package main import "" // $ go get -u // # OR: go get -u // # to save it to your go.mod file // // $ go-bindata -fs -prefix "../template_amber_0/views" ../template_amber_0/views/... // $ go run . // # OR: go-bindata -fs -prefix "views" ./views/... if the views dir is rel to the executable. // // System files are not used, you can optionally delete the folder and run the example now. func main() { app := iris.New() // Read about its markup syntax at: tmpl := iris.Amber(AssetFile(), ".amber") app.RegisterView(tmpl) app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.View("index.amber", iris.Map{ "Title": "Title of The Page", }) }) app.Listen(":8080") }