package main import ( "fmt" // optional "io/ioutil" // optional "os" // optional "time" // optional "" "" "" "" ) type clientPage struct { Title string Host string } func main() { app := iris.New() app.Adapt(iris.DevLogger()) // enable all (error) logs app.Adapt(httprouter.New()) // select the httprouter as the servemux app.Adapt(view.HTML("./templates", ".html")) // select the html engine to serve templates ws := websocket.New(websocket.Config{ // the path which the websocket client should listen/registed to, Endpoint: "/my_endpoint", // the client-side javascript static file path // which will be served by Iris. // default is /iris-ws.js // if you change that you have to change the bottom of templates/client.html // script tag: ClientSourcePath: "/iris-ws.js", // // Set the timeouts, 0 means no timeout // websocket has more configuration, go to ../../config.go for more: // WriteTimeout: 0, // ReadTimeout: 0, // by-default all origins are accepted, you can change this behavior by setting: // CheckOrigin: (r *http.Request ) bool {}, // // // IDGenerator used to create (and later on, set) // an ID for each incoming websocket connections (clients). // The request is an argument which you can use to generate the ID (from headers for example). // If empty then the ID is generated by DefaultIDGenerator: randomString(64): // IDGenerator func(ctx *iris.Context) string {}, }) app.Adapt(ws) // adapt the websocket server, you can adapt more than one with different Endpoint app.StaticWeb("/js", "./static/js") // static route to serve our javascript files app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) { // send our custom javascript source file before client really asks for that // using the new go v1.8's HTTP/2 Push. // Note that you have to listen using ListenTLS/ListenLETSENCRYPT in order this to work. if err := ctx.Push("/js/chat.js", nil); err != nil { app.Log(iris.DevMode, err.Error()) } ctx.Render("client.html", clientPage{"Client Page", ctx.Host()}) }) var myChatRoom = "room1" ws.OnConnection(func(c websocket.Connection) { // Context returns the (upgraded) *iris.Context of this connection // avoid using it, you normally don't need it, // websocket has everything you need to authenticate the user BUT if it's necessary // then you use it to receive user information, for example: from headers. // ctx := c.Context() // join to a room (optional) c.Join(myChatRoom) c.On("chat", func(message string) { if message == "leave" { c.Leave(myChatRoom) c.To(myChatRoom).Emit("chat", "Client with ID: "+c.ID()+" left from the room and cannot send or receive message to/from this room.") c.Emit("chat", "You have left from the room: "+myChatRoom+" you cannot send or receive any messages from others inside that room.") return } // to all except this connection -> // c.To(websocket.Broadcast).Emit("chat", "Message from: "+c.ID()+"-> "+message) // to all connected clients: c.To(websocket.All) // to the client itself -> //c.Emit("chat", "Message from myself: "+message) //send the message to the whole room, //all connections are inside this room will receive this message c.To(myChatRoom).Emit("chat", "From: "+c.ID()+": "+message) }) // or create a new leave event // c.On("leave", func() { // c.Leave(myChatRoom) // }) c.OnDisconnect(func() { fmt.Printf("Connection with ID: %s has been disconnected!