3/{paramfirst}/statichere/{paramsecond}", writePathHandler) mypath3Route.Name = "my-page3" mypath4Route := app.Get("/mypath4/{paramfirst}/statichere/{paramsecond}/{otherparam}/{something:path}", writePathHandler) // same as: app.Get("/mypath4/:paramfirst/statichere/:paramsecond/:otherparam/*something", writePathHandler) mypath4Route.Name = "my-page4" // same with Handle/Func mypath5Route := app.Handle("GET", "/mypath5/{paramfirst}/statichere/{paramsecond}/{otherparam}/anything/{something:path}", writePathHandler) mypath5Route.Name = "my-page5" mypath6Route := app.Get("/mypath6/{paramfirst}/{paramsecond}/statichere/{paramThirdAfterStatic}", writePathHandler) mypath6Route.Name = "my-page6" app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) { // for /mypath6... paramsAsArray := []string{"theParam1", "theParam2", "paramThirdAfterStatic"} ctx.ViewData("ParamsAsArray", paramsAsArray) if err := ctx.View("page.html"); err != nil { ctx.HTML("<h3>%s</h3>", err.Error()) return } }) app.Get("/redirect/{namedRoute}", func(ctx iris.Context) { routeName := ctx.Params().Get("namedRoute") r := app.GetRoute(routeName) if r == nil { ctx.StatusCode(404) ctx.Writef("Route with name %s not found", routeName) return } println("The path of " + routeName + "is: " + r.Path) // if routeName == "my-page1" // prints: The path of of my-page1 is: /mypath // if it's a path which takes named parameters // then use "r.ResolvePath(paramValuesHere)" ctx.Redirect(r.Path) // http://localhost:8080/redirect/my-page1 will redirect to -> http://localhost:8080/mypath }) // http://localhost:8080 // http://localhost:8080/redirect/my-page1 app.Listen(":8080") } func writePathHandler(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("Hello from %s.", ctx.Path()) }