package view

import (


// AmberEngine contains the amber view engine structure.
type AmberEngine struct {
	fs fs.FS
	// files configuration
	rootDir   string
	extension string
	reload    bool
	rmu           sync.RWMutex // locks for `ExecuteWiter` when `reload` is true.
	templateCache map[string]*template.Template
	bufPool       *sync.Pool

	Options amber.Options

var (
	_ Engine       = (*AmberEngine)(nil)
	_ EngineFuncer = (*AmberEngine)(nil)

var amberOnce = new(uint32)

// Amber creates and returns a new amber view engine.
// The given "extension" MUST begin with a dot.
// Usage:
// Amber("./views", ".amber") or
// Amber(iris.Dir("./views"), ".amber") or
// Amber(embed.FS, ".amber") or Amber(AssetFile(), ".amber") for embedded data.
func Amber(dirOrFS interface{}, extension string) *AmberEngine {
	if atomic.LoadUint32(amberOnce) > 0 {
		panic("Amber: cannot be registered twice as its internal implementation share the same template functions across instances.")
	} else {
		atomic.StoreUint32(amberOnce, 1)

	fileSystem := getFS(dirOrFS)
	s := &AmberEngine{
		fs:            fileSystem,
		rootDir:       "/",
		extension:     extension,
		templateCache: make(map[string]*template.Template),
		Options: amber.Options{
			PrettyPrint:       false,
			LineNumbers:       false,
			VirtualFilesystem: http.FS(fileSystem),
		bufPool: &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} {
			return new(bytes.Buffer)

	builtinFuncs := template.FuncMap{
		"render": func(name string, binding interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
			result, err := s.executeTemplateBuf(name, binding)
			return template.HTML(result), err

	for k, v := range builtinFuncs {
		amber.FuncMap[k] = v

	return s

// RootDir sets the directory to be used as a starting point
// to load templates from the provided file system.
func (s *AmberEngine) RootDir(root string) *AmberEngine {
	if s.fs != nil && root != "" && root != "/" && root != "." && root != s.rootDir {
		sub, err := fs.Sub(s.fs, s.rootDir)
		if err != nil {

		s.fs = sub // here so the "middleware" can work.

	s.rootDir = filepath.ToSlash(root)
	return s

// Name returns the amber engine's name.
func (s *AmberEngine) Name() string {
	return "Amber"

// Ext returns the file extension which this view engine is responsible to render.
// If the filename extension on ExecuteWriter is empty then this is appended.
func (s *AmberEngine) Ext() string {
	return s.extension

// Reload if set to true the templates are reloading on each render,
// use it when you're in development and you're boring of restarting
// the whole app when you edit a template file.
// Note that if `true` is passed then only one `View -> ExecuteWriter` will be render each time,
// no concurrent access across clients, use it only on development status.
// It's good to be used side by side with the reloader for go source files.
func (s *AmberEngine) Reload(developmentMode bool) *AmberEngine {
	s.reload = developmentMode
	return s

// SetPrettyPrint if pretty printing is enabled.
// Pretty printing ensures that the output html is properly indented and in human readable form.
// Defaults to false, response is minified.
func (s *AmberEngine) SetPrettyPrint(pretty bool) *AmberEngine {
	s.Options.PrettyPrint = true
	return s

// AddFunc adds the function to the template's function map.
// It is legal to overwrite elements of the default actions:
// - url func(routeName string, args ...string) string
// - urlpath func(routeName string, args ...string) string
// - render func(fullPartialName string) (template.HTML, error).
// Note that, Amber does not support functions per template,
// instead it's using the "call" directive so any template-specific
// functions should be passed using `Context.View/ViewData` binding data.
// This method will modify the global amber's FuncMap which considers
// as the "builtin" as this is the only way to actually add a function.
// Note that, if you use more than one amber engine, the functions are shared.
func (s *AmberEngine) AddFunc(funcName string, funcBody interface{}) {
	amber.FuncMap[funcName] = funcBody

// Load parses the templates to the engine.
// It is responsible to add the necessary global functions.
// Returns an error if something bad happens, user is responsible to catch it.
func (s *AmberEngine) Load() error {
	rootDirName := getRootDirName(s.fs)

	return walk(s.fs, "", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if info == nil || info.IsDir() {
			return nil

		if s.extension != "" {
			if !strings.HasSuffix(path, s.extension) {
				return nil

		if s.rootDir == rootDirName {
			path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, rootDirName)
			path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")

		contents, err := asset(s.fs, path)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", path, err)

		err = s.ParseTemplate(path, contents)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", path, err)
		return nil

// ParseTemplate adds a custom template from text.
// This template parser does not support funcs per template directly.
// Two ways to add a function:
// Globally: Use `AddFunc` or pass them on `View` instead.
// Per Template: Use `Context.ViewData/View`.
func (s *AmberEngine) ParseTemplate(name string, contents []byte) error {
	defer s.rmu.Unlock()

	comp := amber.New()
	comp.Options = s.Options

	err := comp.ParseData(contents, name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	data, err := comp.CompileString()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/")

		This won't work on amber, it loads only amber.FuncMap which is global.
		Relative code:

	tmpl := template.New(name).Funcs(amber.FuncMap)
	_, err = tmpl.Parse(data)
	if err == nil {
		s.templateCache[name] = tmpl

	return err

func (s *AmberEngine) executeTemplateBuf(name string, binding interface{}) (string, error) {
	buf := s.bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)

	tmpl := s.fromCache(name)
	if tmpl == nil {
		return "", ErrNotExist{Name: name, IsLayout: false, Data: binding}

	err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(buf, name, binding)
	result := strings.TrimSuffix(buf.String(), "\n") // on amber it adds a new line.
	return result, err

func (s *AmberEngine) fromCache(relativeName string) *template.Template {
	if s.reload {
		defer s.rmu.RUnlock()

	if tmpl, ok := s.templateCache[relativeName]; ok {
		return tmpl

	return nil

// ExecuteWriter executes a template and writes its result to the w writer.
// layout here is useless.
func (s *AmberEngine) ExecuteWriter(w io.Writer, filename string, layout string, bindingData interface{}) error {
	// re-parse the templates if reload is enabled.
	if s.reload {
		if err := s.Load(); err != nil {
			return err

	if tmpl := s.fromCache(filename); tmpl != nil {
		return tmpl.Execute(w, bindingData)

	return ErrNotExist{Name: filename, IsLayout: false, Data: bindingData}