\n", c.ID()) }) }) listenTLS(app) } // a test listenTLS for our localhost func listenTLS(app *iris.Framework) { const ( testTLSCert = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDBTCCAe2gAwIBAgIJAOYzROngkH6NMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMBkxFzAVBgNV BAMMDmxvY2FsaG9zdDo4MDgwMB4XDTE3MDIxNzAzNDM1NFoXDTI3MDIxNTAzNDM1 NFowGTEXMBUGA1UEAwwObG9jYWxob3N0OjgwODAwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCfsiVHO14FpKsi0pvBv68oApQm2MO+dCvq87sDU4E0QJhG KV1RCUmQVypChEqdLlUQsopcXSyKwbWoyg1/KNHYO3DHMfePb4bC1UD2HENq7Ph2 8QJTEi/CJvUB9hqke/YCoWYdjFiI3h3Hw8q5whGO5XR3R23z69vr5XxoNlcF2R+O TdkzArd0CWTZS27vbgdnyi9v3Waydh/rl+QRtPUgEoCEqOOkMSMldXO6Z9GlUk9b FQHwIuEnlSoVFB5ot5cqebEjJnWMLLP83KOCQekJeHZOyjeTe8W0Fy1DGu5fvFNh xde9e/7XlFE//00vT7nBmJAUV/2CXC8U5lsjLEqdAgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQW BBQOfENuLn/t0Z4ZY1+RPWaz7RBH+TAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQOfENuLn/t0Z4ZY1+R PWaz7RBH+TAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQBG7AEEuIq6 rWCE5I2t4IXz0jN7MilqEhUWDbUajl1paYf6Ikx5QhMsFx21p6WEWYIYcnWAKZe2 chAgnnGojuxdx0qjiaH4N4xWGHsWhaesnIF1xJepLlX3kJZQURvRxM4wlljlQPIb 9tqzKP131K1HDqplAtp7nWQ72m3J0ZfzH0mYIUxuaS/uQIVtgKqdilwy/VE5dRZ9 QFIb4G9TnNThXMqgTLjfNr33jVbTuv6fzKHYNbCkP3L10ydEs/ddlREmtsn9nE8Q XCTIYXzA2kr5kWk7d3LkUiSvu3g2S1Ol1YaIKaOQyRveseCGwR4xohLT+dPUW9dL 3hDVLlwE3mB3 -----END CERTIFICATE----- ` testTLSKey = `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAn7IlRzteBaSrItKbwb+vKAKUJtjDvnQr6vO7A1OBNECYRild UQlJkFcqQoRKnS5VELKKXF0sisG1qMoNfyjR2DtwxzH3j2+GwtVA9hxDauz4dvEC UxIvwib1AfYapHv2AqFmHYxYiN4dx8PKucIRjuV0d0dt8+vb6+V8aDZXBdkfjk3Z MwK3dAlk2Utu724HZ8ovb91msnYf65fkEbT1IBKAhKjjpDEjJXVzumfRpVJPWxUB 8CLhJ5UqFRQeaLeXKnmxIyZ1jCyz/NyjgkHpCXh2Tso3k3vFtBctQxruX7xTYcXX vXv+15RRP/9NL0+5wZiQFFf9glwvFOZbIyxKnQIDAQABAoIBAEzBx4ExW8PCni8i o5LAm2PTuXniflMwa1uGwsCahmOjGI3AnAWzPRSPkNRf2a0q8+AOsMosTphy+umi FFKmQBZ6m35i2earaE6FSbABbbYbKGGi/ccH2sSrDOBgdfXRTzF8eiSBrJw8hnvZ 87rNOLtCNnSOdJ7lItODfgRo+fLo4uQenJ8VONYwtwm1ejn8qLXq8O5zF66IYUD6 gAzqOiAWumgZL0tEmndeQ+noe4STpJZlOjiCsA12NiJaKDDeDIn5A/pXce+bYNfJ k4yoroyq/JXBkhyuZDvX9vYp5AA+Q68h8/KmsKkifUgSGSHun5/80lYyT/f60TLX PxT9GYECgYEA0s8qck7L29nBBTQ6IPF3GHGmqiRdfH+qhP/Jn4NtoW3XuVe4A15i REq1L8WAiOUIBnBaD8HzbeioqJJYx1pu7x9h/GCNDhdBfwhTjnBe+JjfLqvJKnc0 HUT5wj4DVqattxKzUW8kTRBSWtVremzeffDo+EL6dnR7Bc02Ibs4WpUCgYEAwe34 Uqhie+/EFr4HjYRUNZSNgYNAJkKHVxk4qGzG5VhvjPafnHUbo+Kk/0QW7eIB+kvR FDO8oKh9wTBrWZEcLJP4jDIKh4y8hZTo9B8EjxFONXVxZlOSYuGjheL8AiLzE7L9 C1spaKMM/MyxAXDRHpG/NeEgXM7Kn6kUGwJdNekCgYAshLNiEGHcu8+XWcAs1NFh yB56L9PORuerzpi1pvuv65JzAaNKktQNt/krbXoHbtaTBYb/bOYLf+aeMsmsz9w9 g1MeCQXAxAiA2zFKE1D7Ds2S/ZQt8559z+MusgnicrCcyMY1nFL+M0QxCoD4CaWy 0v1f8EUUXuTcBMo5tV/hQQKBgDoBBW8jsiFDu7DZscSgOde00QZVzZAkAfsJLisi LfNXGjZdZawUUuoX1iYLpZgNK25D0wtp1hdvjf2Ej/dAMd8bexHjvcaBT7ncqjiq NmDcWjofIIXspTIyLwjStXGmJnJT7N/CqoYDjtTmHGND7Shpi3mAFn/r0isjFUJm 2J5RAoGALuGXxzmSRWmkIp11F/Qr3PBFWBWkrRWaH2TRLMhrU/wO8kCsSyo4PmAZ ltOfD7InpDiCu43hcDPQ/29FUbDnmAhvMnmIQuHXGgPF/LhqEhbKPA/o/eZdQVCK QG+tmveBBIYMed5YbWstZu/95lIHF+u8Hl+Z6xgveozfE5yqiUA= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ` ) // create the key and cert files on the fly, and delete them when this test finished certFile, ferr := ioutil.TempFile("", "cert") if ferr != nil { panic(ferr) } keyFile, ferr := ioutil.TempFile("", "key") if ferr != nil { panic(ferr) } certFile.WriteString(testTLSCert) keyFile.WriteString(testTLSKey) // add an event when control+C pressed, to remove the temp cert and key files. app.Adapt(iris.EventPolicy{ Interrupted: func(*iris.Framework) { certFile.Close() time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) os.Remove(certFile.Name()) keyFile.Close() time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) os.Remove(keyFile.Name()) }, }) // https://localhost app.ListenTLS("localhost:443", certFile.Name(), keyFile.Name()) }